Today is Christmas Eve in my part of the world, but even if you don’t decorate tree corpses in your living room, I’d like to extend a hearty “Happy Holidays” to all of you and yours.
2020 has been a heckofa year. Travel restrictions, lockdowns, and general Covid-19 precautions have really put a damper on the ol’ holiday spirit in my neck of the woods, and doubtless on most of the world as well. We’ve seen health and family emergencies within our little “studio”. Flash died. You know, flash, the plugin our games have run on for near a decade! It’s kicking the dust, forcing us to rebuild and reorganize a lot.
But we’re still here moving forward. The JS build looks fucking slick. Geddy’s been logging a ton of hours whipping Tavros into shape but also reworking how the game’s data is held and managed in memory, something that is more necessary as it grows in size (over 500MB with embedded images!) In the meantime, we’re still working on the expanded tutorial dungeon. You can get a taste of what it will feel like with the new salvager enemies included in this public patch. I think they came out pretty great for “getting started” encounters. There will also be environmental challenges, tutorials for using a tent (and leveling up), a boss fight penned by William, and more.
I think you’re all going to love what we bring you in the new year, but for now, enjoy this arrangement of Christmas cheer and a small public update (and another one~)!

Azra putting on her Christmas finest to celebrate by Morgore!

Cait snuggling up with a big ol’ bear by CheshireCatSmile37!
0.8.130 Changelog:
- Vark got a pretty sizeable expansion thanks to Damiekinz’s writing and Gena138’s coding. It’s now possible to fight him, defeat him, and even make him your pet if you like. Merry Christmas!
0.8.129 Changelog:
- Embedded some CGs by Doxy into Rat’s VR content (accessible via ‘test’ cheat in the image-embedded version of the game.)
- Fixed a few small typos.
- (And another patch may follow~!)
THICC Images Version available! (Requires stand-alone flash player.)
Merry Christmas, everyone! Have fun and stay safe.
First of all merry christmas to all, but to be honest and frank the line reworking how the game’s data is held just gave me a flash of anxiety because there is still nobody either willing or able to tell me if my pre-js saves will be working, and before you bother, i won’t take any arguments like ‘wHaTs ThE pRoBlEm JuSt MaKe A nEw ChArAcTeR’ i just hope that there will be some way to either use or convert the saves otherwise i don’t know if i will even play the game after the port. But anyway here is hoping for everything to go smoothly so again happy christmas to everyone who read through my short mental breakdown and happy holidays to y’all!
The simple answer is that we want to, but there’s a lot of other problems we have to solve first.
I imagine the effort for the port to js is, mildly put, not neglible, but it’s definitely going to be a good thing in the long run when finished. I hope you’re able to decisively retire flash and revert to only having one version to expand and maintain.
Ultimately, my bar for judging success will be pretty low: you can’t do worse than Minecraft’s strange progression porting *and* forking from java to C++. I understand the realities that a team isn’t going to master a new language overnight and continue cranking out content and fixes without disruption and that they had a massive ecosystem (including mods etc) built up around the java version but keeping the latest and greatest features and fixes exclusive to java for so long was a bit annoying while the C++ version looked and ran so much better and the cost of supporting parallel branches is glaringly suboptimal even with their owner’s economic strength.
I’ve digressed… Thank you and keep up the good work!
>Flash died. You know, flash, the plugin our games have run on for near a decade!
Jesus that terrified me for a second given it was mentioned right after health and family emergencies…
Moar Cait!
And sadly in a week, Flash Player will no longer be supported, but shall go down in the memories of many for all of the browser based games made through it.
Merry Christmas to all, 2020 has been chock full of crazy stuff so it’s nice we are moving on to 2021 for hopefully a better start. TiTs will be changing engines so that still feels crazy with how long flash has been used. The artwork is nice and now I am stuck hoping for more Azra content in 2021 for more Suula milf.
waiting for December 32nd lmao
I hope the team has a wonderful Christmas and a happy holidays.
So is the Azra art for a new scene or…?
So is the Azra art for something upcoming? Like maybe her actually penetrating US for once?
If Fen doesn’t do it, I will, one day.
I have been hoping for a “suck or off while she works scene” for the longest time. I just fits so well with the character.
Azra absolutlely needs to finally get the love she deserves! She would join the PC shortly after beginning its journey, but you sadly can do only few things with her so far.
I was happy to see Carrie and Cora get some love, any chance of seeing more? Be cool if you could actually take Cora’s shower offer and knock her and her sister up.
