It’s been too long! Before I get into the changelog, a suggestion – save and reload the rival encounter so you can experience all of it. There’s a special loss scene for letting the bodyguard sit on your face. I’d also recommend loading back to before the encounter when you’re done, so that you can hit it with all the proper bust art lined up down the road.
0.7.219 Changelog:
- Your rival (and his/her bodyguard) can now be encountered in the scaffolds above the forge deck. The scaffolds themselves remain largely unfinished, though the square you encounter them in will be the entrance to the Sidewinder, the pirate’s prototype ship.
- New Busts: Punk Secops (Male & Female) along with Haley (this is an update & replacement of her original bust by Shou with a newer one).
- Smugglers will no longer automatically jump up from being tripped if they choose the “wait” action.
- It is now possible to revisit Poe A once per year for holiday fun, even if doing so is non-canon. Happy Halloweenings!
- Penises can no longer receive the “voluminous” adjective.
- The Gryvain Agent’s sex is now properly listed as “Herm” in combat.
- Jacques00 went ham on cleaning up a bunch of other content bugs as well.

I hooked Mr.Pink up with a custom PC preset named “Pwink” in exchange for some art, and he was nice enough to give permission for me to post the name and a piece of art to use it as a custom PC bust.
Coming Soon:
- The Event Whorizon, a Halloween adventure from Savin complete with bust art. I’m told Gedan has it mostly coded.
- Rat’s Raiders by William – a collection of three semi-random mousy enemies with over 200 pages of content. Will is writing up the last scene for them now while Lighterfluid works on programming them.
- The Shock Hopper and LDC – this pair of NPC’s functions as Zheng Shi’s ultimate boss fight. Savin’s been writing them (with help from Will soon) and came up with some amusing combat attacks for the fight.
- Aina pregnancy by Gardeford.
- Polishing up the scaffolds, their room descriptions, and spinning the Forgehound into a one-time, optional miniboss with sweet loot.
- Whatever unfinished writing project I dive into to try and get caught up!
Comment section IS MINE MWAHAHAHA!
(Good patch this time Fen!)
Not For Long! Question do you think theres gonna be any more content for Reaha or Bess/Ben at all?
Reaha maybe, Bess/Ben probably not.
Emmy? :3
Reaha for sure.
So, what’s in the works for her?
is it the treament futa stuff?
Sounds great! Glad to hear you’re feeling better
Is it still planned for Azra to get finished? I couldnt find any info on if her next expedition was in the works.
I was wondering that too. I love her concept and character design but it’s kinda sad there isn’t much to do with her after the missions. Shame she doesn’t get to put that cock to use.
I mean i cant seem to do the final expedition either, is that not in or am I missing something?
It’s not in yet.
More content for my favorite centaur girl, I love you Gardeford
i feast on your praise
“Your praise only makes my penis harder!”
So what’s this even whorizon
It’s this year’s Halloween event where you and Anno travel through a wormhole to a dimension inhabited by demons similar to the ones from CoC and ruled by that universe’s equivalent to Syri.
Does this mean we finally get to fuck Jill? I really really really want to ram it up her butt.
I hope so too I’ve been waiting for the chance that bitch over since I started playing this game.
Prepare your anus! Seriously though, what is it with you and butts? lol.
I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can’t deny. When a girl walks by with an it bitty waste and a round thing in your face you get sprung.
That song makes me laugh every time I hear it, lol.
Same here, although I also want to ram it into other orifices. <.<
Yeah… though I also want to lose to her as well. So far the only sexual interaction between the PC and Jill is when Bess has you on exhibition. As hot as that is, I want more!
More like that, yes. Some kinda petplay bad end with Jill maybe x_x
What will be added in that extra menu in the codex? i’ve been wondering my ass off for a while.
If you go through Emmy’s story until you get a toy for her, you can control it via the “Extra” menu of the codex
Hey Fen, can you get the Poe A transformations every year? If so, you should probably look at the height limit for the Captain costume, the one that adds 12 inches seemingly regardless of how tall you already are, otherwise people will be able to grow a full foot each year. You can already go from 10 to 11 feet the first time you visit, 12 to 13 if you’re a goo. 14, 15, 16, 17, it might get a bit ridiculous. You’ve probably already looked at that, if it’s even a problem in the first place, but just thought I’d ask.
Hey what do you do if you cant save in the save slots
Hell yeah Aina content finally.
Omg I had commissioned that with Gardeford like a year and half ago, i’m so excited to see it in-game!
Coding is done. I just need to do some final testing. Thanks for commissioning it. Aina needed more content and badly needed to be breed!
I have been curious how much a commission like that would cost? I though of checking in to those.
Been a bit out of the loop for a bit, so those cybercats, they a actual encounterable npc and if so where and how?
Yeah my spelling is off today.
Yeah. Second level of zheng shi.
How does one get to the second level, again been out of it for a bit.
Far into lvl 1 you defest Maike who drops a space helmet. Below her tile is one that gives a space suit and allows to space walk directly back to the port. After that you can move to lvl 2 with the stairs. DO NOT discard the helmet EVER! You can’t get another one.
You either need the space suit and helmet; or a slave uniform.
Gothamson gave the spacesuit route. The alternative is to wear a slave uniform and go to the safe area before the mines start. You’ll have the option to blend in with a crowd of slaves. Depending on your choices you may have to fight.
Is there a screen ingame that tracks stats like evasion/defense/etc? I know it’s not hard to keep track of on your own but the codex can put a number to how nice you are, and it’s a stat so I figured it’d be in there somewhere. Also wondering if different body-parts like wings/hooves/fur/scale and such affect those secondary stats or are ever going to.
