- Kaska and Captain Khorgan have been added to Gastigoth.
- Busts for Kaska, Captain Khorgan, and Tamtam have been activated in prison.
Just a small one for now! Enjoy!
Just a small one for now! Enjoy!
What do you do with Ardia?
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forgot to ask, is there any planned content for the trio if they escape i.e. you bail out of the mission once it’s revealed they have a nuke?
Yeah I’ve got a few ideas kicking around. Probably won’t see it for a long time though.
were tams tits always that huge? I vaguely remember her being on the petite end.
Yeah, she has big E-cups.
Petite? Lolnah bruh. That was Gats’ bust throwing you off.
They aren’t tits, they are Tam Tams.
Gotta say more than any char I wish we could own Tam 🙂
What is the possibility of the pirate crew becoming crew members?
I’m very sure they would have their uses as crew members.
I’d like to make Khorgan a crew member some day, but otherwise, meh.
I’d like if Khorgan could be, I would think she has some very valuable skills and connections that could help the PC in the future. Tam-Tam as well with her computer and electrical skills.
Kaska on the other hand just seems useless now that she’s been turned into a cum dump, no point in keeping her.
But I really do hope you do decide on making Khorg and Tam members.
Will they allow captain Steele to by some of their gear to fit in the ship? Or maybe even a whole ship module?
Will your character ever be sent to prison their
Kaska is in for polygamy along with the priacy and murder charges, so if the option comes to marry someone other than just Queen Taivra, maybe…
For some reason, your avatar picture didn’t click until now. “Battlecruiser operational.”
it sucks i cant play it yet but im still happy yall put so much time and effort into this game
Ah, shoot, I was hoping for the rest of the jail to be added into the public patch, oh well.
itll prolly be another week or two till a pubic patch is released
Public patches usually come out the first week of a new month, so it’s propable that the next public patch will be out about 7-9 days.
Zaalt should be added if you turn him into the authorities.
He will be!
Immersive as F#ck
Where would he be if he’s allowed to go free? I’m curious as to where he could run into Steele again outside of jail.
Who knows!
Was Tam always that cute? Cause damn that Tam is cute.
She was always that cute. She just wasn’t always drawn that cute.
Yeah, Gats’ art was kind of… not quite uck, but more than meh. His newer stuff, anyway. It’s weird, but he’s the first time I’ve ever seen where an artists art actually got worse in his later stuff. I mean, look at the difference between his two Penny busts. The older one is much better looking, and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t like furries.
Yeah I noticed that too, it seemed as if a lot of his designs got ‘simpler’ as time went on. Pretty much /all/ of his older drawings seem better, at least to me. Which is why I’m glad we get to choose between the two and not just have the option of the newer ones forced on us.
i say just give us new ones by others.
All of the ‘New Gats’ busts are from a template and were introduced into the second build of TiTS that was released for the public. They’re old and shoddy but did the job.
If they’re older than the ‘old’ busts, then they should be labelled as such. Instead of calling them new just because they were added after the ‘old’ ones, I mean.
Now we just need an update supporting kittens, puppies, and goblin sprogs and all will be right in my save.
You just know what the people like. Can’t wait for more content~ Keep up the good work everyone!
So Tam is back? Yay! Tam is so adorable!
When you don’t get her bad end, sure
Why are there so few bad ends in which you get treated nicely but simply can’t get away
Well, just a thought, but nice people GENERALLY don’t lock up or imprison those they love. Besides, doesn’t “Bad End” kinda speak for itself?
Hand So does.
Commander Brandt is a pretty awesome example of someone going full on cyborg. Good stuff. When development gets to that point, are you guys going to be doing player cyber implants?
Yes! PC cybernetic implants are planned for the future.
And thanks, glad you like her! ;3
I’m curious if and how cybernetics would interact with goo mods. Will I be able to be a cybergoo?
I have no idea. Probably?
Another question: Any chance of Brandt becoming recruitable (for example once the player gets a capital ship)? She is adorable, and the Steel legal team might just be able to get you the necessary permits…
I’d certainly like that!
Are we able to get these prisoners pregnant?
Some of them, yes. That’s the service the prison’s offering, after all.
It’s not coded yet, but it’s a TBA feature.
See you next year, then. Or two years. Since that’s about the average per NPC pregnancy.
