Celise and the good captain putting on a camshow by Servik!
0.7.179 Changelog:
- Two new scenes were added to Urbolg – an oral one and a peanut butter cookie focused bit of fun. The latter has a good bit of variance and a nice extra scene if the PC is also a korgonne. The former was penned by Wsan and the latter by B!
- New bust: Raskvel Male Group. This replaces the old “cloned” bust completely due to some differences in how they have to be put into code.
- New Item by Odaous: Thick&Shake. If you like big hips, then it may be the item for you.
- Several NPC preferences were not being checked against for tease attacks. This has been corrected. Additionally, enemies can now have preferences about furries, scalies, bug-people, sweat, and being covered in other fluids.
- Many fixes and tweaks, especially regarding the Frostwyrm. (Update: Apparently not enough. The content is unplayable for many. I’ll try and rush out another public patch tomorrow to address the worst of the bugs. Be sure and drop your own issues in the bug reports forum, with an attached save file and steps to reproduce if possible!)
- [Hotfix] We’ve got a hotfix to fix some repeating text in Urbolg and a Frostwyrm related crash for backers who interacted with her. Give it a bit to compile and get out to the server! (Posted at 7:24 pm Fentral time)
- [Hotfix] Many of the worst bugs with the Frostwyrm have been addressed. Thank you for your patience!
Whew! Sorry I didn’t get this out sooner. I had to spend a few hours today helping a couple backers get their accounts to link with the blog, and it wound up eating up a fair chunk of my time. (But we did, reddit!) I must say, he new stuff for Urbolg is pretty great. Both Wsan and B did a fabulous job of helping me round out his palette of options.
Sadly, I didn’t have time to get my laquine foe for Zheng Shi into the game yet. She’ll be coming along in short order for backers, once I’m comfortable with the variety of scenes she has. One thing I want to get back to is making sure generic enemies have at least four unique loss scenes and four victory options to keep them interesting for the entire time they’re in rotation. Right now I have something like… two and a quarter loss options. I might be doing them first because they’re more fun.
Now onto the good stuff for the general public – What’s new since the last public patch?
- New Location: Zheng Shi, with a small subset of its mines open.
- New NPCS: Akane, “Frosty” the Frostwyrm, mining robots, Mitzi the gabilani cumslut, Tivf the slave zil, the zil twins Tetra and Mica, Urbolg the korgonne.
- New Expansions: Stella (including impregnation), Brandy the cow-girl.
- New Scenes: Kally (x2), Shekka trying the mindwash visor, Anno at the gym, and probably a few others I missed mentioning.
- New Items: Several pirate themed options available at Urbolg’s shop menu, and ReductPro, as well as a few character specific options added with our bevy of new NPCs.
- New Busts: Huskar Anno, Mitzi, Quaddomme
- New Cheat Code: “mitzi” for those of you who cannot unlock Mitzi the normal way because you’ve already completed the Stellar Tether dungeon.
I want to say a big thanks to everyone who has been helping by converting approved projects into submitted code. You guys have been real heroes and done a real number on the backlog. With any luck, this next month should be equally amazing!
Claiming First
Have Too Much Time.
I cleaned up the comments a bit 😛
Hahahaha. I got the email and I got hyped.
Where is thick&shake sold?
At JoyCo vending machines. It’s not blatantly sold up front, though. It’s pretty much misc. You’ll know it when you see it.
what does the perk do?
i think its very odd how more or less every hips item mentions fertility and breeding but im quite sure none of them actually change fertility or pregnancy at all
oh thank you
Sounds like mitzi has to be collected from inside the stellar tether??
You free her from there, yes. If you’ve done it already, just use the cheat, and she’ll be waiting for you at Tavros.
how do we put in the cheat?
Type it in at any point in time on any screen and it’ll activate. Using the codex screen is recommended though as it doesn’t have any buttons that you can accidentally hit while typing in the cheat. Mobile users will have to go to one of the medical droids like the one on Mhen’ga and type it in the text field they have.
Are there any medical droids other than the one on Mhen’ga? The only other V-KO Droid I know of is Vi, and she doesn’t have the cheat interface.
Considering they’re supposed to be really common you’d expect at least 1 in every major settlement.
What if someone gets injured on Tavros or Uveto, do they have to fly all the way to Mhen’ga just to get healed? It makes sense captain Steele has hyper healing with his nano machines, but I was under the impression that those were super rare.
Somehow the rarity of 1 of a kind nanobots and run of the mill nursedroids got switched.
Or maybe Steele doesn’t have access to most V-KO because there’s no reason to. Considering that sleeping fixes nearly everything writing in unique NPCs for some light roleplay / immersion is a waste of time. We already have two fully fleshed out V-KO NPCs with unique scenes, we don’t need another 6.
But because the Mhen’ga V-ko is a basic run of the mill model they should be able to just copy paste her into unoccupied space somewhere.
Vi is special because she’s like a diplomat or something. Mass produced robots don’t have to be unique.
Immersion is the most important gameplay mechanic, and now that I realize the absurdity of a futuristic society where you can buy DNA altering drugs out of vending machines but you have to fly to another planet to get some stitches for a cut… Honestly I don’t think I can ever look at this game the same way again.
