Or not! Tonight I coded in six scenes for a girl that webcasts splicing on new types of penises and trying them out. It should be a fun little distraction. I’ll hit the rest of them tomorrow, and probably have a new build for backers to poke at.
CoC2 is Now On Steam!
What do you do with Ardia?
- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 835
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You guys definitely got the spam emails done right. I’ve got bullshit emails coming out of my ass right now.
Yeah no kidding, those emails are seriously annoying.
I suppose it’s Fen.co’s way to get back at us for.. everything huhu~
Group FAP!!!
Hey Fen if your looking for something unique how about adding a prehensile clitoral hood to one of your characters, it would allow for a lot of fun and unique sex scenes.
Or maybe add vaginal tongues as something that can be added to your character. I really liked Ceraph’s kitsune pet scenes from CoC and always thought it was a shame that I couldn’t get that for my character.
… and then sit wondering why not a single scene in the game ever referenced it or made use of it.
I’m with Savin on this. We already have filer-filled vanae vags nobody mentions.
On the other hand, if people who want something like that and people who’ll end up submitting the TF like something like that will go into it knowing that it’d be Appearence screen only.
Then again, newbies will inevitably end up asking about it x months later.
Well, it was just an idea.
I dont know if I should be posting this here or in the bug post but it seems that you still cant wash cum out of you when you use any of the showers in the game. Not your ship’s, the one with the centaur girl on tavros residential deck or the one on new texas.
Is this going to be in the new build as well? It seems really weird that you clean every part of yourself but still leave yourself full of cum.
Will The Silence/Kara’s quest be available to play ever again?
Eventually. It has a chunk of edits to hammer out.
Hey Fen, ya ever gonna play more Division and record it? I’d like to see you dumping more loads of buckshot into people’s faces. :p
How exactly do you beat the black void boss in Kara’s quest. Its feels like she’s way to op and I’m just using grenades at her and her hp just barely goes down. Was this ment to happen or she’s just cheating somehow. Also most of the weapons I use just do petty damage to her. I don’t want to lose Kara.
People keep saying use tease. I wouldn’t know, since I haven’t played with it yet.
I mean, “played it yet.” damn tablet. Also, you used the wrong too, should be “way too op.” Sorry, my damn Grammar Nazi got away from me again.
It’s fine but teasing her just gets me stun locked or killed every time.
Try a lust weapon like the bio whip.
we were told that the final CoC edits would be done “in a couple of weeks” back in early December. It’s mid march now ._.
This is why I rarely put out solid ETAs.
Yo Fen.co work real hard on this stuff and are nice enough too put out a free public version of his games. so I think everyone should just cut them some slack 😀
ya know, i wanted to try and actually make a character as similar to samus aran as much as possible, since the masque event, but the only thing that i need is the whip for the melee weapon, i have the biotailed, but, you mind making an electric whip? just a suggestion ._.
It’d nail not one, but two old-school gamer demographics, if the references would be weaved in in a clever way, and more energy variants of weapon types sounds like a good idea.
yeah, like so far, my equipment is black void plates/zipsuit, bio whip and emmys pistol