I just wrapped up the mental transformation stuff for the Amazon transformation – the first 48 hours. A rough outline of the expected changes and their associated hour of appearance is posted on my twitter for the curious. Tomorrow I should have the time to plow through the physical changes and get a new build posted for you all. Despite a lot of text being similar to other Treatment effects, there are enough small, subtle changes that I’m basically going to be going through and recoding a lot of it. Effort is going to be happening. I might also try to do something I’m going to dub “hermy cow-slut” if I have enough time – basically the normal cow TF mixed with a bit of phallic loving. In theory it should be relatively easy to add in without a ton of work.
Also, I approved some pull requests for things like Ellie x Haley voyeurism and a new female (Edit: turns out Ramis is a girl) NPC by Nonesuch that Jacques00 slipped in. I looked over the former closer than the latter, and I gotta say Wsan knocked that scene out of the park – just like Adj & Shou have with some of the new busts.
TL;DR: Next patch will have Amazon Treatment, Haley x Ellie, a new NPC, and probably some older changes that have been banked.
Penny sprite-styled by DCLZexon. There’s an Anno one too, but I’ll leave that for Savin to share sometime!
oodles of noodles
>Amazon ETA: Within the Next 24 Hours
Hype levels: Over 9000.
Is this you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT8Q_4lPq0Y
It needs someone mashing the shit out of the F5 button in the background, but otherwise yes.
You *definitely* looked over the former closer than the latter if you thought Ramis was male.
Deeerp. Fixing!
How different is the start of the amazon treatment compared to the male treatment? You know, with the munching of the protein bars.
Speaking of New Texas, will it be possible to install something like the stocks at Miscreant Mannor on the ship so that something similar could be done there but with the crew instead of the planet’s public? Or do something with the grav cuffs like when in public there but onboard the ship with the crew?
This would look good in animated sprite sex.
Forgive my ignorance, but what is TL;DR? I’ve seen it in several places, but haven’t looked into what it means, since it’s a minor matter and my time is too limited to waste.
It means “Too Long; Didn’t Read”. It’s used in response to long posts that they don’t bother to read or at the end of a long post as a way of summarize the more detailed version for those that don’t want to read it.
*used by people
is there a larger version of that lovely picture around somewhere? I like it a lot
nvm I was too stupid to see a link to the artists tumblr with a large version.
Really looking forward to playing as an amazon steele. Could it be possible to add a horse ears as a variant to getting cow ears? I remember reading about it the treatment Codex and how the cows that got them were sometimes referred to as mares.
So… any chance we can get Miscreamt Manor for males too?
Pretty please? :3
IB4 Literally nothings changed, none of the promised content is delivered, and the public build doesn’t come out for the next four months.