Tag: TiTS

[TiTS] Pixels for all!

Reaha (BIG), Adjatha

Reaha (BIG), Adjatha (Fen note: image was not included in this patch, will be in next.)

Bit late again, but I have my reasons!

I goofed up some of the changes I made to the CoC2 build process and burned the better part of a weekend catching up and cleaning the mess I’d made up, and then I got straight back into dealing with all of the gallery strings that the new feature of this patch brings. Every entry in the image gallery now has a tooltip that will provide some hint as to where to find every character for the first time. Some of these are a little light on details right now, but I wanted to give the original writers of the characters an opportunity to fill in the blanks before getting creative with it really… also there’s nearly 700 of them in there, so even light, it took a while to fill them all in and make sure they were at least somewhat accurate.

Other than that, I’ve been cracking into building out the dungeons combat. The first couple of characters are roughed in, but all told there’s like 12 I think that need to be detailed, balanced and tested.

Back 2 da mines.

0.9.093 Changelog:

  • BACKER: Another gabilani pirate loss scene, written by William and coded by Gedan.
  • PUBLIC: The image pack has been enabled in the public electron builds. Still playing it by ear, if this stays on will depend how on fire the webserver is dealing with all the traffic. But this should also mean the image gallery is now available in public download builds as well.
  • Added tooltip hints to every character in the image gallery index. Many of them are very light at present, but the ultimate goal is to have there be strong enough hints for how to first interact with a character to unlock them right there, in the game. Expect this to improve over time. (Gedan, Jacques00, with assistance from various writers filling in details for their characters.)
  • Added a generic system to handle side-effects during the application and removal of a variety of common status effects, like Stunned, Blinded etc. This opens the door for some of the things being implemented in the next Dungeons combat design, requiring reacting to certain attacks. (Gedan)
  • Added usability features to the mail system, including better navigation and keyboard handling, tooltips, etc. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a missing Paulette bust. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed potential issues with some gated Reaha menu buttons (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a “temp nudity” issue with the Ten Tom Gym. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some potential crashes with the item spawning cheat code. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a potential crash in some halloween events with malformed override parsers. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a potential crash with some keyboard navigation control handling. (Gedan)
  • Fixed issues with Gabilani race scores. They have gained more specific body parts, and their TF items have been updated to provide them. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some issues with Gene’s scene loops to stop them from potentially infinitely retriggering when returning to main text layout. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a broken logic test in some Naleen Male scenes. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a few missing tags in the image manifest so that the image gallery interacts with certain images better when they are used as locked index images. (Gedan)
  • Fixed some issues with the Goo Armors menu interactions. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some issues with combat for the Shalin Shaman. (Jacques00)
  • Various typos fixed. (The Usual Suspects™)

[TiTS] Wake Up!


Wake up babe, the new TiTS patch just dropped!


  • Scenes with multiple busts displayed should no longer crash.
  • Snakebyte should now show up as a perk instead of a hidden flag. If you have the flag version, it will still work, but it will convert to a perk when viewing your perks menu.
  • Some item prices should now display in tooltip footers.
  • To prevent confusion with clickable buttons, the flat buttons (usually reserved for labeling) will be a slightly different color (semi-transparent shadow color).
  • Fixed gallery typos.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed infinite piercings.
  • Fixed a  potential GaloMax softlock.
  • Various other under the hood changes and improvements.
  • Potentially a fix for recruiting Amber.

0.9.092 Changelog:

  • [Backers] New encounter: Thraggen Gardeners. This orcy pair can be encountered in central Irestead in the new tile. (Written by Sil the Dragon Lover & coded by Leek.)
  • [Backers] New scene: cow-girl with the pirate gabilani. This can occur when losing to her if the player character has a penis, has had sex with her before, and loses her space battle. (Written by William and edited/coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] New scene: Anyxine milkies. To encounter it, you’ll need to enter her office with full, lactating breasts – and have done the “Suck & Stroke” scene during a date with her. (Written by Savin and coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Now Public] Nimue!
  • Reaha’s appearance has tweaks to reference potential variants. (Jacques00)
  • Many small UI updates. (Jacques00)
  • Third Eye Aim now works for the Nastizia invasion contest. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Improvements for how Mimbranes interact with the “lipMod” variable. (Jacques00)
  • Improvements for the Nuka Psyker’s interactions with airtight equipment.
  • Add toggle option for the Match Bust To Artist feature. (Jacques00)
  • Added Bust Controls Opacity option to adjust the visibility of the bust corner buttons. (Jacques00)
  • Unused or unneeded entries have been removed from the gallery. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a Paige-related crash. (Lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a Seer-related crash. (Lowercase_donkey)


