Art by: Adjatha
After the last couple of weeks cranking on things as hard as possible, I’ve mostly just had a bit of a slower week to recover. Chip away at a few bugs and try and polish up a few things but nothing really huge – and made myself a couple lists of things that bug me around the game to get on fixing and cleaning up in the near future. Nothing really huge, just bits and pieces of inconsistency that now that I’ve seen them I can’t unsee and it’s going to bug the ever loving shit out of me until they’re handled.
Aside from that, I think this week I’m gonna spend a bit more time in the bug mines and then get back onto the PWA thing. When I left it to handle the Electron image pack stuff, it was right on the cusp of working at a base level, close enough to feel like it was actually going to work for what we want it to do. It even has a pretty strong effect just for regular online play by increasing how much data we can cache, and thus, makes repeated loads of the game feel way, way snappier.
TiTS 0.9.009:
- BACKER: Edan pregnancy is now available for backers. I don’t think I need to explain any more than that! (Skom & DrunkZombie)
- BACKER: The Pudding Panic Porno codex is available. (Frogapus (maybe, didn’t put a name in the source document so who knows!) & Leek)
- BACKER: A bevy of scenes from Will, spread around the game. Something for Shekka, Able and Anyxine. (William & Leek)
- PUBLIC: Mitch is now available for public consumption. Check ’em out on Canadia Station. (Mitch & Lowercase_Donkey)
- Verusha has had a bunch of bugs fixed. She should no longer appear in Anon’s bar before she should, multiple sequence breaks in the process have been closed up. There may still be a few lingering issues because the process is complicated behind the scenes, but it should be much more correct. (Gedan)
- The Zil Village on Mhen’ga has had a few tweaks to block access to scene-only rooms. (Gedan)
- The Omnisuit should no longer duplicate itself when resetting it through the Interact interface. (Gedan)
- Using a Taxi on Uveto should no longer skip proper execution of a Syri scene on arrival, replacing the buttons to continue the interaction with her with one that just dumps you back to gameplay. (Gedan)
- Clobbered a bunch of missing variables in various places in the code. (Gedan)
- Reworked how we handle the active NPCs at a bar so that the active one should serialise appropriately when saving. (Gedan)
- Removed the big warning shown when loading out of date saves; it has served its purpose and now things should be much more stable. The message was only ever intended as a heads up to pay attention to the details because something might be off with the loading process considering how quickly things were being moved around. (Gedan)
- Cleaned up the save version upgraders to handle older saves with much more grace. This should resolve a bunch of undefined/push errors when loading saves. (Gedan)
- “Limber” now counts as part of the isFlexible check. (Lowercase_Donkey)
- Player character names should no longer display with extra spaces at the beginning or end. (Gedan)
- Bunch more busts are fixed. (Lowercase_Donkey)
- The ship inspect interface now lists the available storage spaces and categories of the ship- these might not yet be fully wired up to actually limit the stored items properly, but I don’t think we’ve ever really had any different values so I trust if we do, we’ll find out about it pretty quickly. (Lowercase_Donkey)
- The map now displays tooltips if you hover over a room for a bit to show the name of it- will likely see more tweaking in future. (Lowercase_Donkey)
- Fix hard light items that were in storage rather than just in the players inventory directly when importing a save. (Gedan)
- Fixed a map rendering style issue with rooms flagged as SPIDER_WEB. (Jacques)
- Feian flags have been fixed. (Lowercase_Donkey)
- Fixed a few lingering logic statements that could never trigger. (DrunkZombie)
So my two questions:
Does this mean Verusha is public now?
The other is that will we get more Gobbo content?
Whenever I get the Distress Signal from Kiro, I press board and nothing ever happens. Does anyone know of a fix?
Exit your ship
Dear Fenoxo and TiTS developers!
Would you be so kindly to clear up these questions?
1. Have you thought again on adding TiTS into Steam alike CoC2? I would get a copy then as soon as payday comes.
2. Would you be so kindly to think on making a Postapocalyptic game when you’ll finish TiTS or you would rather retire from game development after completion of Trials? I always wanted to see an epic game in best traditions of old and classy style of Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, where techhology of steampunk/dieselpunk are at odds with magic.
3. Have you planned an Pregnancy content for a Milodan female npcs?
4, When there will be more content for Rodenians?
Thank you!
