It’s super late, and I’m super tired, so this post will probably be brief. 3,500+ lines of mainline content + five fights later, Fen is ded. There’s some more stuff for epilogues in Esbeth to do, but I wanted to go to bed. TOMORROW.
First up, a few words of caution:
- This has not received extensive testing. There is a mechanism where the player’s equipment is pulled out of his/her inventory and swapped for other items. If something in it breaks, it could result in weapon/armor loss.
- It’s supposed to be balanced for level 6-7 characters. My test character, however, is a level 8 with all maxed stats. It’s likely unbalanced.
- It might be possible that quest progress could get borked or improperly marked. I tested as many potential routes through this as possible, but I feel like it could be a problem. Please back up your save before testing.
- I’ll try and round up most bugs for a patch in the next 24 hours or so.
0.7.31 Changelog:
New quest: the plantation on Mhen’ga needs help dealing with an escaped worker – and a troublesome Zil tribe. Written by Nonesuch.
- New enemies: Kane, Zil Hornet, Zil Hoverfly, RK Lah, and special guest: Naleen Mating Ball.
- New items: Zil Spear and Zil Bow.
- New busts: Estraffe, Sylvie, Nessa, Dr. Lessau
- New Items: Holstaria and Lupinol, by Couch
- Bubble Buddy bubbles can be drank from by appropriate PCs.
Any hints what the new items do? Would check but am about to hit the sack and want to check this post out after getting the notification from patreon
Unless Fen forgot to mention an item up there, all the new items are weapons…
Holstaria and Lupinol are the items being referred to I think
And isn’t the Zil bow an item we were using for quite a while now? Cause I remember getting them from Zip for quite a while ‘n chucking them cause… reasons.
This is a *Champion* zil bow. It’s better! By a bit. I mean, it’s still a fucking bow in the distant future.
Lupinol as in lupine for wolves. Holstaria as in Holstaurs which are the female equivalent of minotaurs.
Thanks for the info
How do i start the new quest fen?!?
After visiting the plantation you should get an e-mail from Darnock asking for your help.
where do you even get the new items
Lessau after talking to Wolt amd Cynthia alone, if nothing has changed from the Gdoc. I don’t even know if they’re in as individuals since the mobile builds aren’t up yet.
Fuck, Walt*
Where do you find these two? Can’t find anything on the wiki about them. =/
According to the docs they should be in the Freezer. There’s no mention of them being added despite their respective TFs having been though.
“+ five fights later, Fen is ded.” A regular honey trap, this plantation quest is, eh?
Weird sharing a name with a game character again. Last time I can remember was Kane and Lynch.
I’m tired too to be honest.
Finally a new version. <3
Was starting to get a bit worried about y'all.
Probably gonna wait til tomorrow for the bug fix though if you think it'll be that big a deal
No, Fen, No!
Fen’s dead baby, Fen’s dead.
(Please don’t hit me)
who is Estraffe again?
also when did resting get nerfed?
The red myr commander in Fazian’s quest line.
Looking at that portrait makes me think ” Where is her squirrel friend? Will she ever catch Boris badinov? Or will he again evade the moose und sqvirrel”
Where is the naleen mating ball at? my only guesses were the quest (which sadly I couldn’t find it there) having naleens win, which after a few dozen of that nothing happened. Anyone found it yet?
It can be found during the quest.
There’s a place called the Driftwood Shoulder in the quest area where you can fall and find it. I think it’s a random event though, considering I fell when I still had 40 energy. You might have to talk to the Zil Queen about the topic to be able to find it. Just run over the patch until fall you into it.
might be a silly question but are the new enemies exclusive for the quest or do the appear in the jungle too?
Bubble Buddy Bubbles… If that ain’t a tongue twister, I don’t know what is
First comment, blinded or stunned, Kane somehow manages to prevent physical attacks. Not sure how that works.
I’m a little iffy on the plantation/colonial theme but he content is well-written and the characters are distinct. Actually I think character writing is one of your strong points as an author (Nonesuch). There are plenty of choices and the interactions are interesting.
There seems to be a suggested path from Kane, of burning down the mansion and returning to him, but there is no actual possibility of that happening. I’m not huge on games suggesting in game options that don’t actually exist. That’s my critique on it. Decent content, jury is out on whether it was worth the wait.