Numue (Adjatha)

Numue (Adjatha)

It’s been a while since we’ve had a patch, and I want to apologize for that. We’ve all been pulled our seperate ways over the last few weeks with a variety of fun (read: not fun) and entertaining (read: actually really annoying) things that just happened to line up all at once. I won’t speak for anybody else, but I’ve just been having my bathroom completely renovated and replaced, and it took the better part of two weeks to get ‘er done. Kind of hard to work on the big titty game when there’s somebody walking past my workspace every few minutes.

It has at least given me an opportunity to dig into some back-of-the-house cleanup things that I’ve been meaning to get around to for a few months now, nothing that will majorly impact any of you, but it was stuff that was going to have to get done eventually one way or the other, so it’s not like I’ve been idle. Minor build process tweaks, some updating and cleanup of things on the webserver, things like that.

Now that I’m fairly confident the imagepack installer is relatively well-travelled, we’re going to bump up the backer pack downloader to also grab the highest resolution version of things. I want to see how this settles down, make sure the server doesn’t burst into flames, and then we’re probably also going to enable the imagepack installer in the public download builds as well, but only up to the half-res images.

0.9.091, builds #4687 and up hotfix:

  • Fixed an issue with bust string generation on New Texas with Ogram and Amma. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed incorrect feature flagging note- Reaha’s Amazon expansion actually wasn’t intended to be public (and was not flagged to be public), I copied the wrong line from the patchnotes for what I was making public, so…
  • Fixed Amazon Reaha expansion so that it actually is public. (Gedan)
  • PUBLIC: Shierra can now be facefucked. Written by Savin, coded by Leek. (This is what I was originally making public…)

