Killjoy08 took a more direct approach to getting questions answered by me than most. The short answer is that I didn’t write them and struggle hard enough supporting tail genitals! Still, if anyone wants to write scenes for existing NPCs based around tentacle fucking, I’m game!
I finished writing the traditional penis-based victory scene for the new rival & bodyguard encounter (~3,000 words) and the vagina-based one (~1700 words). Very good day for writing. The first scene definitely spun out a bit longer than I intended it to be. I still want to do one for people that have “too big” endowments (because I’m all about that stuff), after which I’ll be diving into putting the encounter to code.
We also had some discussions about the ship systems which have been sidelined for quite some time as a result of real life being a dick to Gedan and most of the remaining work being UI focused. I made the executive decision (for the moment) to cut the detailed customization and ship part collecting aspect from the systems for now to minimize the amount of UI work that will need to be done in order to push for faster access to obtainable ships – something we really need with Zheng Shi coming to a head.
In place of bespoke customization of parts and rooms, we’re going to have ships come with predefined weapon/equipment loadouts. Later I’d like to have Vahn allow the option to swap them out for some other predefined loadouts in order to maintain some customization until we can get things straightened out on the UI front. For instance, you could have Vahn swap out your CassTech’s loadout so that some of the crew rooms are replaced. Nobody likes building new UIs.
Take all this worth a grain of salt. We had some intense discussion about this during the afternoon, but like all things in development, our goals for the design are liable to change and adjust to the realities of our project.
That picture doesn’t fail to make me laugh.
Soooo, moar rooms or moar guns?
So detailed customization and ship part collecting will still be added, but only after the basics of the ship mechanics are in?
Not committing to it. I definitely want to have a broad “swap to cargo variant of this ship” or “swap to smuggler” variant at minimum though.
Swap engine and engine parts too…?
With how much love sweat and tears you guys put into TiTS already I’m surprised you guys even want to think about customizable ships in any regard. Though I honestly wouldn’t mind just having to buy or acquire/”Acquire” ships with a pre-set loadout. Give them all a “Personality” through their individual stats or equipment. I dunno.
So long as you all don’t kill yourselves doing it, I’m happy with whatever you all decide to do. I’ll be there to bug test and play test the shit out of it regardless.
My only thing is that i’m not looking forward to having to kick crewmembers out(but then again, i don’t interact with most of them nearly enough for it to be important)
No more Harem TARDIS. There will be many tears shed for the loss of the CassTech Harem TARDIS.
They don’t make them like they used to.
At the end of the day, this isn’t a game with a set release date or time constraints so if it takes you three or more months to get what you creatively want in your game done then take that extended time because a rushed game is forever bad but a delayed game can be a masterpiece. The theme of your game thus far from beginning to “end” has been about maximum customizability and little to no restrictions for the most part so if your original development plan is to have detailed ship customization then take the time to make it, we the community might bitch and moan sometimes when we get a little too antsy for the next update but as long as you appease us by telling us a bit of what you’ve done thus far then you’ll satisfy us until you finish and let me tell you whenever I have become antsy for these updates and you come out with exactly what you guys wanted to do it shows and I have an amazing time playing it… so do not only us but yourselves a favour and take your time to finish everything because you may come to regret putting this bit of content off and just not getting around to fixing/putting it in, as the saying goes if your gonna do it get it done right. This is in no way me telling you to rush or cut corners to get it done… if Gedan is having real-life troubles then that just means the update will take longer to make and that’s fine take care of yourselves you can’t make great games if your homeless or dead 😛
The only major restrictions have been semi-logical ones, like certain NPCs not being able to take dicks bigger than a certain size, or certain sex scenes being limited based on what genitals you have (I.E: No Double Penetration scenes if you don’t have an actual dick (though also no DP scenes if you have 1 dick and a pair of Hardlight strap-on-equipped underwear, which, while it does make some sense from a technical standpoint, does not make sense from an immersion standpoint.)).
Can’t forget about how the NPCs have their sexual preferences to certain extents which is great from an immersion/narrative standpoint as well. 🙂
I seem to recall crew capacity was supposed to be a thing, and we only have infinite crew space right now because we didn’t have any of the other ship upgrade/swap stuff in. Does this change mean we’re going to be limited on how many crew each ship can hold (one of those loadout swaps being something like item storage for waifu storage?), or is that still going to be on hold/scrapped?