Hey, if you want a delay, that’s fine.
And why did you guys have to make it so Kaska can’t knock up a female Steele? D:
I could put up some snarly remarks like “You’d die of old age if you delay it any further” or “I didn’t know you guys did personal requests from non-patreons” or something like that. Instead, I’ll opt for a more neutral answer:
I’m simply stating estimates based on facts gained from the history of TiTS.
can we give a reprogrammed Tam-wolf to Tamtam, or at least show her?
Unfortunately Tamwolf can’t get past security. He keeps getting profiled for being a mechanical assault bork.
poor mecha doggo ;__;
Ugh, the Space Travel Safety Administration. Intergalactic Department of Molestation.
Quite a bit more so here, I expect.
will the prison email come if you have a late game save or is this for a new play though.
It should work for earlier saves as the check triggers the timer before flying to any location.
Urf, Tam is the most adorable thing that has ever been locked up in a supermax space prison
do a poll of how often you should do free builds
No, do one about which Fen approved TF item should be added next.
Once a month seems fine, honestly. Still wondering about that year of everyone gets it all at the same time, though.
If I recall correctly, that was something about when it officially makes it out of alpha.
Of course everyone is gunna want every build to be free, but if there’s no backer builds than there’s no incentive to be a backer at all. If you like the game and can’t be a backer the least you can do is have patience and wait so the devs get funded.
Yus, finally, when the pubbie comes out, I’ll be able to turn my favorite greenie into a squirming baby factory.
I would love a way to get Kaska on my crew so that we could just get addicted to each other. Either that or make dzaan a playable race would be fun too.
Are there any plans for shutting down the prison, etc? Prison seems shady enough to do something.
I don’t know about shutting it down, but I’ve got some ideas kicking around for a prison break adventure.
I am totally onboard with this, I want tam, kaska and khorgan on my crew!
being pirates, they would make good helmsmen and gunners for the ships.
There is already multiple-character combat. Now we just need to wait 3 years for multiple-ship combat. Your first ally ship would come from breaking the pirate gang out of prison and letting them use one of your ships. You will need your own space fleet for when you need to fight the omega-void boss monster that’s Tainted all of Space as we know it.
@Galgana Oh, you mean Colenso’s friend’s giant mechanical space fleas?
Seconded as hard as I can possibly second anything.
If you were to write some scenes for it, Fenteam might be persuaded into making it happen.
Hm, fair enough. Thanks for the answer
*Indian jones theme here*
Would be cool to be able to aquire kaska the same way you can get sera, get some smuggler oerks for your ship.
Yeah, there’s mention of black market stuff in the game, but I’ve never actually been able to use them. If we were to acquire some former pirates as crew, they could give those of us who aren’t smugglers, (I assume that the smuggler class would have access to black market dealings. I wouldn’t know, as I always play a Tech.) the ability to make back room deals with less-than-reputable characters. Maybe as a way to gain access to hard-to-come-by items at a discount, but maybe with a RNG generated chance that the po po crash the party and resulting in a bad end where you’re sent to the prison yourself.
Or maybe even a variation where you’re working for the police instead.
Cool. Looking forward to the next public build when it comes out, New content for these 3 is a welcome item.
They’re mostly just “recycled” combat victory scenes. The prison primarily exists as a way to revisit that old one-time content.
Oh. Well all the same a new place still means new content in some form or another. And it give’s you guys room to add items, quests and what not if you chose to.
Should get some checking done for the menu options. I went to visit Khorgan and I was able to have girly fun with her, even though my PC was a full male, no vagi or anything.
Any possibility for an escape from jail so that I can get my Thraggen waifu?
Also supposedly there would be pregnancy consequences from bangin’ Khorgan, have they been implemented as well?
Not implemented yet, but planned for the near future!
What about Kaska? Any ideas being thrown around with her? Would love a bit where we make it so she can’t live without us(Well our cocks really), and possibly get addicted to her seed as well. Kinda like with Marble back in CoC.
Not written yet either.
Love your work Savin
any possibility to knock tam up? would love to do that. or set it her free, that could work to.
Knocking up all of the female inmates is planned, but from what Savin said further up in the comments that possibility probably won’t be implemented right away.
