- Ellie now sells ClearYu and Rubber-Made, two items penned by Adjatha with some rather unique bad-ends attached to them.
- Ellie can now sell Suma Cream, an enhancer of the testicular persuasion. Again, written by Adjatha, and coded by Jacques00.
- Carrie has a new scene for treated bull types, coded by Jacques00 and penned by Nonesuch.
- Three new one-off scenes requested by Offbeatr prompts have been added to the game: one for Millie’s milker getting out of control (request a solo milking), one for sleeping with the taxi vendor on Tarkus, and one for tentacular impregnation (find a strange egg, then fly your ship around with it in your inventory).
- Nerfed orifice capacities somewhat. They were slightly too high.
- Fixed some scenes missing tagging for fluid input.
- Fixed the carry training expansion over time not proccing.
- Terran treats can now reset fluid types.
- Goo TF now sets slightly different fluid types for masculine and feminine genitals so that things like “goo and goo” don’t show up so frequently. (Entering the goo submenu should autoupdate existing goo-pcs)
- Fixed an issue that could cause Atha’s menu to break hard.
- A small batch of custom PCs (an Offbeatr reward) are in game.
- Lys and Millie got new busts!
- Bunches of other fixes and tweaks.
102 Responses to [Backers] TiTS 0.6.43 – A Clear Nu Yu!
What do you do with Ardia?
- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 835
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Them curls! Such a sucker for those. And the WW-esqe vibe from the planet
Ugh…..if only i had known about tits back then when offbeatr was around.
You can still donate and become a backer. As far as the offbeatr rewards… Well, if it makes you feel better, I couldn’t afford anything I wanted back when it was up, so at least you didn’t have to watch the goodies slowly sliding out of your reach.
I am a backer. Have been since I discovered the game. Hopefully they become available to everyone eventually.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the only difference, at this point, between being a backer and not is that non-backers have to wait a bit longer for the public releases. I do not think there is anything that is planned to be 100% forever-backer-only.
(I am a backer, but I could not afford any of the custom options from Offbeatr. There is theoretically a save editor, and an option to start with better stats, but if those are available, I do not know where to get them.)
You’re not. As far as I’m aware it’s just early access. Though there are a few more little perks you would get for a higher donation, I don’t see them as too significant.
…..that and the basic 5 dollar backing is all I can afford right now so…..yeah.
The save editor exists, but it isn’t nearly as comprehensive as CoCEd. Mostly it’s just good for customizing the PC’s physical characteristics. You can edit the save files with a third-party-program, but it’s slow going at best and breaks your save at worst.
Wish we had TFs in RL.
Imagine the monstrisities that would become possible thanks to human stupidity and that would walk around creeping everyone, aw yiss.
I doubt animal tf’s will ever be a reality, or at least not for Centuries, but we might have minor cosmetic tf’s within a couple of decades; i.e. take a pill to change your eye/hair/skin color, complexion, breast/cock size, possibly even gender if combined with surgery ala The Coleman Institute.
Naa going under knife is definitely not it.
Messy business, not cool at all.
Not to mention the fact that you’d never REALLY become the opposite gender. I’m a straight male and don’t suffer from gender dysphoria, but I’d like to be a woman for awhile just because I’m curious as to what it would be like.
Probably long enough to have one kid, actually, since I’m quite a big preggophile and is the facet of being a woman I’m most curious about. Would probably go IVF though, rather than natural. Kinda makes you wonder though, huh? If you’re straight and your gender is flipped, does your attraction flip too?
Straight -> Gay
Gay -> Straight
Bisexual -> Bisexual
Bisexual Gay preferred -> Bisexual Straight preferred
Bisexual Straight preferred -> Bisexual Gay preferred
Unless the transformation has some sort of sexuality altering ingredient too.
But yeah, if you are a straight male, you would begin suffer from gender dysphoria after the gender swap and you would not enjoy the sex it would take to get you pregnant, so artificial insemination would probably be your best bet.
Genetic manipulation is possible. It becomes an issue when the person is alive though. I don’t think we’ll be capable of this kind of stuff until we have really advanced Nanobots for this kind of stuff.