Also where are the bathrooms? I don’t care how advanced technology is, if you drink water you’re gonna have to piss eventually. I don’t care if there aren’t any scenes in the bathroom, I just want them to acknowledge that they’re there.
Immersion > porn
I juss started a new game and saved her already. XD do I still have to go get her from tavros or is something broken??
Nvm it juss taes a while.
Just downloaded the new standalone patch and an Error popped up.
Here is the message in its entirety:
[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: StandAlone – Windows 10
Flash Version: WIN 29,0,0,140
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1009
TypeError: Error #1009
at global/classes.Engine.Map::InShipInterior()
at classes::TiTS/showLocationName()
at classes.DataManager::DataManager/loadBaseData()
at classes.DataManager::DataManager/loadGameData()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
Yep, it’s related to some adjustments Jacques00 made to Frosty. We’ll have a hotfix rolling out shortly. Check back in 20ish minutes!
Thank God, I just got to lunch and started panicking.
The Frostwyrm expansion is in? HELL YEAH!
Error loading saves: the common thread seems to be the Frostwyrm content, as I can load saves prior to starting that (no problems with 0.7.178)
Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: StandAlone – Linux 4.4.0-127-lowlatency
Flash Version: LNX 27,0,0,183
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1009
TypeError: Error #1009
at global/classes.Engine.Map::InShipInterior()
at classes::TiTS/showLocationName()
at classes.DataManager::DataManager/loadBaseData()
at classes.DataManager::DataManager/loadGameData()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
Yeah I get the same problem.
Yep. We’ve got a fix for people who did Frostwyrm stuff before rolling it. Give the server 15 minutes or so, then ctr+f5 yourself up a fresh copy of the build.
Frostwyrm jazz still acting pretty broke.
Defeated (after three wins). Accepted deal, Name her, Breeding, choose to wait 4 months, then bugged at the end.
1) Despite walls of text talking about the eggs (the new life, “sharing the space with her freshly-laid egg”) it says in bold text at the bottom “Unfortunately, all that time waiting produced no eggs…”
2) Supposing 1 isnt a bug, this certainly is. 4 months is greyed out, so you have to pick leave. Next does nothing, and Irestead removes buttons and does nothing (resulting in stuck screen with no buttons at all, much load game).
Confirmed that every fork after accepting results in conversation dead end with no more actions (buttons). This is build 0.7.179 after the refresh Fenoxo mentioned above.
same issues here
I’m experiencing the same thing.
Yeah same here.
Same here
Same problem here. Magically producing eggs but not producing eggs and then errors going to town.
Thank goodness I’m not the only one with this problem!
Where exactly is Urbolg?
On the landing pad in Zheng Shi.
Can now ReductPro modify hip size?
Couldn’t it before?
Aww yeah, the Frostwyrm checks are working now.
Time to get busy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
100 Kiplings seems like such a small number to take over a planet with. Company size aint my thing. Maybe a battalion’s worth of kiplings?
I can’t seem to get it to work properly. I get to the point where you choose whether to leave or stay for 4 months, and then no matter which option I choose, the game doesn’t give any options after she’s supposed to fly you back to Irestead, so I get stuck.
uhhh slight bug with the frostwyrm, when you try and return to irestead, after the kid is hatched, its just sort of stalls, you have options, and are trapped at the last dialogue with the frostwyrm.
had to reload to get out.
I meant to say you have no options after you try and go back to irestead.
For reference:
As comfortable as you are, and as much as you’re sure Valrynn would rather her mate remain at her side, you have other responsibilities to attend to. You’re afraid you can’t stay here until the new kip is fully mature.
I, Valrynn says lowly, taken off-guard by your words and at a loss for her own. I am not educated in the necessities of your kind’s needs and cultures, Averlye. But I will trust you. You will know when is right to return to your mate. She nudges you gently, her nose against your scalp. Distance will not separate us. Should you need my guidance, focus upon me. I will answer your summons.[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: Desktop – Linux 3.18.14-12479655
Flash Version: AND 17,0,0,128
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at global/classes.Engine.Utility::getPlanetName()
at classes::TiTS/processUvetoWeather()
at classes::TiTS/processTime()
at classes::TiTS/frostwyrmSayonara()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
I too have this error, and its kinda bumming me out that I can’t do this without it messing up.
Yeah i got this as well a real let down
I was just about to post this, got that error as well.
Hopefully fixed for the next release.
That’s a huge chunk of content out this month. Props to Fen&co for a big month.
What, no demands for more new bad ends? Lol.
Let’s pretend to be civil here. I haven’t made “demands” in quite a while. I advocate, sure – bad ends best ends after all. But if a great bad-end gets in the game, I get that I’ll need to do the wetwork myself.
Besides, I can’t act spoiled about all this. Have you seen all the bad ends this patch!!?!???!?
It was supposed to be a joke… -_-
Would you say me misunderstanding the joke was a… bad end? ^-^
I said this in the previous post, but, as I’m sure the question is going to come up a lot: in order to make the Frostwyrm your wife, you must first defeat it three times (previous victories before this update still count, I’m told), and then engage it in battle and lose to it once, either by HP or Lust.
