Art by: Adjatha
Couple of very productive discussions have happened over the last week that I’ll summarize as quick as I can:
We’re changing speech formatting to be similar to CoC2; that is we’re going to move from disabling italics for emphasis to bolding the emphasised words.
I’m gonna spend some time figuring out how to best get some animations we’ve collected over the years into the game and as part of the image pack.
We figured out what we want to do finally when it comes to displaying embedded images, mostly as a consequence of really needing to do something about it for the animations.
Feedback about Jasvalla has kind of crystallized into a few points that I’ve made with the rest of the team and I think I have a really solid way to explain it when it comes up; it’s a difficult thing to really pin down and explain in a succinct fashion, but it’s very much a case of “when you see it, you know it” kind of deal. This has already had a few knock-on effects on upcoming content to avoid some of the issues raised.
Ideas™ were shared about how we handle race-determination for the player; the current scoring system has become more unwieldy as it’s had to grow to encompass an ever-expanding list of potentials, and some of the options are now at the level of needing a byzantine level of specificity to get them. I think we have a direction to clean this up finally that will provide greater choice to you as the player though!
I’ve been in the bug-fixing mines most of the week, I think Fen has been clobbing away at the Zika Gangers a bunch, and I know Savin turned in the first of the documents for NextPlanet, Will has been putting the final polish on EvilBun, Adj is still delivering consistent good draws all over workchat on the regular, and Jacques has successfully managed to not drive himself insane continuing to work on the playing card faces, so it really feels like everybody is getting back up to speed post-port.
TiTS 0.9.011:
- Backer: The first part of the Zheng Shi operations deck is now available, featuring a layout for the sprawling quarters belonging to the officers, gang leaders, and other high-ranking criminals running ZS. (Will & Leek)
- Backer: Nonesuch has written a series of orgies for the OpsDeck with a unique character included. (Nonesuch & Leek)
- Public: Narc’s expansion is now available to the public; it’s a new quest that ultimately unlocks the ability to give her a dongle of her very own, and a few new scenes to go along with it. (Fr0sty & Gedan)
- A metric ton of various fixes for Jasvalla have been rolled out, along with a few general nerfs and having an easier time disabling her via Penny. (Leek, DrunkZombie & Gedan)
- A bunch of fixes have been made to the inventory and shop displays to better handle selling ship weapons, interacting with a few items, and ensuring weird things don’t happen when you hit the escape key. (Gedan)
- Inessa’s belt is properly shown. (Gedan)
- A few blackjack win/loss state disagreements have been cleaned up, and the ability to bet custom values has been re-added, although its implementation is not ideal. (Gedan)
- Penny’s crew menus should work again properly.
- A few more changes have been made to save-loading to handle saves in weird states, and there’s a new request for your browser to allow “persistent data”, which should help with instances of your browser just deciding to clean out your save slots. (Gedan)
- Eitan sparring should work as expected. (Gedan)
- There’s been a few minor changes to how race scores are calculated. We’ve discussed a larger overhaul that may make it in over the following weeks. (lowercase_donkey)
- A few more creatures have had their utility methods glommed together into their creature object. (lowercase_donkey)
- Mitch has had a few more content tweaks and issue clean-ups. (lowercase_donkey)
- Dizzy will no longer annihilate your ship crew menu. (Gedan)
- Chased down a long-lingering “ballFullness is NaN” issue. (Gedan)
- Some missing breedwell functions have been returned. (DrunkZombie)
- Cum-bubbles should be throwable at enemies again. (DrunkZombie)
- Charged Shields should work correctly. (DrunkZombie)
- The start of a system to be able to embed images in mails is coming along; a discussion happened around embedding images in general so there should be updates to that effect soon. (Gedan)
- And a bunch of other little bits and pieces all over the game.
Mitch still stops progressing after condition talk..?
Or am I just missing the right item, I thought the equine item would help it..?
The rest of the content isn’t in the game yet.
“Feedback about Jasvalla has kind of crystallized into a few points that I’ve made with the rest of the team[….]” – do you care to elaborate about the nature of that feedback, and/or the points? Are they code guidelines, writing guidelines, or conceptual guidelines?
