The submissions form has been updated and is now accepting submissions that expand on existing character content. I plan to close it next weekend for review, so if you have a document (or idea) for doing sexy things to your favorite NPC, now is the time to polish it and drop it in the box.
What do you do with Ardia?
- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 835
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that one scene in the bar on the crashed ship seemed kind of unfinished for some reason. It always felt to me that there was something else there that got cut. I mean you finally meet the slave mistress but thats it?
Slave Mistress??? Tell me more
That’s because it’s a savin character.
Did something happen with Savin?
I have a *very* long backlog.
Can we submit with just character’s we would like to see get an update?
I think we should add in female crew impregnations or even just more impregnations in general
Yes. So much yes.
Yes Please the impregnations is so good
Fuck Yes!
Any hope for NPC/Crew marriage?
yes please!
need more feet stuff
Second that, footjobs, worship, etc
I may be willing to pay for a certain NPC ausar to become a herm, female, or have a personal “synth” sheath, she can feel, as long as there’s a cheat to get the sheath back.
Also, having a scene with her, infront of you, with the sheath and reacting to it would be nice…or sending a message to you.
I didn’t know this was a thing. Totally want to date Vahn!
Yes, please!
More sexual content with the rival. Maybe even a romantic relationship at the end. Probably will never happen but you wanted a suggestion, so here it is.
Not related to npc but please add another ship something better , expensive, big , powerful, shiny,
I’ve been playing the game long enough and I have millions to spend on ship
Yes, like that one possible dance event with the rival. Especially now that they’ve gone a bit catty. Marriages work wonders for politics, right?
More Bianca stuff, and alternate Pexiga uplifting options
Also, Bianca, Emmy, Gianna, Roo, and Syri crew content. PLEASE!!
Nykke pregnancy and crew content, Pretty Please?
Also, Hand So crew content!
would it be possible for you to modify your crew like you can do with some of them like basic making breasts bigger or penises bigger that kind of stuff it is possible
I’d like tycoon-style mechanics added; things like buying/building shops and stuff, getting a regular income from owned properties, stuff like that. Maybe buying and expanding Tavros.
Emmy’s crew recruitment
Where’s the submission form? I’m sorry I’m new to this site.
Where is the submissions form? I’m sorry but I’m new here.
Someone should do a quest in which Haley has to be helped with her stud work.
That would involve involving Aina, Usha, Ellie and Sylvie.
I’d like there to be more cock socks, and for the grey goo armor to be able to automatically cover up on tavros or anywhere where nudity is illegal
I would enjoy more stuff with Embry, and maybe even her race also having the choice for her to be on the crew would be awesome. I also agree with the others about the crew members being pregnant and about possible marriages. Also is there any chance of having a higher max lv. I play this on a android and I’m stuck at max lv.10.
They’ve said in the past that they plan on raising the level cap as more planets get added in and since we’re getting level 12 items from the party event I’m pretty sure the cap will be getting raised soon enough.
Ok thank u that does help.
I’d like there to be more cock socks. Also give the grey goo armor the option to automatically reduce exposure level you’re located in an area where nudity is illegal.
I’ll just leave these here:
/Hello. Your idea is bad.
The idea subforum is here for two joint purposes; first, throwing shit at the wall by a bunch of people who have no actual desire to go through with it and write it themselves. These people are just here to raise their post counts, as they certainly won’t inspire anyone outside of, MAYBE, discussion on various abilities and other non-character/submission things. Second; for authors to refine their content in hopes of one day writing it.
As you might imagine we only really get one sort of poster here. Your would-be idea will likely be ignored if not outright mocked and, let’s be honest here, even if you come in with a plan to actually do it you’re going to flake, aren’t you? It’s a daunting task made all the worse by the variable nature of TiTs; if there was a single protaganist character you could write for? Sure! A faceless slate with potential-tits and naughty bits? Rather difficult, with the word count easily ranging upwards to five thousand at a simple minimum.
