I’ll be back to normal writing in a few days.
Looks like the source is here.
I’ll be back to normal writing in a few days.
Looks like the source is here.
What do you do with Ardia?
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I’m a guy… and I’d still tap that!
Holy fawk I love Chrystal Wynd’s work. I’d recommend Windchaser Park just because of its comeuppance theme, though if you’re looking for a bimbo-themed story, I’d suggest Breach of Confidentiality or any of the Bimbos and-____ series of stories.
That makes me think of alice for some reason.
i wonder why……
I have one word for that picture: yikes.
Stupid sexy snake
Fen if I wanted to use your writing to make a comic, would you be OK with that? Please email me and let me know I’d love to start work on it right away.
Is it going to be distributed for free? If so, then go nuts.
Of course is it OK if we create a Patreon for it as well?
If it’s a Patreon to promote your own work/craft and to accept donations from others, I’m sure it’s fine.
If it’s a Patreon to gain exclusive access to said comic, then it will technically be paid content, and will be frowned upon, so that’s a no-no. “Distributed for free” in this instance means exactly what it says and you are not getting paid to make the comic itself nor will you exclude public access by placing it behind a pay-for system. If this is the case, then some legal issues will need to be sorted out between you and the original owners of the content you are basing the work off of.
My honest advice is to leave money out of it unless you are willing to share the profits you reap from the drive (or deal with any legal ramifications if it gets that bad). Hope this helps.
Me and my partner have some ideas on how to proceed now thanks and I will invite you to our Patreon once its up and running with some content. Thank you very much for allowing us to proceed
Its gonna be awesome 😉
you just do not seem to get the term FREEEEEE
Kaz, I’m already a monster girl.
I’ve missed your writing, mate. I love Savin’s writs, but yours is quite a unique flavour; it’s been too long since I’ve tasted Fencum! (no homo)
Fen I left you a response to your reply in the previous post. Again I offer my services when it comes to weapons and armor, you guys are masters with smut but I am a master with military gear. ^_^
So, combine that and you get military smut?
Dammit now you made me think of Operator Hotline, again.
Glad to help, again Fen if you need a weapons expert/ crazy redneck bastard who builds crazy shit in his spare time, I offer my services for free. ^_^
Military GRADE smut. Best kind, if you ask me.
Hey gun smut is a legit type of porn. Every see what a chick can do with the barrel of an unloaded M2? Fucking amazing! >:3
So first time playing on the new site, and the big question is… how do i get all my save data back?
Unless something deleted your browser’s cookies, your saves from the old site should be accessible on this on.
Huh, well that’s strange. Haven’t deleted my cookies but I don’t have any of my saves.
Hmm, try reading this forum post http://fenoxo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/161-offline-save-location/ and see if that helps you find your saves. If not, I’d suggest looking through the Forums and see if there’s another post that matches your problem. If there isn’t them you can try posting your problem on the Forum. FYI make sure to post your OS and browser as well as whether your playing from the site or a version stored on your computer.
They should make a pokemon sex game in the style of your games or maybe even a ghost busters themed one where you’re a new recruit and get all the ghosts it be awesome
i fully support this idea
Hey, been awhile since I last post, but Fen, should I get this game, seems absolutely awesome and it makes me want to just buy it now, but im hesitating a bit here. Is there any reason why I should/should not get this game?
every time I see that picture I have this weird feeling that comes up my throat, and I get a cold shiver down my spine. Nicely drawn though
i don’t know whether to feel incredibly aroused by this image… or absolutely terrified… or both…
the correct term is scareoused
I otpted for terrified…
Ugh, I mean opted, stupid tablet, and DAMN YOU, INNER GRAMMAR NAZI!!
I remember seeing that on /d/ .
I kekd so hard it killed my bonR
I having a mix feeling between aroused and incredibly scared…….Welp, can’t do anything about that now *unzip*
i already said it was scareroused if it cant choose one thing just push em together its always worked for me 😛