Heck, they might even be crew material. As far as cowgirls go Reaha is kind of boring and she’s the only option.
I agree my friend
I also agree, it would be great to have children with carrie and cora and why not brandy also cowgirls deserve more love
Yeah, I don’t know why you can’t have kids with cowgirls when the whole planet is themed around breeding.
There’s two options on New Texas and both aren’t cowgirls, they’re just treated.
Any chance we could get ways to reset encounters that permanently remove certain characters from the game? Seems I met Vark in an earlier build and didn’t submit to him on my main file.
If you use “TiTs Editor” you can search in Raw data after “Vark” and set it to 0, then he will be back… 🙂
That’s not happening. I’m on a Mac, and unless the forums have a 2nd save editor buried somewhere I can’t find without a direct link, it doesn’t work on a Mac.
Download the save editor go to flags met vark and delete the flag *
You can always save edit to reset the Vark-related flag?. Other than that it would take some complicated applications of the Impulse cheat code to do the same thing.
Merry Christmas! Is there a place I can find all the Christmas/holiday events for all the games (or one place for each game), listed out clearly with their date ranges? I love the holiday events but I have a hard time finding them some times and some of my save games are gone, so starting a new game and getting to places/characters that are needed for them can be tricky. I found a Seasonal Events page in the CoC2 wiki but it only includes Halloween right now.
Hey, just a suggestion. Can you guys maybe put in a cheat that totally resets Vark? I’ve always rejected him in my playthroughs and I’d like to not got to the hassle of save editing nor starting another playthrough to check the new content out, thanks for hearing me out!
Thanks for the update and hope your Christmases were good and safe!
Just letting you know that losing to Vark when you initially resist him causes an Actionscript error.
Error Name: Error
Error Mesg: Unexpected pregnancy slot used to call tryKnockUp.
Error: Unexpected pregnancy slot used to call tryKnockUp.
at classes::Creature/tryKnockUp()[D:\Build\TiTS\classes\]
at classes.Characters::PlayerCharacter/loadInCunt()[D:\Build\TiTS\classes\Characters\]
at classes::TiTS/varkLossVaginal()[D:\Build\TiTS\includes\uveto\]
at classes::TiTS/varkLossRouter()[D:\Build\TiTS\includes\uveto\]
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()[D:\Build\TiTS\classes\]
Yeah, that doesn’t happen if you have three vaginas, which my test character does lmao.
Anyways, it should be fixed for the next patch.
Merry Christmas you magnificent geniuses!!!
Btw, just read the Starchild extrameet date. Now I feel like Steele has to plow a snowfuta so they can officially be the being who can fuck anything that exists.
how do you encounter the new salvager enemies?
Type test in the game, you don’t have to be in a menu to activate it.
Playing in the browser window, so I’m not sure how to share my save file or anything like that. But I just “broke Vark” and then did the cuddle session. It played all three variations for size discrepancies:
> Compared to you, Vark’s massive…
> You’re about the same size as Vark…
> You’re bigger than Vark is…
I really just want more content on the Main Quest. I love the ambience you put on the world of TiTS. Really, I came for the smut, stayed for the futurism.
And up to now the only thing I would want is to finish the amazing story.
I hope you could do that because I really love it so far, hope you can upgrade the level cap too.
I don’t know If I’m the only one that’s having this problem, but when submitting to Vark after fighting him, I leave combat but it says I’m still in combat. When I return to the cave, it redoes the fight and if I lose I get another Varks Collar and can’t equip either, then it won’t let me into the cave.
I’ve sent that bug to the coder myself, it should be fixed soon!
Speaking of replacing flash with java, when is the estimated time for that? We have 3 days till adobe stops patching flash, and 2 weeks before the browsers start actively blocking it. Frankly, I’ll stop at the 3 day mark for security reasons. RIP FLASH, you will be sorely missed.
Dang, if only I could play this game with my “screen reader” like I can with CoC2. I look at the changelogs and the wiki and it makes me sad, because it’s such an expansive and interest world.
I’m even able to play it a little bit, but with all the weird controls (no or confusing/reused labels) it’s impossible to progress far at all.
I’d be happy to back the game if this could be worked on though, and test it or suggest the game to the wider VI gaming community.
I can’t access Vark’s cave, despite having a little penor. Is there something else that excludes it like height? My character is 4 feet tall.
Any plans to add more cybernetic enhancements? Like more male focused utility implants? Maybe cybernetic eyes or something