This image is the reason why I need to write a threesome for these two!
By FriendlyAlienFriend.
Sundays are usually what I consider to be my day off, but since I’m losing tomorrow to holiday chicanery, I’ve been pounding out some effort most of the evening tonight. Once I write a threesome with Kiro and Mitzi, I’ll consider her base follower slate good to go.
…and options for removing her from crew and re-adding.
0.8.043 Changelog:
- The Kiro/Kally interactions in Kally’s bar should now be possible with a recruited Kiro.
- Kiro’s sex menu now includes a “Roleplay” option that allows you to re-experience the scenes you got for saving her.
- If Kiro is lactating, she can now give a milky titfuck.
- Ardia’s femininity score was updated to 90, which should prevent messages about you taking “his” virginity.
can you not recruit kiro without waiting for bimbokiro or am i just an idiot?
After saving non-bimbo Kiro head back to the station, go to the hanger and enter Kiro’s ship for fun times and recruitment.
much appreciated
Milky tittyfuck error –
Error Name: ReferenceError
Error Mesg: Error #1069
ReferenceError: Error #1069
at classes::TiTS/kiroMilkyTiddyFukk()
at classes::GUI/PressButton()
at classes::TiTS/pressButton()
at Function/()
at classes::BoundControlMethod/ExecFunc()
at classes::InputManager/ExecuteKeyCode()
at classes::InputManager/KeyHandler()
Bug reports go in the bug report forum, a link for which is below the twitter feed here: ? It’s best if you also include a save game file, so that the codemonkeys can take a look, lol.
The text preceding that note is actually more helpful than the list of stuff after.
Thanks gents, as you can see I’m new here!
Im gonna post it in bug fixes but kiros milky titty scene error coded me
Out of curiosity do you have an eta on doll Kiro content? Is it being worked on atm or on hold until you have the normal Kiro stuff all up and running?
So how do we actually start the kiro quest, or is it not implemented yet and we have to use console commands
It is implemented.
The requirements are you have to be I believe lvl 9 at least.
Kiro’s trust must be 100
And you get her quest in between travel to different planets.
i do not believe having her and Kally in incest love is a requirement nor is taking her virginity a requirement.
You really only need to be the appropriate level and have 100 trust with her.
Alrighty. thanks!
Does this include Bimbo Kiro or no?
Only regular Kiro so far
Bimbo Kiro hasn’t been touched
Kiro 99% done
What did he mean by this?
If you ‘save’ Kiro after she is Bimbo it will act as if you saved her right before the final Bimboification step. The first follower stuff for non-bimbo is almost done. So if you want Bimbo Kiro you will need to hold off till its done as I’m pretty sure it will not be retroactive.
Now I have a question – how do you acquire lactating Kiro? I have to wait a bit for a few transformations to happen on save quest or I have to give her some transformative?
I hope it’s by giving her a tf
Waiting a few transformations.
When will the imagepack be released?
Can we have an option for sleep with Kiro ( and probably kally because she is in preparation )
And about her nuts . She release herself too quickly ( dr po gived her a accelerate supply rate ) , and i have to play with save and time to meet kiro at her max orbs size . i wanted help her at her max level of needs .
Merry holidays for fenoxo and writers/drawers !
I second this, I was disappointed there wasn’t a sleep interaction with her.
i agree sleeping with kiro would be awesome
A talk scene where you convince her to stay backed up longer would be a good idea. I’ll add it to my notes.
Has Savin poached every writer/coder except William for CoC2 at this point? Seems like Fenoxo and William content is all that’s being worked on.
William does some CoC2 stuff too. Nonesuch is doing a few odds and ends on TiTs but working on his project Cloud 10 I think. All the little birdies leaving the nests… the circle of porn writing.
Also, Kiro is a big ass stocking stuffer. Merry XXXmas!
CoC2 had a bigger write team from the getgo thanks to having people like Tobs onboard right away and by virtue of Savin poaching himself onto that team.
There’s some stuff from other authors in the wings including a 65 page expansion for Bizzy from Nonesuch.
Has Nonesuch submitted the expansion to you yet? Or is he still finishing it up?
Just a question but will Kiro get to use tf’s like Knot A Problem?
Not that one, but Savin is working on a Huskar Kiro variant that gets a dog-dick.
First you had my interest, but now you have my full attention.
Will that TF be an option with bimbo Kiro or just with regular?
where do i go to get the newest version on the image pack?
I believe the latest image build is the public one linked on the Dec 5th blog post titled [Public | TiTS] A Leaf on the Wind.
I hope we can hav threesome like SteelexAnnoxKiro. Or get Anno to meet Kally as well…
but any threesome possibilities with Kiro with the crew mates would be awesome
Anno hates Kiro for fairly legitimate ‘lewded my girlfriend without her consent’ reasons.
Huh? In what scene is this established?
When did Anno bring that up? Also, having Kiro on the ship could help correct that
Yeah could you elaborate on this ‘lewded my girlfriend without her consent’ thing in a bit more detail? Because I must have missed this bit of info.
so is it only kiro/kally or is the foursome working too?
So does kiro have to be fully transformed by po in order to join the crew or am I missing something?
Visit the hanger when you get back to tavros.