That’s a lot of work. It’s unlikely you’re going to do it. That’s fine, just temper your expectations and realize that, hey, you probably aren’t gonna inspire anyone./
– Forum God: Magic Ted, 2015
/The Ideas Subforum exists as a place to pitch concepts you intend to work on to the community, receive feedback and criticism on them, and then refine your ideas into a workable outline for the content you’re going to be making.
This is not a place to pitch ideas for characters/items/etc. you want, but will not create yourself.
Allow me to explain:
Trials in Tainted Space accepts community content submissions. You don’t need to know how to code to submit written content to TiTS (I sure don’t!), but having an understanding of the parser we use is a must. There are many, many submission documents you can look at for examples to base your own documents off of. My signature contains a repository of them. Specific writing guides can be found in stickied in Event Submissions.
This subforum is a good place to take an idea you’ve come up with, and would like to work on yourself, and pitch them. See if it’s actually a good idea, first and foremost, and allow other members of the community to suggest ways you could improve your starting idea. This process will help you save time by abandoning bad ideas, and help you to make the best quality submission possible from the ground up. Taking in feedback and making sweeping changes to your content after the fact is much harder than having a great starting point.
Once you have actual writing to share, start a topic in Event Submissions with a link to a publicly-viewable Google Document. This will allow community members to copy edit your work, and for coders to access it and implement it into the game.
Pitching ideas you do not intend to put the time and effort into writing is not the purpose of this subforum. You may do so, but expect a strongly negative response. Nobody is going to write your ideas for you: the people who can write have more ideas of their own than they can ever possibly write already; they don’t need or want yours.
The exception to the above is ideas for purely mechanical changes to the game. If you have ideas that would improve the way the game works, combat balance, class features, etc., this is the place to put them up for discussion./
-Savin the Master Analmander, 2016
Bruh you know no one’s gonna read that. You’re trying to hold back a tsunami with a Home Depot bucket.
I mean people obviously would ignore it no matter what, but at least now theirs a marginally higher chance that they will do the right thing.
Saying your idea is bad then dropping a novella on their heads isn’t gonna influence people to “do the right thing”. They’re just gonna do what they wanna do.
Alot of the comments here seem to want the same thing, expansion of existing/unfinished characters and features. So how about focusing on that instead of spending months going through backlogs of submissions while added almost nothing of note to the game?
you didnt read the main post all the way, did you? the submissions are FOR existing and unfinished characters.
I had a thought. To give more content towards Hand-so and Ithzan. After you save Hand-so from being destroyed.You could use her at a later point to help release Ithzan from her imprisonment in Doctor zoo’s simulation and then the two decide to become one entire virtualistic being together after seeing the similarities between themselves. They probably could gain a android body and become a new crewmate too.
I would love more urblog, lund, and chaurmine content please.
Actual question, does this cover things like adding content to miscreant manor? I had ideas of finding other people in there, and was wondering if I should start on that, since I don’t want to start stuff I’m not gonna be able to submit just yet.
Which NPCs I’d like to have more content?
Azra (the missing quest step), Bianca (let us finally really romance her) , Emmy, Penny, Fisianna (shy cat deserves muuch more love), Reaha, Amber, (deep breath), Kaede, Syri, The Crash Landing crew and Nykke. Just to name a few from a big, big list.
Plus, it’d be cool to have a ship strongly inspired by the Normandy SR2 from Mass Effect 😉 Lots of space for crew, good speed / agility / systems (*cough* EDI *cough*), and one awesome cannon. Maybe locked behind a longer quest or big amounts of credits.
Honestly…. Not sure why but I can’t seem to get enough of Mitzi, so as a suggestion I’d definitely like to see a possible Mitzi impregnation update in the future (especially considering how intimate the MC gets with her already, even with a Hard personality).
Correction: the above is my idea for more content for current NPCS, not a suggestion; I worded it as a suggestion by mistake so if you’d disregard that part, and not the rest, I’d appreciate it lol!
