Christmas Penny by Liliruru.
0.8.042 Changelog:
- A new dream was added for those with unbroken Kiro on their crew. It requires that Kiro and Kally threesomes have occurred and that Kiro has a horse-cock.
- New scene for Maja by William: “HJ + Ride Her.”
- New scene for riding Shekka’s optional futa dick, also by William.
- Some small adjustments were made to eliminate some cringy lip descriptions like “permanently puckered puckers”.
Now to get some more substantive changes made. o7
Awww yis. More Shekka.
Also, does Kiro ever not have a Horsecock? Have I completely missed a bit of content or is that part of KiroQuest?
There’s stuff being written by somebody that changes her cocktype.
Wait, that’s illegal
Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Didn’t she said that she didn’t want any other cock but a horsecock?
I wonder if we could get a consolidated list of NPC’s with special holiday scenes or holiday events on the wiki. It’ll make it easier to do my rounds for this month
I second that. There is a pinned thread in the forums about the wiki that I recently requested that.
Oh ye of little faith: https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Category:Seasonal
Is there an item grows a beard without causing other transformations?
It might also be a good idea to hair and beard grow in time naturally.
I’m having a hard time imagining a future where they have high-end medical nano-bots, and they DON’T have the option to instantly change your hair style, with science, like in that one futurama episode. With the robot that just grows you hair that you can just put on or whatever?
A review from Kinkoid!
Any chance of a GitHub update?
So I’ve been wondering something, will we ever be able to go back to Dr. Po and purchase a doll or two? or will we never get a chance to do proper business with her and or interact with her again?
I hope so, because I really want one (or all) of those blue fennecs? on my ship.
I just noticed I am not dreaming at all, don’t have the sleep fapnea machine, but buying it and chaniging it has no effect.