0.7.100 Changelog:
- A new roaming shop has been added to the game. It has a semi-random inventory of exotic weapons for sale that vary in power based on the planet you encounter Kattom on.
- 19 new weapons have been added to the game, largely cribbed from the weapon overhaul group that had been fed my way, with some tweaks and adjustments by yours truly.
- Kattom’s Uveto inventory is not in yet. I burned out after getting that far. It has Myrellion’s a placeholder, or Savicite if I bungled the planet name check.
- Jacques00 fixed a few things and fiddled with some save code. Hopefully nothing breaks!
I’d write more but my wife is asleep. Nite!
Any new bows?
What milestone are you holding out 0.8 for?
I was just wondering that myself.
New bows?
You say roaming but were does it appear on the planet’s, in one place or multiple?
“Roaming” means random outside safe squares.
Not gonna lie, still don’t know what that means.
Did some testing, he changes planets randomly every time you visit him and/or fly. He’ll always be right outside town, Gildenmere specifically for Myrellion as far as I know.
Okay, I just did some testing and you’re right, he’s always right outside of town. But when he moves seems timed, he stays in one place for a few hours (Might be 24) then moves to the next planet in chronological order. Always been Mehga -> Tarkus -> Myrellion.
A comment meant for the previous patch but whatever i’l post it here. That moment when your ship is so packed with people you wonder just how many more until it becomes a clown car. Gonna need a bigger ship at this rate lol.
Well let’s analyze this. The ship has 3 bunks, your character uses 1, so you should be able to have 2 crew members.
However, Celise doesn’t use a bunk, she sleeps in the engine room because she likes to be pooled around the warm pipes. Yammi sleeps in the kitchen so she also doesn’t need a bunk, same with the pexiga. Nova and Bess are robots so they can just roam around the ship not needing to sleep. Seigwulf is in the cargo hold. And finally the varmint is a pet and probably just sleeps on the floor.
If you assume all other crew members require a bunk then it should be possible to have a maximum of 9 crew members.
Yeah the CassTech needs an upgrade.
I like that bit about the clown car.
0.7.100. So when is version 8.0?
Probably when we have ship combat :3
Looking forward to it already.
Keep up the good work
Woo! new weapons. These should be fun to play around with. Will you be adding the motherhusk plants soon too? For… Science…
0.7.1? That.. that isn’t quite.. I mean…
Last one went from 0.6.99 to 0.7.0
Shouldn’t this be.. ya know.. 0.8.0?
Doesn’t work that way, you could have 7.999 if you wanted to, 8.0 is reserved for a “big” release or where they feel a milestone has been reached
*Portal 2 announcer voice* You’ve released patch 0.7.999999999999999999 *static fizzle*
Pretty much. Look at Overwatch: https://i.imgur.com/FgtYG6W.png
Well I mean.. it’s an established standard for TiTS up until now. So.. it kinda does work that way, or, at least, it has until now.
Oooh, new weapons! Time to re-optimize!
Can you make a saumorian transformation item? Maybe put it as an option after one of chaurmines sex scenes or as a rare drop. Heck if you feel up to it maybe even make the saumorian planet so you can explore it? have it be a tough area like uveto. just a thought. Though i really want to make a saumorian character. please keep up the good work! 🙂
check the forums. Farily sure there’s one in the works.
Buttfuck the metal dinosaur, become a metal dinosaur, get eaten by acid bugs.
Kaithrit has wares if you have coin.
Hopefully ships and the last plant from Azra are added soon.
Why does it feel like kattom is xur? Potential exotic/new weapons, randomly chooses where to go, only stays for so long…
If only I could find more ties to destiny