Cocksock it to me!
0.9.125 Changelog:
- [Backers] A pack of user-submitted items! Leek coded Hanzo’s item pack that includes a FUCKLOAD of new cocksocks, some with special effects. Have you ever considered using your dick as a radar? Now you can!
- New Cocksocks: Chameleon Cocksock, Cowprint Cocksock, Fitmaster Cocksock, JoyCo Healsock, Lace Cocksock, Leather Cocksock, Paragon Scanner Sock, Striped Cocksock, TamaniCorp BreedRing, TamaniCorp BuddySock, & Thermal Cocksock. (Available at a new vending machine – there should be one in the Capsule Hotel.)
- New Combat Cybernetics: Musk Magnifier & GlutesGains. (Availabe at Sabrae)
- [Backers] A new hyper scene for Captain Khorgan (the big boss in the Stellar Tether), authored and coded by Fenoxo.
- [Public] Tyros!
- [Public] New tutorial: STAIRS! Have you ever seen stairs or elevators and been at a loss as to how to move up and down? Well our fancy tutorial system is getting some use to help teach players how to properly navigate them once they get to the stairs in Tarkus. (Jacques00)
- [Public] New silly tutorial: STAIRS! It’s basically the same as above but silly. (Gedan)
- [Public] Shalin Hunter Pregnancy! The player can now be impregnated by a shalin hunter. (Written by Nonesuch, coded by DrunkZombie)
- [Public] Shalin Shaman can be impregnated and discovered later, singing to their egg. (Written by Nonesuch, coded by DrunkZombie)
- The “ProteinPower” implant was moved to be a combat implant since it directly improves combat attributes. (Fenoxo)
- Fixed a rare crash that could happen when losing Feruze’s Taxi Fight – but only if your taxi flight departed from the spaceport. Weird bugs are weird! (Fenoxo+Jacques00)
- Updated Mhorgenn bust calls to show the nude bust when appropriate. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed Siegwulfe events double-proccing. (lowercase donkey)
- Lots of under the hood improvements to our tutorial helper system. (Jacques00)
- Arbetz got a proper room lock when closed. (Jacques00)
- Tweaks to the full map view system. (Jacques00)
- Weapon crafting properly refunds credits now (and other subtle fixes). (Jacques00)
- Dracoguard can no longer give you a gigaknot if you get all the knot TFs before getting any penis enlargement procs.
- Fixes for dildo usage counters. (lowercase donkey)
- Improved piercing descriptions to be less repetitive. (Jacques00)
- Fixes for Kiro’s rough buttfuck scene. (Gedan)
- Fixed a softlock in Erra’s content. (lowercase donkey)
- Certain busts have been concealed from the gallery. (Jacques00)
- Lots of other minor fixes!
- Lots of typo fixes!
Dang it. I was hoping for something to put on a head, not on penis, for the roleplay content…
I should really check out the silly modes in both games as I have yet to do that
Do any of the new cock-socks increase sexiness, cuz that’s the only reason my player would actually consider wearing it, and if not, could somebody, make an adjustment so that the new cock-socks increase the sexiness of the MC??
+1 for this. I’ve been trying to do a lust build and would really want a way to increase sexiness.
Is there any chance of being able to wear cocksocks on Tail-cocks, like the Zaika do?
This has nothing to do with the current stuff, but is there any mods not listed to become a Milodan or any plans to implement any? It would be fun to either surprise Emise by becoming a big kitty or even bumping into her as a big buff cat.
Again, real question.
Does the update feature a mechanic that allows you to replay levels/missions, without having to reload a save file that most obviously don’t have?
I hope that in the future there will be more updates to the grey goo armor as I adore taking her along but on Phadra she just isn’t up to snuff I’ve found
Who the hell needed a tutorial for stairs????
You would be SHOCKED.
I really wish I would be lmao
I wouldn’t be. UI design is something I have more than a little experience with. The game is inconsistent in how stairs/elevators are implemented or at least shown to the player since the game was rewritten from Flash. It seems like more than half the time, when you move to a tile with stairs, you get an option somewhere in the main options list (not sure what you call this exactly). This is good design, because it’s where the game is always telling you to look for changes to what options are available on a given tile. From the very beginning, almost every time there’s a way to move somewhere other than left/right/up/down, there’s an option in the list. This includes situations like boarding your ship – yes, this uses the same hotkey as the stairs, but there’s a button for it that signifies to the player that they have a nonstandard option, which is important to give the player an immediate and intuitive “something is different” signal. It happens again with the elevator on Tavros, but not in the stairs in the nursery… Which most people probably don’t even notice until later in the game.
