Adorable fentaur by ToonNik over on public discord!
Hey guys! New month, new public patch! It’s funny. I’ve been talking about how there’s not enough content for this month, but there’s actually quite a meaty slab of delights to hand off to you guys! I made a ton of tiny changes today, so there’s likely some new bugs to be found and reported. If I stirred up anything game-breaking, rest assured I’ll try to get it later tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy the new content until then!
And have a wonderful weekend. -Fen
0.8.058 Changelog:
- I pushed a change that should prevent your first travel to Mhenga from having a chance at ship combat. That happening created a bug where the ship would not be accessible to the player. Hopefully it is resolved now.
0.8.057 Changelog:
- Image Pack updated! Requires standalone flashplayer to use.
- Character creation now routes you directly to Mhen’ga.
- The landing pad elevator in Mhen’ga has been simplified for ease of newbie-navigation.
- New functions for displaying changes to stats like combat damage have been added.
- Colors for gaining/losing HP, Lust, Energy, and Shields have been added or updated.
- Almost all items have been updated to display changes to the above stats more clearly.
- Approximately half the game has been updated for lust changes. There are a LOT of those to find and change, and I can’t just find->replace them all because they are sometimes placed in places that would flow badly, or as part of log messages that aren’t compatible with this system.
What’s New This Month?:
- New item type & slot: Tents! You start with one, and a number have been added to the game. They let you sleep in hazard zones. Enjoy!
- New Image Pack Images: Bianca Face Sitting, Kally Appearance, and Poster.
- New Busts: Celise, Giga-Celise, Drink Cows, Myssah, Female Raskvel, Pregnant Female Raskvel, and Warden Kasmiran.
- New Ship Decoration: Kally’s hiring post, obtainable from the Kui Country Bar & Grill’s bathroom.
- New Planet: Dhaal! (with massively incomplete street descriptions…)
- New Locale on Dhaal: Capsule Hotel!
- New Locale on Dhaal: a Milk Bar! Indulge in delightfully flavored beverages directly from the cow-girl/tap!
- New Enemy on Dhaal: The Milk Thief! This Zaika wants milk and doesn’t want to take no for an answer!
- New Enemy on Uveto: Milodan Futazon Scourge! Comes in two varieties too!
- New Follower: Bimbo Kiro! She doesn’t yet have all her scenes, but they will be coming!
- New Items: A swath of weapons now populate Kattom’s inventory on Dhaal.
- VIP service from Walnut & Chestnut (Zheng Shi Tap-Hall Rodenians).
- A new scene for Slavebreakers on Zheng Shi: “Rut Fuck.”
- Crew Kiro now has a threesome available with Mitzi. You can start it from either character’s sex menu. Turns out you can make a goblin airtight!
- Zheng Shi’s mine section should now be soft-lock proof.
- Fantasize now gives a report on exactly how much lust it generates.
- The Codex Sidebar’s visibility has been improved.
- SteeleTech jumpsuits are now available from Vahn and Synphia.
- HumpHard Inc has been removed from the game and its products distributed to more developed corporations.
- Big mimbrane nerfs.
- ReductPro can now be used on more parts.
- Tons of bugfixes. Seriously.
ye boi
Sweet, been waiting to get to Dhall. Now I know what I’m doing this weekend. 😀
Is the image pack going to be updated? Will you provide a link?
Yeah. Give a sec.
I think I found a bug. I got Kiyoko pregnant, then the next day I released her, and I don’t think she was pregnant when she left. (translated)
Wrong patch notes, this is TiTS not CoC2. But the game explains you went missing for an extended period of time between last seeing kiyoko and her being released (hence your firstborn coming out at practically full maturity).
Not a bug. Any pregnancy Kiyoko may have had when you last left her is throw out and a kit added to the counter.
Dear FenCo,
Thank you for updating the Public Source Code on time.
With Love,
People Who Don’t Play the Actual Game Anymore.
I mean, also from people who do play the game, too. 😛
Welp time to get back to work and not procrastinate
You’re all still playing the game, just in a very meta way. 😀
Hang on.
There was a variant for the milodan hermazon?
Nani tf how did I miss this.
My life is a lie
Are we supposed to be able to level up via sleeping in a tent? Cause honestly that’s the main function I’d want from a tent. IE the ability to cash in on my exp without having to slog all the way back to the ship.
