Click for lewd. (by DCLZexon)
Hold onto your butts! This one is a bit experimental.
0.6.87 Changelog:
- Max trust Kiro can now send players an invite to come visit Canadia Station (Name subject to change) with her, in orbit over Vesperia to meet her sister. (And a new Kiro scene hidden in there if you do the right things). All of Kiro’s Vesperia bar content is not yet written.Β To anyone with concerns that the area is only accessible via Kiro – there are intended to be multiple unlock routes possible.
- Kally (Kiro’s sister) is in the game. The most you can do with her at the moment is get drunk, talk, and maybe grope her (consensually, of course. We aren’t running for president.)
- New scene for Raskvel Females, courtesy of FrankenApple.
- If you are two or more levels above an enemy, fleeing is now easier.
- Enemies now have defenses against lust-based weapons and specials based on willpower and level. This is still subject to testing and tuning, but you should no longer breeze through every encounter with max aim and a lust-bow.
- Tease damage reduces exponentially against enemies who are higher level than you.
I have some more Kally stuff written for bimbos (approx 8 pages). If I get time, I’ll get it in this weekend. Otherwise, Monday. Jacques00 and Gedan have been doing a lot of testing and tuning to the pregnancy content (and adding Sera pregnancy stuff), but we’re holding off on pushing that till it has had a decent amount of eyeball time on it.
…unless Geddy wants to slip it in over the weekend. Up to her!
Normally I’d wait…but hidden Kiro scene?
Challenge accepted.
found it but good luck to you
Found it not long after accepting the challenge XD
Really hope that pussy pump makes it on the list. Q_Q
What list do you mean?
The new poll.
oh, didn’t notice that. Silly me π
yeah, i hear you.
I mean, how does even a threesome (which are common as it is, and nothing will beat anno and kaede, imo), win over a pussy pumping, something new, an uncharted territory of sorts, A GODDAMN 4 TIMES OVER?!?
I just don’t understand.
imho, all the repeatable content (oh yeah, let’s bubble buddy. that scene looks totally worth the time and effort to make, and will enrich the game in the ways nothing else would. not. threesomes are repeatable too). shouldn’t even be considered in the poll.
well, here’s hoping that this’ll just postpone writing of some interesting content, not cut it out for the sake of xth threesome scene.
You might actually have a point if there wasn’t already pussy-pumping in the game.
How does giant balloons full of alcohol get in last place?
Yeesh, you are beating tease with the nerf bat hard. I mean you already made it useless against enemies that spam blind/invisibility such as the vanae. Seriously though, I’ve spent 10+ turns shanking them with a knife at level 2 with out them dropping out if stealth when rushing to get to the atma armor, have you considered putting an energy cost or cool down on that?
Have you tried not being underleveled and underequipped? There’s no point in the Vanae being level 3 if a level 2 can just walk through them.
The huntresses are actually level 4 but if you grab the shocker off Carl they are still pretty easy to walk through at level 3. I wasn’t actually expecting to win since as I noted I was just making a run for the armor so I was just spamming the 1 key to get through the fight asap. It was really a fluke I lasted any where near that long, but hey it happens. But it’s nearly impossible to beat them with tease damage at any level since they usually stealth on turn one or two, which completely blocks teasing, and basically never uncloak.
As the tutorial to the game explicitly taught you, some enemies are not going to be vulnerable to certain types of attack. Much like the cunt snake can’t be shot *at all,* Vanae are extremely difficult to tease.
I suppose that’s true. It’s just odd and a bit jarring how they went from being completely vulnerable to it to practically immune to it as a seemingly unforeseen consequence to general change in how the tease system works.
Play as a Smuggler if you really want to tease cloaking enemies so badly. The gas grenade will still hit them.
At that point you were already one level ahead
PS : Gas Grenade sucks
I didn’t change anything relating to blind/invisibility.
Is that a bug then? Tease gets disabled but them blinding us and such. (Which makes not sense to me, especially if we’re 100/100 of the skills)
Hey, the nursery is finished? Because i had some children with raskvels and with Briha and they don’t appear in the nursery. I don’t know If it is a bug or if it isn’t finished yet.
I also have the same problem is there a span they stay in the nursery before automatically being discharged?
is it a bug that will be fixed?
-sigh- more futa π
Now we just have to hope that Saving makes the dick Reaha might get during treatment optional.
Just because of your name: no.
Dang. I was hoping that allowing optional dick would lead to a humorous scene where the PC shakes reaha and tells her to fight the dick.
Oh well. I guess it was never meant to be.
Please don’t punish us because of that guy.
Savin isn’t punishing us. The intention is the player has no say over treated Reaha. Cuz that is the treatment, and he didn’t want players save scumming to get what they want.
What Evo said. No aspect of the Treatment process will be optional or mutable; what happens, happens.
Do remember that Treating Reaha to begin with is optional; you’re free to just not do that.
Well looks like the only part of the character I was interested in is going to get ruined because of fens awful plan of forcing futa into literally everything. Why. Why have you forsaken us Savin.
Sounds like futa is going to be forced then, this is completely depressing. I was looking forward to the treatment version, I was afraid this might happen after dumb chance of women growing dicks for no reason.
Could you make it random whether she grows the dick so we can just load until she doesn’t get one? It’s supposed to be a random chance anyways.