The only bad-end involves death, which I’m not a fan of in a game about sex.
Thank you for the review and kind words.
IIRC Kane says *he’ll* burn down the mansion and *then* you can be his slave 5ever. I didn’t intend it to appear like it was a serious option, but obviously I wasn’t clear enough.
I appreciate it was a big wait (and a huge burden on Fen) for not a massive amount of sex, that would be my critique of it also. It was intended to be the first building block of the PC making larger decisions about the fate of Mhen’ga, but I really wanted it to be self-contained as well, which precipitated more work. I won’t be doing anything like as big which isn’t heavily sex-orientated for a while now.
Also if you ran into any bugs I’d be very grateful if you reported them on the forum, I myself haven’t had a chance to run through it yet.
But I wanted my femPC to be Kane’s junglebunny waifu D;
Thank you for the personal response. I will do that If I come across anything that jumps out at me. I love your other content btw. Your Sera content and the bothriac are some of my favorite parts of the game.
Eh I beg to differ, although it sounds ridiculous, I wouldn’t mind parts of this sex game not having sex, as long as the read is awesome/progresses story/has feels, in the end, I want to have fun in this game, doesn’t have to always be naughty fun.
If we differ, it’s by degree. “Fun” does not have to be naughty, but brutal and sudden death is quite the tonal shift.
New Build, so time for an all new hunt to try and figure out where the heck which shop got the new items.
Should be Lessau
Where is Lessau?
On Uveto by the planetside portion of the elevator.
I can’t download the Android version
Same, can’t find it.
Question: Any way you can make an electric-type-powered-thing bow? I know we have a fair share of bows but I feel like, even though the Tanis now is nice, it’s starting to get outclassed by the newer weapons, and I enjoy using bows…
(update:I read that there’s a new bow, but still, electric bow… ._. I want to be able to make use of a tech specialists powers with bows, OH! Maybe something like the ancient guardian bow and arrows?(I’ve been playing ZBOTW))
You mean like a bow that fires electrically charged arrows that strip away shields with a couple hits? Sounds good to me.
stupid question but whens the next public release commin’?
Usually around the first week of every new month, they never have a set date because things can always happen, be lenient.
alright ;D
I think you mean patient, not lenient.
Doesn’t lenient mean laid back? Usually people keep asking when’s the next build, why not just relax and wait?
Lenient is used to, for example, describe someone in a position of authority going easy on someone they punished, or could have punished.
Who drew this version of Sylvie? I’d be inclined to say that it was Gats due to the style, but the quality is a lot better than the newer ones he’s (she’s?) done.
Gats. He’s a he, last I checked.
So I was right. Huh. If only all of his other busts were of the same quality.
Im having issues with getting the email to start the quest. Any ideas?
Be level six, and go visit the plantation and do all the talk topics.
After that I think just wait (and maybe be off-planet).
Im level 6 and i did everythinhg you said without the event triggering. Do i need to just “enter” or do i have to go south at the plantation
So let me get this straight- 0.7.31 is only available to backers right now?
Some of the hyperlinks on the backer builds page are borked. Namely the ARM, x86, and iOS links. They just show up as normal text.
Means they aren’t ready yet
It doesn’t tend to take twelve plus hours.
Fen, thank you for implementing PlantationQuest, it has to be the most satisfying storyline I have ever encountered in a sex game and better than a fair quantity of mainstream games I’ve encountered. Nonesuch, thank you for writing this, Quinn is brilliant, I am dangerously close to falling in love with her, and I love the oppertunity to turn a bad situation into a genuinely positive experience, makes me feel like my Steele is doing something right. Honestly, tremendous kudos all around. I didn’t make a single credit but I’ve made Peace in a way I don’t think I ever will be able to do on Myrellion, even once resolutions present themselves. Thank you.
Wow, high praise indeed! Thank you, reading that is really inspiring.
Aside from Kane blocking ten of my actions in a row and having to go all the way back to town to rest after fighting the Naleen ball, since you can only make it up about halfway before it throws you back down, it was a pretty good quest.
Nice references to the song, “Civilization,” and, “Heart of Darkness.”
what does one need to be able to chug their own cum bubbles?
According to Fen you need to have nuki nuts or “various bimbo perks”.