Chunking through more and more little things that have been outstanding for a while from the backlog of things that needed to get handled better.
This week I spent a bunch of time experimenting with our new inventory components to find a decent way to repurpose the display for other purposes. What I’ve ended up with needs some more work and wiring in to other places to make it more obvious, but the player inventory screen now functions as an interface to manage piercings too. The buttons at the top of the inventory list can shift between the displays – for now, limited to the regular inventory display and the list of equipped piercings.
I think for the upcoming week I’m gonna spend a little time cleaning up old code and interfaces relating to various inventory handling systems, and then set into finally working on an offline downloadable build. Now that we’ve had a couple consistent weeks of not needing to crank out a bunch of hotfixes, I think we’re stable enough now to call it a good idea!
TiTS 0.9.003:
- [Backers] Mitch is hanging out on Canadia station. (Wheatly & Lowercase_Donkey)
- The inventory screen now supports a view of equipped piercings, mainly to enable a consistent means of identifying and removing them. (Gedan)
- Fixed a bunch of things dealing with piercing equip and unequip processes. (Gedan)
- The Grey Goo armor should now be repairable whilst not being worn. (DrunkZombie)
- Hardlight dongs should no longer impregnate Sela. (DrunkZombie)
- Fixed a crash with Sela. (DrunkZombie)
- Fixed some index issues with genitals that are selected via vaginaRouter/penisRouter/hermRouter. (DrunkZombie)
- Added some more custom card designs. (Jacques)
There aren’t a lot of crashes remaining, but the game could seriously use a bugfix pass or five.
For example:
Ranged attacks cannot crit, or benefit from Alpha Strike or Aimed Shot.
Slow Stat Gain can pass the cap.
Weapons cannot be changed in combat (making Quickdraw useless).
There’s still a few crashes though, like the fact that disabling literally any bust crashes the game which has been an issue for weeks without the devs even acknowledging it
What about Mastodon and dating Teyaal’s daughter from 0.9002? It is still only for backers, or for public now?
Could somebody explain to me how TiTs updates work nowadays?
in this current update, only one item is prefaced with [Backer:]
Does that mean everything else in this update and all prior updates is public?
Yeah I second this, it’d be good to know how it works
All public building include all the content from previous backer builds. Sometimes a public build and a backer build will drop at the same time in which case the public build doesn’t have the backer content. Also, public builds tend to drop around the first of each month with the exception of some holiday builds.
If you pass out on Uveto in the snow and get saved by a priestess, you are soft locked and cannot go back to exploration. The “Next” button does nothing.
Fixed. Thanks for the report.
Is the Crash Landing stuff now available to the public or do we still gotta wait a bit longer for that?
Potential title due to the updates: Mitchin’ a tent
Or, piggy-backing off your idea, Mitchin’ a Ride!
I have a question/suggestion that has nothing to do with this update, I hope it’s ok. (and this suggestion can also be applied to CoC2, unless they already do it, I haven’t played in a while)
Would it be possible to add credits for the CGs shown within a scene? Busts are credited, but not the CGs, unless you can can see and make out the signature, which is not always the case.
I am probably in the minority, but I’ve always liked to see who creates the things I like. Heck, I’m probably the only person in the world still watching credits on TV shows just to see the cast, guests, director and writer. lol
Also, it would be nice for the artists.
Seconding this, definitely something I’d love to see too
Are there comming more males who can fuck and impregnate the female MC?
Many years ago, I comm’d Wsan for a miniature piercings appearance screen, and it was rejected for containing no sex. Would it be of any use now? I’m still very fond of the descriptions.
On the subject of generalizing and extending the inventory screen: you should consider reworking all the “show N things as buttons” logic to handle cases where N > # of buttons; one example being Yammi’s recipes if you have fully maxed her out – some recipes are not available due to more recipes than buttons. I think this also may be the case for offspring in the nursery – I think there may be classes that aren’t showing up due to not enough buttons.
Also – I found that the experimental undo blocks access to the prev/next buttons to allow reviewing text. I don’t know if that is intentional or not, but IMHO it shouldn’t block prev/next.
Also, are you considering using the same extension of the inventory interface to add managing cockware? Or just generalizing “piercing” to also be cockware? It’s still a one-way trip right now.
Another observation that since I cannot join the forum I’ll post here: if Steele has enough private parts, the number of piercing locations can exceed 14, so the piercing page runs out of buttons. Again, there needs to be a way to access those extra slots.
Reorganizing into ‘Head’, ‘Chest’, ‘Penises’ and ‘Vaginas’ would probably help, If you just did ‘Genitals’, it would still be possible to go over.
Given that the player can go crazy with pussyblossom and dicksprout, even limiting to one genital type could be overflowed. I remember a programming book I read decades ago: if you present a user with a bank of buttons, mechanically interlocked so that in theory only one button should be pressed at a time, the user will still endeavor to press all the buttons at once, even unto using both hands and a foot if needed, just to see what happens – so your code needs to be able to handle that case, unlikely as it may seem.
They’re not unlimited. Or they’re not supposed to be. Pussyblossom maxes out at 3, Dicksprout gives you a dick if you don’t have one, never gives an extra as a side-effect. Were you thinking of Virection? Virection stops at 10, so does Dong Designer.
Another minor typo: In the darts game, the Zaika darts are referred to in the text as Gryvain darts: “You decide to choose something a bit more exciting and challenge Evening to a game of Gryvain darts. “
so are the downloadable versions still on the back burner?
In the last paragraph of this very blog post “and then set into finally working on an offline downloadable build.”
this is what i get for glossing over it.
So is Mitch’s content concluded for now?(totally cool with his demo if it is, super greatful that I’ve got Chance and Kase in the meantime), at least until he can actually start using mods or am I just missing the right item??
I also wanted to add I am loving the new game build, it’s honestly looking so badass and the piercing system
A shame Mitch’s content is not so in depth, not enough hypnosis play and mental alteration type stuff! Lane is neat but even his is fairly limited, so I was excited to see Mitch was in the same vein.
Hate to be tangential but I play CoC and there’s controller support, but does TiTs have it anywhere? Can’t find the option
Not yet!
Hand So implemented when?
By the way, do the cheat list work in the JavaScript version? I think I forgot to save Princess Ula and now she’s disappeared:/.
None of those cheats work any more, but if you click the dot in the i in TiTS on the title screen three times, you’ll be able to access the cheat menu in the settings. I believe the Ula reset is one of the available cheats.
Thanks for the tip. I’ll look into later
I’ve tried several times and the cheat menu still doesn’t show in the options. I clicked fast, I clicked slow, I clicked 3 times, clicked 1000 times lol Tried with Chrome and with Edge. Doesn’t work for me.
Not that big a deal, I am not that into cheats, but was curious to see what the menu is like and what we can change.
Did you load a save, first?
Nope! That was the only thing I didn’t try! lol Now it works, thanks a lot! I saw a lot of people saying you have to click the dot on the i but nobody I saw said you have to load a game first, and I guess I am dumb lol
I’m playing through Tits for first time in a long while and I had forgotten how genuinely aggravating the Mouse trio are to fight. I love the mouse content but I don’t like spamming the recover button while my HP drops like a rock.
If we already have a cheat to add any item, why not a cheat for any perk?
Some perks (like Inhuman Desire), have variable values. You’d need some way to input the value you want.