A good one in my opinion is if you could either bail Khorgan or Kaska out of jail and recruit them or help them escape and then recruit them.
Well, indentured servant exist, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible to buy them sometime in the future. The prison could slap a tamper-proof shock collar on them so that if they get too far away from a transmitter installed on the ship, (or a smaller one that you carry, so that they can leave the ship sometimes,) it zaps them unconscious.
Or maybe a grav-collar instead, kind of like the necklace in Inuyasha.
Never expected an Inuyasha reference in this day and age
I’m pretty sure the prison scenes, at least for tam, are just recycled from the tarkus encounters. That’s kind of lame, but i guess they’ll be expanded in the future.
People keep asking for ways to re-read old boss scenes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unimmersive as F#ck
Simple answer for that is to make a separate save
So can we keep clubbing Tam over the head with a wrench? Pls.
pls no hurt Tamtam 🙁
unless the “club” is a cock
What if the cock has a wrench tied to it?
^lol how would that even work
Unless the MC is using the wrench as a workout device for their dick
Hey, I didn’t realize when playing version .75 that your hair turned gooey, and so I saved the game like that. Is there anyway to fix this, or do I need to redo the scenario where I get the email?
You’ll need to save edit it back to normal.
[9:07 AM] Derp: Jordin says:
July 28, 2017 at 5:58 am
Hey, I didn’t realize when playing version .75 that your hair turned gooey, and so I saved the game like that. Is there anyway to fix this, or do I need to redo the scenario where I get the email?
[10:36 AM] Jacques00: Should be able to change it back with any item that alters hair type.
[10:36 AM] Derp: its not locked because goo?
[10:37 AM] Jacques00: It wouldn’t be detected as locked unless the skin type is goo or they have the goo vent ability.
[10:38 AM] Jacques00: It would only regrow back if the character has actually used the Galomax item.
[1;50 AM] Jordin: What item would I use to change my hair? Would I just have to use a transformative (Terran Treat, etc) or is there an actual item to change ONLY the hair?
**1:50 PM
lol. I just quoted from discord and it put the timestamps in, sorry.
You’ll probably have to use something like terran treats, yeah. Or like someone said above, use a save editor to fix it.
Aw. This is pretty damn awesome (especially Khorgan is great), but I’m kinda disappointed the Kaska scenes are so close to the scenes on the Tether.
Any chance we’ll get an option to give her those drugs Nevrie uses to suppress her addictive cum’s effects, and really worship the monster she’s got now?
…Or an option to do that without the drugs, and most likely get a bad end from addiction?
Will Dr. Badger eventually be in the prison if you turned her in?
seems likely
Oh man this does need to be a thing, doesn’t it?
I wonder if the option to de-furry her will be added as an additional form of punishment for her, and to cater to those like me who don’t like furries but would still like to ‘punish’ her ourselves.
From Fen?
It’s happened before. Remember Amily from CoC?
Besides, a good way to help control inmates would be to demoralize them, and what would be more demoralizing to a furry advocate than to de-furry her?
I could see a whole section of the prison devoted to Dr. Badger; like a bimbo version of Jack from ME2.
or she could pull some strings/ bribe her way into opening a lab on the ship, for testing new sex related TFs and bimbofication on the other inmates, just under heavy watch of the guard (and it gives those of us who turned her in a way to access her store again)
Congratulations! You made Fen realize a content hole!
Awesome, I contributed!
If i remember correctly, kaska’s species ejaculate is addictive, so is there going to be a bad end if you have too much fun with her in the prison?
I would prefer if they make a relationship with her like we had in Marble back in CoC.
With* Marble. God damn my typing is awful.
I imagine your character getting so hooked they decide they don’t want to leave, so they immediately deck a guard to get themselves imprisoned.
I see one possible solution: the prison adds an implant that automatically dispenses the same drug Nevrie uses to suppress the addictive qualities of her cum.
I’m guessing the prison isn’t “officially” designed to have the prisoners become fuck-meat, but there aren’t any rules explicitly *forbidding* the act.
No, it’s actually pretty explicit in encouraging it, with even official programs for it.
Are we ever going to get an item like Rainbowtox, but that lets us pick our colors? Sitting around for hours trying to get the right scale color without your nipples turning bright purple is a bit of a boner-kill.