Literally reread my own comment 5 times before the growing cringe just became too unbearable, and I just had to correct myself xD kinda feel like I’m a bit bimbofied myself here…. get it? It’s a Mitzi mental state joke! 😛
I’d love to see more added to Ramis. Specifically I’d love to have more added to her “My captain is a sissy~” side. I have a trap character who just doesn’t feel like there’s enough content for that kink and the kinks Ramis hits (SPH, aggressive trap ‘abusing’ dommes, and the such.) I also think she’s one of the few characters you could possibly add some light cuckoldry play and not have it feel forced. An example being Oshkurn plowing Ramis while Steele has to sit there, watch, and not masturbate or cum. Else Ramis will ‘punish’ them. Just thought I’d throw that out there. If I can figure out how to get my forum account running again, I’ll try posting it to the idea sub forum.
Recruitable Briha, or at the very least allowing you to pay to buy her an apartment on Tavros or something. In either case, it will enable her to see her child(ren).
Feel terrible leaving her on Myrellion with no possibility for any decent future.
Also, Reaha pregnancy! Let Steele knock up his/her cowgirl waifu!
More hypno/mind control stuff.
Like with Lane, the subtuner, or anything.
Fisianna, the breeder’s bliss scene exists so why not have her get knocked up in that scene?
Anything which focuses on the more dom leaning characters Lane, blue viper, ardia etc and player focused mind control/brainwashing
Allow us to capture cockvines for repeating scenes and make the consentacles scene easier to get
I like many of the NPCs that were created here, especially the cutest and sexiest Ausars duo, Anno & Syri. As I have this preference, think there could be more quests, side missions or more sex scenes (although there are many so far, i can’t get away from these hot babes hehe)
In addition, Fisiana’s pregnancy would be very interesting, since our PC was a pioneer in all of her love life, being the mother/father of her puppies would be more than adequate…
More hot and fun scenes with Kaede, Paige and Saendra (foursome?) would also be very nice 😀
I know you won’t care but Fisi is a cat, so wouldn’t they be kitties?
That’s right lol Sorry ?
i wish there was a final fight if you became immobile because of your balls or dick or preg belly and or breasts if you lose you get the end game message if you win the enemy is forced to help you back to safety, (or if you lose you are taken to there lair or something but if you fail too much more times against them you will get a game over( also when you are safe you can get your sizes to there max size before your immoble)
Eitan becoming an Futazon would be nice (though I would like if I have control on the situation, let her ride you. Doggy style, etc.). You always encounter Milodan Amazon as an enemy in your travels at later levels (i.e. level 8 to level 10) but you don’t get anymore content from that other than the sex options of them. But I think Eitan will fix that missing piece for me. You can ask Eitan about your encounters with the “Milodan Amazon” here’s a rough draft of what I think it will go.
“Something has been bothering to your consciousness every time you look at Eitan. Whenever you look at him you recall of Uveto, Which is not a surprise, but you also think about those Milodan Amazons in your travels. “[Name] Steele” He suddenly asks. Crossing his arms. “Something in your mind? You seem a bit distracted.” You immediately snap out of your thoughts before you slowly nod at his statement. Yeah. You were distracted with something. Something that happens to be the place he lives in.
“Well? What is it? There’s not much going on over there other than my kind, the Korgonne trying to kill or mate with you. What about it?” You tell him that it’s actually about his kind.
You tell him that there are these Amazon Milodan women that has been suddenly appearing. “Amazon MIlodan?” He stares out in the distance a little bit before nodding. “I have been encountering them around in the wilderness. Never really thought much about them, [Name] Steele. They don’t seem to cause much trouble with me or my tribe…though now that I think about it, There are now more tribes that have the Amazon Milodan as Alphas because of that. Haven’t got one to challenge me yet. Though I will not hesitate to protect my right as alpha just because she was once a woman.”