The current methods are too passive to work, and not only that but they can actually kill the person. (Set off the immune system because they recognize the modified cells as foreign.)
We’ll never be capable of doing the kinds of things in my game in our lifetime. Growing those amounts of flesh takes months, not hours.
Maybe someday we’ll be able to clone-grow organs and effectively wire up the nerves to support them, but I’m not holding my breath. Medical science feels like it has slowed tremendously during my lifetime.
Currently we have hit a plateau where the rest of tech needs to catch up to our understanding of the human body, and we need more information on the small parts in humans like DNA and RNA. Especially decoding DNA and RNA takes forever because those are pretty much some of the most complex programs written on earth, with 3 billion years of extreme optimization, no stylesheet, no debugging, and created by randomly throwing sticks at a keyboard.
Im not surprised this takes a long time.
More like medical science has slowed cause theres no money in cures vaccinations or anything along that line…but theres big money in treating symptoms instead of outright resolving the problem
Yap, that’s humanity for you!~
Why helping resolve the source of the pain when we can make tons of cash selling pain killers.. 😀
So far i think only Russian medicine is trying making something which actually resolves something not delays it.
Genetic manipulation is possible -in theory-.
We are NOWHERE near genetic manipulation. What you’re implying (immune system being set off by foreign material) is as close to genetic manipulation as a lighting a person on fire and saying they have the superpower to shoot fireballs from their hands.
“Clustered regularly-interspaced short palindromic repeats (abbreviated as CRISPR, pronounced crisper)”.
Basically, this thing called CRISPR can alter your genetics with a single shot and in a few months you’ll be completely different. It seems real life TF items are closer then we think.
Great to hear.
I’m just hoping that there’ll at least be a few bodyswap scenarios in a future update down the line.
My vaginal capacity just took a dip from 7200 to 2100, drastic changes indeed. From what I’ve seen in the code (not a backer, so I can’t test it) bonus capacity doesn’t scale with looseness anymore.
Bonus Capacity has a maximum of ~500 (easily achieved with easyFit) compared to a meagre 20 base capacity. So if you increase elasticity and wetness you can benefit from a high bonus capacity and from base capacity, but if you increase looseness you only benefit from bonus capacity. This basically means that looseness was nerfed TO THE GROUND as soon as bonus capacity comes into play. This is kinda silly considering looseness was a lot stronger (scaling from ~1 to ~8) than wetness (scaling from ~1 to 1.8) pre-nerf.
The solution to this would be to make bonus capacity scale with looseness again, but if you still want to nerf it you could, for example, make only a portion of bonus capacity scale with it.
I did some trials and came up with the following, in python:
def capacity(L, W, BC, E, bweight=0.4):
modifiers = (L * 1.6 + 0.5) * (W * 0.25 + 0.75)
return (20*modifiers + bweight*BC*modifiers + BC) * E
L: looseness
W: wetness
BC: bonus capacity
E: elasticity
bweight: portion of bonus capacity that scales with looseness and wetness
Basically you first calculate the looseness and wetness modifiers. (L * 1.6 + .5) is the same as (L*8 + 2.5) / 5, and (W * 0.25 + 0.75) is the same as (W + 3)/4, compared to the current scalings, they are about the same.
Then take base capacity with modifiers, add the scaling portion of bonus capacity with modifiers, add flat bonus capacity and finally multiply with elasticity.
You could reduce the flat bonus capacity by the same portion of it that scales with the modifiers. (replace “+ BC” with “+ (1-bweight)*BC”)
so, maybe punch in some numbers and compare to pre- and post-nerf, and tell me what you think.
Sorry for the wall!
just testing code blocks, be free to delete this if it doesn’t work
def capacity(L, W, BC, E, bweight=0.4):
modifiers = (L * 1.6 + 0.5) * (W * 0.25 + 0.75)
return (20*modifiers + bweight*BC*modifiers + BC) * E
def capacity(L, W, BC, E, bweight=0.4):
modifiers = (L * 1.6 + 0.5) * (W * 0.25 + 0.75)
return (20*modifiers + bweight*BC*modifiers + BC) * E
Is there anything in the game that even approaches 2100?
