Tag: TiTS

[TiTS] Carmelita Make My Monster (Dong) Grow

July 4th weekends go great with Fox-taurs! Enjoy~

0.9.103 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Carmelita the fox is now availabe for backers. She’s a fox-taur who can be encountered in various hangars throughout the system, written by Doots and coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Mindstreeeeeaaaaaaaam~
  • Piercings now display in the appearance menu.
  • New piercing location: ballsack.
  • Smuggler Buff! The “Desperation” perk now activates when HP dips below 50%, then stays active. Previously it only worked when HP was below 50%, which resulted in anti-synergy with “Die Another Day.”
  • Tech Specialists can no longer deploy multiple deployable turrets in one fight.
  • Fixed a Sylvie crash.
  • Fixed “hasItemAnywhere” not properly checking ship storage due to a typo.
  • T1-K4’s item is now tagged as “Custom”-tier rarity.
  • T1-K4 no longer counts for a crew bedding space, as a robot.
  • Improved Ero Gas Grenade display.
  • Aphro Gas is now correctly tagged as a hostile status effect.
  • Cleaned up calls to “hasTentacleWings” and converted to the more appropriate “hasBackGenitals”.
  • Fixed a navigation crash in SyriQuest.
  • Lots of fixes for Tika.
  • Some under the hood preparation for rare drops on Phaedra.
  • Fixed a Tessa crash.
  • Lots of small text and grammar tweaks as always.

[TiTS] Smolpatch

CoC2 got a patch too!

0.9.102 Changelog:

  • Vahn should work again.
  • [Public] T1K4’s crew content should now be available.
  • Some under the hood reworks of the “load in” system that should result in more accurate tooltips.
  • Another unreleased fight in Phaedra’s long-hyped “train dungeon” got polished. Soon ™.
  • Goo players can now shift the appearance of their feet.
  • Lots of other fixes and bug reports.

[Backers] Nun of Your Business

I’d have communion with her, if you know what I’m sayin’… (Art by Adjatha)

Though I suppose you could make it your business…

0.9.101 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Vermillion the Nuka Nun is now available as a random encounter on Phaedra II. (Written by Magenta Needle, coded by Leek)
  • [Public] The dracow family is now public!
  • [Public] Extrameet Gabilani is now public!
  • [Public] The Crew Toy expansion is now public!
  • Fisianna’s panties now have an associated CG when masturbating with them, drawn by ToonNik.
  • Jacques00 added a system to reorganize your ship’s weapons. This feature was added shortly before patch and thus may contain new and exciting forms of bugs.
  • Lots of small fixes and tweaks.
…if you eat an immortal’s ass, have you discovered the elden ring?


Plap! (By ToonNik)

Good tidings, my bosomy brethren!

I come with a progress update on Phaedra’s train adventure (and an update for the game, see patch notes further down). Progress hit a snag this week as scenes procured via paid writer needed some huge edits, almost rewrites. Since significant chunks of phrasing needed almost completely rewritten, I had to kick them back to the original author for refinement. That’s been handled, and the scenes are being integrated now. The second major fight of the dungeon got some art variation to support phase change in the fight itself and tweaks to the introduction to support the art & combat.

I’m not going to offer an ETA because I honestly cannot place one. I work through one encounter at a time and have been polishing the earlier half of the content while other coders have been tweaking in a more wholistic manner. It feels like we’re getting close, it’s hard to see past the blinders of my own works.

The rest of the team continues work apace, providing us with some Mindstream content for Dhaal’s brothel and the promise of a new Phaedran soon (tm).