After getting access to Dr. Lessau on Uveto, you can try using Rainbow Gaze (eyes), Pickmentation (skin) or Pleasure Palette (genitals). Lip Tease (lips) is also sold by Ceria on Tavros Station.
This prison could open up some opertunity for Dom/Sub, possibly similar (sub side anyway) to coc prisoner,(dom) or maby being employed by the prison for the dom side of things, Or the ability to become a snitch like character and berating and beating fellow prisoners for a chance of release/privileges.
This section of the game would have to be volatry/easily see-able (like dr B bimbofaction) and relitivly possible to escape from
Is there any way to get the prisoners if you already beat all of them before the prison was implemented? =(
You should be. I beat them all literally a year ago on a save file and they were available at the prison.
Seem to run into abit of a bug, I’ve check it a few times and it seems that after a combat fight the save/load files had disappeared.
Now I just need to find a way to delay the arrival of August until the ship update is out.
You should at least replace the slamming of Tam Tam on a her robodog as there isnt one there to slam her on. also need some Knot’s landings V: cant wait to fuck them while pregnant
When do you think this will be relased to the public
Next month.
it normally cums out the first week of the month.
Does anyone else realize how fucked up this whole thing is, even for TiTs? I know they’re all in for life and committed various atrocities, but they should have laws to prevent this kind of treatment, like I’m pretty sure this would be considered a violation of human rights.
>Human rights
>Corporate dystopia
More than 3/4 of the inmates are most likely not even human
No humans were harmed in making of TiTs
They volunteer for the program, any “treatment” is something they agreed to or to make it safe for the people who have too much money to interact with them
Considering that there are loads of different races and governments dealing with a metric shit ton of criminals and full on rebellions basically every single day.
Getting tied up and raped as part of the criminal legal stuff its pretty bloody mild compared to some of the shit that happens in other franchises and in real life for that matter.
Star wars has some pretty fucked up ways with dealing with criminals and W40k is just straight up number 1 don’t do crime or you get up fucked universe ever.
in warhammer 40k you just get sent to a penal colonie, that’s all ^^
i mean, yeah, the situation is pretty shitty there but at least you live, right?
oh there are a lot of things that happen to criminals in 40k aside from being sent to a colony or penal legion
“Waah waah waah, this isn’t m fetish! Plz delete!”
Now you know how we who aren’t into dickgirls feel. Suck it up buttercup! >:)
Instead of prison break scenarios, how about bailing out some prisoners in exchange of their services?
Why not both?
I would so be commenting about the artwork but for some odd reason my most recent pledge is inactive for Patreon
An entire race of dommes with addictive cum and no way to get addicted to it…
Well thank you, for that little ray of hope
Any chance that Lah from the plantation quest would be transferred to the prison? I was kinda sad when i realised there was no way for you to fuck/get fucked by him.
Hoping to do this eventually.
Can you get ushamee email without having to restart
Yes, but make sure to have the newest public version, as there was a bug that prevented the email from appearing if you got a certain ending, in 0.7.65
Is this going to be like the SPACE JAIL from Mass Effect 2, where they are actually extorting planets with the threat of re-releasing their criminals, and then they try to capture you because you’re a VIP with enemies?
If so, it’s not going to end well for them where my Steele is concerned. “I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with me!”
i just noticed something, i can do the girly fun part of korgan without having a vagina
Post it in the forums
Is it possible to simply buy TiTS instead of paying monthly for it on patreon?
No, there isn’t a one time payment that will give you permanent backer access.
Hey! There’s a slight problem with Tam’s scene in the jail. During the second page it says we’re fucking her over the wreckage of her drone despite us kinda…. Not.
Is there a particular place to post typos and inconsistencies?
The forum has a section for it. Thank you! :3
Okay! I just didn’t know if those were counted as bugs or not!
Bug report was my guess but it also wasn’t a technical issue, y’know? Thanks!
Maybe I’m insolent … But, to hell with it! I’ll go hang myself and die. Tired of waiting for the public build.
Don’t choke on all the edge friendo.
Panre 2001-2017
Killed himself because a free porn game wouldn’t update fast enough
I am a desert dweller and TiTS updates are my water
Plz gib free st0ff faster pl0x
So I guess P.R.E.A isn’t a thing for this future civilization.