The closest thing to that is Brynn’s dick which is 1375.06
The only thing that changed was the “initial capacity”, which went from 30 to 20. Everything else stayed the same. As for how big an effect they have, to double your initial capacity you need either of these: +20 bonus capacity = +1 elasticity = +1,2 looseness = +4 wetness
Rubbery bad end hint* (Which is really good btw.): *SPOILERISH*Dumbfucks…if you know what I mean~
Seeing as its not in the wiki yet, how do I finish the minotaur king? I have tried so many things and still nothing.
First you have to reduce his health to zero once, then beat him by lust twice.
Well I was backer at offbeatr…
Yay! More Bad Ends! The game always feels so light on that front.
It really does but then again were not super far in yet
Looking at the files for the new latex tf, I’m kinda disappointed (not very much, though). I was hoping that it would be a latex version of galomax or has some unique interaction if the PC has goo parts, but hey, this is nice too.
i wonder when you will update the play page for this game lol
He said sometime shortly after April 1st.
Hello. It is I, your long lost, retarded brother!
G’day Matey.
Are either of you called NotMeNotYou on e621?
I had a similar question about TheDarkMaster and if he was the same chap of the same name on the Paradox Forums. Does make you wonder who you might have run into on different parts of the internet.
No, that would be our long lost cousin’s mother’s father’s brother’s nephew’s brother’s son/daughter.
I have no idea why you’d think one of us is that guy.
hey where can i find the egg?
atleast a planet name would be nice.
I found it randomly near the ladder in the Deep Caves on Myrellion.
Just wondering, how come the backer save files and the normal save files are two different types? For example when I play on the website it loads a .sol file, but when I download from Patreon and play it loads a .tits file. Kinda annoying because I can’t continue on one character.
If you save that character to file, you can load it into your downloaded version, I tried it with every version except patreon download, it works with the download from the trials website atleast, but it should work for your version as well.
Can you turn it back into a .sol for public releases?
You can forcibly change the file type by replacing .tits with .sol, but if you have the save on your downloaded version, you can continue to load tha save file in newer versions, and also saves saved to file can be loaded on both online and download versions. As far as i know at least.
Anybody knows when Ueveto will finally come out?
I’m sure 90 percent of the people who actively indulge in TiTs (including myself) share your enthusiasm about the next planet. But like the rest of us, you just gonna wait man. Can’t rush the devs, it’s like poking a bear to wake from hibernation early. Besides if they rush it a lot of stuff might be buggy or incomplete.
And I dred the thought of something being incomplete in TiTs….
I think they will work on uveto after the conclusion of myrellion and some xpacks, anyway don’t hold your breath… You can expect good things tho, savin is deeply involved on this one and the guy knows how to make good adventures and quests.
Uveto soon probably.
Also xpacks.
Oh god I’m drowning help.
Here grab on! (>OoO)> *throws rubber floatation device*
how can you get suma creamis it random when Ellie has it?
need to have latest (backers only) build. buy menu -> bottom right, left of the back button.
I sexed her a few times and used the male milker then it popped up.
this ^
it worked, thanks ^x^
You probably need max affection with her.
when will the finally galomax pill be added?
Probably on Uveto.
honestly I feel blessed by how many WWII-esque MILFy WLW ant-waifus you guys have provided me. I am surrounded by beautiful, mature, gay women and I love it
I think it’d be awesome if they added a quest where you help Xenogen treat the Myr infertility problem then turned Nehzara and Anzela (is that how it’s spelled?) into stay on Myrellion waifu broodmares that you could pump full of kids. Before you say something snarky Savin, it’s not a demand, and you’re by no means required to do anything with it, I’m merely stating something that I thought would be great.
>TFW your dislike of writing pregnancy stuff is so well known, that people preemptively tell you not to comment on it because they know what you’re likely to say before you say it.
Anzhela is actually already fertile. There’s just no content for it.
Cool. And hey! I spelled it ALMOST correctly.
Any plans for Myrmidion peace?