Should be able to. Haven’t personally tested that one, though.
* Level: 9
* Experience: 6186955/1476225
Resting via the Hardlight Tent does not allow a level up.
Is the level cap going to be raised soon?
I finally got to check the Milodan futazons and I LOVE IT, i’m really hoping for more victory/defeat scenes with them, maybe the writer could put an option in for as soon as you encounter either the Amazon or the Bruiser you could choose to instantly submit and be allowed to choose how they use you. And finally i hope game over scenes are in the works for both varients of futazon with variations of either trying to resist them after losing every time or submiting to them willingly like a good subby slut for Milo Futazon cock every time they are encountered. Just voicing my hopes and opinions.
I agree with all of these ideas. Here’s hoping the futazons get more content.
Excluding being able to level up, ¿sleeping in a tent has other (planned) advantages over resting or waiting?
Are there going to be ways to reset lust during combat? I remember Slab asked about it the other day during the stream.
Was the kitty at the transit station on mhengas landing pad removed?
I think you are talking about kaithrit scout on Tarkus near hangar, not Mhen’ga. If it’s this than she is still there.
Oh hot dog, you’re right. Mhen’ga was just exit ship and stairs down, and Tarkus had the actual landing pad “zone”. I always confuse the two for some reason.
i cant find the miloden futazan. can someone help?
From an earlier post, i’m pretty sure you have to be at least level 8 and they are a random chance encounter in the frozen white squares areas, fair warning they can cause a huge buildup of Taint unless that is what you want then go nuts for their nuts. I personaly recommend that you use a seperate save file for dealing with them so you can load anytime for having a futazon hunt.
You also need to open the email about a chemical spill. Since the priestesses are using it to modify their warriors
Any chance for cross classing? Or at least paying a trainer an ass ton of credits to learn a select few passive’s?
Technically, Cross-Classing is already an option with certain types of gear.
Will there be an update or patch that allows ios users to play TiTS in browser like CoC2?
A long time ago, they said that they were probably not going to make any iOS updates because it was so wonky that it took way more effort to make work than was deemed worth it, since apparently most people who play TiTs don’t use iOS.
I don’t know about iOS, but the January 29th Blog post says one of the coders has some ideas on how to make TiTS ‘browser-play compliant’.
For what it’s worth, shortly after starting a new char I’m getting the “Heading to Mhen’ga? Come check out BURT’S BADASS MEADHALL!!!” email. While on mhenga.
I mean, it still makes sense if you have not been there before.
And it honestly makes more sense for Burt, who presumably doesn’t have an infinite budget to spend on adbot spam, to advertise relatively locally. Much as he might wish otherwise people sure as shit aren’t going to come to Mhen’ga *just* for his watering hole after all. :v
I had, tho :/ Went straight there to get friendly with Syri
So… how exactly does the image pack work? It just seems like a normal copy of the game to me- only bigger.
That’s exactly what it is, the regular game just with more images included.
Oh, ok. Thanks.
Uh…save to file isn’t working for Android.
Have you tried giving Read/Write permissions?
Ah, fixed. Apparently, I didn’t have storage permissions activated.
Beyond the bug for the first travel to Mhenga, is there anything else fixed in 0.8.058 or would I be good to stick with the image pack for 0.8.057 if I’m not playing a new character?
where do get a standalone flashplayer?
You can Google it and find several programs online. There’s also (currently) Adobe’s own standalone player here: https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html (click on the Flash Player projector)
When creating a new character, sometimes I’m thrown into ship combat rather than directly to Mhenga
This also puts me on Tavros Station when successful in combat.
(Posted comment too soon, sorry)
It’s impossible to find a Milodan Futazon, is there a requirement to meet them?
Be at least level 8. You should get an email from JoyCo. Read the email and they should start showing up.
I think they show up (more often?) in the areas of the map further from Irestead.
You must have encountered the Milodan Male. You must have encountered the fertility priestess. You must be at least level 8. You must have been to Uveto and have had access to it for at least 2 weeks. If all these requirements are met, then there is a chance that you will receive an email from JoyCo the next time you land on the planet informing you of tainted fluids being released into Uveto’s Ecosystem, resulting in potential mutations in flora and fauna. After reading the email, the futazon will appear as a rare encounter at the Frozen Tundra.
