Spearhead SS by JassBefrold.
This morning I slogged through establishing four types of AI routines for enemy ships: Aggressive, Tactical, Defensive, and Random. Right now the differences are fairly subtle, owing to the limited moveset and lack of implemented gadgets, but they are discernible. The advantage of this is that most ship battles should be able to bank on these AI routines without having to have wholly new ones written. Any tweaks that need to be introduced for specific fights can benefit all encounters in the game (hopefully).
Then I turned my focus to coding the first ship fight into the game – a lone, low-ranking Corona Lord that’ll ambush you on your way to Tarkus in an older, smaller, Casstech Z7. Did I make it that so that I could re-use the same art as the Casstech Z14 and just scale it down? Definitely not. Perish the thought.
The fight works great and isn’t too difficult. I was able to defeat her using a stock Casstech Z14 without dipping into my armor, which is the desired outcome for making the right moves in the introductory battle. And did you know that she has sex scenes too? There’s four different loss scenes: two scenes for any genital configuration, one for male centaurs, and one for those with particularly cumbersome male endowments. (And yes, you will be able to encounter her again. Wsan made some small variations to her repeat texts that are pretty choice.)
You’d think I stopped there, but you’re wrong! After that I went to work on the user interface for buying a ship from Vahn, including a rather detailed stat comparison breakdown. Then I made it so you had five ship storage slots in the hangar for your extra ships. Then I coded another ship into the game, the Spearhead SS. Give her a gander!
Tomorrow, the plan is get the “Trade In” option working, roll out a few more ships, and make all the ship buy/sell shop stuff actually workable with other NPCs besides Vahn.
Good Job, FenFen I cant wait til this goes public or i get the funds to get into backer status.
Also will the Necklace thing for Big Tiddy Goth GF be fixed in the next patch?
I’d like to know, too when the necklace is going to be fixed
This ship looks cool, can’t wait for the finished product
It is really cool to me that a relatively old NPC like Vahn is getting all these new important functions.
Speaking of ships wasn’t there some fancy ship on Zheng Shi? Was that a teaser as something you could eventually grab?
That’s part of the Zheng shi story, gen is working on the basic stuff first, then he’ll probably work on the sidewinder, since it’s a high tech ship compared to the ones above
Plus it was stated that it’s temporary, for us to finish the Zheng shi story, so we could get the sidewinder
Yes, you can eventually grab the Sidewinder — and Olympia comes with it!
Man that cool looking ship! 🙂
I need to stich up my fly cause that art got me rock hard so fast.
That ship look somewhat phallic to anyone else?
Was thinking the same thing. Certainly on point.
That is a beautiful ship! Cant wait to see more :3
Lol, totally cool. I own a real life SS badged vehicle and it’s more corvette than silverado truck. I’m looking forward to leaving others in my dust and exhaust tail in my make-believe world as I do in my real life. ^.^
I guess my only concern at this point is crew space. I’m just waiting on more ships, basically.
I have all of the possible recruited party members on my Casstech! Must be a nice, tight fit, just like my Steele would want. 😉
Hah same. I don’t think the Casstech’s stated small bunk space is supposed to hold my crew of like ~15 people (rough guess, didn’t actually check in game)
Honestly this is the one part im disappointed about… I do enjoy being able to have everyone in one place rather than having to travel across half the Galaxy just for a quickie. I hope Fen makes it so we can send all our crewmates to hang out on Tavros at least
This is looking good. I gotta ask though, will there be a ship that can hold all companions?
The Sidewinder is a heavy corvette. Going by real world naval standards it’d be on the larger side of the smallest class of warship, so still pretty damn big. I’d imagine that it’ll comfortably house every companion once it’s finally implemented into the game.
Alright, thanks for the info.
I had an idea, you could add a rubber duck as a ship, which could only be obtained in Silly Mode!
I Captain America that reference!
I amy of missed it, but what kind of rewards and loot are we supposed to get from ship combat. Bounty Payouts, Salvage/Scrap, Prisoners from Escape Pods or maybe something else.
Sex scenes! That’s awesome! Can’t wait to subjugate all those naughty ships and have them mate with my vessel!
