Paulette by Adjatha!
Whew, this is a long time coming! There’s a lot of things I wanted to get done testing and polishing before releasing this, but with familial obligations approaching this weekend, I would rather you have your hands on this now than sit on it even longer.
A lot of my time over the last two weeks has gone into playtesting the game. Paulette’s recruitment arc starts out on Tarkus, and I wanted to play through the combat encounters to make sure they were up snuff. She also has higher level content, meaning the best way to test her would be to take a lower level (or fresh) save through the whole game. This presented an opportunity to create some proper test saves for the Kineticist class. Merc, Smuggler, and Tech Specialist all have test saves for character level to make testing content easy. The new kid on the block needed to catch up.
It has not been the smoothest sailing. In addition to doing a lot of tweaking on Paulette’s initial Tarkus tank quest to get it up to the quality levels I find acceptable, I kept finding myself side-tracked into fixing other bugs, balance issues, and aggravating content. Around Zheng Shi the Kineticist class can really start to struggle, especially if suboptimal talent selections are made, leading to me scattering a generous wave of buffs across the class. And I think they need more. My psychic babus are going to get some more higher level adjustments in the future – I just need more time to play, tweak, and test them further.
0.9.111 Changelog:
- Hotfix: Fixes for numerous crashes as a result of public builds failing to access utility functions in backer builds. (Donkey)
- Hotfix: Paulette’s sleep with scene should no longer soft lock.
- [Backers] Paulette Crew is IN. Written by Magenta Needle and coded by Leek. She has a small quest on Tarkus to get her recruited, culminating in a battle with a tank! Once onboard, she has several events on other planets and a bit of a quest…
- [Backers] New Items: “Snake Boba” & “Snake Shake” (by Madam Materia, coded by Leek). As you might surmise, snake transformations are on the way!
- Available at a 50% drop rate from Slyveren Slavebreakers.
- Available at Jade’s shop on Tavros Station.
- Available from select vending machines.
- [Backers] New Item: “Lactomax Ring Piercing” (coded by Leek). You might guess that these will keep your lactation from ending. You’d be correct!
- Available from Narc.
- [Backers] New Item: “Hardlight Fans” (coded by Leek). These are a new rare quality melee weapon that can hit flying targets without the lunge perk. (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
- Available from Gabmart Threadz.
- [Backers] New Item: “Scout Shield” (coded by Leek). (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
- [Backers] New Item: “Electrokinetic Knuckles” (coded by Leek). These are melee weapons with stagger chance! (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
- Available from Malai.
- [Backers] New Item: “BFD 9001” (coded by Leek). Despite the long history of acronym-based weapons being guns, this is a big fucking drill! (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
- [Backers] New Item: “Hardlight Chakrum” (coded by Leek). The likes of Lucy Lawless would greatly appreciate this ranged weapon’s addition. (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
- Available from Rivet
- [Backers] New Item: “Fogcaster Rifle” (coded by Leek). A new gun approaches! This has a special skill alt-fire… (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
- [Backers] New Item: “Worn Out Shield Bracers” (coded by Leek). These are a new shield-boosting accessory. (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
- Available from Shekka.
- [Backers] New Item: “Ganger Jacket” (coded by Leek). Transparent cyberpunk jackets are all the rage on Dhaal. (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
- Available from Zaika Ganger Techies, Bruisers, Riotors, and Bangtails as a 33% drop chance.
- [Public] The Private Party
- [Public] The Nuka Rancher
- The basic grapple status is now red colored. (Fenoxo)
- Added a quest marker for the Stellar Tether encounter square on the map for Tarkus. (Fenoxo)
- The scrap shield had its level correctly reassigned to 4 (was 9) (Fenoxo)
- Improved the map connection on Myrellion for the Seeker’s shop so that it correctly appears as locked when the shop is closed. (Fenoxo)
- Several places in the game had their text formatting updated with our fancy new text animation systems, courtesy of Jacques00.
