So I wrote a scene today for hyper characters and that pregnant raskvel encounter I’m working on. It clocked in at 3,500 words. Of that, 2,200 of them wound up being variations for different quantities of cum. That means there’s more variation than actual scene… I might have to come up with a way to make visiting this girl repeatable if it keeps going like this. I want to do the one where she eats out female PCs next, as that will probably be the most challenging for me to write.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to re-mod my Fallout 4 and disappear into that for a few hours…
“re-mod my Fallout 4”
Stop it Fen, you’re triggering me. I just forgot that Bethesda is using my drive to store their shitty mods that you pay for but aren’t paid mods and you had to go and remind me.
Nah, I’m not paying for mods.
I just recently modded my Fallout 4 as well! Slooty Vault-Suit and Kerrigan’s suit are a must! Also, the Body of Alice is a *fantastic* set of CBBE pre-sets that make me very happy. Anyways, GLHF. π
From what I’ve read, you don’t really need to since they’re not encrypted or anything like that.
Real thing that has me worried are rumors that the CC update will now sort your mod list alphabetically by file name, screwing up any game that uses anything other than a really simple set of mods.
Yeah, since they gave you literally all of the files whether you like it or not, all you get when you pay for it is the .esl to activate them. You can make one yourself and use all of the mods they want you to pay for, for free. People already have. I mean, I don’t know why you would because better versions of everything already exist, but you can.
I wouldn’t for the same reason I’d suggest nobody use the free 100 credits they give you; they’re gonna use you as a statistic to justify the CC’s continuation. “Oh, but look at how many people have ‘used’ the service! The fans like it, everybody complaining is a small, vocal minority!”
Tbh it’s so horribly done I almost wonder if they sabotaged it on purpose after Zenimax told them to bring paid mods back. It’s like with Shadow of War’s microtransaction screen, the orc that just sits there rubbing his hands like the happy merchant is so insulting that I can’t help but wonder if the poor fuck they tasked with making it slipped him in to make a point.
Theres actually no laws that prevent you from creating an .esp to use the content they freely gave you and put on your computer since they aren’t in any way encrypted. Thats what makes this whole thing absurd.
Course, there is no way anyone who is modding would want to use those anyways, they deactivate when there are other mods installed from what I have heard.
i thought mods are only paid for in skyrim hd???
bethesda’s “Creation Club” beta is avaiable for fallout 4. Its available mods, my bad “mini DLC”, are a joke. $5 for 1000 credits, 750 of which can be used to get hellfire power armour. Except that theres a better version, free, on the nexus. 50 credits for pipboy skins. It’s a joke, really, and a bad one at that.
Is there no longer a group working on the wiki?
The wiki is entirely fan-maintained
Beyond Skyrim Bruma just came out.
Super Fluffy tail V:
Might be a bit to fluffy*cough* I’m jealous though…*cough*
Challenging due to lesbo muff action leading hands away from the keyboard? ;P
My thoughts exactly.
Hell yeah, new hyper content is always a great surprise!
You should play Fallout 2, great story, great atmosphere and you even get the lewds.
Becoming the porn queen of the Wasteland was pretty awesome.
what do you play the game on? I play it on Xbox 1
Getting “shotgun wed” to a farmgirl/boy because you took their virginity was always fun π
I recommend getting the fusion gun mod for FO4, that thing is a beast and fun to play with. Different attachments turn into a completely different weapon, from shooting homing exploding plasma discs, crystal shards that cause bleed, or a long range burst plasma flamer
Shit my bad, it’s called the PlasRail not fusion gun
Fusion Gun is also plenty of fun, as well as the Star Wars weapons, and the Magnum Revolver. *cough* new weapon ideas *cough*
for me the question has become if you’ll ever include all these cute/awesome pixel arts in your game or if they’ll stay outside the game.
kill some Deathclaw after that …
BTW, that tail looks too big … or is it should be as big as her body ?
Do you think we’ll ever end up with driders again, or will that stay with CoC?
The Queen of the Deep is kinda drider-y. More crab, maybe, but…
i think he means that there should be more drider-ish encounters. especially with the Queen of the Deep being a currently 1 off encounter only.
Anyone else sad that the encounter is a one-off?
i am. a second chance to get the crystal bow would be nice.
Maybe going back after birthing the daughters to pick up the bow as a reward for birthing them?
I m still waiting for backer updates. Didnt see them for a few weeks u know. But im not pushing any1 tho.
There have been several backer updates, though they tapered off last week as I shifted into spending my time writing.
im starting to wonder when this month’s free update will arrive. its already day 3. i know its normally on the first week of the month, rarely the second, but no updates about when it will be landing.
it’s not like your helping with the work on the game plus making a game is not easy I know that much so let them do it at there own time yes I cant wait for the free update but not going to push on about it
good to hear someone agreed with me
Fen said it would probably come out Monday in the Discord
It’s usually out either on the first monday of a month or the day after that.
I swear that that idle Penny animation looks like it should be in a game, maybe one staring Penny where you control her as she does some police work. Someone get on that idea!
Can we pls have Aina pregnancy/birth content at some point?
Someone is writing it currently.
funny I was thinking someone was going to say something about my name p.s I play fallout on xbox1 what about you all?
I just use a script extender for fallout 4 so I can use my mods and still get achievements, I don’t use anything cheaty like the cheat room or cheat tape to give myself anything n everything. I just use cosmetics, more weapons, better weather, pre-walled settlements, dog n other companion mod and at least either the greener wasteland or winter wasteland mod.
And as for this game, will there be more taur content cause for me at the moment there aren’t enough scenes for my hyper-libido’d horse-taur herm to enjoy. But other than that keep up the good work and don’t burn yourself out!