0.9.100 Changelog:

  • ANDROID WARNING: Due to changes made to our deployment pipeline, the new version cannot access old save slot data. Make sure to back up with save to file before updating!
  • [Backers] Experience Dhaal’s infamous Mindstream entertainment at Paragon Playground! To give it a shot, select the ‘VR Space’ option the Paragon Playground’s menu. (Written by William, coded by Leek.)
  • [Public] Velta’s Workout Option
  • [Public] Edan’s Bi-curious Expansion
  • [Android] Gedan reworked the android build deployment for both TiTS and the CoC2 folks to better keep up with Google’s bullshittery.
  • New Bust: Horkenn (by Adjatha)
  • New CG: Gabilani Cyborg loss (see this post’s image, by ToonNik)
  • Siegwulfe’s “Domwulfe” mode should now activate whether you are carrying her or not while in “Crew Toy” mode. (Leek)
  • Gravitational Anomaly now applies the kinetic-reduction effect on all foes when upgraded. (Fenoxo)
  • Restored missing combat texts for Goo Armor. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixes for Tika vanishing for public build players. (lowercase donkey)
  • More blinding attacks now respect blind immunity. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed stubborn Shalin Shaman issues that have persisted because of an obvious oversight on how the Shaman’s data connects between the two halves. (Gedan)
  • Olympia’s “Crew Toy” content should be fixed. (Not sure who to credit, but I was told at meeting it was fixed! -F)
  • Fixed bug which caused Deepsea Lab elevator to be open/closed incorrectly. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Fixed bug in Deepsea Lab airlock to ocean that allowed use without depthsuit. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Various fixes to Flurry’s pureblood pregnancy. Correct scene variants should now be used and codex will increment pureblood kips. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Cleaned up some Phaedran codices with references to “Xandam”.
  • Buttloads of fixes and tweaks to combat systems! Having both Gedan and I chunking at big, multi-NPC fights has done a lot to reveal minor issues we can sand down. (Gedan & Fenners)
  • And many more smaller fixes for things like lone typos, slight word adjustments, etc. (The Team)


Tessa Quest do be lookin’ busty.

Happy Humpday! I just got out of our weekly meeting, and I have a lovely little patch with a raft of fixes, improvements, and a follower expansion for T1K4, the tutorial medi-bot to become a member of your crew.

Gedan and I are a little less visible this patch because we’ve been down in the train dungeon’s fuel car, shoveling code into the engine for its long-awaited (and too-long delayed) release. One of the potential openings has a fight against three discrete enemy statblocks while having a friendly ally helping – which means a ton of extra work to polish author-written text like “The sword slaps into the side of your neck.” into “The sword slaps into ${target.isPlayer ? “the side of your neck” : target.getCombatPronoun(“hisher”) + ` flank`“. Gedan’s first-drafts of the combat mechanics have been fantastic, and I’m crawling through spit-polishing every facet I can get at to deliver a good user experience.

I can’t wait to show it off.

0.9.099 Changelog:

  • [Backers] T1K4 is expanded to be obtainable as crew and usable as an accessory for once-per-fight heals to shields and HP. Written by Magenta Needle and coded by Lowercase Donkey.
  • [Public] Dhaal’s post-party party is now accessible to the general public. It’s a great way to pass the time until Feruze is ready for a Taxi ride…
  • New Bust: Station Mistress (part of Tessa’s quest)
  • Under the hood work was done to better consolodate status effect notification text in combat – for example, blinding a large number of enemies at once should report on all of them in one of the little SMS-style text windows. (Gedan)
  • Fixed busted parser calls in the post-party party. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for some appearance sub-menus. (Jacques00)
  • Gel Zon’s femboy scenes should trigger properly. (Jacques00)
  • Improvements to Kattom’s name display. (Jacques00)
  • Tweaks to the player immobilization systems. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for large eggs & Ovilium. (Jacques00)
  • Accupitch labs now has a disabled tooltip with an explanation for why you can’t get in. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed an Extrameet crash. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for the Great Majin and stepping off of her. (Jacques00)
  • Updated Smuggled Stimulant’s combat use text for NPCs.
  • More fixes for the Shalin Shaman (Lowercase Donkey)
  • Lots more subtle fixes and tweaks!

[TiTS] Dracows, Goblins, and Being the Best Toy You Can Be

Ahsha encourages you to do Tessa’s quest.

Fen here, reporting in to report that the train dungeon still needs to cook some more. Additional bad-ends are being slotted in, and playtests and tuning of the combat encounters are ongoing. In the meantime, Leek and Adjatha have been absolute heroes at working through community submissions and adding them to the game – and Tessa’s Quest is now publicly accessible as of this patch!

0.9.098 Changelog:

  • [Backers] A new New Texan encounter! Are you a horny enough dude(tte) to please a family of sexually ravenous dragon-cow hybrids? Written by Sil the Dragon Lover and coded by Leek. It should start out as a random encounter while exploring New Texas. It requires the player character to have a penis.
  • [Backers] Thanks to Sil the Dragon Lover (writer) and Leek (coder), it’s now possible to flag yourself as your crew’s toy, and get used sexually by a wide swatch of potential crewmates. Note, not every crew member has interactions.
  • [Backers] A gabilani has been added to the extrameet encounters on Tarkus. She’s looking for someone to clean up all her creampies…Written by HatTrick3010 and coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Tessa’s Quest is now live for the general public!
  • The Uveto elevator should work more consistently.
  • Fix: The Shalin Shaman can no longer get shot out of the air, land on you, shoot you with her crossbow, and then trample you in one round of combat.
  • Quest log fixes.
  • Lights Out puzzles with limited failures should now function correctly.
  • Various other small fixes, particularly typos.