0.9.091 Changelog:

  • BACKERS: A new scene for the cheetah pirate has been added, available once they are throbbed up. (William & Fenoxo)
  • BACKERS: Gabilani pirate loss available after the first loss as long as the player has a dongle, written by William and coded by Fenoxo.
  • PUBLIC: Eloise got a Doll play expansion. Written by Magenta Needle, coded by Leek.
  • PUBLIC: Reaha’s Amazon expansion has been added. To engage it, Reaha must be crew, cured, and you must meet a Milodan futazon on Uveto. Written by Couch, coded by Leek.
  • Added position memory to the inventory and shop interfaces, allowing the game to remember which item was highlighted before the interface is hidden, making using the interface feel much nicer. (Jacques00)
  • Added keybinds to a variety of buttons around the game, further increasing our keyboard coverage. (Jacques00)
  • Added x4 images to the imagepack download process. We want to see how this goes for people, but we may need to make an option for only grabbing the x2 and optionally further upgrading to x4. (Gedan)
  • Added approximately 400 descriptive strings to the gallery database. These are not yet visible, but there are approximately another 400 to go to provide complete coverage. These strings are intended to give a hint as to where to unlock a particular character, and then act as a more detailed reminder or cheat to go and find them again without needing to look it up outside of the game. (Gedan)
  • Added some data warnings to the save system when using save slots, notifying you that this data can be lost at any time thanks to the vagaries of browsers doing what browsers will. (Jacques00)
  • Added sorting to the players inventory interface, allowing items to be rearranged in various ways. (Jacques00)
  • Added keybind navigation to the Status Effect and Perk lists under Appearance. (Jacques00)
  • Add an automatic sorting to the gallery which prioritizes Bust first, then CG, then Video for a character. More sorting rules may be added later, if needed. (Jacques00)
  • Added cover indicators for the Rogue Bot fight. (Jacques00)
  • Added an item’s icon and rarity color in the corner to better distinguish the item’s type. (Jacques00)
  • Added the long descriptions we have to the Image Gallery image viewer, the same as when they are being displayed elsewhere in gameplay. (Jacques00)
  • Added some utility functions for us to animate portions of text. (Jacques00)
  • Added cycling busts in the bust window if there is more than one bust being displayed (Jacques00)
  • Added media embedding to the e-mail body. (Jacques00)
  • Adjusted how Grapple and Stun are applied and they should now have some kind of shared lockout, making it impossible for the player to be back-to-back stunned and grappled. (Jacques00)
  • Adjusted interactions with Siegwulfe to return to the inventory display if that’s where the interaction started. (Jacques00)
  • Adjusted buttons in the combat menu. SThe Specials menu has been split into Special Attacks (moved to left side with other attacks) and Special Abilities (same button location), Sense button to center, above Closer Look. Special menus should now support multipage buttons, in case the lists ever get any longer. Attack button tooltips will now show weapon names for clarity. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed eyecount being missing from eye descriptions. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a text parsing issue with inspection strings. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issue with the Frostbane Bikini. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues with removing Reaha from your crew. Booting crew-Reaha on New Texas will no longer send her to the Shadow Realm and she can now be reclaimed after 12 hours from the boot. She will appear in the Milking Stalls (far back, east stall). Non-Nice characters can choose to not reclaim her (and try again in another hour).(Jacques00)
  • Fixed some issues with debts owed to Lane (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some issues with negative money values. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some issues when attempting to recruit Syri. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some issues with the Syri gaming event and supporting her not being properly tracked. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues when Eitan is your selected sleep-with partner. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues with the shop interface in various Sera states. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues with encountering Nimue. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues with Syri appearing with an incorrect bust selection. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed spelling inconsistents for Bridget vs Briget (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some issues with the ship inspection interface. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues with codex entry arrangement and tooltips. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues with certain grapples and various escape bonus perks. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some inconsistent combat output and formatting. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some opportunities for the game to hang whilst loading a save with certain character states. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some issues with various outfit items. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed missing rarity and sexiness values for a handful of items from the new item packs. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some keybinds previous displaying the wrong key on various buttons. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed tooltips not being cleared under some circumstances. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed keyboard controls for modal overlays. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a visual glitch when switching between Art Gallery and Save menu screens. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some inconsistent option card formatting. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed an issue with Mitch bust selections. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed inconsistent spellings with Hyraxi. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed weapons tagged with CHANCE_APPLY_FREEZE from testing burning resistances instead of freezing resistances. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed how some keybinds are executed to prevent random crashes in some instances. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues with implant quantity values sometimes making them vanish when installed. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some text formatting issues for lists in the item card and inspect interfaces. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed Nudity Score clarity issues. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed unclear button names when displaying colours from certain items. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed various issues with the Shalin Shaman. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a variety of gallery immages that really didn’t need to be shown, hiding them from the gallery but allowing them to be shown in the places they are intended to show up. The majority of these will be close-in cropped versions of larger images, used for multi-foe combat busts. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed and review entries in the image manifest. We’ve collected a lot of cruft over the years, and with the Gallery now is a fantastic time for us to straighten things out as data that didn’t used to matter now drives the gallery systems. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed poetential issues with certain combat effects over time. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues with Bizzy+Mitzi pussyhypno scenes. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed the ability to ask Eitan to sleep with you aboard your ship before you recruit him as crew. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed an inconsistency with the Hyrax Bike Raider’s shock collar duration. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed how percentage valus are formatted so they display better. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed issues with the Shalin Shaman using Take Flight. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed various bust logic errors with a handful of characters. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed missing warnings leading into a potential bad-end. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some incorrect uses of isSillyModeEnabled (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a path reference used in placeholder CG image assets so that they will work under electron properly (relative vs absolute path specification for uris) (Gedan)

Big Beautiful Vanae

Coming soon: this art for the SteeleTech K7 Clydesdale. Drawn & colored by Lionpaws. Additional shading by Jacques00.

