I’ve been in and out of hospital a bunch over the last couple weeks and it’s thrown me off track a bit – nothing super serious but enough to need to make me drag my ass there. Sure do love sitting my ass in waiting rooms for a couple of hours at a time, twiddling my thumbs!!! Everybody else has been hard at the grindstone in my absence though, so there’s plenty of fixes to go around.
What little time I’ve had to focus has been rifling through annoying bugs and reports for shitty handling of things on different platforms. A lot of these turn into “No Good Answers” problems, so morph into a challenge of thinking up some bullshit to work around the issue and make things at least usable. Big shout out to Android browsers here for doing weird shit with overlapping elements throwing off our positional calculations for the page.
Fen has been fishing through combat code and rebalancing things as part of laying down code for new perks and levels, fixing up annoying little issues that have cropped up over time with how we’ve ended up implementing a lot of combat attacks in practice. Point of fact, that’s what most of us have kind of been doing this week; rifling through combat stuff and cleaning up lots of little bits and pieces here and there that have stacked up over time.
Back to da mines!
- Walking around on New Texas should no longer crash due to a misconfigured feature flag on the newer cow-girl encounter.
- BACKER: Anno can introduce you to a trio of kitty cats when boarding your ship at Tavros station once you have met Urbolg, adding a new repeatable fap scene. (William & Leek)
- PUBLIC: There’s a new extrameet scene variant for some Kaede and Anno funtimes. (Savin & Gedan)
- PUBLIC: Bizzy has a couple of extra scenes, one some solo action and a few involving Reaha. (Nonesuch & Leek)
- Added additional clarity when taking actions via the inventory. (Jacques)
- Added an icon for skintight/underlayer armor. (Jacques)
- Added scanlines behind big item images. (Jacques)
- Rebalanced how blindMiss was implemented, effectively removing it as a seperate step in the combat calculation flow, thus allowing blind status effects to more consistently be applied. (Fenoxo)
- Rebalanced how status effects are processed for combat, aligning the processing step with how general status effects are handled and also hopefully scraping a bit more performance out of combat processing at the same time. This process also likely fixed some lingering/hidden issues with some combat effect processing that have gone unreported, but it has also probably introduced entirely new fun bugs as well! Whee! (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed verbiage and application of gas grenade damage when used against the player. (lowercase_donkey & Fenoxo)
- Fixed GaloMax softlock. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed an errant unimplemented text variant in a Sophora scene. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a lot of errant variable shadowing issues behind the scenes. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed many typos throughout the Hyrax content (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed typo in Twist the Knifes perk description. (Fenoxo)
- Fixed a variety of issues relating to the additional buttons displayed on the main menu for fullscreen & panic mode. (Jacques)
- Fixed some layout issues relating to Android browser page rendering by forcibly moving the entire game UI out from under being overlapped by the address bar. Fullscreen mode is the intended means to work around the remaining layout issues whilst we investigate the true causes of a few other overlapped-by-system-component issues. (Jacques & Gedan)
- Fixed a variety of issues with Zaalts attack implementations. (Fenoxo)
- Fixed how damage stacking works with Power Strike. (Fenoxo)
- Fixed errant text formatting issues with Low Blow. (Fenoxo)
- Fixed a variety of typos throughout the spreadsheet panic screen. (Jacques)
- Fixed NPC auto-orgasms from being tracked before the player has met the NPC in question. (Jacques)
- Fixed a variety of lingering issues with the Grey Goo armor. Subscenes and features that were disabled as part of the port have been re-enabled, removing the Undroppable and Unsellable flags – if she is discarded, she can be reacquired on Myrellion via a random bar event or via Anno’s store. (Jacques)
- Fixed typo in icon selection for acessory items. (Jacques)
- Fixed some layout issues with the Achievement and Credit display screens. (Jacques)
- Fixed crashes with the Tarratch Slaves. (Lighterflud)
- Fixed potential Flash-to-JS imported save issues with broken ship weapon configurations. Ships with broken weapons should fix themselves. (Gedan)
- Fixed crashes with the Akkadi Security Robots and the Target Link ability. (Gedan)
- Fixed crashes with the Zaika Hazard Trooper. (Gedan)
- Fixed text generation issues with the Zaika Hazard Troopers shield-break state. (Gedan)
- Fixed issues with Bess/Ben’s title selection menu. (Gedan)
- Fixed Extrameet codex entries being missing. (DrunkZombie)
- Fixed typos with the Easter Jumper. (DrunkZombie)
- Fixed missing virginity counts. (DrunkZombie)
- Fixed Kattom being able to show up on Phaedra. (Gedan)
- Fixed inconsistencies with the implementation of Vaulting Strike. The cooldown should now be appropriately tracked as a combat effect, as well as have a one-round cooldown, as indicated by the perk text. (Gedan)
- Fixed some border display issues with the control overlay button graphics. (Jacques)
- Fixed a typo in a flag tracking some Vanae content. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a typo in a flag tracking some Shou content. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed the ordering of Vaulting Strike and Sturm und Drang so that the perks better fit the columns they are presented in the level up screen as part of. (Gedan)
- Fixed typos in many places. (DrunkZombie, lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a flipped Lust/HP victory variant descriptor with the Tarratch Slavers. (Gedan)