Some of you have been waiting for it. Some of you don’t care. Some of you want me to shut up. Doesn’t matter. This week, Fenoxo and myself are gonna throw all our write-energy at finally finishing off CORRUPTION OF CHAMPIONS. Maybe we’ll actually get to the end this week, maybe we won’t. But we’re damned sure gonna try. Personally, I think I’m gonna end up spending most of the time cranking out Lethice’s victory scenes. Maybe a bad end or two, maybe help with the epilogues or whatever follows.
Keep in mind this is not “When u write more [waifu here].” This is not “add more/new features” week. 100% Dungeon 3, 100% of the time until our eyes bleed.
I’m gonna be in #FenChat pretty much every waking hour until we’re done. Swing by, hang out, give us some moral support. We’ll probably need it.
(Oh, and sate your hype with more of the awesome CoC&D game Adjatha’s been running for us. #ShamelessSelfPlug. CoC monstergrill pregophile art also by Adjatha!)
Yes! Thank you so much Fen! *Tackle-hugs* I WUV YOU FEN-SAMA!!!
I guess I’m chopped liver :VVVV
Oh, right, sorry! *Hugs you too*
The best kind of chopped liver if you asked me
*GLOMP* The best kind of liver!
No ur not
you poor unforchanet soul.
Hats of to you two if you can pull it off and finish the 3rd Dungeon, luckily for you that you’ve already had the first half of D3 done for awhile now plus whatever else Fen might have finished up in the interim.
I’ve been looking forward to this, thanks guys.
Rejoice, the end is near! (maybe) \o/
well i thought i would never see the day. THE END IS NEAR! READY YOUR SELVES BROTHERS! THIS WEEK WE GO TO WAR!
Awesome. Though on the side when is that TiTS public release dropping now that you are full steam on CoC?
Yaaaaaay! Time to start playing it all over again because I lost my saves 2 weeks ago ecause I’m an idiot
Nice, so I presume this is the end stretch of CoC development then?
does that mean no adding more monster waifus like Hels sister or even her dad
None. It’s the end.
pity oh well at least i get to finally kick lethice off her stupid throne and possibly take it as mine for my corrupt character
Hell yeah! I intend to make a new character and see how fast I can beat the game.
Note likely. Wish is sad. IIRC kath’s preggo content was never finished, Minerva’s purification quest not done, ember’s other states not done and a couple of other things never got finished either.
Loads of stuff never got done, nor would it ever GET done even if CoC was in full dev swing.
Not likely. Which is sad. IIRC kath’s preggo content was never finished, Minerva’s purification quest not done, ember’s other states not done and a couple of other things never got finished either.
holy crap is there really that much stuff for coc that it could possibly never finish even on full swing :O
When you allow public content in your game stuff like that happens. Real life issues get in the way, a project was too ambitious, people get bored or move on. Stuff like that happens. The public content had some of the best material for CoC get implimented, but it ALSO led to things that, unfortunately, are left half finished.
Just a few examples.
-Ember was supposed to have two other ENTIRELY different personalties depening on how corrupt you were. The one we got is the middle of the road amount of corruption. She also would have had a quest to rediscover her people’s lost civilization.
-Owca was intended by the author to become a hub zone like Tel’Adre and Rebecca would become a lover like Urta.
-there was an ENTIRE zone that never made it in that was supposed to be the ‘glacial rift’ which would allow you to have Nieve all year round and included Valkyries.
Stuff doesn’t always get completed. Expect the same for TiTS in three or four years time. There will be projects half finished implemented that never reached completion. Already there is the missing goblins and female Sydian to give an example.
Best of luck to you mates!…but are we still getting that public release for TiTs?
Just a side-question, but after CoC’s content is finished, will there be any chance for more optional things to come from it? Like more things to do with certain NPC’s, Followers, Slaves, items?
Extraordinarily doubtful.
I find that very upsetting because the endgame content will be finished the the rest of the game is not fulling fleshed out considering that this was the game that started it all was his flag ship leading in to Tits, and I am referring to past posts and promises to see stuff in there that just drooped fully off the table on this game. things to do with your spawns or else where in the game seems just unfinished even if you do a final dungeon…..
Alright. ^^ Thank you for the response. Sad to hear it, but an answer is better than none!
Look up the Kitteh mod in the forums. That’s the only place you’ll be finding any sort of updates.
despite what other people are saying, COC deserves a proper ending and thanks for doing it, although I don’t envy the task of making all the waifu epilogues
I wish you luck. You can do it.
And thank you for everything.
Yes! Yeeees!
It’s finally here! (Maybe)
I’m astonishingly happy that this is happening.
Wooh! I’m looking forward to this! My only desire is that the Epilogue is AWESOME! I doubt we’ll get a Fallout style “this is what happened to this place because of your actions” type thing. But I still hope that at least Tel’Adre’s fate is mentioned!
Now that you’ll finish this everyone can be happy! No one can complain anymore AND you guys can totally focus solely on TiTS.
YES! I’ve been waiting for this! Best of luck with the completion of CoC.
Been looking forward to submitting to Lethice for years now.