The universe could always use another vanae…

0.9.090 Changelog:

  • [Backers] New NPC: Nimue the plush vanae (by Magenta Needle). Players of level 10 or greater can encounter her on Myrellion after having Dhaal’s travel coordinates unlocked. (Coded by Leek)
  • [Public] Relly the Mad Scientist has been made public (on Tarkus). Responsible for the hardlight taur & naga suits, this fella was coded by Leek and written by Sil the Dragon Lover.
  • [Public] Items: SteeleTechJungleJumpsuit (Anno@lv9+), Dhaal Maid Outfit (Gabmart Threadz).
  • The Sledgehammer has had descriptions appear on its interior rooms. (Fenoxo)
  • Ship items should now show “shipPowerCost”. (Jacques00)
  • Deployed a fix for selling negative credit amounts (Jacques00)
  • The Codex should now be able to display an author header. (Jacques00)
  • Frostwyrm and Frosty should be renamable if their names didn’t properly carry over from an older save. (Jacques00)
  • Improvements to the “Dumb4Cum” perk’s time passage procs triggering. (Jacques00)
  • Lots of fixes in Reaha’s content. (Jacques00)
  • Added a toggle in the options for the prompt alerting the player of overwriting a current game’s progress on loading a save slot. (Jacques00)
  • Moved “Ship Stats” button on ship to a common location (button slot 13). (Jacques00)
  • Items should now have “combatUsable” and “requiresTarget” display in the special flags list, where applicable. (Jacques00)
  • Kally’s quest will no longer start if Kiro is already a bimbo or of her rescue quest has been started and not yet completed. (Jacques00)
  • Kiro’s rescue quest’s distress call will be prevented from triggering if Kally’s Picardine quest has been started and not yet completed. (Jacques00)
  • The nipple parser was not being used properly in the Sam birth scene and if the pc was lactating and had inverted nipples it would cause a crash. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed parser code for Sam’s kids to use the right pronouns. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed a Sam-related crash. (Lowercase Donkey)
  • Numerous other small fixes. (Various)

Reaha Strong!

Reaha strong!

0.9.089 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Reaha’s Amazon expansion has been added. To engage it, Reaha must be crew, cured, and you must meet a Milodan futazon on Uveto. Written by Couch, coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Ship vendors (and part vendors) should now have a “Licensing” dialogue that allows you to gain access to their wares at home, with Vahn. (Fenoxo)
  • [Public] Eitan Sleep-with content is now available for everyone.
  • Sam can now be impregnated as crew. Pup visit events are also in (though they require her to be on crew and your ship docked at Tavros). Coded by DrunkZombie.
    • Sam’s trust level can now be checked in the codex.
    • Time now properly passes while sleeping with Sam.
    • Various other small fixes to her existing content.
  • The Sidewinder got room descriptions. Big thanks to Couch for writing what Fendon’t.
  • Added CG and video thumbnails for the gallery. (Jacques00)
  • Improved gallery scroll performance. (Jacques00)
  • Improved image rescaling settings. (Jacques00)
  • Improved keybindings across the game. It should be fully playable with keyboard now. (Jacques00)
  • Added indicators to the light’s out minigame to make it clearer what the effects of a click will be. (Jacques00)
  • Clicking on blackjack cards should make them viewable in the image viewer. (Jacques00)
  • Turrets should now escape grapples. (Jacques00)

