Jacques00’s Raskvel Dockmaster is quite pretty.


0.7.286 Changelog:

  • New NPC on Tarkus: Raskvel Dockmaster, written by SKoW. She doesn’t have any sex scenes (yet).
  • New vessel available for purchase from the dockmaster: Moondast Gruss.
  • New ship upgrades for purchase from the dockmaster: Capacitor Bank (full energy recharge), Missile Bay (quad-shot kinetic/thermal damage), and Coil Cannon (top-end damage and energy cost, but kinetic damage).
  • New Cheat Code: “clowncar”. Allows you to fly when over the crew limit.
  • New Busts: Raskvel Dockmaster, Moondast Gruss.
  • Various tweaks and adjustments to ship shop code to support multiple vendors.

Tomorrow: more ship stuff, and perhaps some scenes for the beauty on the right. However, the hour grows late, and this whiskey insists that I stop being a productive coder ASAP.