You asked if he has heard of JoyCo before. He simply shakes his head at that question. “Other than Pyrite that gave me all the weapons for the Korg’ii hold. I never heard of another Corporation like that before, Why do you ask?” You then point out that JoyCo was apparently responsible from the sudden transformation of the female Milodan. They claim that apparently there was a sort of incident with tainted fluid that managed to get into Uveto’s ecosystem and apparently from what you’ve seen the elders told them to…swim? drink? you’re not sure. But the results they just…change completely. From a fertile woman to an absolute bitch breaking brute.” Eitan takes a moment to process it before shrugging it off. “As of right now my elders have yet to find such a fluid you speak of.” His stance suddenly becomes more aggressive than usual but not enough to sound angry, just stern. “If they ever consider taking the women in such a fluid I will immediately shut them up the moment the idea comes to them. If anyone in the tribe wants to be an alpha here is that they need to earn their right. Not by just slathering themselves in some corrupted river and easily that area with ease just because they’ve been given more muscle.” He then relaxes his stance before he continues. “In the end those Amazon are still apart of my people even if they are unique from the other Milodans. I have nothing against them. But as I said eariler, I will not stand down against them if they are looking for a challenge.” he looks at you with a question in mind. “What do you think [Name] Steele, What is your thoughts about them?”
There are three options you can pick to decide whether you want him to be an amazon or not.
-Love em (Small desc: You gotta admit, you like a woman built like a body builder)
-Neutral (Small desc: You have no real opinion about them. You just wanted to know Eitan’s thoughts)
-Grossed out (Small desc: You shiver at the thought of them)
If you pick love them you then go on about how much of a sexy beast they are. From the perfect muscle tones around their bodies. The giant mammoth between their legs. And the absolute curviness around their bodies. They have the tits, ass and hips of a brood mother yet they have the muscle and dominance of a Brute. You can’t describe it more to Eitan that you love them, a lot. This will make Eitan go in deep thought before dismissing you. Later on you’ll have the option to talk to Eitan about turning him into a futazon.
If you pick neutral there will be no changes and Eitan will simply dismiss you from the conversation. You can still have another chance of talking about it again if you change your mind later.
If you pick Grossed out you tell Eitan how much they are a fucking disgusting excuse for nature. You’d rather avoid them as much as possible. In this dialogue you can also try to convince Eitan are actually much worse than he thinks about them. And once you convince him he will agree on your statement and tells you that he’ll be sure to try to take care of the Futazon situation. Choosing this will then make the option of turning him into a Futazon will be removed from the game and once you enter in Uveto, because of you convince Eitan to take care of the Amazon Milodan. The Amazon Milodans will appear much less during your travels. Though if you don’t tell him anything he will simply shrug and state that it’s simply your opinion and you will have the option to talk about it again, though he will point out that you don’t like them previously and ask you if you still don’t like them now.
Okay! Now here’s the part to turn Eitan Amazon. Once you talked Eitan about the Amazon Milodan and tell him that you love them. A new option will appear. You can still talk about Amazon Milodan but you can’t change your opinion about them. Here will be the situation will be with Eitan.
“Eitan’s been in deep thought a lot lately. Normally whenever you travel around he looks around the area in amazement that rivals the curiosity of a child…or you should say cat. But recently he’s been staring out the window a lot. It seems like the only way to stop his train of thought is when you call him. You think it’s time to bring that up. So, you’ve asked him what’s going on in his mind right now. “[Name] Steele…” He Pauses for a moment. “I’ve been thinking about our talk about the Amazon Milodan In Uveto…and your opinion about them.” Well…You do have something to ask of him about that. He looks at you with interest in his eyes as he waits for you question. You take a deep breath before take it slowly to ask…Would he like to be one of them? “What.” He blankly states out, It wasn’t even a question. He just simply stated it out. He seems to be somewhat still at that question but not angry about it. The area goes silent save for the quiet droning of your spaceship. You take a deep breath again before you ask if he would like be a futazon.