You can find you Combat stats under Codex/Stats/Combat. Body parts do not affect stats and are purely cosmetic for the most part. Also there will probably never be any perks or transformative items that affect combat, as TiTs is trying to stay away from the transformative perks that CoC had as it caused certain metas.
Pregnant horsies?? Sign me up!! But the day that we get Anno to bear children is the day I give … well I don’t know what, but it’ll be good!
Anno Is Savin’s character I believe, and he don’t like doin’ preggo stuff, unfortunately. Which is why Syri ain’t ever gettin’ her vagoo back.
Technically syri did get her vagina back
Yeah don’t get your hopes up for Anno there.
For any price? 🙂
Give me till new years ill put up a grand for that
Probably should send this to the bug reports but the Ciaran e-mail keep popping up every couple squares, no matter if it’s read or not.
Now I’m wondering if Wsan is considering writing scenes for Aina allowing you to give her a synth sheath so that she can do the impregnating.
Wsan IS the ‘taur guy, after all. XD
Ooo it would be great if this is another horror themed Halloween event seeing as how it plays on one of my favorite movie’s title, Event Horizon! 😀
“Hell is just a word, where we’re going is much worse.”
Where we’re going, we don’t need dicks to fuck.
No bad ends for the cybercats?
Not yet, thankfully.
mEdge is crying inside, lol.
I had an idea for both of them, one bad end with variations. If you have a dong then the female cybercat would keep you around, plied on her aphrodisiac milk, and use you to test out all sorts of new bodily functions and augments she gets. Literal fuckslave.
The boicat would take anyone as, at the very least, a cock-holster, bonus points for anyone who used Snakebyte.
We’ll see if that ever manifests.
Hey Fenoxo, I have been encountering some bugs with Ciaran’s haunted cabin quest, even after finishing it he sends me that email every single night. Is it normal?
It is not. If it isn’t logged in the bug report forum, please do so.
Is Dane not making a return? 🙁
Not yet, he will be in the future though.
it’s implied that Dane got fired so reason to believe we can pick him up since we aren’t a total jackass.
More interested in the suula. Always breed more suula… I mean need… Wait, no I don’t. Also finish Azra, always breed more suula.
I know right, well hopefully if we keep beating our rival’s mercenaries we can start collecting all the ones they fire. Speaking of that kind of now has me thinking if we collect the mercenaries they fire can we let them have sexy revenge on our rival when we finally beat them?
Been looking forward to the Event Whorizon for months ever since I read the draft for it. If y’all don’t know what’s coming then you’re gonna be in for a treat.
ok i think my aina is broken i cant get this sexy centur pregnant
nevermind like an idot i did read correctly
Be patient. I want it in yesterday as well. It is coded. I just need to finish testing. Should be up on github early next week.
How do I play the latest updates?
Click on Backer Builds if you’re a backer and select the build at the top of the list.
If you’re not a backer then you’ll be stuck with whatever the last public build was until next month.
That sucks ?
Remember the bad ends.
Yeas I am so excited I can finally knock up aina and make her a proper broodmare when I am a stallion centaur I’ll give her lots of foals/filly’s for her to birth
I was wondering if we could have preggo content for Zephyr? I was thinking of making an escalation of the Buttbet’s dialogue bit.
I second this.
I had a brief chat with wsan on a different update about that but didnt hear anyhtinf concrete. Still it’d be great i love the character but dont interact with her much since shes a dicky dom.
I know but with buttbet’s you can turn the tables on her for one throbb, I figure we could escalate it with gush or something to get it so we can preggo her. She already has Tavros nursery content apparently if the PC get’s knocked up by her so I figured why not reused parts of that to speed it up.
Her and you in the nursery are two different perspectives. I don’t know that there would be much to recycle.
The content is her working a milking station if I saw it correctly.
You did what with Pink!? Oh boy, time to go Pwink!
“There’s a special loss scene for letting the bodyguard sit on your face”
Anyone been able to access this scene or option? I’ve tried as a male character loosing to her, winning both my attacks and by lust, and then I’ve tried the scene with the tribbing as a herm (gave myself the pussy blossom pill quickly), and I’ve done the large dick scene…. sooo…. what am I missing?
nevermind, trial and error finally got it. Got to get knocked down prone and then just wait down there rather than standing up. Seems legit enough .3.
Nope, I stand corrected…. it gives another sexy scene of face-ridding, but there’s no “bad end”. Anyone know the answer to this?
i’m a dumb dumb…. It’s a special loss scene, not a bad end scene. Ignore .3.
So is the renewed push towards the ship system related to the player “acquiring” the Sidewinder? Will this include the maid currently constructing it as a crew member?
So this Even Horizon….Its Slaanesh I mean uh…Syri Controller warp hunh?
So what is this Whorizon thing.
Event Whorizon is this year’s special Halloween Event, where you and Anno discover a wormhole leading to an alternate dimension inhabited by Corrupted demons and imprisoned rushers ruled by that universe’s equivalent to Syri.
Sounds like Tentacle City, population Horny :d
Ow ok
FINALLY Aina can be babybumped been waiting so long for this considering she’s pretty much in 24/7/365 heat mode
On an unrelated note. Will Sera be getting an avatar update for people that painted her pink?
Maybe next time Adjatha’s streaming, someone could ask how difficult it’d be for him to re-color Aki’s bust image of her, or if it’d just be easier for him to draw her in his own style with the different variations.
Although, if I remember correctly, he’s focusing on characters who currently have no busts at all.
are the cybercats in the game yet? want that D
They’ve been in game for a long time. You can get that D soon enough.
So are there no scenes with Jill after the bodyguard fight?
Nope, she fucks off and leaves you to fight her mercenary again.