[TiTS] Crawling Out From Under the Freeze

0.9.088 Changelog:

  • [Backers] [Imagepack Only] A character art gallery has been added to the game. It should track viewed busts & art as they are encountered and unlock them no matter which of your save files you are playing on. Because the intent of this is to show full resolution art, it’s only available once the full art pack has been downloaded. (By Gedan)
  • [Backers] Shierra can now be facefucked. Written by Savin, coded by Leek.
  • [Backers] Eloise got a Doll play expansion. Written by Magenta Needle, coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Sam’s crew expansion is now public!
  • [Public] Shierra and Farine are now publicly available!
  • [Accidentally Public] The Cheetah Pirate got a small expansion to her content – if you Throbb her, she keeps the dick now. This makes a lot of little tweaks to her texts and adds an entire to new “Fuck Her” scene written by William. I also modified the oral loss scene to make use of her new equipment once you give it to her. Coded by Fenoxo.
  • New Art: Cheetah Pirate, now with a dong.
  • Gwen & Eimeer can now call you up for some exhibitionism. It should then be added to your smut menu. (Written by Gardeford years ago, lost in the shuffle, and added now!) (Includes art by Fralea!)
  • Easy Mode should now reduce the amount of turns for recovering from stuns to 1 at the most, as well as add a +10 bonus chance for success when trying to break from a grapple. (Jacques00)
  • Drones can now toggle their attack type if they have multiple. Currently this is just Domwulfe. (Coded by Jacques00)
  • Fixed selene knowing your name when they shouldn’t and vice-versa. (Lowercase Donkey)
  • Vanae now properly have their tail data set for auto-generated tail descriptions to generate properly. (Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fixes for status effects with typos not working properly in the following content: Bothrioc’s, X-Zil-rate, Myr Venom, Gender overrides for Gan’rael, Syri, Jasvalla checking “stuck” instead of “stun”, several improper “NO AI” checks, pirate snake, narc myr venom fix, mega milk, and priapin. (Lowercase Donkey)
  • Zaika Ganger heavy did not have the Juggernaut perk set correctly. (Lowercase Donkey)
  • Sharp eyes now properly clear smoke grenades a turn early. (Lowercase Donkey)
  • Remove Sam from Gastigoth after being freed. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Added logic to remove Sam from Gastigoth if she joins Steele’s crew. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Added an animated T.S.C. emblem to the potential splash screens list that should appear for about a week around the time of Earth Day (~April 22nd). (Jacques00)
  • Made the TamaniCorp logo reappear in May for a couple weeks for Mayturnity. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed some minor issues with Dicksprout, and Dicksprout can now increase the length & thickness of tail cocks. (Jacques00)
  • NPC off-screen orgasms should no longer be tracked, unless it is during silly mode and the PC has sexed them before (affects Aliss, Malai and Rivet). (Jacques00)
  • Did some refinments to Geddy’s Image Gallery. The image viewer in that mode can be toggled to expand to fill the entire screen. There is also a toggle to hide the controls for better viewing. (Jacques00)

Trials in Tainted Hardlight

Good eve and good patch to you all!

It’s been frigid as frozen-over hell out here in the Midwest. Not even the licentious heat of a good smutty story can thaw the frost on my windows! At least we’ve got some new content to bring us joy on these dark nights, some new tweaks to the combat systems to distract us from the chill, and some nice UI changes and options to give us something nice to look at it besides frosty landscapes.

And we’ve still got more cooking! I’ll go ahead and talk a little bit about it under this bolded label for clarity…
What isn’t in this patch (but sooonish):

  • An image gallery is under construction! Geddy has been pounding out the underpinnings of the system for the last week or so, and the preview images I’ve gotten to see (and share with our discord) have been absolutely primo. When it’s finished it’s going to be a lovely place to appreciate the art for all the characters you’ve met in your journeys.
  • A new scene for the cheetah (Cyber Punk) pirate. Will crafted a lovely new one that I have about 90% coded, but I need to finagle a proper intro to it and round out some of the her lead-up content to address a potential body-mod the PC gave her (that scene is still here though).
  • A voyeuristic email with image attachment for Gwen is sat in my personal hopper to get in after I finish up with the Cheetah.
  • Phaedra II’s “Train Dungeon” still needs some more time building.
  • And more~

