- Azra has a new scene. If noone is sharing your bunk and you haven’t visited Azra in a week, she’ll crash your bed, spend the night, and bang you in the morning. Only for dick-toting PCs. Includes yet-unseen variants for once she okays condomless stuff (Date: TBD).
- Those with a professional Azra should be able to get her to do the Tarkus expedition. That was a weird bug!
- Added the option to go back into the shower with her after the first time.
- The pregnant rask bust has been activated in game, along with Adjatha’s busts of Syri (pictured at right).
94 Responses to [Backers] Small Azra Update
What do you do with Ardia?
- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 835
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I’mma breed ‘er!
syri can only be cum inflated, she’s lacking the necessary plumbing.
ain’t gona stop us from trying.
Time to lay some pipe!
I wish
according to Savin there will be no internal plumbing rework for Syri. He’s quite happy with her being a ladyboy/trap/freakish teleportation accident victim.
Shemale/Dickgirl is a much more accurate word.
Ladyboy and trap is entirely different things. Remember that Syri was girl before accident, not guy. So shemale\dickgirl is more accurate.
That’s Erra in the picture, not Syri.
“The pregnant rask bust has been activated in game, along with Adjatha’s busts of Syri (pictured at right).”
Reading is fun
Erra is of a rather dark complexion my friend, look at her bust in-game. She’s chocolate, this here is maybe caramel.
Personally I’d rather get bred by her.
Woo more Azra 😀
Unnfff those chest pillows, time to alternate Syri busts every other week
Thats dumb. Are we not in the future? Are we not civilized?
The path is clear. We need to get Fen to let us clone Syri.
Start trying to get Azra to jump me in bed. Sera asks to sleep with me. Huh that’s new. Have her sleep at the foot of the bed. Wake up and go to her room for some sexy times. Look over options on first menu, appearance, buy, sell, talk, punish, sex, impregnate. Wait what? Impregnate? Holy shit. ALL HAIL NONESUCH!
Seriously when did all this get put in? Did I miss anything?
It was added in the last build.
I haven’t had luck getting her pregers. After i talked her into it, she only mentioned it one time, after the first sleep with cuddle scene, nothing in the duel-pen scene. I also waited a ton of days to see if she got pregnant but nothing, and trust me, im fertile enough to sneeze and get someone pregnant. lol
Check your encounters in your codex. Sera should be under Tavros. It takes 95 days for her to start showing.
Just curious, but what’s yer virility %?
100%. Also, i did check the codex but it seems she will only get pregnant after the cuddle scene. double-pen does not seem to work when getting her pregnant.
Really? Just 100% Mine’s 16445%
didnt read that right. i read sera’s. didnt check mine, sry
If you’re sure she can’t get pregnant via the double pen scene, I’d be grateful if you submitted a bug report about that.
Speaking of busts, it looks like there’s a finished Brandt bust from Adj that isn’t in. There’s also some Ilaria preg stuff that was left as a comment on github. It’s been there for awhile so I figured I’d say something. And keep up the great work as usual.
You know I think that preg stuff was planned from the get-go for the character, at least I remember it being mentioned when she first got added, but she’s not really had anything written for her since then.
If I remember correctly, you were supposed to be able to knock her up by chance when fucking her in the back room.
I could have sworn I heard the same. And what’s already coded has stuff for both Ilaria and the PC being pregnant.
I went back through all of the updates since the start of the new forums and I finally bloody found it! (September 15, 2016) Suprisingly it was only a year ago she was added, I thought it was a lot older content.
Here I’ll quote Fen on what he said that day: “Today I was informed that there was a bunny-girl baker who makes her own glaze. I coded it. Well, all but the pregnancy parts. I’m told that Gedan is presently tangling with Codethulhu to try and get stuff all set up for the nursery, so it’s likely I’ll try and pawn that stuff off on her.”
So apparently she was supposed to have her preg content added in, it’s just that it was never codded because either Fen forgot to give it to Gedan or Gedan forgot about it somewhere along the line due to having a lot of other stuff to do.
Well, hopefully this has brought it back to their attention, so that they can get to it eventually, and not forget.
azra second expedition page where you are introduced to the twin gray goo keeps looping
same rip this build
usually, i hate Adjatha’s busts. i find them to be way too in-your-face sexual.
but this one… this one is nice. sexy, but doesnt shove it down your throat. i like it \o/
I looooove Adj’s busts, the hips and chest are always so “mmmwah”, just my cup of tea.
Hah, vice versa, Adjatha’s busts is my absolute fav. I love style and quality, it’s just as sexy\provocative\tempting\cute as i like. I think this “in-your-face sexual” fits this game perfectly.
I’m on your boat tbh, i like more subtle busts, ones that you can look at while playing and actually believe that character figure exists.
Why can’t such bodies exist? You want super-realistic bodies here? In space, in future?! Sorry, but it’s always a little bit funny for me to hear about lack of “realistic” bodies in fantasy sci-fi game, or any porn game anyway. Everyone has tastes of course…
I believe it’s mentioned somewhere on the game that the ridiculous average penis size of the human race is because of decades of modding and it getting into the gene pool. Why not the same with ladies? Also, your standards for “believable” don’t really matter when it comes to non-human alien races.