Yes, blame me because people voted for it.
@Hammer There was a pole determining this (futa vs non-futa). If you had to blame anyone blame the people that pay fen.
Oh come on it was just a joke. Please make it optional.
Okay Trolly, quit picking losers and we’ll listen. Maybe.
Well, they did pick Hillary first and it looks like she’ll win.
Yes, but now we have a place to put our 100% female Vesperian Moosetaur.
I trust your judgement π
Pretty much get shoved into everything and all tfs. Even becoming a bimbo gives people dicks now for no reason. I mean you turn penny into a bimbo, she has no dick before this potentially. Yet she gains one. Makes zero sense.
Oh yes more Kiro π
Thank you Fen
Ah ken, hopefully she can be recruited soon
Is it posible that we might get a max level increase somewhere in the future?
Ps. Sorry for bad english it is not my first language
It’ll happen.
Yes but I seem to recall Savin mentioning that it probably wouldn’t be until more Uveto content is (written?) coded.
“Click for lewd.”
*Clicks for lewd.*
Ah, did not see that coming.
Really? You didn’t see the orgasming tanuki girl turning out to be a big-balled futa?
No. Well, actually I hoped it would be with the other set. Honestly, what’s the point of having both sets of genitals if it’s always dick-centric?
Well, you wouldn’t have seen the “other set” in this pespective (when she is facing the viewer).
Yes, but I’m an eternal optimist, even if optimist are retards. Kappa. Counter-argument, someone could’ve been wearing her balls as a hat.
Just how is the whole tentacle dungeon thing going to be implemented? Are there going to be tentacle themed transformations/parasites? Is there going to be some sort of bad end when losing too many times in the dungeon?
I’m asking this because I’ve been working on a tentacle based submission that basically turns you into a tentacle carrier (held in a compartment above your stomach causing you to look more bloated and pregnant the more you have for feminine characters, they come out of your mouth or through your digestive system then out of your ass whenever you use them) so that once you have enough inside you you could use a few of them to transform parts of yourself into tentacle themed body parts (e.g. legs becoming either several tentacles that you use to hold yourself up or legs that look like normal legs but are actually several tentacles working together to perform the function of bipedalism), I was going to finish it but got a little lazy knowing that savin’s dungeon was going to be implemented anyway.
I might be wrong in thinking that the dungeon is savin’s idea but i’ve been on and off online lately.
Forgot to add that the compartments’ location changes depending on your gender alignment at the time of transformation.
No TFs are far as I could tell and any fight loss was an instant Bad End. You can play through it now by setting your system time forward past Oct. 24th but before Nov. 4th I believe. Requirements are level 7 and flying to or from Myr to proc the distress signal. It’s not a 100% chance so it’ll take a few tries.
Speakin about tentacles make me want a couple of game over’s involving Venus Pitchers
Do you have your ideas and stuff up in a google doc or something for people to read what these TFs you suggest might be like? That could be interesting to read.
I do but i’m not quite ready to put it up for public scrutiny, give it a week or so an i’ll post it.
Ahhhh hahahaha yessss… Looking forward to chalking up another set of sisters as a notch on Steele’s belt! Need to threesome all the sisters!
So then we also need a scene with the PC as a girl, Shade and some one else and also one for Astra (aka the PC half niece) and Kaede.
So You say not everything on the backer vote will make it in? How much is getting in?
However I do before burning out on her.
Alrighty. π‘
Why did this made a angry face? xD I wouldn’t think “: x” meant angry. O -o
10 cents has been deposited to your account for Correcting the Recordβ’
Just curious, do you guys have an idea or ETA as to when the Reaha treatment stuff will come out? Can we expect it next month?
Not even written yet.
Ah ok, shame. Hope to see it sometime in the near future.
No; no chance.
Good stuff as always.
so what exactly can you do in the nursery
Fuck the kids. All of them. Space police can’t do nothing about it. You get to it, FallenAngelKara.
figured though the kids I did have didn’t appear in the nursery sadly
Nonesuch I’m just curious but, when will we be able to install Hand So into our ship?
As soon as Fen implements ship and space mechanics. So roughly 2029.
Thank you Nonesuch for your answer.
“Fuck the kids”? In which hole sir?
I just recently got a iPhone 7 and clicked on the ios button to download coc and tits but they won’t download and I can’t figure out why.
Gotta jailbreak your device.
Thank you for finally nerfing lust damage. That shit made the combat uninterestingly easy…and I couldn’t resist the urge to use it.
That makes no freakin’ sense… if it made combat boring then stop using it and switch to something more challenging.
i can’t seem to unlock the locked talk option for kally where it says i need to know more about the universe how do i unlock this?
Your knowledge of the TITS universe comes from the Codex entries…
Your knowledge of the land shall be great.
krio and kelly double team on the pc? =D
I discovered a little bug in the public version and I honestly don’t know where else to post this considering its not game-breaking nor does it have any real effect but if you name the recruitable sexbot that you can find on Tarkus after a weapon in the game the weapons description pops up when you hover your mouse cursor over his option in the crew menu…
Bug reports to here ?β
Dammit, I mean go, stupid tablet. Fen, you REALLY should make it possible for people to edit their posts. That can’t be too hard, right?
Now I am curious about the hidden scene…