Plap! (By ToonNik)

Good tidings, my bosomy brethren!

I come with a progress update on Phaedra’s train adventure (and an update for the game, see patch notes further down). Progress hit a snag this week as scenes procured via paid writer needed some huge edits, almost rewrites. Since significant chunks of phrasing needed almost completely rewritten, I had to kick them back to the original author for refinement. That’s been handled, and the scenes are being integrated now. The second major fight of the dungeon got some art variation to support phase change in the fight itself and tweaks to the introduction to support the art & combat.

I’m not going to offer an ETA because I honestly cannot place one. I work through one encounter at a time and have been polishing the earlier half of the content while other coders have been tweaking in a more wholistic manner. It feels like we’re getting close, it’s hard to see past the blinders of my own works.

The rest of the team continues work apace, providing us with some Mindstream content for Dhaal’s brothel and the promise of a new Phaedran soon (tm).

0.9.100 Changelog:

  • ANDROID WARNING: Due to changes made to our deployment pipeline, the new version cannot access old save slot data. Make sure to back up with save to file before updating!
  • [Backers] Experience Dhaal’s infamous Mindstream entertainment at Paragon Playground! To give it a shot, select the ‘VR Space’ option the Paragon Playground’s menu. (Written by William, coded by Leek.)
  • [Public] Velta’s Workout Option
  • [Public] Edan’s Bi-curious Expansion
  • [Android] Gedan reworked the android build deployment for both TiTS and the CoC2 folks to better keep up with Google’s bullshittery.
  • New Bust: Horkenn (by Adjatha)
  • New CG: Gabilani Cyborg loss (see this post’s image, by ToonNik)
  • Siegwulfe’s “Domwulfe” mode should now activate whether you are carrying her or not while in “Crew Toy” mode. (Leek)
  • Gravitational Anomaly now applies the kinetic-reduction effect on all foes when upgraded. (Fenoxo)
  • Restored missing combat texts for Goo Armor. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixes for Tika vanishing for public build players. (lowercase donkey)
  • More blinding attacks now respect blind immunity. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed stubborn Shalin Shaman issues that have persisted because of an obvious oversight on how the Shaman’s data connects between the two halves. (Gedan)
  • Olympia’s “Crew Toy” content should be fixed. (Not sure who to credit, but I was told at meeting it was fixed! -F)
  • Fixed bug which caused Deepsea Lab elevator to be open/closed incorrectly. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Fixed bug in Deepsea Lab airlock to ocean that allowed use without depthsuit. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Various fixes to Flurry’s pureblood pregnancy. Correct scene variants should now be used and codex will increment pureblood kips. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Cleaned up some Phaedran codices with references to “Xandam”.
  • Buttloads of fixes and tweaks to combat systems! Having both Gedan and I chunking at big, multi-NPC fights has done a lot to reveal minor issues we can sand down. (Gedan & Fenners)
  • And many more smaller fixes for things like lone typos, slight word adjustments, etc. (The Team)