No promises, but I’ll be trying to code together William’s sexy blackjack dealer, Roo, before I leave for PAX later in the week. In the meantime, enjoy all this stuff! More Dane will be coming next week. I have three other talk discussions planned as well as at least two other scenes where he fucks you pieces. Let me know what you think in the comments.
0.7.270 Changelog:
- Dane can be encountered on the recreation deck of Zheng Shi. Head up the cargo elevator after taking out the LDC and Shock Hopper! Presently he’s rocking a small selection of talk topics and a rather involved oral scene with lots of variations for bimbos/snakebyte/deepthroat/normal folks. More will come!
- The casino on the recreation deck is live with a basic blackjack game. Expect it to be refined and adjusted in the future, but for now feel free to abuse it and let me know what you think! (We officially have our own game with blackjack and hookers.)
- Nonesuch’s “Sera Milkings” have been added to the game.
- “Kelly Hyper BJ” by Wsan has been added to the game. Go suck sum bun!
- New Aliss for dick-wielders by yours truly.
- More fixes for laquine pregnancy.
- Pregnant Jumper busts were added, though I think a glitch in code merging has them disabled for now, so I’ve included them with this post. <3
- Various typo fixes and bug fixes.
Are the Sera milkings for when she’s the sub or you?
Nvm, it’s when you’re the sub. God bless Nonesuch and everyone else for supplying my subby dreams and fantasies.
Well, guess I won’t ever be seeing that scene. I always buy Sera.
imo Sera has some great Dom moments when you buy her and my ship must be full of waifus so I also buy her regardless of a sub or dom playthrough
How many years have you been waiting to make that Futurama reference Fen?
Too damned long.
Im shocked it didn’t happen sooner
I think we got the merge problem corrected so jumper preg bust should be in.
Those with problems with the jumper spoon scene, let me know if it works for you now.
Please post bugs in the Blackjack Minigame too so that game can be ironed out for the NPC to follow.
god damn those jumpers look fucking tasty. ‘Specially the brown one. That foreskin looks fuckin’ yummy.
I know right???
I think you mean specially that flared tip. OwO All jokes aside if there’s anything I’ve learned from playing CoC and TiTS over the last 8 years is that horse cock is best cock.
I posted on the patron page too but does this have an image pack version to it?
Is it me, or do their thighs look thicker?
Greetings, first of all thank for the great game that I have been following for 4 years and apologize for the possible lack of spelling (I use a lot of Google translator since I speak Spanish) and taking advantage of your interest of what we think, I will begin to comment on mental diarrhea that I have had since I took up the game and started reading the fiction section and played The Silence (Beautiful).
What exactly does the Alpha Eccent Perk do? I think it has great potential, with good and bad effects, changing dialogues and interactions with some characters. SPOILER ALERT (is this necessary?).
-I could make some combats of bosses are more difficult, to make you have more respect, for example: Amara not underestimate you, RK stronger and scared, Pump-king formally organizing a duel for your battle, LDC and Teyyal asking for reinforcements , that Lund challenges you to a fight once to insult you the first time you meet him and a rougher battle against the Milodan Alpha, Agrosh and Forgehound.
– Some characters do not see you as a nuisance, a brat or a toy and do so as a like an equal, a capable person or a trusted leader, for example: Akane, Semit, Fyn, Quinn, Kane, Carver, Verusha, Una, Chaurmine, Sydian Matriarch, Sellera, Nezhara, the golden queens, Taivra, Fei An, Maike, Beatrice, Shade, Bell, Jerryn, Krym, Zon Gel, Zephyr, Mirrin, Ciaran and Kasmiran.
– Be able to command the allies you have during a battle (not many), although not as much as in The Silence, at least select target.
How are you I have too many ideas that I will not say now I think I’m surpassing my authority as a free user, I’ll do in the next post, I hope something I say helps improve this great game (really thank you).