- Numerous other tweaks and improvements.
0.9.111 Balance Tweak Changelog (All ‘Noxo Baybee):
- The Kineticist Class received numerous buffs (and more are coming!)
- Entropic Leech now restores more energy as the player character’s energy nears rock bottom. This should make fights at inopportune moments more winnable and improve how the class feels at higher levels.
- Force Darts now shoots an addition dart at level 6 and level 12.
- Vortex Brand lasts 5 rounds (up from 4).
- Debris Field lasts 6 rounds (up from 3).
- Numerous status effects had their icon selection improved and their status colors correctly assigned.
- Thermal Sunder and Kinetic Burst both got a little more level-based scaling and some extra damage bumps at level 6 and 8.
- Thermal Sunder and Kinetic Burst’s status effects now last longer.
- Smaller scaling buffs to some of the higher level abilities.
- Tainted Rusher got some nerfs at lower levels.
- Nyrean Praetorians now only stun for a single turn.
- Taivra now only stuns for a single turn.
- The standard headbutt attack now only produces a 1 run stun when used on player characters.
- Slavebreakers now have a grapple cooldown so they cannot keep re-grabbing you.
- The Rats Raiders encounter received numerous tweaks.
- Their weapons no longer have inbuilt stun-chance on hit.
- Reduced shields by ~45 (varies by rat)
- Reduced HP for some rats.
- Blind duraction reduced from 3 to 2 rounds (and text tweaked to notify better).
- Headbutt attack and stun gun attacks now have a shared cooldown. (And the attacks should display a bolded stun notice)
- Cleaned up extra per-rat description entries that weren’t really used for anything.
- Reset encounter proc count on reaching Maike. This will prevent a random enemy attack from immediately occurring after the boss fight.
I can’t express how happy I am to see the Rat Raiders lose that stun on hit… I’ve spent easily 10+ rounds in a row stunned when fighting them
Bug found. When you sleep with Paulette it soft-locks the game as there is no next button to progress content back to the ship.
Ty for report, I’ve submitted a fix.
Hello – I’m still having this issue even post-hotfix
What build # do you see on the title screen?
In the public build, theres errors referencing paulette as well. I’m also seeing the snake tf email commercial in the public version as well.
Maybe more.
Thanks to those who reported on the Forum.
Thanks Theron. I’ve submitted a fix for these crashes.
These should be handled in the latest hotfix
How to activate Paullete’s quest?
Encounter her, Comply, with her surrender demands, Talk to her, then leave and travel to a few planets and return, you should then be able to start it.
Well, I’ve encountered her when she was freshly implemented, and I’m on good terms with her. Tried to activate the quest: no option to do that. So I left and flew to two or three other planets. Now I’m back at her spot and still nothing.
And before it is asked: Yes, I have the backer build.
Need to wait 48 hours I believe. That was the missing trigger for the dialogue option that kickstarts her crew quest.
snake transformations?! Finally! cool! wait are they like, the transformations done or has there been tweaking done?
Also a slyveran crew mate? I’ll even settle for snphia though I’d prefer sally, like we can buy out her contract ala Rhea style.
So now we have a comically large drill? When will the long and sharp glasses and the red cape be added?
Well, there’s already an atmospheric diving suit, so the opportunity for a different giant drill based cosplay is available…
Big Daddy suit in coming XD
I can’t seem to find the Private Party
I can’t seem to encounter the Zaika Peer to trigger this event
Found Her
It seems it only triggers on the dashed green tiles. Took a while but Xhanni & Hollow will prompt you.
changes all sounded pretty good (big fan of the Kineticist), but what really made me happy was the Rats Raiders Nerf. That fight was just such bullshit, if you were unlucky they just kept you stunlocked for a dozen rounds with nothing you could do…
It was truly awful if you weren’t a physique monster.
