She’s a little heavy on the back-end, but in this community, that’s a good thing. By R4Draws.
0.8.035 Changelog:
- Literally nothing. I was concerned the build server was stuck.
0.8.034 Changelog:
- Female Zil no longer have a blinding attack. It was dubbed a bit too hardcore for level 1s by Savin, and I agreed.
- The “Buttslutinator” and “Orgasmender” are now accessible in your ship when bought from Doctor Po.
- Kiro no longer appears in bars while she is abducted.
- It is no longer possible to encounter a generic fuckdoll after a boss encounter in Kiro Quest with no break.
- Kiro’s Quest no longer starts unless the PC is level 9.
- The Clydesdale K7 had the following adjustments to its stats: Thrust:+35, Agility: -5, Sensors: +15, Module Capacity: +2.
- The imagepack has a new image for Kiro’s transformation. It isn’t a perfect match, but should be close enough.
- The Sidewinder has a bust, courtesy of R4.
- Kiro’s ship, the Blade, has a bust, sourced from an ancient piece of fanart by Deimacos. Big thanks for breathing life into our silly ideas!
- Looting Kiro’s ship now actually swaps your ship for hers. Note that non-broken Kiro will likely have a path to obtain her ship for credits once she is recruited.
- Kiro’s transformations now increase her vaginal capacity, anal capacity, refractory rate (balls swell 50% faster after a certain point), and gives her a minimum cum volume of 2000, just in case you somehow drained her dry. Doctor Po is thorough!
Female Zil had a blinding attack? Huh. The things you miss when you min-max a Tech Specialist.
Wait, it is possible to play other classes without getting constantly raped by everything you try to fight and never gaining any xp?
Ranged Mercenary.
I go melee merc and was able to beat the frostwyrm. Course merc’s treated and tease damage is how gets the W.
Which ship bust is pictured here?
Its the Sidewinder
Thanks. Honestly I imagined it would be clunkier, like made of scrap and stuff.
I too was expecting a bit more brawn.
Maybe not THIS much brawn
But a tiny bit more.
Aye Aye Aye Ayyyyyyyyeeeeee
Props to the artist for the Sidewinder! Its just lovely. And one for Kiro’s ship too! Double nice!
Cant wait for Kiro Quest to be finished. Hopefully before or on the next public patch. Looking forward to more. Thank you guys : )
Is this the completion of KiroQuest or is there more to do?
Is kiro actually obtainable for crew, or is that an upcoming patch?
The entire event is not completely finished yet so no.
Two bugs I’ve found.
One with text saying Kiro is “Bought only” when she’s fully dolled when walking back to the ship
The other is the game telling me that I can’t leave the Sidewinder behind because Olympia wouldn’t let me . . . even though I never stole the Sidewinder (yet). So i can’t take Kiro’s ship.
Start playing another porn game and miss two builds. ;_;
owo which one?
is there a max wait for what happens to kiro if you wait to long?
I think so far its just Kiro going full bimbo on us and not much else, maybe some scenes about it or something but I dont think it will be much else
thanks fren
How can we buy the orgasmender and buttslutinator from po?
full bimbo Kiro and buy her from Po and you will get the option to buy them
Ok, thank you
Personally, I think there should be an option to loot them. If not both, then at least one of them, maybe.
[…] there was a TiTS patch tonight as well, just scroll down slightly. It’s got a huge dungeon and Bimbo Kiro and other […]
Is there a way to get the orgasmender without fully bimbofying Kiro
Will the buttslutinator have its bad end changed in the future, if we have it on our ship?
As a side question, because of how Po talks about it, will there be any crew members having scenes with them using it?
Damn it now I want to turn SubSera into a tsun buttslut.
Damnit now I want this too! Make her even more of a buttslut or other crew members into buttsluts!
“Female Zil no longer have a blinding attack.”
Fuck yes! I rarely get hit by that, but when I did, it was a bitch to deal with.
The Sexbot enemies are so amazing I wish we could buy one from Po to use outside of the quest 😮
I believe it was mentioned that if you fight them 20x times then you get a VR download thing, which you can use with the mindwipe visor (either on your ship, or in the VR club thing on Canadia) to replay their scenes. What I’m not sure of, is if that means you have to have bimbo kiro to get it, since I think 20x wins would take so long that Po would finish up with time to spare. When I was playing the build last night, it seemed that after confronting Po, the sexdolls didn’t show up at all on my way out, so you couldn’t “farm” them afterwards.
I can’t wait for this new planet. Though I’ve been wondering if we’re ever going to see more Milly. I hope we’re able to bring her back with more content involving her.
How exactly do you get the updated image pack? I don’t see a link anywhere.
The link is in the Patreon post.
I cant seem to actually trigger kiro’s recruitment quest, what exactly do i need to do in order to trigger it?
still at a lose how do you get the image-pack do you get it for a higher level backer or what, help please
It’s linked on the Patreon update post.
thank you
Man, I was hoping the Sidewinder would look more like a cut-on-contact broadhead arrowhead. Talk about a letdown.
Is that the picture of the sidewinder?
Yes it is.
[…] was a largish patch yesterday as well. Be sure to check out its changelog too! (Or CoC2’s patch from […]
I can’t seem to find Kiro once I’ve recruited her. She’s bimbofied, and I’m using the version .034
Its because her actual crew recruitment content has not yet been implemented. The quest itself is more or less finished, but Kiro being part of your crew is not.
By the way, any chance that Jess Brefold might make a bust picture of the Sidewinder? R4 is still great, but I really appreciate the gloss and depth in his/her design of the previous ships. Would be amazing to see.
I c what you did there with the ship stuff. the engine block and all goes there lols.
How do you buy from Po? All I can get is the fight regardless if Kiro goes full bimbo then never hear from her again