You expected him to be mad at that or simply just deny the question. But instead, he just rubs his chin in thought. “It’s not that I hate The Amazon Milodan,[Name] Steele, But I never thought the concept of being One. It…just doesn’t sound right to me. I don’t really have a clear option to say “no” but I don’t know if I can say yes so suddenly. Think about it, it going to be quite a huge change for me. There could also be a risk that I wouldn’t be able to get back to my old self.” Ah. You get it. You tell him that you understand, it’s perfectly normal to deny such a huge change in their lives for one single person. Even if you are the captain, you have no rights to tell them how they should live their lives, let alone what they should look like. You tell him he’s dismissed for now and you were about to make you leave. But just the moment you had the chance. A giant white paw stops you from moving. You turn around and see Eitan who still has an unsure look in his eyes.
“Despite all of that though…I think this is for you to decide. After all it is fair to do something in return.” You were taken aback. Is he saying wants to do it for you? “Yes, [Name] Steele. after all the trouble you had to go through. From merely trying to talk to me to helping granting freedom to my people. You were stubborn all the way through to determine both The Korgonne and The Milodan to finally be in peace. And with such hard work. It’s fair that someone like you should be awared as such.” he puts his other hand on your shoulder. “I have not much to offer for you,[Name] Steele. But you asking me to become a futazon if all you ask. Who am I to deny the request.” He then suddenly gives you a bear hug. You can feel the heat emitting from his body and suddenly you’ve felt more warm than before. “What I’m trying to say is. [Name] Steele, Yes. I am willing to turn into a futazon if it’s what you want.”
You can help but smile at his request and pat his back a bit. You do feel a little bit of air being squeezed out so you tell him to let you go. As he does, the room starts to feel somewhat cooler than before. Though one thing does bother you a bit. What would his tribe think about it. To his response he just snorts. “An Alpha is still an Alpha as long as he proves him or herself to be one. And you did mention that this tainted fluid did give muscle, right? In the end this will ultimately make me stronger than before.” You nod at this and ask him what’s the next thing you two need to do. (this dialogue will change depending if you are in Uveto or not.) “Once we reach to Uveto. I’ll be ready to travel with you. I have heard where the main source of the tainted fluid could be but I can’t be too sure.” OR “Since we’re already in Uveto just let me prepare my equipment for the travels. I have heard where the main source of the tainted fluid could be at. Just let me know when you are ready to search with me.”
(this is a small thing but I hope this adds to the game) If your at a kind level you then suddenly stop him when he’s done talking. Is he saying he’s going to dump himself in that stuff? Doesn’t he knows the consciences of what that thing will do to him? Or how much taint he’ll be getting from it? You codex even goes off the charts whenever you once got near that fluid! “[Name] Steele, Do you know who I am? I’m not the average Milodan. I’ve been through worse areas than every Milodan has gone through before. If there’s any one that can handle this ‘taint’ you speak of it will be me.” You look at him for a bit before you sigh, well if he’s honest to his words then you’ll just suck it up.”
Once that is done there will be a quest where you and Eitan are trying to find the Tainted Fluid from joyCo. (If this idea will ever be implemented I will add more detail to this.)
After the quest Eitan will now become a Futazon. Since he’s already been muscular before. The Fluid will added up his (or should I say, HER!) muscle even more than before. Her chest that was once flat and chiseled has grown to be enormous, soft and firm. Her hips are now extremely wide with a very large and well shaped ass. And a cock that was already a proud size is now an absolute monster of a whopping 26 inches Over all her build is very athletics and at the same time very soft a perfect combination of being soft as a pillow and tough as a war machine.
There will now be new sex options. for you to choose but if you wish to peg her pussy you have to engage her in combat (which she will now level 10 due to the physique enhancement)
here are the new sex options for you to choose from. Most of the sex options will stay back when Eitan was still a man but some will be alter quite a bit.