I ask because if you think about it, Steele already has one crazy stalker (Gel Zon the Stormlancer), but at least he isn’t trying to totally own Steele, just beat Steele in battle. And at least he has the decency to realize when he is outclassed and back off a bit; Jasvalla doen’t take the hint, even when she’s 0 for 4, and getting pretty much taken out in 3 (Psychic Shock, Tease, Tease – and down she goes). Perhaps if she would change her tactics like Gel does, she might be a bit more palatable.
Are you sure that Teasing a crazy stalker is the best way to get them to back off? Seems to me that might be taken as just playing hard-to-get.
Gel Zon is also limited to one planet and you can decline to fight him.
Rather my point: Gel takes the hint, and backs off when Steele can repeatedly kick his well toned ass. You would think that someone who considers themselves A Big Bad Alpha, after repeatedly being reduced to a puddle of lust and then DPed into betadom would start reconsidering her choices.
Although that would be an interesting path: make defeating her physically and then walking away have a different outcome. I never tried it, since she’s so easy to take out the other way.
Also, I noticed that if I go to Penny and report her, after I get video of the act and Penny says she’ll handle it, I still have the drone tagging along – it doesn’t get removed from inventory. A drone hanging around filming my every move? – how very Captain Lincoln Stern!
As far as ways to get them to back off go, expecting regular logic work on crazy stalker might be rookie mistake, though. For all we know, teasing them could actually be effective because already-slutty Steele doesn’t look like they’ll be enough of an attitude-adjusting challenge and that’s boring.
personally i would love if after kicking her butt multiple times could get her to agree to a part-time fuck(dom)buddy relationship (especially since my steele is owned by at least three other people)
What was the issue with Jasvalla other than the bad end? I enjoyed her content and the only real downside is the bad end. She’s hunting Steele and pretty easy to avoid.
She’s a domme upfront and you know what you’re getting. I’d say bring on more of her and maybe a way to lead her to a crew position. Her vs Ardia or the two of them joining forces to heel Steele would be hot
The original way to opt out of her content was long and involved. Not everyone is into this kind of content and should be able to opt out without a lot of hassle.
Gel Zon’s not a stalker! All he wants from you is a good fight. The only similarity he has to Jasvalla is that he has a dynamic reaction system based on how much you’ve been kicking his ass or vice versa.
Will Jasvalla get a bust image?
how do you start the questline with narc to give her a dongle?
Is Verusha’s expansion public yet?
Will the bosses from the sidewinder make an appearance in the operations deck?
just entered the ops deck(love the deadpool moment :p )
Deadpool moment?
cheeky forth (broken) wall comment when you first enter concerning LDC/shock hopper victory loot
Some questions on Jasvalla.
1. Is there anything from stopping me from just not going to her after being given her adress or does she start hunting me down sometime later to punish me for not coming to her?
2. Is there a way to tell how strong the my addiction to her is? (like Ardia’s dominance counter in the codex)
3. Is there plans to use the Beta satisfaction and withdrawal status effects like Ardia does and is there going to be some sort of interaction between them? (like you can’t get addicted to one if you already are for the other or something like that)
Is Jasvalla available to the public? I see all these comments about her, and I’m curious what’s going on with her content. It’s not like there isn’t other dom characters in the game, let alone dom characters that have a bad end.
She’s a dzaan that approaches you and admits up-front that she’s going to stalk you and addict you to her, in a very public place.
Oh I see. I don’t see why that’s a problem though?
I believe what they were asking is, “is Jasvalla available in the public release of the game?”
I think it is safe to say that she is not in the public build. In 15 minutes of going around the elevators she has not appeared to me in Tavros on a new character.
That bust is Itzhan right? Any new content for her?
That was intended for a path where you download her from Dr. Po’s machines and load her up as an AI elsewhere.
Sadly, the author who was going to do that left TiTS and all such plans have been cancelled. So, no new content. Just a sample of what might’ve been.