0.9.098 Hotfix #1:

  • Added busts: Ahsha, Chiaki, Security Guard (from Tessa’s quest), and Naomi. (Note: Tessa quest appears to be missing comprehensive bust calls, so it’s likely that NPCs are not showing up in all the events they are supposed to.) (Fenoxo)

0.9.098 Hotfix #2:

  • Kimber’s item list should display correctly. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Areolove should now address all rows of breasts when making changes to specific nipple traits.(lowercase_donkey)
  • Cleaned up a duplicate button of Urbolg’s.(lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a crash Fen introduced to the Shalin Shaman encounter. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Added busts & art: Flurry, Orroah, Celise Panty Email. (Fenoxo)
  • Birth gender should now be tracked in case we ever want to reference it in the future. (Fenoxo)

Trials In Edan Space

Coming soon…

While this week’s update doesn’t come with Phaedra II’s fabled “train dungeon,” it does deliver a smorgasbord of delicious content for some of our lovely side characters. Edan in particular makes out like a fat rat, significantly increasing the size of his coded content. (Seriously it’s like +2000 lines of coded new stuff.)

To my knowledge the train is still on track to arrive for the start of next month as well, so keep your eyes peeled!

0.9.097 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Edan seemed a little bit lonely sitting around in the Mess all by himself, so he got an expansion to broaden his choices and give the boys some love too! When on the Rush, it’s never too late to explore something new – even your sexuality! (Written by Skom, coded by Leek)
  • [Backers] Velta has a new workout option… an anal workout option. (Written by melonear, coded by Leek)
  • [Backers] Tessa acquired more post-quest sex-scenes! These will go public simultaneously with the rest of the quest, so non-backers won’t have to wait quite as long as usual! (Written by Fr0sty, coded by Leek)
  • [Public] The new Techie scenes on FIRST-14 and the Gabilani Pirate’s panty content are both now available to the general public.
  • Fixes for Sophora’s ability to subdue the PC in combat. (Jacques00)
  • Emblems for the Black Void, Stormguard, and Joint Ausar Federation were added to the game. (Jacques00)
  • Under the hood improvements for doing melee or ranged disarms independently and correctly. (Jacques00)
  • Assorted typo fixes.

[TITS] Party Party Party!

This patch is a little more middling in size than the Tessa-pocalypse we unleashed last time – but it still comes with some nice chunky scenes by fan favorite writers Adjatha & Savin – some of which are even delightfully repeatable!

I’m also happy to report that the next plot dungeon is chugging along pretty well in the background. Gedan has been going ham ripping through enemy combats and coming up with fun mechanics to polish them up with. Some members of the team have played through what’s there and gushed about how good it’s coming together. Hopefully I can share more specifics soon!

0.9.096 Changelog:

  • In order to improve the flow of Dhaal’s Party event, the player will now be invited to a party after the party where they can spend 36 hours fucking around with Elyrrin (the Gryvain) or Mz. Taldri (the snake). In order to encounter Elyrrin, you will need to have flirted with her during the party itself. (Elyrrin by Savin, Taldri by Adjatha, coded by Fenoxo)
    • Added a new “Backrooms” button to Paragon Playground. There, you can encounter Mz. Taldri again, assuming you have completed the party event. (Written by Adjatha, coded by Fenoxo)
    • Because the above encounter changes the party event flow, I am releasing this simultaneously for all instead of doing additional scripting to maintain the “old” outro.
  • [Backer Hotfix]: Added another option to the post-party party: Party Girls! Pal around with four Zaika Peers out on the town. (Written by Adjatha, coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Public] A Gabilani Pirate loss scene has gone from backers-only to publicly available.
  • Blind Immunity will now work vs the Milodan Infiltrator’s Flashbangs. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Added simple preg logic to Milodan Temptress (ends rut and added number of pregnancies counter in codex) (Drunk Zombie)
  • The button to start Tessa’s quest should now function properly. (lowercase donkey)
  • Reaha’s nude bust should no longer disappear in some instances. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixes for broken italics. (lowercase donkey)
  • Improvements to the save/load menu. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for the Heavy Munitions Bot encounter text. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for how Bianca’s thigh sex scene is gated. (Jacques00)
  • Improved collar detection for shock hoppers, bored jumpers, and ardia. (They now detect more than just Maike’s). (lowercase donkey)
  • Updated the minigame UI to make the toggle settings persistent. For the Lights Out minigame, there is now a toggle to hide/show the hint markers (appears on hovering over switches or when using keybind controls). (Jacques00)
  • Changed the Achievement control feature to now be available to the public. Users should now be able to toggle whether or not they want to track achievements or re-lock any or all (native-side) achievements. (Jacques00)
  • The Plasma Torch key item from the Hazard Suit Trooper should now be obtainable from repeat Hazard Suit Trooper encounters. The first Hazard Suit Trooper encounter should now be flee-disabled. For the key item, it will only be obtainable if the character doesn’t already have it and the safe has yet to be opened (however this condition can be changed if we want other uses for the torch). (Jacques00)
  • Typo fixes. (Jacques00, lowercase donkey, Drunk Zombie)