…is TiTS considered to be a prequel to the WH40k (Dark Age of Technology)? Since there’s a plasma gun in Eithan’s disposal and LOT for Slaaneshite stuff happening (not directly but the hungry beatch must’ve approved, no wonder why the hungry beatch awakaned in first place)…
…maybe you could add an cameo of a certain blackhaired Chad dude in golden power armor?
I highly doubted if it’s prequel to WH40k we would not have Xenos on the station nor compromise with them and the humans would definitely not have sex with aliens.
Aeldari and humans in WH40k can actually breed. And there’s Emperor’s catgirls, felinids. =D
Y’all really didn’t pay much attention to Pre Horus Heresy lore did ya?
The first galactic human empire got along fine with Xenos, infact the Emperor initially even allowed Xenos to join the Imperium as long as they accepted human rule and paid their taxes.
Then the Horus Heresy happened and they decided to try and carve out a slice of the pie
No it’s not a 40k game.
Blackhaired Chad dude in Golden PA suit’s cameo would be nice, even just for lulz.
This game is not 95% Humans in Power Armor, so any similarities to 40k can safely be dismissed as pure coincidence.
Naw, we have googirls in power armor. So much better imo.
I’ve got no clue what mod to give Mitch after “the talk” with him, let alone if it’s even possible to give him anything.
You mean the “condition” talk? Can you tell me how you procedure it?
Nvm figured it out
Broken Bust picture: Quinn’s pregnancy pictures are still not loading in the game.
Who is Eden? I can’t find anything about this person in the wiki or in the encounter log.
Edan. He’s the taur in Tavros’ bar.
…At least, I’m guessing it’s Edan.
Just wondering, if I back on patreon will my mobile Browser version be aligned with it- or just the public version?
Sorry, what/who does Eden refer to?
Leithan fella on Tarkus.. iirc from when I asked on Discord. You find him in the bar, if you continue north instead of going west where Verusha and Tessa usually are.
Don’t know if this has been resolved but when I installed the Inseminator Pro on my character their was no extra app to tweak my cum output, recharge time or volume. Might want to check and see if it is working properly just a heads up.
It’s under the ‘Extra’ button in the Codex.
Someone can tell me who’s eden?
Edan the leithan on tarkus
So dont know if this is happening with anyone else but for some reason the rut option in verushas menu is always grayed out or unavailable
I wasn’t able to tell what the new content for Anyxine is.
It’s an oral scene, so far it only triggered once for me. Don’t know if it’s a one time thing.
I, on the other hand, don’t know what’s Shekka’s new scene.
Mating press with Shekka, that requires Steele to be in Rut, I think.
Oral scene for Anyxe and mating press with Shekka
Well so Verusha left like 50 days ago.. is it all the content with her or she will be back?
Looks like you’ve been put in charge of community management, Gedan
Pudding Panic?
So is Dizzy available to the public yet? I wont lie, Bizzy has been a character i’ve fallen in love with and I wanna reunite the two so badly.
So is Dizzy public yet?
More Edan content, lets fucking GOOOOOOOOOOO
Anyone know how to access the “Pudding Panic Porno” I can’t figure out how to unlock it or if I’m just being dense, I’ve been to all the smut sellers I know of and can’t find it
Probably a rare random drop from enemies. A good bunch of the fiction stories are only obtainable that way.
For those curious: Eden is a typo for “Edan,” a leithan male near the bar on Tarkus.
For TiTS Staff: Will there ever be threesome content with Sela and Teyaal, or does that go against one of the support platforms ToS?
Probably not at the same time, no. But nobody says you can’t bone the daughter, then turn around and bone down her mom right afterwards.
Can someone tell me why all the busts are broken after i installed the image package. How to fix it?
Any idea when keyboard shortcuts will be active in the Inventory? Also, is there any plans to user assigned keyboard shortcuts?
Is there a way to get the image of your character to update if your a goo person the same way it updates while using the silicone tank
Love the idea of more Edan content! Are there any sorts of requirements for the pregnancy? Do you have to be Leithan or Half-Leithan yourself? Hopefully not as i’d love some half-leithan half-dragon babies flapping around 😛
There’s enough sex, put in more adventure and starship/crew management. ffs
I might be lost or something but there is a way to get the probe from Dhaal atm or no? The achievement is there for it but im not sure where to go to get it. It also just says “Paragon knows something”. Basically searched up Paragon for a bit already. Sorry for this comment just curious if its in the game yet.
Don’t forget about Mitzi! Her clothing criteria was never updated to take into account the new exposure system.