Adjatha did some good work!
0.6.94 Changelog:
- Virection added to Busky’s inventory. It’s an item that grows your penis, or grows you another one. LashCharge wrote it. Enjoy it before I fix the price back up to 6,000 credits or so! (I think it’s at 10 right now…)
- Added some hidden developer stuff to directly modify flags for testing purposes.
- You can now “work” the gloryhole in the Kui Country Bar and Lodge when it is empty. Two scenes, one working a dude and another for a futa!
- Dreams (of which only 1 exists in the game at present) now only occur once every 20 days at most.
- Item tooltip can display “Quantity” now (mostly for if they are cropped off from the button label).
- Fix button menu for combat items that require targeting.
- Clothing should now actually display resistance comparison values. (They were hidden before, causing confusion with cold resistance on Uveto).
- Possible fixes for egg laying scenes.
- Kally’s Picardine mini-quest should actually end for refusing to tell Kally or Kiro.
- Potential fix for Let’s Fap!’s first unlock (Ausar) to actually unlock when flag is undefined.
B-d-b-d-b-d-b-d, that’s all folks!
Just to be sure, is that a cock-sporting Twi’lek?
I believe it is
Never expected to see one of those again, let alone here! Good job as usual, Adjatha!
I hope it is. π
Thank you so much for limiting how often dreams occur. I absolutely hated constantly running into it while grinding Mimbrane trust.
“clap-clap” Great way to end a post, speaking of which… pig people… needs to happen.
I think I have to agree with you there. Lottie from CoC was pretty neat, after all.
I hope there will be Twiβlek TF’s in game. But for copywrite just change the name. After all be a cool cock to have for steeles collection…
I remember awhile back there was a poll for a new playable race, and the winner was Twi’leks with the serial numbers filed off.
Don’t know when they’re being added though.
There’ll be some differences between them and Twi’leks. Don’t sue us Disney. The Adjatha picture was just an old drunk doodle he did that got colored.
Hope there not too different. Any idea about when we can expect them?
Damn it, wrong they’re.
Anyone know which Characters support Double Dick scenes?
So far I know of Shekka and Ceria
Simone at the gym should have one. I wrote it, and she’s in the game, but it’s not shown in the wiki. I’d test, but I lost all my saves in the last flash update, and I haven’t had time to play since.
I can confirm that it is in-game, and it is one of the best things ever.
Thank you. π
Any chance of adding a tease based class? Some kind of Courtesan that with a focus on better tease attacks, lust resist, and a small increase in Max lust. Special Attacks like an exotic dance to cost energy for a stronger lust attack. Or public displays to tease multiple targets.
You can become that with perks found within the game. Im a bit tired and lazy as i just woke up and am just doing my normal stroll through the internet but if you really want to “make” a Tease based class just go into the perks list on the wiki. If I’m remembering correctly a lot of them have to do with the Treatment and bimbofication so it may not be ideal.
You really can’t, not in the way they were talking about. There are no perks that give you special combat abilities like the ones you get when you level up. They give you alternatives to the default “attack” option at the cost of energy. There is no such equivalent for doing Lust based damage at the cost of energy.
Finally unlocked Canadia/Kally and I gotta say there’s some pretty great scenes to be found. The Kally scene isn’t just hot but it’s got a style about it too. Great stuff comes about when Fen’s feeling himself/is inspired. This is the kind of writing that made me go “I need to back this dude forever!”. Good stuff.
Isn’t Futatuesday the same thing, (here, at least,) as saying Breathingday? ?
Might as well be haha
Nitpick, after the gloryhole scene:
“Streams of WHITE flow from under the edge, following grooves in the floor toward the drain. You made quite a mess.”
My herm ejaculates honey, so it should be amber or whatever color honey is.
Continue the great work, BTW!
Hey, maybe it’s white honey? π
Btw No Special Dialogue for K&K when playing a full Galotian Steele when they were talking about Galotian shenanigans
Yer comment made me realize: galotian + kui-tan = massive ball gooflation scenes.
Oh, BTW, I haven’t seen the new scenes yet, so I don’t actually know if that was mentioned in them. Don’t hurt me. ?
I have a question that for some reason feels sort of silly to ask. Will we ever get alternate versions of the gloryhole pitch scene? Perhaps one with a guy? Maybe a trap so addicted to sucking dick that he cums just from tasting yours? I can’t believe how awkward I feel asking something like this after spending so much time playing CoC, FoE, and TiTS >.>
Nice spoiler m8
There’s a forum thread all about people submitting gloryhole scenes and tossing ideas around. You should check it out, see if somebody has a similar idea or if someone else is looking for ideas etc.
So… just a thought: Steele Tech is estimated as trilion company in the game… and claimed to be one of galaxy’s biggest cats.
so, a question: is something two times bigger than Google that impressive on a galactic scale, or has dollar gotten that much precious?
I had an issue with Patreon not letting me add a new credit card and couldn’t get charged for this cycle. It’s been fixed now, but is there any chance I can pay directly this month? I voted for this scene, in particular, and I’ve been looking forward to it for a while. If I have to wait, I have to wait, but it would be great if I didn’t.
It’s all been resolved, thanks to help from both Patreon and a certain glorious content creator.
Oh my god those balls of Penny’s.
I would just go motorboat on them all night long.