Consider enjoying all the pixels for this upcoming CG from ToonNik on our Patreon.

The lovely folks on the CoC2 team pushed out a patch today as well!

Now that the train dungeon is out of pipe, the content must flow regularly once more! (Check below the changelog for discussion of ongoing work that didn’t make it in for this patch!)

0.9.107 Changelog:


  • [Backers] The Dracow Family has been expanded to allow you to spend time with them in a more one-on-one way. As before, you can bump into these lovely ladies on the pastoral getaway better known as New Texas! Written by Sil the Dragon Lover and coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Anno’s advanced anal training is now available for all!
  • [Public] Calia is now public!
  • [Public] Tanis’s Expansion is now public!

  • UI scroll should be preserved when moving between states – which should reduce how often you see things like the combat window rapidly scrolling itself back to the bottom when exiting inventory. (Jacques00)
  • RK Lah and the Zil Hoverfly had their combat scripts updated to better handle non-PC targets. More NPCs will continue to get overhauled! (Fenoxo)
  • Added missing “requires exploration” tags to a few rooms on Mhen’ga. (Jacques00)
  • A few Kineticist abilities were not properly set up to proc Psytuned Vitality and have been fixed. (Gedan & Fen)
  • A few Kineticist abilities were polling pc.willpower() instead of pc.psiWillpower() which resulted in them having lower than expected values for certain character configurations. (Gedan & Fen)
  • Updated some items that suggest viewing a codex entry to be able to pull up the respective codex entry before using the item. (Jacques00)
  • The creature “isCyborg()” check was updated to actually include cybernetic implants, and several enemies were tagged with a status effect to guarantee they would count as cyborgs. The primary beneficiary of these changes is the “Static Strike” ability. Should you notice this failing to stun a cyborg (who is not stun immune), their stat-line may need updating. (Fenoxo)
  • Deployable Turrets should now scale with player statistics. Instead of having a fixed aim and physique, the turret will derive its aim from the player’s intelligence and its physique from the player’s willpower. Given the Turret’s original aim was 35, this should represent a nice buff for higher level techies. (Fenoxo)
  • Deployable Turrets will now scale their weapon base damage with level, remaining at 15 for level 12 players and increasing by 1 for each level beyond. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed Myrna the Christmas Korg’s year tracking. (Jacques00)
  • Tweaks to how Huskar Treats interact with the “ausar” race value. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes to Carmelita’s size checks for certain sex scenes. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixes for MascOff (lowercase donkey)
  • Addressed a potential issue with Queen of the Deep’s “Surrender” option not switching out of combat UI as intended. (Jacques00)
  • The Appearance preference options were cluttered, so we split them into three separate sub-menus (preference, physical and accessories). (Jacques00)
  • An option to change the frequency of the Ultra-Exhibitionist event log notes was added (as players with characters that have full libido may be annoyed by it over time). (Jacques00)
  • Some items were tagged as “unused” which will prevent them from being loaded with cheats.
  • Update most all items that generate menus to return to the Inventory after being used, where applicable. This has been extensively tested for all affected items, so hopefully little to no bugs will appear. (Jacques00)
  • The automated color selection (rbgSelColor()) has been updated to pass in an item object. (Jacques00)
  • Split EasyFit’s transformation actions from the transformation text since the transformative can be used outside of the item in Mirrin’s content. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for comparing ship statistics. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a potential Paige crash. (Gedan)
With that out of the way, allow me to pull back the curtain on what we’re doing that didn’t make it in:
  • I worked up a map for the next segment of Phaedra’s explorable wilds, and I’ve also been chipping away at the backlog of room descriptions for Phaedra’s existing regions. Expect to see a 20-30 of those fill in all at once next patch.
  • I’ve also been working at coding an event Adjatha wrote up similar to the existing post-party event, featuring a Peer and her custom-modified XO. There’s even a scene that’s wildly different depending on which of the Zaibatsu (Megacorps) you aligned yourself with at the party.
  • I also opened up paid commission writing to fill out encounters in the new area for our most regular community authors. They’ve gotten to peep at the new zone map and everything. For now, I will simply promise that Divrani are going to get more representation.
  • ToonNik is now working on a panty CG for my favorite TiTSy fox: Penny. I requested bigger breasts when I saw the sketch, because of course I did.
  • Jacques00 has been poking at a full map. Thanks to how the map data was reorganized for the javascript version, this is a much more doable task than it was in Flash.
  • Jacques00 has also toyed at another feature I’m not going to name until I’m sure it’ll be added, but just know that I think it’s neat.
  • Gedan has been puzzling over some save file issues and deep code bugbears in a continual quest for stability and reliability.
  • Adjatha continues to crank out amazing work and evaluate the user submissions.
  • William is tagged in on Adjatha’s latest write-project. Details to be revealed~