I’m on the public version, currently on Phaedra. Tried to fly to Dhaal and the game crashes. Here’s the beginning of the error report:
Version: 0.9.111-PUBLIC#5418
window.pauletteDhaalDateAvailable is not a function
TypeError: window.pauletteDhaalDateAvailable is not a function
at Object.StrFlag (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/content_dhaal.11957d64.js:1:6843485)
at e.value (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.ad4e67a0.js:1:10063975)
at Function.value (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.ad4e67a0.js:1:12472223)
at o.value (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.ad4e67a0.js:1:12463392)
at o.value (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.ad4e67a0.js:1:12459842)
at Ga (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/vendors.07690e98.js:1:582660)
at Ha (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/vendors.07690e98.js:1:582459)
at $s (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/vendors.07690e98.js:1:623290)
at Il (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/vendors.07690e98.js:1:609512)
at Tl (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/vendors.07690e98.js:1:609440)
Should have been fixed in the hotfix.
public browser game crashed when I went to dhaal
Should be handled in the hotfix. If not, please scream at me as loudly as possible in discord.
Not a Backer and it crashes when I fly to Dhaal.
window.pauletteDhaalDateAvailable is not a function
Should be handled in the hotfix. If not, please scream at me as loudly as possible in discord.
Any chance of Vitality Siphon getting a buff to Energy regen? 15 net over 4 rounds under ideal conditions. If you lose even 1 round to Grapple/Stun/Trip, you only get 5 back. If you lose 2, you’re negative. And you do no damage at all on the setup round.
I think it could scale with Max Energy (10%). 20/round at Level 12 seems like a lot, but it’s actually 45 (20*3 -15) and a dead round.
Or if it was a buff that lasted the whole fight. Then you only lose 1 round. You’d still need 11 rounds to make up the difference with Psychogenic Vim (17 rounds at Level 12).
Psychogenic Vim restores 93.75/112.5/150 in one round at no cost.
If you’re counting on Psi-Noise Generator to make it viable, Zheng Shi is too late.
any clue where to find the bfd and the fogcaster?
I would not expect energy recovery buffs for vitality siphon. Psychogenic Vim can only be used ONCE in a combat. Vitality Siphon can be used as often as you like, meaning you can hang in the fight forever with proper energy management (and a lack of lustiness.)
Psychogenic Vim is a fast “get me back in the fight” ability but has no potential to grow beyond what it is now.
Vitality Siphon can restore OBSCENE amounts of HP if energy is properly managed.
It may see other changes and enhancements, but it being worse for energy and better for HP was the intended design for the ability to the getgo. I’d rather improve its uptime with a greater duration or instant-cast (not using your turn).
i think Siphon is relatively fine the way it is right now. The only change i would love were if it would last for three guaranteed actions, and not just a 3 turn buff that is wasted if you get stunned. Or maybe just add some more turns. Point is, if you get to use it for it’s full duration, it’s fine,
How does the scout shield compare to the pirate shield?
For those of us who have already encountered/fought Paulette, how do you start her quest? No option seems to present itself in any conversation choices.
After you talk to her, leave and planethop for a bit, then return, (one or two planets should suffice)
Waiting a few days after talking to her about stuff seemed to work for me.
As a Kinetic fan, I’m incredibly excited about these buffs. Kinetics are really not as strong in the early stages as the same Tech Specialists, and many of their skills are quite dubious in their usefulness (for example, Scourge and Cloud, I still consider them to be almost useless skills. I don’t know what kind of opponents they will win so much against in comparison with other skills or a simple blow with a staff), which is why I had to use a lot of third-party skills.
P.S. is there any new content planned with Gray Goo Armor? I love this goofy girl and, although she is still one of the best armor in the game, I would like more.
Acid cloud has no “saving throw” or miss chance, making it guaranteed damage of a type very few targets have resistance to – and a number have vulnerability to.
In my testing, I took the perk that lets you stun on crits – so whenever my force darts landed a stun, and I’d get to follow up with a giant sack of poison.