0.9.087 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Relly the Mad Scientist has been added to the game (on Tarkus). Responsible for the hardlight taur & naga suits, this fella was coded by Leek and written by Sil the Dragon Lover.
  • [Backers] New Items: SteeleTechJungleJumpsuit (Anno@lv9+), Dhaal Maid Outfit (Gabmart Threadz), coded by Leek.
  • [Public] The Gabilani Pirate can now be encountered by all.
  • [Public] Items available to all: Hardlight Bracelets, Vintage Zaika Purse, Lazy Ball Bra, Powerboner, Protein Power, Phoenix Shine, Easyslip Stud Piercing, Edging Ring, Hardlight Cockring, Hardlight Hoop Piercing, Rainbow Hoops Piercing, Vibroring.
  • Pheromone bonuses have been capped at 10, 15 with the new “Concentrated Pheromones” temporary buff. There’s no gain in becoming even more of a walking sexual biohazard past a certain point. (Fenoxo)
  • Airtight armor got a large amount of interactions with pheromones and other statuses. (Fenoxo)
    • Airtight armor now effectively sets your in-combat pheromone bonus to 0. Note that non-combat scenarios should still act as if you got the good smells.
    • Wearing airtight armor now creates the “concentrated pheromones” buff, which applies a temporary buff to your pheromone bonus.
    • Wearing airtight armor now passively causes the sweaty debuff to accumulate over time.
    • Added a new tease attack, “Waft Musk” that deals pure pheromone damage. This ability is only usable once per combat and comes with the downside of mitigating the effects of your airtight armor (but does allow your pheromone bonus to apply afterward. Comes with ~6 new texts depending on appropriate pheromone-generating perks.
    • Swapping armor sets reduces the magnitude of your concentrated pheromones bonus.
  • Tease attack reactions were moved into the same text bubble so that the entire tease & it’s results are cohesively attached, for better combat readability in busy encounters. (Fenoxo)
  • Lust weapons are allowed to crit again, but only for +50% damage. (Fenoxo)
  • Smugglers now have a base evasion cap of 60% (up from 50%). (Fenoxo)
  • Lowercase donkey pruned a number of references to an old miss calculation methodology from a ton of old NPC content.
    • I went through and added increased miss odds to the attacks that seemed to indicate they should have heightened miss chances in that junk data so that it wouldn’t be lost to time and space
  • A number of items had their icons updated to better match their descriptions. (Jacques00)
  • Added a “Legacy Sidebar Layout” that attempts to emulate something closer to the old flash style while adhering to our current design goals. See this image for more information! If this becomes a source of major issues, I’ll put my (Fenoxo’s) angry eyebrows on. Coded by Jacques00.
  • Improvements for how enemy counterattacks are tracked and displayed. (Jacques00)
  • Added visual cover strength bars for fights with cover mechanics. (Jacques00)
  • “Federation Quest” no longer uses the map for Tarkus’s cover-based fight for its cover-based fight. (Jacques00)
  • The sidebars can now scroll in group fights that are too large to display all at once (though we do not intend to make use of this in future content, there were a few places it could crop up.)
  • The “Undo” and “Redo” buttons can now be used in combat to scroll the combat text window to view previous turns quickly.
  • Added an “Extra Item Stat Detail” toggle as an Option under the Display category. Enabling it will allow the item tooltips and item preview card to display the full stats of an item, so they can be visible outside of the Inspect screen. So this makes it similar to how the old Flash TiTS had the item information displayed. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a “smallestVagina” crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed scales of color being limited only to full scalies. Should now work for full/partial, scale/chitin, as intended. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed some flags becoming NaN. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed Sidewinder name hardcoded in description. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a softlock in Sera (Apparently nobody ever chose not to cuddle her when they had a chance). (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixes for some scenes that needed a double click to get through a choice to sleep. (lowercase donkey)
  • Spelling fixes. (lowercase donkey)

Rapid-Fire TiTS

Holiday season? Vacation? What’s that?

…I’m gonna go eat a muffin.

0.9.086 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Farine can now be impregnated (by her wife, but you help). About two months in, she should send you a message about it. About seven months in, she’ll start lactating. Around nine, she’ll give birth. Note that the game will attempt to prevent her pregnancy from progressing while you’re hanging out with her to avoid weirdness (but after a month it’ll tick over anyway). (Written by Savin, coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] After Farine is milky, the milky sex scene should open up. (Written by Savin, coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Eitan can now be taken to bed when he is on your crew. (Written by Reathe, coded by lowercase donkey)
  • [Public] Scales of Color, Selene and Neil’s Expansion, and Color Changing Clothes are all now available for the public!
  • A variety of small fixes, but not that many because :holidays:

Merry Tits-Patch-Mas

Or “Happy Hung-Days” if you prefer!

Shierra and Farine are looking for hot singles in your Uvetan area!

…now I rest.

