This cow was the favorite of most of the dev team. Good work, Shou!
…but she doesn’t have the scene where she properly milks you coded yet. Sorry guys. That’ll come tomorrow or Saturday, depending on how badly life wants to dog-pile me. It’s bad enough I spent an hour and a half getting some quarterly tax information for Tennessee figured out today.
0.8.053 Changelog:
- A new enemy is prowling the mean (unfinished) streets of Dhaal – the zaika milk thief! She’ll attempt to forcibly extract your milk (or other fluids) at nearly any cost! Sadly, her primary PC-milking scene has yet to be coded on account of its size, number of variations, and the fact that I’ve been working on this on and off for most of the day already. Hopefully I can slot that in (with a new combat ability or two) in the next patch!
- Fantasize now reports how much damage you do to yourself.
- The Codex’s sidebar is now more readable. Previously, unselected categories blended into the background quite badly.
- New Busts: Drink Cows! They’re fucking adorable!
- Mimbranes got some nerfs. Despite being in the “harder” area of Mhen’ga, they were classified as level 1. In spite of that, their lust damage ignored all forms of lust resistance in the game, and it was possible to have them chain-grapple you. That should be eliminated, and their damage should be properly reported as well now.
- Female naleen got a tiny physique nerf.
- Naleen grapples should be a little easier to escape (only a little).
- Temptresses had a buff to vaginal capacity to match their anal capacity.
0.8.054 Changelog:
- I actually added the Zaika to the encounter table for Dhaal’s “Gyre” region. Whoops!
Oh, so getting completely covered in mimbranes 10 rooms into lower Mhenga jungle wasn’t normal.
We need Zo’dee content!
I mean. Zo’dee’s purpose is to be a randomly recurring cameo character. And she did just that in one of the Kiro Quest Bad Ends.
Fantasizing reports the lust gain in the combat log but currently doesnt actually apply the lust gain to the character in 0.8.054, at least with my save
Shit. This is what happens when I rework something 3 times and make one last tweak without fully testing it >.>
Can confirm, choosing ‘Fantasize’ increases your Lust by 1 only after this build.
Any idea when the public release will be out?
Probably within 3 days.
When the tent for resting and leveling gets implemented, we’ll still be able to rest in the wild like before or we’ll need the tent for that?
You’ll still be able to rest/wait, yeah.
The current plan is that the tent has a 24-hour cooldown so you can’t just spam it after every encounter.
Do they steal milk or “milk”, or maybe both?
They want it all, and they want it now!
Yeah-eh, yeah-eh, yeah!
Hoping for a poodle version of the canine mods.
You’re gonna have to write that yourself mate.
Combine sheep mods for wool with basic canine mods
bug where fantasizing doesnt raise your lust
Is the public patch gonna include everything that came out for backers since the last public patch?
Yes, it always does
Ok, cuz it never mentions everything that the patch adds
Yes it does…. Do you not read the whole post?
I wonder if the milk thief has any unique scenes for cumcows with milk for cum? That’d be *sweet* :^)
There are actually an awful lot of possible variations to write.
Dick nipples, lipples, tentacle nipples, fuckable nipples, all the different fluids, multiple rows of breasts, multiple (more than 2) breasts per row, probably something more. Not an easy job.
What’s a Drink Cow?
Well if it’s a milk bar, it’s gotta come from somewhere right?
But didn’t they already have Busts?