I haven’t met the Fertility Priestess, and can still meet the Milodan Futazon. Bug or do Torra (former Fertility Priestess in Syri’s Quest) or the Milodan Temptress (Siege of Korg’ii Hold) count?
A word of warning: sex with the Futazon increases Taint.
I think it meant any female milodan, but I could be wrong.
OK, loaded up a different save that hasn’t met the Fertility Priestess at the cave on the Eastern edge of the Rift, hasn’t done Syri Quest or the Siege of Korg’ii Hold. Still got the email, could still meet the Amazon.
Not a bug, you only need to have met a male milodan OR fertility priestess, not both
For the image pack, is what’s on the wiki all the scenes that have a image or is there more?
About older content here, but are the marion encounters bugged? I’ve had about 10 now where its been the full female version and have never encountered any of the other three.
You mea milodian?
Is the tunnel snakes fallout reference intentional?
Geeky pop culture references, in *my* TiTS? Say it ain’t so! ;_;
Been following this for a few years now and I still love it as much as I did from back then. It’s always fun trying out the new stuff using both old saves as well as new playthroughs. Sometimes it feels like it was not too long ago that Myrellion wasn’t even a thing yet. XD
Quick question though. Is Shade ever going to get an update? Her story-line is still one of my favorites and I remember once having 4 separate save files for her (One as an enemy, one as a lover who catches Steele with Kara in her second quest, and the last two are the lover and sister paths after she touches the probe). I kept all four files updated for as long as I could so that I could play through her updates however I wanted without having to redo everything from the beginning. Don’t have those files now but I’m still hoping every single time I see an update that best MILF’s name will be there. Wanna see more of Astra too plus any future interactions with Amara herself.
Fun story, I just finished a nice Shade/Amara threesome yesterday. Should be in-game soon 🙂
I thought shade was done with amara? And what about the whole thing where Steele put amara in the hospital? That’s gonna be awkward.
Threesome… with Shade… I eagerly await that day. XD
When can we expect an ETA on final SyriQuest?
So how do I free the slaves on Zheng Shi so I can get the Slyveren Slavebreakers to show and get the rut scene?
First you have got to defeat Overseer Maike, (Blue Moth Woman), after doing this she will drop her key card. Using the card will allow you to access her console at the same space and free the slaves. This will cause the Slyveren Slavebreakers to appear, trying to recapture the slaves. Also be sure to take a breeder’s bliss before pursuing them. Purchasable from Lerris.
new characters/sexual content is so femme these days, here’s hopin some ppl are writin more masc characters for the future
How silly.
Hey, did Fenoxo remember to move the Omnisuit to Dr. Po’s Freighter?
Slyveren Slavebreakers is there rut fuck broken have fought 8 in rut no rut sex
According to the code, you need a penis to fit in her Vagina. Her capacity is 400. You must be in rut and not be really sore. If these requirements are met, you have only a 33% chance of triggering this event. This event only occurs with the black snake, so the odds are actually 16.6%. It is possible that you are just very unlucky.
So, basically, RNGesus hates him eh? Lol.
This event _does not_ only occur with the Black Snake. Variations were written for Pink Snake as well.
It should occur for both the black and pink snake. The code does not restrict them. During my testing it worked for both. If you are only getting it for one let me know.
So it is a 33% chance while in rut and have a penis that fits. There should be no other requirements.
Must have misinterpreted things again. I suppose this chap is simply having a bad luck streak.
It’s not a fight, it’s a random event that occurs in the mines while you are in rut.
got it was very good worth the trouble very nice
What kind of Mimbrane nerf’s are we looking at?
Well, the mimbrane’s lust attack, while weak, had the ability to completely bypass any and all none airtight resistance that the player could potentially have. They also had the ability to chain grapple the PC, making them broken and disproportionately powerful for Mhen’ga for no reason, unlike the Zil Bull. The Nerf is supposed to decreased damage, take resistance into account, and force them to use a variety or moves rather then spamming.
I hope there will be a milky bad end for losing enough times to MIlk Thieves. I don’t even fight them I just let them drain my girl since she’s basically a walking milk tank.