0.9.085 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Shierra and Farine are now available in rough form! They’re a pair of dick-girl half-breeds looking for a little extra in their marriage. You can bump into them around the admin offices of Uveto Station – bounce in and out of the room approximately five times. Right now they’re up for some fun in their apartment with three scenes, but they’re going to catch an update next week that introduces a little pregnancy to the mix – and unleashes the final, locked-off milk scene. (Written by Savin, coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Sam, the black void techie you could get locked up in Gastigoth, now has a recruitment path! This is the first pass on the expansion, so be sure to smack us upside the head – and look forward to implementation of pregnancy options. (Are we sure this isn’t Mayternity or Pregtober?) (Written by Night Trap and coded by Leek)
    • Addendum: this is gated behind producing offspring with her while she’s in Gastigoth.
  • [Public] Paulette is now public!
  • [Public] A clown-related dream I don’t want to think about. We all float down here.
  • New UI bits: A player preview card when accessing the Data Menu. On game over, the Level Up screen should be reviewable but changes are disabled. (Coded by Jacques00)
  • Added keybinds for the screen missing keybinds. Mail, Decorate and Data Menu should now have available keybinds. The F1-F5 and 1-5 and W,S,A,D,Q,E keys are valid. Keybinds for the Codex require you to hold down Shift since the menu has the 5×3 button menu already. The game should be pure-keyboard compatible now. (Coded by Jacques00)
  • Fixed some more instances of the push-pop UI state related to the inventory, so hopefully that situation is solved. (Coded by Jacques00)
  • Fixed a crash for the gabilani pirate. (Coded by Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fixes for Aliss’ color changing items. (Coded by Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fix for CockVine bikini purchase crash. (Coded by Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fix for a softlock in Circumscriber. (Coded by Lowercase Donkey)
  • Questlog fix for Emese saying you had left her when you had not. (Coded by Lowercase Donkey)
  • Fix slutmas donate issue where the player gets stuck after giving an invalid amount the first time. (Coded by Lowercase Donkey)
  • Add adjs art for: Mia, Synphia, Shierra & Farine, DEE-SL, and Wall Bull. (Coded by Lowercase Donkey)

Trials in Tainted Space: the Goblin Menace

Her ship might not look like much, but it’s got it where it counts: in the cockpit.

The goblins are coming in hot and heavy, this time in the form of a pussy-tail-packin’ gabilani pirate skirting around the edges of Tarkus and Myrellion space. This one is a fen-crafted special, so I tried to pack in some juicy variation into her four sex scenes to scratch at itches I feel a lot of newer content has left behind.

Jacques00 has been extremely busy making subtle improvements to the user interface. Leek banged out a load of submitted items. Lowercase-donkey decided to make Chameleon-silk function in-game instead of requiring you to use your imagination. And Gedan? She’s been fighting off at least one witch’s curse if the amount of failing machinery she’s had to deal with is any indication, but she still managed to make progress on the juggling of content for Phaedra’s storyquest dungeon. Me? I paid out about five grand for some additional writing in that aforementioned quest.

I hope the holiday season is going well for all you out there. I know it can be a heckuva stressful time for many, but we’re gonna get through it together.


0.9.084 Changelog:
  • [Hotfix #1] Several of the new content items accidentally had their status set to “IN DEVELOPMENT” and thus were not accessible. This has been addressed. I’ve had a few crashes brought to my attention that will likely catch additional hotfixes tonight or tomorrow.
  • [Backers] New pirate vessel encounter: the Gabilani Pirate Karnissa Pauug can be discovered around Tarkus and Myrellion for players level 4 and above! (Written & Coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] New items: Hardlight Bracelets, Vintage Zaika Purse, Lazy Ball Bra, Powerboner, Protein Power, Phoenix Shine, Easyslip Stud Piercing, Edging Ring, Hardlight Cockring, Hardlight Hoop Piercing, Rainbow Hoops Piercing, Vibroring. (Coded by Leek)
  • [Backers] Chameleonsilk items can now have a color chosen via a new UI when inspected. (Lowercase-donkey)
  • Improved level up UI to allow for easy stat maxing. (Jacques00)
  • Food and drink menus in many establishments around the galaxy have had their menus standardized. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for milk & cum bags. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for a “Dumb4Cum”-related log event crash. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed Molli’s bust attempting to call a nude variant that does not exist. (Jacques00)
  • Added tooltips to Inventory/Shop/Trade/Drop buttons for clarity. (Jacques00)
  • Tweaked Syri’s game/betting events to be more consistent in attribute-testing for crew & bar Syri. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a crash related to the Naughty Nurse costume in the Halloween events. (Jacques00)
  • Combat statuses should show how many turns are remaining on their tooltips. (Jacques00)
  • Flying status effects should have appropriate icons depending on how flight was attained. (Jacques00)
  • Cum bubbles and such should now respect their assigned target when used as combat items. (Jacques00)
  • Too many miscellaneous bug fixes to list! A lot of problems got stomped. (Gotta make room for the new ones!)

As always, if you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here!


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