(Pump-King in Gastogoth pls)
so when that new update coming up I’m really liking what I’m seeing so far wished there’s more content with the tentacles use more than one cock to keep on orgasms and more
When playing Blackjack, if you manage to hit 21 (I hit it with 6,7,3,5) it keeps letting me bet? I had a million cred stored up so once I hit that 21 I just bet it all and won, I don’t really know if that’s really how the game is to be intended lol.
is this leading up to a recrutable dane?
Will we be able to recruit Dane like buy him out from our cousin or get him sexually
I hope so, my ship needs someone that can actually dick me down
Bimbo your siegwulfe over on tarkus
“You have been ambushed by a jumper gang, what do you do?”
Dane stuff is super good so far my man, absolutely loving it (though you probably knew that from stream). Been sharing it w/ my boyfriend too, good times all ’round.
I really like that you can punch him in the face when you meat him that was good.
You don’t meat him. He meats you.
Are Kase and Celise the only ones you can breastfeed to??
Can breastfeed Rats on Zheng Shi!
IIRC you can also breastfeed the nyreen on Mhen’gha as well
You can breastfeed Seandra and Millie, just to name a few others.
The TentacleD talk option in Dane’s talk option, shouldn’t it be available to ask after sucking Dane off at the casino if you beat him back on Menhga? After all, seeing a dick like that no matter what the circumstance will make you wanna ask.
He no longer has the tentacle abomination when you get to the casino, so if you won you’ll never know he had it. Maybe he never had it at all. Schrödinger’s tentacle dog dick.
So disappointing he no longer has it, it was one of the few things that made him unique
The moment you realize, this picture of the four jumpers would make a damn good wallpaper
aw sweet more dane content. i missed that tall hunk of a asuar.
Nonesuch, is Sera’s Galaxy’s #1 Dad mug a reference to the Secretarial Succubus from CoC1?
I only remembered that after I wrote it, actually. Still, it functions as a nice reference.
Does Sera having the mug dependant on her knocking Steele up?
Fenoxo, spend all the silicon bags without knowing you needed one to train a Varmint, is there any way to get a bag?
forget it, check again the badger lab and Nim-Foe will be charged silicone for some reason (y)
wheres da public
The same place it is every month.
How long we need to eait until Android port?
There’s an .apk version of every build. Check the Backer Builds tab, three places over from the SWF download.
Maybe convince dane to get back his tentacle cock and Then let him fuck the PC to pieces.
preggo futas are satisfying
[Lifting you as easily as a doll, the ausar pulls you away from the bar and carries you bodily into one of the secluded, privacy screen-equipped alcoves.]
Oh my~
I did not know I had a fetish for being carried.
You add 1260000000 to your bet, raising the total to 1260025000.
off topic but how big is fens dick irl i stumbled on his twitter and it looks pretty juicy<3
This is reminding me i’ve been waiting for extra Dane stuff for a REALLY long time…ever since the beginning, can’t wait to jump in. I’m sad hearing the tentacle dick is gone but i’m very glad we have more stuff to talk about with him about.
I did not realize that criticism for dommy characters was a thing…I love em. Guess this shows how much i’ve paid attention
Couple bugs I’ve seen in Blackjack so far. Dealer sometimes doesn’t stand if facedown is an Ace that gives them 21 (should be dealer blackjack and instant loss). Ties (which should result in a Push and return of your original bet) are read as “dealer wins”. And then there was one game where I hit on a 6 and lost right then somehow, but I clicked through too fast to see how (It was NOT dealer blackjack, faceup was not a face card or 10)
Not a bug but I suggest removing the option to raise in blackjack (or at least the custom bet)- it’s extremely easy to abuse to get rich quick. (Not that getting rich quick is a bad thing :3 )
Started playing Blackjack with 37k credits.
Fifteen minutes (and only 4 reloads) later, I stand at 1 billion credits. I’m tempted to keep going to see if there’s a max credit limit.
I just today discovered the Beth carver hand job scene. More Bethany Carver when?
New Dane stuff is good, i am happy that he is more than a sidekick for baddies.
how do you win a bet with Haley, i’m out of ideas to try, or i may just have horrible RNG