Will there be more Zo’dee or Emmy content soon? And is there going to be any new content with the Red and Gold myr deserters?
I JUST added more Emmy content. Zo’dee probably won’t be for a bit. We’ll see.
What can ah say i am a sucker for girl a like Emmy, i’m just lookin forward to her possible recruitment and Zo’dee has potential for a lover or bein recruited herself
I personally want to make Briha into the ship’s security officer. I think she’d be good for the position.
Sounds good to me and since Briha can get knocked by Steele, having her along will make her and her kids safe from the red myr government, she’ll probably jump at the chance to leave if offered
Been Long Time Since I checked this game. Was wondering if there is a plan in place to help prevent quest and content holes and take advantage of the writers and coders for the game as they are currently here. I understand people get sick, people get lazy, just as people get inspired, and Motivated.
If so were is it and what exactly is the progress here?
Well for one, we have Savin on the payroll that I can just make do whatever.
For another, I’m making a strong effort to avoid coding any content that cannot exist, standalone in its present state. Sure, Bess or Embry could use more content, but there’s no giant hole missing for them.
For example, Yammi’s original author is no longer with us. I don’t mean in the sense that she quit – she is no longer living. So, I’m having Savin finish up the missing sex scenes that we can complete her follower content.
Lady Jenn is dead? :'(
Last I heard, yup. Unless someone played a helluva prank on me.
What happened???????
My name is Luffy Steele, I´m going to become the king of pirates.
…Someone HAD to make a One Piece reference eventually.
Lots of new content this update too. I love backing this game 😀
Btw. I can´t seem to get the Rubber-Made bad end. I have made one of my characters use almost a hundred of them with no result. Either I´m failing to meet the conditions for it, already achieved black latex skin if that´s what´s important, or I´m just that (un)lucky.
You’re doing it wrong. Black latex skin just means you mastered full body haki. Thats the opposite of what you need to make the bad end trigger.
In all seriousness though I have no clue what makes it trigger either. Maybe just wait or take the tfs’ one after the other once you’ve maxed out. I know fuckable nipples worked that way.
This made me laugh. Good one XD
If it’s been implemented as intended, you need to have the bimbo brains perk.
It was Ditzy Speech from Dumbfuck that proceed the scene for me.
Right, yeah. Brute Speech (ugh) should proc it as well.
I’ve tried with before and after getting the speech perk, and neither time anything happened, is there something I’m still doing wrong here?
Thank you.
Kinda makes sense now that I think about it.
sooo about the backers that has forgotten their Custom PC name, any way for us to get a reminder?
I assume an email to fenoxo with your account name from offbeatr would net you some information.
Fen, you don’t intend to write a scene where if you board the ship carrying a bunch of Rubber-Made in your inventory, Celise ambushes you at the airlock and make you spill some on her, do you?
No intention of doing that, but maybe you could con Adjatha into making Latexy Mk II
And then make the PC Latexy mk III !!!!!! >:D
But what if you’re allergic to latex? I can just imagine a scene where someone gets ‘rubbered out.’
I thought that the microsurgeons would take care of allergies. Isn’t that what they’re there for?
Always need more Celise. Especially turning Celise into your personal gimpsuit.
Hadn’t thought of that. Celise fetish slutwear bondage suit.
I know this is going to get a lot of flak shot at me but I just always have to ask questions I just beat coc and was wondering if that really is just the end and if that import thing means I can start a new game plus kind of thing
Yes, that is the end. The export file is for a successor game Savin plans to make after TiTS is finished, I believe.
Well. You’re part right.
Nice to see the the Offbeatr rewards are coming out. No idea what I ended up asking for or the name I used though.
My only question/suggestion is that if we were TF’d enough as a Myr, why couldn’t we offer ourself as a new host for the fungal queen?
What exactly does the Tarkus scout require for her scene? I tried at 10k mLs, and it’s still not enough.
That’s more than enough cum. Probably something else that’s the problem.
I’m not finding that strange egg anywhere. I’ve been wandering around different parts of Myrellion and Mheng’a for awhile now, and no dice. Is it a random drop on either of those planets or a combat drop?