Hopefully there’s a good bad end involved that doesn’t turn my character into something incredibly weird before submitting to her.
Either way, it’d be great to finally see CoC come to an end. Been waiting for it eagerly.
Sure, more content would’ve been nice, but I’m happy with the story coming to an end.
Feel obligated to finally donate (or rather, pay) for the game when it’s “complete”, I hope there’s still a way to donate a single amount?
Question. Would you be willing to allow someone else to add new stuff to CoC since you guys would be focusing on TiTs. Like adding someone to take over CoC codes and adding new features?
Gedan theoretically COULD (and has done so in the past), but I highly doubt it. This is the end of the line.
Thank Christ, good on you for the dedication Savin, even if it is only to stop the incessant whining. I share your aversion to wasting anymore time on this.
Oh, how dare people want to see something they enjoyed completed!
Don’t act like whining about whining is any better than whining about something being unfinished.
Would you guys be averse to someone else putting stuff into it, f.ex some of the content that was written long ago by others, but never quite made it due to the amount of coding required?
Well guys good luck with that
Will this be compatible with the CoC mod?
Don’t know, don’t care.
I would ask the developer of that mod, Kitteh will probably be able to integrate the new update within a week or two I’d imagine.
When is the next public tits update
Are you afraid it won’t happen unless you ask in every damn blog entry? Because I’d honestly be worried of the opposite.
They said there would be a public update today, but now with them giving CoC full focus for the week, people waiting for the promised update might think that the promise will end up being forgotten. Tell people to be patient all you want, but when you say ‘you’ll get something good at this time’ and then forget to live up to that, people get annoyed.
I don’t ask every blog entry
If not today, probably tomorrow.
Tuesday-ish. Wish meaning ‘within a week, maybe’.
Ish. Friggin’ autocorrect.
Could you please make CoC open source afterwards? Just because you (sadly) have been given up on CoC, it doesn’t mean someone else won’t try to fix the loose ends.
Kitteh’s already all over that shit.
The CoC Github repo has been pretty easily accessible for ages.
I am curious. When was COC released ?
Some time in 2011.
just ~4 years? Feels like it was a lot longer ago.
Depending on how old (in this case you are, 4 years -is- a long time. I hadn’t even begun college at the time CoC was released.
*Nostalgia of a simpler time with more free time for smut fantasy rpg*
Ah, man, I remember when Corruption of Champions was still just Unnamed Text Game. Amazing that it came so far, considering all the other games like it that fell by the wayside…it’s always amazed me CoC lasted so long and wound up having so much content, even if there’s a lot that will inevitably remain incomplete given all the projects that were added and abandoned by multiple people. Be nice to have something of an ending at long last, though I look forward to future fun with Trials in Tainted Space.
finally there is stuff to do in finishing the game.
so savin what will be come of CoC once you guys finished it? there is so many ideas to add to it that it is not funny. also would wish on TiTs you can get a better pregency system and may get a tauric companion for tauric fun and pregencies.
If you haven’t noticed from the last couple of years, nobody’s going to be adding more CoC after this. It took ages just to get THIS far.
And TiTS has a great pregnancy system. There’s just not a lot USING it. This may shock you, but each individual pregnancy requires work to implement.
ah ok then fair enough. and my mistake.
Awesome! Now we just need to wait a few years for a Corruption of Champions: Remastered.
You have no idea how happy this makes me, I have wanted this for so long, and its finally happening. Thank you guys so much.
hahaha, its probably unhealthy that Im this happy about this but I don’t give a damn.
It’s great to see that CoC is finally coming to an end.
This is going to be a good opportunity for my mod to be built on the last builds and from there, I can tie up any loose ends and shed light on finished submissions that never made it.
I am extremely glad that you will be picking up wear Fenoxo and Savin left off and i wish to inquire as to weather or not you will complete Ember.I bid you a good fortune with your arduous task and thank you Kitteh from the bottom of my heart.
Godspeed, good sir.
So you are going to tie up the loose ends by trying to make it as close to what its original contents was or you just gonna wing it?
If I may ask who are the two characters to the left; the blue slime girl & the blonde catgirl with the tophat and monocle?
Blue “Slime girl” is a demon from a potion you drink. Comes from the Cerulean potion you buy from Giacomo.
The “cat girl” (I think she is a dog though :/ ) is a shop keeper from teladre that runs a clothing shop. You can also bang her.
you were right on the first one but the cat girl is Katherine
Except he’s not wrong, the “catgirl” with the monocle and top hat (actually a corgi morph) IS the tailor in Tel’Adre, not Kath, who is the herm pictured at the bottom right.
Bless you both for finally picking it back up and on the way to end it. Still a shame about all the other unfinished content though. Oh well, you get what you get.
I guess the most disappointing thing about CoC being finished in its current state is that its been in development for upwards of 4 years , and tons of work has been put into it from both the creators and the community.
That being said its been a good ride, and its already been in dev hell for awhile now. So I’ll take what I can get.
I can’t really blame anyone for this though if the creators have lost their drive to work on he project, forcing it would only create half baked content that neither parties would be happy with.
