First and foremost, no specific backer content this patch. We’ve got new content, but half of it is obviously time-dependant being that it’s a halloween related event, and the other stuff is a whole gaggle of smaller interactions across TONS of existing content. It didn’t make sense to try and gate it off in any way.
Backers are going to be getting a big, meaty new dungeon soon though; Fenoxo has put the finishing touches on the last of the combat mechanics, so now all that is left is gluing the content all together and getting it tested. SOON™.
I lost a week massively upgrading the build system and cleaning up things that have been bugging me about it for a while; it is much, much faster than the last iteration, which is incredible considering that in and of itself was rapid as hell. And then I lost another week to what I originally thought was a dying graphics card, but turns out to have been a dying displayport cable instead. I had no idea that a goddamn displayport cable could dead ass kill windows, but we live and learn I guess!
I might have to rapid-fire out a couple of builds to ensure some new components of the build process are working as expected across all the release types, but there should be no big goofs lingering to bite our hand off.
0.9.022 Changelog:
- PUBLIC: Sophora, Syri Sit, Squid Wallslut, Anno’s Maid Titjob, Olympia Facesmothering, Kui-Rodenian Porno and Amber Preg are all now public. (Many!)
- PUBLIC: There’s a new Halloween event available involving Lorelei. (B & Lighterflud)
- PUBLIC: The Slave Uniform on Zheng Shi has been moved out of the mines and onto the Slave Pen tile near Maike’s Shack (Where Tivf is) in the Hangar. Wearing it now acts as a disguise through the Mines & Foundry decks. Jumpers and Slyveren Slavebreakers have new scenes the player can be subjected to in order to maintain the disguise. (Will & Leek)
- There is now an integrated update checker built into the game. The first time you load up this patch, you’ll be prompted if you want to enable it, and the option to change is tucked in the options menu if you change your mind. (Gedan)
- Dizzy should now be considered potential nursery staff correctly.
- There’s been a lot of small tweaking to the formatting of the combat UI, including new overlays to better communicate enemies who have been defeated. (Jacques)
- A big overhaul of how we organize certain commonly used functions for specific NPCs. We might have missed and broken a few things, but we’ve moved a few thousand of them around probably so… (lowercase_donkey)
- There’s been a massive number of commits fixing small issues all over the place. I’m not going to attempt to dig through every one and list it, but it is a lot. (Many!)
- Seriously, it’s like a couple hundred commits of fixes. (Many!)
- There’s now a panic button to hide the game UI, bound to “[” by default. (Jacques)
- A bunch of data in the image manifest has been normalized for display. (lowercase_donkey)
Okay since it was mentioned and is now relevant to ask about:
Where/How does the new Syri scene proc? I’ve not been able to find it once since it was introduced.
Its just her sex menu right? Where you sit on her face?
I think the panic button is “]” instead of “[“. I don’t know if that is for everyone since that is what came with the default.
anyway great work on the game and the bugs!! appreciate the work all y’all do!
I clicked past it, but Amber notifies you of her pregnancy as soon as you walk onto the ship, despite the fact that I have not recruited her. She talks like she is or is going to be a crewmate but after that scene she is nowhere to be found of course, since she hasn’t been recruited yet
If you could report this on the forum and provide a save it would be appreciated. Thanks.
Is the cheat submenu not working for anyone else as of this patch? Had it before updating, but now it’s gone & tapping the i doesn’t seem to re-enable it.
Who is Sophora and where to find her?
Sophora is a bunny in Zeng Shi that shows up after you beat all the big bosses there, in the mine area, and later on other planets too. However, she still has a bunch of crashes involved with here that aren’t fixed (The fellatio scene for instance crashes if you don’t swallow) I am honestly surprised It’s still around as I have reported it.
is it possible to buy the slave uniform. I’m trying and its not working.
Sophora still hard crashes (Win -> Fellatio -> Outside).
Can’t buy the slave uniform (when you click + to add it nothing happens. Everything else I can buy just fine).
A feast. A bounty. A veritable smorgasbord of content.
In reguards to your issue of a display cable breaking windows that yeah that can happen.
I don’t play this game much but as a job I work on fixing everything from desktops to servers.
An out dated wireless card was causing windows to behave like it was totally screwed, sound issues, corrupted drivers, accounts, updates, mangled things all over the show.
Windows was utterly hosed.
However when pulling out the wireless dongle while windows was still hosed a lot of issues went away.
I did research on the card which was ralink.
Do a search on ralink now if that isn’t clear enough, what is a total existance failure?