To be fair this is a game in which characters have penises larger than they are.
Tank Kannon represent!
Any Azra stuff for pcs with a vag currently planned or in the works?
Just the tribbing scene being repeatable at the moment.
Waiting for an Anno bust by ol adja V:
i’ll second this.
When cybernetics do eventually come around, will there be gauntlets, external protective layers and or artificial skin to help protect them?
It depends on what the devs think when they get around to it. It could end up being almost purely aesthetic with minor stat boosts or it could be super deep with each cyber mod giving a different advantage, though if the latter where to happen then it might stand to reason that bio mods like wings and tails give direct benefits which some already do to a degree.
Awesome bust, adj! I really love your work!
Also, some bugs have been coming up for Azra Quest 2 on Tarkus. There’s a post on the Bug Reports Forum. =)
Nice bust
thank you based adj for this great new picture of my best best buddy, i love it, esp the coat variants; if Syri and my Steele ever get actually married Steele’ll ask her to wear that thing over her dress or tux or whatever she wants to get married in
I can never have enough Syri in my life.
Agreed, isn’t it fantastic of how popular a character she is?
At the end of the Jerynn scene, she uses Steele’s first name, but I don’t think she ever gets told Steele’s name before that.
Which Jerynn Scene?
First time sexing her with a dick.
>“Ooh-ooh! I want yummy cummy! Me too! Me too!”[Uncaught TypeError]
>Something bad happened!
>Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
>Flash Player: PlugIn – Windows 7
>Flash Version: WIN 27,0,0,130
>Game Version: 0.7.93
>Error Name: TypeError
>Error Mesg: Error #1009
>TypeError: Error #1009
>at classes::TiTS/toTheSlutGoo()
>at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
First encounter during the mission with the 2 headed goo,
.7.92 worked fine
Was about to post tbe same issue but it looks like i am not the only one.
I got this one to
Azra quest Pt 2 definitely bugged. Hangs up on the scene where the double headed goo is introduced, but there’s an error log coming out of Novahome as well.
Without a doubt, my favorite Syri bust so far!~
Mine too!
Will there be a bad end for bothriocs soon?
There already is.
There isn’t anything in the bothrioc content that will end the game.
Doesnt Ara Kei have a bad end if you lick the boots? I’m not 100% on that.
They have an awesome scene if you lick the boots, but they don’t bad end you.
You’ve got quite a few set-ups that would lend themselves well to bad ends. The bothriac, vava groom, and now Sera turning the tables on the player via cuddle.
Wait. When I was waiting around for Azra, Sera comes to Steele’s room. After some dutzing around, I came across (Get it?) her interaction menu, in which impregnating her was an option. But it didn’t get anywhere.
Will there be an update where she can have Steele’s kids?
If you chose the correct option you can impregnate her. Currently the only way is to let her into your bed with you by not sleeping with anybody. Check your codex under tavros encounters to see how long she’s been pregnant.
No way to revisit the preg raskel I’m assuming.
Unfortunately, no. At least not from what I’ve seen.
Hopefully a repeatable encounter gets put in, she asked you to come back after all!
Am I missing something? I’ve completed the Tarkus expedition with Azra and flew to Myrellion, asking about the expedition doesn’t trigger it.
There isn’t a Myrellion expedition yet.
I had just assumed there was since it was on the wiki, thanks.
Hi, I can’t seem to get the impregnate Sera option. I checked the encounter tab in Tavros and it said Sera Fertility: Infertile. Oh and before acquiring her I removed her dick, is that what’s causing the problem? She is sleeping on my bed and I have had the cuddle scene with her already.
Anyone know how you impregnate Sera? Just keeps saying genitals are incompatible.
If you don’t have anyone sleeping with you at night, Sera will join you in bed. There is a chance that when the PC wakes up they’ll initiate sex. Sera even talks about getting herself pregnant that way, I’d assume it’s possible with that method.
No matter what I do, Sera loses her penis when I buy her out… Is this a bug?
If you’re not getting the option to keep it, then yeah, it’s most likely a bug.
So far what I’m seeing is that she needs to keep her penis when you first buy her. I don’t know if there is any other way
when will Azra be able to fuck pc with her d? or at least give her a bj?
Azra is more comfortable using her pussy than her dick. Scenes where she bones you will happen eventually I’m sure, but I think I’m tapped on sex scenes with her for the moment.
Tfw Sera takes 280 days to give birth like a normal human.
*Spams ‘rest’ for 30 mins straight*
(btw, she is the best waifu in TiTs)
can’t you just go to the nursery and with their instead
I don’t think you can wait out pregnancies when it’s the NPCs that are preg, that’s only if you are pregnant.
yeah oops
i have a bug with azras tarkus expedition particularly the first part with the grey goo i cant continue past the page where the goo lady shows up pressing the button just bring it back at the top of the page i end up stuck on that page
If Adj ever does an Anno busts i just might never leave the house again.
I’ve never had this happen before and I’ve tried looking for an answer elsewhere but can anyone tell me what causes the two main levels of myrellion to become unavailable, in other words what events caused the bomb to go off and made only the deep caves accessible
You blew up the black void base during Kara quest.
Tbh her bust is anatomically retarded.
It looks like there is a tumor growing out of her sides