-Ride Her (small desc: try to challenge yourself with that absolute monster that she just grew between her legs) No requirements, You will take damage like normal
-Get sucked (Small desc: Even if Eitan’s no longer a male. She still considers herself to be a man’s man, then everyone should know a real man shouldn’t be afraid to go down on their partner)
-Eat out (Now that she has a pair of lips under there. Make her sit on you and give it a test run.) Note: you will take damage from this due to her extreme weight she has gained)
-If you want to spread her pussy apart you’re going to have to beat her in a fight, (Though after three battles you can ask her if she doesn’t mind letting you being in control for sex if you don’t want to go through the hassle of fighting her)
After beating her in a fight you have the options to fuck her pussy.
-Fuck Ass (Small desc: Even with the new hole added on her body. There’s just something you can resist about her tailhole)
-Make her ride you (Small desc: Despite you being on top from the battle. You certainly don’t mind being the bottom when it comes to riding your tool) Note: You will take damage from this
-Doggy style (Small desc: even if she’s a cat you still want her to know what it feels like to be a dog.)
There will also be a cutscene that will play if you are in heat/rut!
Eitan will suddenly notice that the musk and scent of the ship has suddenly changed making her mind swim with need and lust.
-If Pc is a male. Eitan will suddenly push you into your room and go in a heat induced artless cowgirl ride until Steele passes out and more after that. (Note: This will make your health go all the way down to one and your energy will completely be drained. With the addition of taking your libido by 5 and take you out of rut.)
-If Pc is a Female. Eitan will suddenly push you in your room and spread your pussy with her massive tool and pounds Steele until she passes out and more after that. (Note: This will make your health go all the way down to one and your energy will completely be drained. With the addition of taking your libido by 5 and take you out of heat.)
-If Pc is a Herm. This will either trigger a 50/50 being the male or female cutscene. (Note: this will make your health go all the way down to one and your energy will completely be drained. With the addition of taking your libido by 5 and take you out of heat and/or rut.)
One last thing before I end this is Eitan having the chance of being pregnant or making Steele pregnant.
-The chances of her being pregnant is 0.5% with the base stats of cum quantity and quality but will increase from 0.5% to 99% depending how much cum and/or how effective your cum is. (for an example having your cum quantity to be 100 or quality to 110% to be will make the chances go up by 0.1%)
-The cutscene where Steele is in rut or heat will guarantee that Eitan or Steele will get pregnant.
And that’s about it. I really hope this is a descriptive enough idea for this game. I really hope that you don’t mind reading this too much. I don’t really know why I putted this much effort in this. But I did. So I hope you enjoyed reading this and keep in mind that the description is merely a rough draft.
Have a nice day! PS:Also I really have no clue where the submissions is I’m like…pretty new at this website and I had no clue what it meant by website. Still learning but I’ll be able to adapt.
I appreciate that you went through all the effort to write this up! I read the whole thing. As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Eitan allowing himself to be turned into a futa seems a bit out of character for him – he sometimes boasts about the body that he currently has, and he got it all through grit, hard work, and effort (and tons of sex. Like, just an enormous amount of fuckin’). Using some external factor to alter him, positive or not, would fly in the face of all the work that he’s done and make him question whether putting in all that effort to being strong enough to be made an Alpha was pointless.
That said! One of my ideas for a future character is Edrei, Eitan’s mom. Milodan can be natural futas, and it just so happens that Edrei, on top of being an (ex-) Alpha, is also a natural-born futa. So we’d have a character that is Eitan, but also a futa, and also a MILF. So we can have our cake and eat it, too.
Thanks for the response B!
Never thought this would actually get some attention. Also, thank you for putting your time reading this long paragraph about some dude wanting to have a futazon GF. The idea of Eitan’s mom caught my attention but the thing is I kind of want to take an amazon with me. I know there’s Ardia but she’s not really the type for me. I want to have an Amazon where there’s equal treatment rather than being completely a sub.