The average player won’t encounter stairs with no button until Tarkus, There’s a set of stairs on FIRST-14 that you can’t use, so you don’t get the option then. There’s also a set of inaccessible stairs in the Bucking Bronco bar on New Texas. That means that unless the player goes out of their way visit the nursery and then check out the stairs, the game has already shown them for hours and hours that in the rare instances where they have the option to go up or down, or in or out, they will be shown a button, because that’s just what the game does when there’s anything other than up/down/left/right.
Maybe it’s different for other users, but the browser version trains the player to look at the map and the options menu for cues. That’s really good design, reinforcing to the player that they can find any new options they might need in the same spot. Changing that for something as rare – but still essential – as stairs is not good design. It is counterintuitive, and directly conflicts with everything you’ve already taught them about how to play the game. If you spend hours teaching someone to do something one way, and that all answers for a certain category can be found in one place, then it’s not their fault when you give them a trick question where an answer for that category is somewhere else.
Even after you get the tutorial, the player is still given mixed messages. The Stellar Tether event doesn’t have stairs, but there’s an elevator, and there isn’t even an option to use the hotkeys or the stairs button. It’s just a single button labeled “Down”. The elevator for Deck 13 is also just a button. Hand So’s Control Post is just a button called “Forward”. So by this point in the game, after spending many hours fighting and fucking, and encountering many instances of going up/down stairs and navigating floors (the stairs tutorial literally says “Would you like to see a tutorial about navigating floors?”), and spanning across at least five different planets, the average player has made use of this tutorial exactly one time – two, if they’ve happened to encounter Saendra’s ship, which implements this. There are more exceptions to this tutorial than there are examples of it. Every time you go to your ship on Tarkus you use the advice from the tutorial to use the stairs, and then are immediately shown an example of a more intuitive implementation when you enter your ship.
Even on the next planet, Myrellion, you use the “correct” stairs option to go down to Gildenmere, but there is again only a button to enter the plane to Kressia – Why isn’t this treated the same as the ship, boarding with “E”? Isn’t it an In/Out option? Once you get there, you descend, again, with either the hotkey or the stair-specific option. There’s a set of stairs in Marshal Sellera’s office that have the stairs icon, but again, there’s no option to use stairs-specific function; just a button with hotkey “1”. Then when you try to go to the Deep Caves, you again just have a button without using the ascend/descend option.
This keeps happening over and over again throughout the game. There are just enough examples where the tutorial applies for people who rush through the game to remember them, but anyone new who’s taking their time, or anyone who’s coming back after not playing in a while will be justifiably confused, because the game keeps teaching them one thing and then arbitrarily saying “no, not like that” at seemingly random times (I know they’re not random, from a QA/reviewer perspective the times where this feature is implemented are just the most obvious places where stairs exist and the easiest to notice and apply the new “intended design”).
Please don’t take this as an insult because that’s not what I’m trying to do. I totally understand (from experience) why you and the rest of the developers who have a much closer understanding of how the game works aren’t seeing this. You’ve been working on the game for so long and you know exactly where and when events are supposed to trigger, how to trigger them, and how to navigate, almost by heart at this point. It’s really easy for those of us who already know how to navigate the game by heart to forget that people who are new are not going to have the same experience.
My advice is not to remove any of these buttons. People who use the side menu to click around, or reference it for the hotkeys shouldn’t have that removed. I would strongly recommend that instead you go through and change where the buttons for these functions are located: Any instance where you go Up or Out should be “Q”, any time you go Down or In should be “E”, and there should be a specific button for it in the options menu (first column, second row and third column, second row, respectively). Keep it as intuitive as possible. Use the same exact method for every instance where this applies, even if it initally seems to break with other conventions you use, like having all the options on a given tile start with hotkey “1”.
Holy tl;dr junior
when’s the main story gonna continue?
When the next tangible step is complete
Was hoping for a cock sock like a corrupt cock sock that gets you addicted to jerking off with it over time. I think that’d be sexy as hell.
That sounds like CoC2 stuff
On the public build and after the in-game clock moves past midnight, I get an alert saying I lost a perk called Rut Cycle, which I never had to begin with cuz my PC is female…? Doesn’t go away either.
^Seconding this
Report it to the Forums
Honestly, with so many new cocksocks, its beyond time to add some chastity content. With so many sissifying dom npcs, having the pc wearing a chastity cage would be preem.
Question: Will there be more prisoners Steele caught sent to Gastigoth? Always thought The Pump King would be sent there, for example. Also maybe Akane For those heroic Steele types in a quest split that had Steele focus on taking down the mafia instead of helping them. (Granted, I doubt that the latter will ever take place after such a long time, but I’ve always hoped.)
I imagine that’s up to individual writers to accomplish