More than likely. Which is going to be a sad day, as the CassTech will no longer be a Harem TARDIS.
YES! Weeee… Ships!
I mean id prefer it to have full costumization but come out later but i’m a nobody and you are the devs so you know better. Anyway THANK YOU for the hard work.
Love the game and rly happy with all the parts of it.
Truly love it to bits, I swear when my friend asks me what fantasy world you wanna live in cuz of the whole isekai genre boom i tell him TiTS.
Again thanks. :3
Welp been waiting for ships for a while now so this is great news! Predefined loadouts could be awesome too at least until the UI gets sorted 😀
So does this confirm that we are getting the ship in Zeng Shi as a reward? Also is there any chance of getting preggo content for Kiro/Kally with a Half Kui-tan Steele?
So, with ships coming in the nearish-future, are we going to see the end to cramming every follower in the game on my “3 person” Casstech?
Pretty much booting crew members. They are going to place limits depending on the size of your current ship. Only the largest of ships the PC can acquire will probably be able to hold your harem :p
“largest of ships” so basically TITS Enterprise ^_^
I’m hoping with the advent of ships coming, we will get some ships with a large crew capacity. even if it is at the detriment of other important parts >.>
Though it will probably be a long time till we get something like the enterprise if at all.
P sure that thing has crew complement counted in the hundreds, if not thousands. Even the smaller iterations of the Enterprise in the early series were pretty EKSBAWKS HUEG.
Quick look at the Wiki’s Crew category says we’re not even at twenty yet – and that’s counting things that don’t really have life-support and habitat needs like the NANOMACHINES SON armor and Siegwulfe robutts. The roster needs to expand pretty considerably to not readily fit into an appropriately outfitted modest-sized vessel…
Mind you most of them are totally unqualified for actual crew duties so bigger vessels ought to need a high degree of automation (Roomba, I choose you!) and/or a pile of nameless deckhands and technicians to actually keep things running.
The only thing I really ask about ships is to allow us to keep the harem until the ship mechanics are completed and we can upgrade it to properly fit everyone. I don’t want to upgrade to a version with ships and then have to wait however many patches before I can upgrade back to full harem status.
Would it be possible to have slots for ship positions and have that be limited but just have unlimited waifu storage? Seems unnecessarily limiting on what’s supposed to be at it’s core a waifu/husbando game. Especially since it’s been years and people have amassed harems having to boot them out all of the sudden is a negative game interaction. If there’s a planned ship to get at Zheng Shi or whatever, at the very least make that ship have enough waifu storage so people with storied files won’t be shot in the dick because they’ve kept up with the game for a long time.
Will Slab Bulkhead’s subplot be integrated into this system?
I plan to do a full update to the shiplot once ship mechanics are released. Once it’s done, I’m sure it’ll go through the usual process, and hopefully Fen & Co. will like it. 🙂
When you say shiplot, it makes me think of the one in Firefly. Not sure why tho.
The latest version I can download for IOS is 7.28. Am I doing something wrong?
“I made the executive decision (for the moment) to cut the detailed customization and ship part collecting aspect from the systems for now to minimize the amount of UI work that will need to be done in order to push for faster access to obtainable ships – something we really need with Zheng Shi coming to a head.”
I thought the plan was for there to eventually be, like, two different destinations one could go to in order to get each probe? If so, does this mean that Zheng Shi’s counterpart will also give the player a new ship? Why does the fact that Zheng Shi is supposed to give you a ship necessitate the expedited inclusion of the ship system? Can’t the ship just be added later? Not complaining, just curious.
You know everyone’s all excited for the new ships and stuff but don’t forget, your Casstech Z18 may look a little beat up but don’t forget can hold all your girlfriends already.
Except that it’s only supposed to hold 3(?) people total. It can hold an unlimited number currently only because there aren’t any other ships available.
This all sounds pretty damn good. 😀 And I like the idea that we might have to swap ships to do certain things, like having one for lots of cargo and one for ship battles. Steele building up a fleet during their travels seems like it would add to the journey.