[TiTS] An Eternal Tessaning

I emerge from the tax-man paperwork pile to deliver you this patch in your time of need. The notes are short, but the content (for Tessa) is quite chunky! (And there’s more in the pipe – Geddy reports good progress on coding Phaedra’s next plot encounter…)

0.9.095 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Tessa has received an expansion that is literally hundreds of pages long, written by Fr0sty. To get started, you’ll need Tessa’s panties and to have Zheng Shi’s probe coordinates, after which you can encounter Tessa on Zheng Shi’s recreational deck for a business proposition. (Coded by Leek)
  • [Public] Anyxine Milking
  • [Public] Thraggen Gardeners
  • [Public] Gabilani Pirate Cowgirl
  • The Zaika milk thief’s leap will now occur less often if she is tripped, and properly remove the tripped status when used.
  • Reaha’s bust should display correctly again.
  • Fixed isolated rooms not displaying features correctly.
  • Fixes for Saendra having some duplicate buttons.
  • Various under the hood tweaks to items to chase down a crash.

Tainted Space Gabilani Pantilani & Gryvain Squeezy Breezy

Goblins & Dragons – is there a better combination for a patch to feature?

I’m not sure…

This patch comes comes with two new scenes for the gryvain techie and some new panty-obtaining fun for the gabilani pirate encounter as well as the usual raft of bug fixes and tweaks. We’ve also got some bigger projects being rammed into the hopper for future weeks: Gedan on the next plotty adventure on Phaedra II (+keeping up on image pack issues!) and Leek on a large character expansion that should be ready very soon.

Hotfix, builds 4783 up:

  • Fixed broken imagepack paths for public electron builds.
  • Fixed a crash with some bothrioc combat scenes.

0.9.094 Changelog:

  • [Backers] The Gryvain Techie in FIRST-14 got two new scenes – a victorious facefuck and a defeated dick-teasing for player characters with penises under six inches long. (Written by TheIrishOtaku, coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] It is now possible to acquire the gabilani pirate’s panties from two of her victory sex scenes, and then use them as a masturbation aid in the future. They come with a unique scene for penis-toting players written by yours truly with accompanying art by Adjatha. The new scene is approximately ~4000 words of possible text variants but likely displays less than 1000 for a single character’s run through – and I still want to bolt some more options in for the future. (Written by Fenoxo, coded by Fenoxo, endorsed by five out of five goblins.)
  • [Public] The new throbbed cheetah pirate scene is now publicly available.
  • [Public] William’s “Titfuck the Goblin Pirate” scene is now publicly available.
  • Some downloadable image pack bug fixes. (By Gedan)
  • The Gabilani Pirate is now only able to be bribed if you can afford to bribe her. (Jacques00)
  • Dropships are no longer able to be tripped. (By Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fixed a crash in the Rat’s Raiders encounter. (By Lowercase Donkey)
  • Added Amazon Reaha busts.  (By Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fixed a crash for the “unlock all decorations” cheat. (By Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fixed text issue for a Mitch scene when the player has multiple cocks. (By Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fixed taint check in a Milodan scene that was comparing functions instead of what they returned. (By Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fixed a reversed dick size check in a Molli scene. (By Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fixed text issue in a Bothrioc scene caused by a reversed race check (By Lowercase Donkey)

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