Ah that sucks. I would have loved to get her out of the simulation as I loved the brief time we got with her character
cheeky forth (broken) wall comment when you first enter concerning LDC/shock hopper victory loot
Oooof, that’s a massive shame, was hoping for a VR replay of Aulandia like how the other encounters have replayable VR via the mindwash visor. But save files work just as well haha
I’m with parko666 though, would loved to have her out of the simulation as well.
Hopefully there can be a more appropriate android or cyborg race this go around?
Whatever happened to giving Anno a phallus? I know a fair while back Fen mentioned he made progress on getting that to be ok’d. Just curious about where that went.
Fen was/is going to do it but may or may not because he’s taken a step back from writing.
Nowhere. It’s dead, Jim.
It bothers me that Steele can walk into the slave pens on the ops deck loaded for bear – armor, multiple weapons, grenades of various sorts, advanced Codex – and these items just *disappear* when Steele gets subby, and just *reappear* later. Nobody steals them, nobody even notices them. At least there should be a scene of Steele hiding them somewhere; better still would be to require the player to ditch them before the scene. Imagine Steele walking from the ship up to the ops deck unarmed and unclothed! or maybe just hiding them in the pile of equipment before the scene. Or, if using Nova, saying “hey Nova, would you hold on to all this stuff for me for a bit?”
Or maybe Steele should find an add-on Somebody Else’s Problem field generator for the Codex.
Sadly the suspension of disbelief has to get stretched as much as any sexual partner.
True, that. Then there is the whole Sidewinder issue: you STOLE the main reason this facility exists, and then, you just fly it on back in. After defeating Teyaal, nothing happens – nobody is looking at this ship in the hanger and saying “duuuuh, isn’t that the ship that just got stolen? Maybe I should do something about that?”
Again, just a blurb of flavor text: “As you walk into the station, Dr. Teyaal’s voice blares over the PA: ‘This is rumor control. The rumor that the Sidewinder has been stolen is incorrect. We have transitioned the project to the live testing stage, with an outside contractor conducting stress tests. Anybody interfering with those tests will be subject to a week in the pleasure pens. This is rumor control!”
Simpler explanation, the pirate code of whoever stole it owns it
It’s a base full of Pirates and you kick the ass of all the higher-ups and the patrols…you take the Mantle of “King” and DON’T snitch on them, why would they try to fuck with you???
Not that reporting the base is even an option, but still…
Not sure if I’m doing something wrong but I can’t find Jasvalla on the elevator and I can’t find the new ops deck. I’m pretty sure I’ve progressed through all the storyline stuff up to this point so I’ve absolutely talked to Flahne and I’ve swiped the Sidewinder but I can’t spot any new areas on ZS and I’ve spammed my way up and down the Tavros elevator with no luck.
Are you a backer? Since these two content are backers only at moment.
Yeah I’m on the backer build
Maybe try a new play through and see if the Dzaan lady turns up.
Is mobile version going to get an update any time soon. I don’t know if there been one in the last six months.
There is no “mobile version” anymore, there’s just the game. That was part of the whole point of porting it to JS/HTML5. Just go to the play page.
The only separate version now is the Electron build for Windows which replaces the Adobe Air version as a standalone app.
So I’m level 10 and I’m in Zhang and I can’t find Jas. It keeps saying you have a feeling of being watched but she never pops up. I met her in the elevator, in M’genha and ever since then she disappeared. What happened?
pretty sure that blurb is for lorelei, for jas just cycle through the encounters in the first floor of zheng shi’s enemy zones till her name pops in the character window and after that i think theres a cool down on subsequent encounters
Any chance we’ll meet the Shock-Hopper and LDC in ops at some point?…
Is libido broken cant lower at all
Are you sure you haven’t done something to prevent that? Becoming tainted makes it impossible to lower, and some substances in game will temporarily set minimum lust levels. (Red myr venom notably.)
Speaking of Penny, do you think in the future we could be able to drop her off at Bizzy’s if we get her to quit her job and become a camwhore on the ship? In a similar way to Mitzi and Dizzy, giving us a little boost to the income from Bizzy’s streaming.