Just had an idea: will we be able to keep set crews on the ships? Like if we have two ships, could we set (for example) Anno as pilot on one and Syri as pilot on the other, so when we take out a different ship, those characters are already there? I think that could solve some of the problems with wanting to bring everyone along but not having enough room on one ship.
So, sort of like No Man’s Sky where you can have different types of smallcraft with specific items in their inventory determined by ship function, i.e. fighter, hauler, explorer, etc.
if you are goin to go down this idea path then you might as well run with Steele having a fully fledged fleet with drop ships and everything… a fleet that grows in number via the number of harem companions and the number/size of the ships they will be crewing plus actual nameless crew that you can hire to crew them as well
the example would be the main flagship being your biggest ship and the others following you in formation and once your flagship gets too big to land/dock on/in planets and stations you instead get dropped planetside/stationside via a small/medium/large shuttle
(I wish I could just edit my past posts) the whole shuttle thing also facilitates travel from ship to ship
I wasn’t thinking of anything that complicated. More like this:
1. You can own more than one ship at a time.
2. Each ship can have X crewmembers, and they fulfill different roles, and the game remembers where everyone is and makes sure they’re there when you go from one ship to another.
3. You can change ships whenever you land – whoever’s flying your other ship(s) lands along with you. So if you know you’re going into space combat, you can swap to the fighter, not the cargo ship.
There’s nothing wrong with what you’ve said, but I think it’s out of the game’s scope. I just figured having more than one ship would mean more crew and more fun with the ships, so you’re not stuck with just one.
It’s not necessarily as complicated as you think to do the fleet thing for this game since we are dealing with only text and not full 3d rendering the interior and exterior of a dozen or more ships. since all the grunt work on each ship when they are released will already be done its pretty simple to just have them be around when you go place to place
TBH unless Fen & Co. intend to eventually turn this into a bootleg Elite game (IN TEXT!!!) I’m not seeing much point in using anything but the most formidable ship (likely to heavily overlap with the one having the most berth space for waifus/husbandos) you’ve aquired – cargo space beyond basic storage lockers is meaningless if you’re not playing Space Truck Simulator hauling bulk cargo after all. (Which… probably isn’t what most people fire this game up for.)
And I dunno ’bout you but I find doing the weekly round picking up the salary from Sera and the bag-o-gems from Taivra’s Love Shack tedious enough already…
You could always just save edit the amount of crew members allowed in whatever ship(s) you use, since for them to limit it they would have to add a flag or etc. with the limit, then it is just a matter of save editing every time you switch.
It isn’t that hard, either use the online version, or download the offline version, which is under legacy at the official site https://mariani.life/projects/minerva-air/
go to your save folder normally under C:\Users\your profile name\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\bunch of letters and numbers\www.fenoxo.com
open up one of your save file with minerva, it’s easier to do it if you set the .sol file type to allows open with minerva.
edit whatever you want to edit.
And your done.
Just remember to backup your saves, because:
1. Fenoxo may change something that corrupts your current saves, those changes can’t affect backed up save files.
2. sometimes changing flags, or stats on your character, adding equipment, etc. may corrupt your save if it no longer exists in the game, changing those to something you know works with the game usually fixes that.
3. The Most Important Reason is as follows: Fenoxo Corp has already stated they are not responsible for any corrupted save files due to save editing and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Well you may not cooperate on the save editing matter, but if you read the fine print, they have stated they won’t and can’t help you with corrupted save files, since they aren’t going to spend hours or days to see what you fucked up to corrupt your save.
allow it to open with minerva**
I use minerva for a number of files and not just .sol files, but when dealing with flash files, you usually end up having to open up a .sol file that the flash file creates.
Also, it is helpful when uncorrupting save files, which I have had to do a number of times, due to save errors, from Fenoxo accidentally missing bugs, which most people ended up making new saves a number of times to fix. I still use my original save file XD.
Or you guys just use TiTsed and make your lives easier since it gets updated fairly regularly with each TiTs update and it has a file backup system as well
But titsed has maximum values and minerva does not
Yes but the max value for all that have limits is 268435455 which is a large enough number that it is almost always meaningless to the game anyway.
no that limit isn’t for everything, it depends on what you are trying to change.
I would like you to remember that when you go about that boss fight with Dane and the Rival. There are several Bad Ends built around the Rival beating you to the company. Meaning that you might need to rewrite the scenes to account for that fact.