And about you saying that Eitan turning Amazon would be out of character is a bit disappointing for me a little but I understand. I rather take something similar than nothing at all.
Regaurdless, Have a nice day!
I think there should be a sex scene where a Psionic NPC temprarily switches bodies with the player.
Wouldn’t mind a few more scenes with our current crew roster.
Adding more acknowledgment and interactions with NPCs that get you or you get pregnant (like Shekka for example).
I’m not sure where the submission form is, but I’d love to see more Renvra content. Lots of untapped and sexy potential there with the politics of Myrellion, and Renvra being a mixed Myr-Nyrea. Especially if the MC is a Nyrea royal.
I feel like there are to little amount of stds in the game, there’s literally two furpies and sneezing tits. I feel like it would be cool for there to be more in the game to make for cool conditions for the character. Some of ideas would trans fever where if not cured would slowly transformed the body into that of the opposite sex. Also big dic/lil dick syndrome where every time you use your dick would slowly change it. I felt some species were left out like the only species represented were furpies which to this day I don’t know if it’s cat or dog. Another one I couldn’t think of a name was where the player slowly turns into a bimbo.
What if you do that the character can have pregnancies but in the breasts with the “Staphyl Injection”
Previous requirements:
-Have pussy-like nipples
-Have breasts
-Breast size MMM or more
And if the requirements are not met, the changes will be these:
-Cup A breast growths if they do not have breasts
-Increases lactation from 1 to 2 the milk production multiplier
-Change the type of normal milk or another type to transparent milk and win the “lubricated” flag
-Increase the size of the nipples
-Get the advantage “Over-Arousal” Description: While you are not pregnant, your breasts will gain the state of “Over-Arousal” increasing your fertility and lust, if combined with the state of “Heat” the state will be doubled and removed after being inceminated. Lujeria gain out of combat will gain an extra +10 and and during combat will gain +15
Could just do Rodenian pregnancies since they get pregnant in their breasts via ear sex first then can get pregnant again through regular sex.
Recruitable Briha! Or at the very least allow us to set her up with an apartment on Tavros or something.
Either way she’ll be able to interact with her kid(s).
Feels bad man, to leave her in no-myrs land on Myrellion, and seeing her give up her child to you while she remains behind.
Also, allows to impregnate Reaha! Wanna knock up the plump cow waifu!
Sorry about the double-post, thought the first didn’t get through.
More Narc content! And possibly a nyrean crew member? ( with the option of either gender?)
More with Ciaran, like pregnancy and marriage etc. would be amazing! Or Syri, would love to actually take her without her wanting that damn condom every time xD.
I would like to see a spinarran TF
Honestly all I can really ask for is more scenes for PC taurs. Def needs some special attention for the general interactions. Just feels like playing as a taur is a bit limiting
I need help, I am very computer inept but I am a okay idea person. But due to extreme shyness and extreme levels of self depricatiing low self esteem, I dont really have the thought that I have the skill to form my idea properly. Also idk how to use Google doc…..I’ll just give my timeline to make it short.
1. After the pirate ship and the capsule with the cousin event you find a hidden cavern area that was hidden until those events caused a disturbance.
(I have some new monster ideas too. A lamia style creature race or naga race. That have lived there unbeknownst to the other creatures there.
2. The caves not too big but it can gain the MC some money for discovering the new alian species you can name. Whatever you want, and the very back of the cave has a cache though that belongs to a ship that has crash landed there long ago. It has a beacon that has died long ago. But could possibly be repaired if you could find a Machinist?
3. Other stuff includes some armor and a few weapons that the MC can’t fit or use yet. The seem to fit a winged species who are slime but tall if it is ment for a adult of the species. The weapons don’t seem damaged but it can seem to function.
4. If you haven’t figured it out yet. You need aurora hell to get it to work and it would allow a new costume for her. This isn’t a lead to parents ill just say it now. But now you have some stuff that only works with sonic sounds made from a bat race. With some fiddling the items can be molded to work with the mc, you’ll need it for the location that the beacon leads you.