Anyway thanks for creating this wonderful game, I look forward to the work on TiTS and future projects.
Any chance we make all of Katherine’s assets much bigger? By assets i mean here breasts, cock and balls.
You guys do good work, and this might be a weird question but How do you feel now that CoC is close to its end?
I am one of the many people looking forward to this!! Take as little or as much time as you need to. I’ll be playing, reading, catching up and overall enjoying the updates. Thanks fen, gedan, (more people?) and now Shou.
its nice to see it end sad to see it go but the winds of fate always blow so goodbye game forever remembered but not in shame forever cherished R.I,P C.O.C
trying to rhyme sorry its my thing
Nice one.
well, now is the time to reflect, guys. im glad to see COC getting one final wrap-up update before you guys say your goodbyes to the project. work until your eyes are bleeding from staring at the screen.
even though this doesn’t exactly finish everything that COC had that was unfinished, it’s much better to see this one final update rather than you guys popping in every several months and injecting it with incomplete content.
i have nothing but plaudits for you guys right now. it may not be the ending that was expected, but this is the ending COC deserved.
The only thing that really bothers me is Ember corruption path… because that’s in the game but it’s not IN THE GAME… It’s like having this door that when you open it it’s just a wall.
IKR? I feel the same way about the Minerva purification/corruption quest I’d heard about but now will probably never be implemented.
Does this, in fact, mean that all the unfinished content throughout CoC will simply be forgotten, or will it be worked on here and there in the future? Because a lot of the scenes i actually have wanted to see are unfinished… i never expected them to be finished soon, however i would like to know if they will ever be finished…
the end is close e.e’
Epilogue huh? Like a fallout ? :v
better part of 4 years and the final dungeon is just now in it’s final stretch. if i remember correctly the planning out and intro writing for it started something like 2 years ago. sad to see it end but hey, with Kitteh at the helm and still a few willing writers freelancing, there should be content still to come for quite awhile.
though in hindsight, this game would have been finished (main storyline wise at least) ages ago if Fen had held off on TiT’s for another year. guess thats the power of money for ya.
More content for the on I would’ve been sweet. She was so adorable… Reminds me of Eve.
Oni. Freakin’ autocorrect.
So is dungeon 3 the only thing y’all are gonna work on? or are there other tthings?
Well hopefully my corrupt character can make Lethice his cock addicted bitch slave. I’m not happy it’s ending but I can accept it.
Dungeon 3 is probably all they will work on and finish. But that’s a lot in its own right so…
They have a male drider and his breeding goblin slave to finish (And maybe slave interactions with the goblin? I remember reading about that somewhere, and highly look forward to it if it is true.) A mino king and queen (?) and then Lethice herself.
Not to mention the ending and how everything will tie into it.
It’s about time!
Adjatha (and for that matter, all of the PCs) have been doing a hell of a job with CoC&D so far, my only complaint is that there isn’t more yet! I hope the campaign can continue on for a long time to come. c:
I think i remember something about us possible getting a Goblin Slave form the Drider in the last Dungeon. Is that still a thing or are my dreams of having my own goblin slave just a dream?
Noooo! We must stop Fenoxo and Savin from finishing the story!! It must NEVER end!
Ahhhh man this is quiet saddening. But it is also a very happy time an end to a long journey. I hope you guys don’t mind me getting emotional, but this is the first porn thing text game i found. It was like 4 years ago and i loved it. Its going to be hard to watch it end with all the stuff that could be added but i know deep down that it needs to end. And that’s why i say THANK YOU to Fenoxo and company for 4 amazing years please continue your hard work in TiTs ill still be here 5 years from now yelling and supporting you like a father watching his son/daughters first sport game.
Thank you for CoC, looking forward to TiTS. *teary eyes*
It’s both cool and sad to see CoC end. You what crazy idea I hope could happen with TITS? Future Mareth would be awesome! But one could only dream.
I can’t wait to slit Lethice’s throat open. When I play this game, i have an initial horny phase, then i realize the horror of such a world and pass in holy purge mode, I have actually a saved game with a male, 0 corruption, anal virginity and no modifications that I’ve kept for this moment
Had a game on my PC, where I stood at the door to the throne room… Transfered to my tablet after using Minerva to mess with it.
Worked after some trial and error, till one day it didn’t load.
Wish I have a save editor for may tablet. Best i can do is use Cheat Engine to hold and alter some values. xD
I am extremely happy and at the same time sad, cause something big is going to end.
Two things I’m hoping for with the final CoC update: 1. The ability to supplant Lethice as the ruler of Mareth and 2. The ability to play on after Lethice’s defeat (maybe a big hero party?)
Man, Savin, Fen, I wish Helspawn could have been finished, that would have been awesome. Still…thank you for all your hard work. Out of curiosity, will there ever be anything like bimbo liqueur being used on other NPCs in TITS? Maybe the treatment? Idk, I just miss Bimbo content.
Wish Izmale could have been added. Bit sad to see it ending, so many loose ends.
Thank you for all of your work, i’ve have enjoyed the game evwr since my friend introce me to it. I look forward to the finish details. *bows respectfully *