Just processing this makes it get really hot down in the engineering section.
Just wouldn’t be TiTS if you couldn’t put it in her exhaust hole.
Gonna need plenty of lube (10W40 oil).
Prepare for a hard docking! Lol. Better make sure the locking clamps are in top shape.
Tickles my bone(s) will there be possibilities to capture ships and or board for some extra fun and some possibility to make extra cash for bounties? Ooh make some pirate friends so you can get involved in some nefarious activities
I’m curious i’ve seen that there’s a crew capacity limit on the ships when the update comes out what happens if i’ve gone over capacity before the update?
Your crew has to draw straws; the losers are all blasted into the cold void of space never to be seen again.
… or you just have to evict them until you reach capacity.
Well Thats Anno out probably have to ditch Azra, Yammi, Mitzi, Celise. Pippa and possibly Penny at a pinch
You can’t ditch Anno, she’s the best and most convenient buyer in the game.
I haven’t interacted with anno sans erra in months.
Shes out the air lock.
Why would you dump Anno? You do realize that stuff you can sell to her gets a better price than anywhere else in the game, right?
Save Editing My friend no needed for her in that case
Hmmm… it would probably break all of the things but I find find myself thinking how cool it would be to fix and upgrade the NOVA into a space worthy craft again.
Pretty dang cool
I mean, it would be at least a thousand times as expensive as just building a new ship of that size class, but I could totally see that being a thing you could do as a mid-late game quest line. With an extra, “I’m sorry blew up your planet” thrown in for those players who don’t pay attention to timers and only keep a single save.
It would almost certainly have to be a commissioned project though. I can’t imagine anyone writing that in without getting paid for it.
Realistically though if we don’t the next generation of Raskvel probably will.
I have been champing at the bit for Azra Quest part 3 since she first entered the game and this is so awesome that Azra can a back seat in my mind until this is done. New ships! whoot whoot!
Yeah boiii.
Oh and FuckBoiMcCat is just a great name. Oddly describes my trap Steele before I stabbed him with FrostFire.
Will we be able to name our ships at some point? I don’t want to drive around in “Spearhead SS,” I wanna pimp the galaxy in my “Cashtech SZ14”, “Pocket Rocket” or “M. W. Injector”. “M. W.” stand for “Milky Way,” obviously.
That could happen down the road without much issue, but it’s not part of the initial spec I’m pursuing.
That sounds great. It’s been awhile since I was looking forward to future updates this much. Maybe down the line I’ll commission someone to write a naming ceremony for the ships, complete with expensive bottles of sparkling French wine and cheeky references for those of us who’ll be unable to resist the temptation of calling our luxury harem rides “Titanic,” “Argo,” “Millennium Falcon” (that one’s for Nonesuch), “Noah’s Ark” or “Heart of Gold.”
You forgot Red Dwarf, Nostromo, and Serenity, Philistine. Lol.
What’s the largest ship that you plan to start with? Both in crew size and in firepower?
btw, have you given thought to using gunships in the future in a fashion similar to the various drones we have ingame?
I would sell internal organs to end up with a carrier/ship that has capacity for fighter craft
I will wait for the Sidewinder to be available (somehow reminds me of the Normandy SR2) and then hope my whole crew will fit in. Especially since i’m waiting to be able to get Syri and Kaede as crew members
Death Star when? /s
Fingers crossed for a super expensive pleasure barge with Lust attacks sold by Dr. Badger.
Question; Will we ever be able to have more interactions with/recruit Kat or the Pumpkin King?
Am a big fan and just wanted to know :3
Tbh i always imagined the Casstech Z14 as a large, beefy Republic Gungun, lol. Gonna be weird to see the Bust now..
Anyway, suggestion of a sort; I personally feel like you should make each ship have its own storage – that way we wont run into the issues like switching to a smaller ship and being unable to fit all 60 guns you have.
This would allow “loadouts” of sorts – One ship is loaded up with equipment to fight cold(Uveto), one for lust(Zheng Shi), one for holding all our dildos, etc….
Republic Gunship*
Idk why or how i wrote “Gungun”
Battlecruiser from StarCraft!