5 A Ship in the corner of known space. Sneaking on is going to lead to a fight, heading straight in with your presence known leads to the captain asking you to get into his ship, “Come with me for a ride on Meedik.”
6. Finding their beacon and what happened to their crew gains you Captain TBDs trust. Leading him to share his reason to be there. And also the trouble that they are in.
7. Help with the trouble, discover a new planet, destroyed almost completly by the problem. Gain some new stuff that now can be sold by aurora if you bring them to her.
I am now loosing the nerve to hit enter…..oh lord… it.
I had a fun idea regarding T.
If you approach him with the Treated and Dum4Cum flags while still lucid, he gives you an event proposition. He’ll ask you to accompany him to a New Texas planetary business negotiation where he’ll use you as an example of New Texas girls not all being dumb bimbos.
While at the meeting, T explains that you have to show that you’re smart, but you also have to show off the best of New Texas as well. To that end, he has you give a presentation in front of the group of a dozen or so men while he openly fingers you.
Eventually, he stands up and rips open your blouse to fondle and milk your tits.
And the final act is him bending you over the table and fucking you raw as everyone looks on.
You’re given the option to give into pleasure or keep a straight face during every point at which T manhandles you during the meeting.
The end of the event takes place back in T’s office. He’s on the phone while you blow him. If the negotiation went poorly (give into the pleasure) he is disappointed but blames himself. If you acted professional and keps a straight face as he fucked you, he’s excited an you get a bonus scene where he spends the remaining day rewarding you.
For sluts who give into the pleasure, they rewarded a T-family branded nose ring.
Those who remained professional are rewarded with a pair of T-family branded nipple rings.
Maybe something more with Beatrice Reasner. You can get a challenge coin from her as a key item but there’s nothing else currently connected to it or the character. For an idea around the characters return, I don’t know, maybe saving her ship and crew after it has been boarded by the Black Void and use the challenge coin as proof that you’re an ally. I’m not really great with ideas though just mor of that character would be nice.
Would it be possible to submit variations to existing scenes that acknowledge the player’s different configurations? (Stuff like having a bunch of tentacle dicks, or being Tauric, or having a Tailcock/Pussy, Lipples, or a long tongue, etc)
I would like to see Zephyr getting some Love. Or at least maybe she should be able to offer the Player the Treatment after a few Times together or when Steele gets Pregnant. Since the Treatment does Drastic Changes, it should’ve been a Player Choice (Yes/No). It would be very cool to get this way treated, because its much more immersive.
I kind of made this suggestion in the “What Content Would You Like Added?” forum, though a far better approach. I really want this to happen.
Can our character have a relationship with Warden Kasmiran and free Gastigoth prisoners? She could send Steel on a dangerous (level 11 adventure) mission that will get her to start a close relationship with Steel after completion. After some time, she would be having Steel participate in an experiment. Her experiment would be seeing if extremely dangerous criminals can be rehabilitated without any mind altering techniques and torturous training (like Doctor Illustria Po.) Seeing that Steel completed her mission, means that Steel is powerful enough to handle and rehabilitate Gastigoth’s most dangerous prisoners. She would pull strings into making Steel into an official probation officer and getting him/her/them a license in Criminal Rehabilitation. Steel could have Gastigoth’s prisoners as part of the crew under the legal law of probationary release (prisoners such as Captain Khorgan, Tam, Sam, Kaska, R.K Lah, and maybe a few extra characters that weren’t part of the sex program). With our influence, we can rehabilitate them and explore their characters, plus a few extra sex scenes. They can even have a surprisingly touching scenes at the Nursery with the children we had with them.
Implementing a questline to recruit Gel Zon from Uveto, where you can see the temple of the Stormguard, and get a better understanding of the lore behind the religion… I think that it would be interesting to see it. Maybe there’s like a boss fight before you can take him away from there etc?