For those not geeky like myself and maybe you, ralink has not existed for 5 years at least, maybe more now.
So unsupported dongle, dropping data without any modern drivers and certainly not gona get any any time soon.
Solution was to rebuild the entire thing because it was hosed.
It took a week to do.
About the same time for the new dlink card to appear from the net.
Granted I ordered the non miniturised card so its a bit of a bulky pile, but not only is the owner happy, performance went up on their system.
So this means I get a large bonus and satisfaction of a job well done.
In another case an nvidia card was being stupid and crashing windows out.
However windows detected that there was an issue.
I got a notification it was going to have issues.
And nvidia support software on the system just flat out gave me a direct link to the latest drivers and firmware for the card.
So it was like download, install 2 files and I could get on with my life.
So yeah cables can suck.
I think the racial score system still needs some kinks sorted out. Most, if not all of my characters that were once considered halfbreeds are now considered fullbreeds. Even newly created characters of certain races have enough score to be called fullbreeds when they’re not, e.g. half kui-tan and half suula. Anyways, if you read this thanks and I hope the issues get solved eventually.
Actually correction: in the half kui-tan case they’re considered “half-human” so not they’re not a fullbreed but it’s still a problem.
It’s a work-in-progress; matter of time!
That’s good to hear. I know this kind of thing probably doesn’t get under people’s skin the way it does mine but I still really appreciate that it’s getting fixed.
Are the new slave suit uniform scenes proc by just encountering jumpers and slavebreakers on the map?
Yeah, if you’re wearing the slave suit and run into a jumper or slyveren in the mines you’ll get the option to act the part (you can still choose to fight if you like)
Thank you for answering!
I’m screaming at the panic button. Best idea. Genius.
More than once I went full panic to change to whatever window I could, now I can just press a button and there we go: just staring at a black screen. Perfect.
Thank you.
Is there any chance in the oh so far future for Lorelei to become a crew member and some possibility to impregnate her?
If I’m recalling correctly from previous posts the answer is no, or at the very least not for a long while.
Thx for the answer Squid! As for me… I shall hope that “long while” is gonna be between 5-10 years. And if it won’t happen… then that’s that.
Honestly, I feel that she would be on a steady diet of sterillex while she’s on a spy mission surrounded by horny pirates. And while being a possible mother to an heir to the Steele family, getting pregnant the first time caused her enough issues already.
I know it may not be the highest priority but is there anything being done for the tooltips on Android? They’re still bugged out and won’t show up for more than a frame
Why is this game unplayable at the beginning of the game. I keep getting Critical Error whenever I try to fight the zil for penny.
Yeah something got screwed. I expect them to throw out a hotfix for it since it’s a pretty serious bug.
Version: 0.9.022-BACKER#2599
penny.short is not a function
TypeError: penny.short is not a function
at Object.Tl [as func] (
at e.value (
at Object.freeze.s.FUNCTIONS (
at HTMLDocument. (
Theres the Error code in case it hasnt been posted yet
Kinda disappointed in the Amber thing…I was really looking forward to it and it turns out they’re just human, not cute little taurs that make you HUGE. If I wanted just humans I could save myself a lot of effort trying to nab her in Mhen’ga without getting got by the bees or whoever first and just go to Riya instead, or Sera after she’s unlocked.
Still hoping for Ciaran pregnancy content though, I bet he’d be thrilled and want to look after the PC the whole time.
Yeah, I was also hoping on something more with Ciaran. Hopefully I the future.
Sophora’s bad end was really lackluster compared to her other scenes or did i miss something?
It’s bugged and the proper sequences aren’t appearing.
Ah ok then cant wait to see the proper sequences. Really liking her so far she has a good design, is a good fight and her scenes that dont crash lol are fantastic.
Where do you go if you opt to learn more about Sophora rather than say she is a wild animal?
Is there currently a way to activate holiday content outside holiday times besides changing your clock?
You should be able to turn them on or off any time you like from the cheat menu
Also, sad there wasn’t much mention of the new bad ends? I wish we were let know when new bad ends are added but I understand if that’s not a priority. Thank you for the new content regardless.
I love how the scenes with Anyxine are hinting on deeper feelings. Will she get more content, maybe even with the option for deepening the relationship, in the near future?
Great work as always TiTS team! But totally off-topic, is Azra going to get an expac at some point? I have this vague memory of it being mentioned some months ago.
Speaking of Halloween antics, will The Pump-King ever appear in Gastigoth, or is the list of commited too low for said ‘king’ to be bothered sent there?
Downloaded version isn’t working. Get’s stuck on “Loaded: Dhaal.”