Edit: oop, compared to wrong ability!
I do concede that Mind Crush is the better choice right now – higher base damage (even if it’s kinetic that most shields greatly reduce), and easier to proc the “crit” effect on, since it replace your melee attack as a great “frost shatter” proc device.As I’m writing this, I think I might buff the crit multiplier on acid cloud from 2x to 3x, since stuns are harder to come – and let it get a x2 on frozen targets, to provide a variant damage to proc off of frozen targets (x2 cloud damage will still be notably lower than mind crush’s damage x2)
Might also look into giving it sunder chance.
I usually combine Acid Cloud with Mind Crush. Mind Crush gets you a stun, leading into guaranteed crit with Acid Cloud. Works wonderfully. Perfectly happy with how this currently works, but i’m not gonna say no to more buffs :p
Did the Sieage of Korgii Hold today. As a lvl 10 Kineticist i beat the War Alpha in 4 Moves. A Debris Field to blind them, then Entropic Leech froze him. Mind Crush to trigger the freeze and stun him, followed by Acid Cloud for the kill.
Ah. I get it. We upgrade Paulette with Ice, Plasma, and Wave Beams.
what is do you need to uograde paulette as shield and weapon
Tri beam and jumper shield
i found out what it is you need to complet her upgrade
Great, so you could share with others, but decided otherwise… Being “helpfull” af. Anyway, the solution is: Jumper Shield , Tri-Beam Rifle. Both can be bought from Urbolg on Zeng Shi.
anyone figure out yet how to get the fogcaster rifle?
Finally, a new transformative!
Still disappointing that the new recruit is female.
Hmm…the vr programs for both the land tanker and lithium flower are both added to the VR thing on Canadia, But not to the VR thing in your own ship
Noted. I’ve passed this on to Leyk (the coder) to get these cleaned up in a patch or two.
the vr items don’t add the content of the fights for Paulettes quest encounters
Apparently they’re in the VR bar but not mindwash. I’ve asked Leek to get it handled.
will we be able to have fun with Dabbebieth too?
Probably not. I was talking with the team about adding a bust for them, and the prevailing opinion seemed to be that would should just use one of the stock NPC busts for them since they don’t have much content – or content planned.
darn was hoping to have a Leyak on tap
I cannot wait for the knuckles to become public. Really want to turn my giant metal dino into a proper brawler and those seem like just the thing I need.
In the meantime, there’s the Predator Talons, Custom Shock Gear, Knuckle Busters, Deconstructor Gauntlets and Hureya’s Claw.
The PC Slyveren leg description may need another pass, current description for the 2 leg form is “Below your thighs, two wiggling, snake-like appendages allow you to slither around.” implying 2 naga tails as legs instead of the ‘normal’ leg and feet combo.
Noted and shared with devchat.
so, i didn’t notice anyone talking about it, so maybe it’s just me or someth, but ror some reason, the jasvala dzaan addiction is stuck on dose mild, and even when it says the effect has run out it still shows as mild dose, and there’s no timer
How do you activate cheat menu on android now?
Please fix the weapon pass bug, I’m softlocked in Tessa’s questline. Having the weapon pass is supposed to allow you to pass the security desk with your weapons, but, as numerous forum posts have pointed out, an intended bug fix has made it impossible to do so instead.
Slyveren TF makes no remarks for the glowy markings in the PC appearance description.
Additionally, the snake ears description could possibly use some revision. The current description is “There is nothing notable to mention about your ears.” despite the TF supposedly changing it into a cobra hood.
Any chance for the Thicc&Shake teases to persist if the player has at least one perk gained from them (e.g. “Hips don’t lie”, “Fecund Figure”, “Bubble Butt/Buns of Steel”)? There’s not enough content of Steel shaking their ass, especially considering the sheer amount of it that is there by that point.
I wanna weaponize twerking.
where do you encounter Paulette the first time?