The Frostwyrm has a whole slew of content, including:
1) She decides for herself that female pronouns are better suited for her, but you can still name her! (If you’re having trouble coming up with a name, Savin has decided that her “canon” name is Valrynn)
2) Four sex scenes with the Frostwyrm, including an additional dream sequence.
3) Talking topics that expand on her character and on the lore of the Frostwyrm species.
4) Pregnancy content! You can either knock up the Frostwyrm; the Frostwyrm can knock you up; or both, depending on your equipment.
5) Four more sex scenes with the offspring. They do not have their own dream sequence, however.
6) More talking topics with the kids, involving you sharing your knowledge and experiences with them.
7) You can give the Frostwyrm bellyrubs!
8) If you and the Frostwyrm collectively give birth to 100 kids, you’ll have the option to end your adventure and use your dragon legion to annex the planet of Uveto.
I’m going to shamelessly take advantage of the hype behind my own work to mention that, if you enjoy what I do and you’d like me to do more, and you’d like to get early access that whatever projects I do next, I have a Patreon that you can subscribe to! You can find it at www (dot) patreon (dot) com/TheLetterB
See you all next project!
I think if you do that damn much, you earn the right to a little self-promotion. 😀
🙁 Sad that you have to lose to her. Why is that necessary?
yea losing to her on purpose is a turn off
(especially if im able to beat her 3 times)
The Frostwyrm can only communicate psionically, and it was established that it can only communicate with you once your “mental faculties were sufficiently lowered,” i.e. you had been defeated in battle.
Don’t blame me, blame Savin.
Hey B, in the future could add a few details for the gryvain race in the interaction with the frostwryms and your kips
Don’t be ashamed. Hype it up!
Honestly a little disappointed that she’s a pure herm. Not that it’s any particular slight against you, I just think there’s an overabundance of herms in this game and while I understand the desire to play to both sides, I wished just this once that it was more of a “selected gender” rather than a herm. Oh well… the content itself is very well written. I hope we’ll be able to see more from you.
As cool as conquering a planet is, why does it have to be an ending? Why can’t I take over a planet AND look for the data probes? I’m still gonna need all the company’s money and technology, plus Uveto is really cold and it’d suck to live there forever.
You should have the option to hide your identity while conquering the planet, so you can continue your adventure without ruining your reputation. Or you can embrace your conquering ways and take an army of dragons into space to help you find the other data probes and subjugate your rival.
Yes you’d probably need a military carrier ship to transport all your space dragons, but that shouldn’t be a problem. Plus if people claim the dragons are meant for Arctic climates and therefore wouldn’t survive other planets just say they have giant reverse heat belts.
I don’t think I have a particularly satisfying answer for you, other than the fact that choosing to take over the planet means choosing to acknowledge the fact that you’ve spent fifty years (at *minimum*) doing nothing but fucking a dragon. Presumably, your cousin’s managed to put some distance between you two in the race in the meantime :p
Except she can’t escape queen Tavira’s throne room without the PC distracting her.
Also it shouldn’t take that long to raise 100 baby dragons, reptiles typically lay between 10-40 eggs per clutch and they typically lay 3-4 clutches per year.
Most reptiles take 1-4 years to reach maturity, and crocodilians typically take at most 15 years.
Worst case scenario the cousin gets raped by bugs for 5 years and I conquer a planet. Best case scenario I make a bunch of babies, then leave her to raise them as I complete my quest, then come back as a trillionair and conquer the universe with an army of space dragons.
Whoever wrote this submission clearly hasn’t fucked enough lizards.
The ‘wyrms are a mite larger than Terran crocs though and Uveto, being basically glacier all over, doesn’t exactly seem to be teeming with things to eat so you could quickly grow hale and hearty… brb biting my tongue before I go on a rant on how nothing about the planet as written makes no sense whatsoever. >_>
Your last point is almost certainly factually true, though. (Crocs aren’t *lizards* mind…)
I’ll be sure to keep “make it more realistic” in mind if I’m to ever write an expansion pack for the content where you fuck and interbeed with an ice-breathing dragon on an ice planet.
Thank you, Immersion is very important. While you’re at it can you add bathrooms and medical droids to all the major settlements? It seems weird that someone has to fly to Mhen’ga just to get some stitches.
How do you fly a space ship with a broken arm? What if you have a heart attack? What if you grow too many horse dicks and you can’t sit in the cockpit anymore?
Got another error. When i tried to leave frostwyrm’s lair.
Do not forget that distance will not separate us, and if you need of my guidance, I will respond.[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: ActiveX – Windows 8
Flash Version: WIN 29,0,0,140
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at global/classes.Engine.Utility::getPlanetName()
at classes::TiTS/processUvetoWeather()
at classes::TiTS/processTime()
at classes::TiTS/frostwyrmSayonara()
at classes::GUI/PressButton()
at classes::TiTS/pressButton()
at Function/()
at classes::BoundControlMethod/ExecFunc()
at classes::InputManager/ExecuteKeyCode()
at classes::InputManager/KeyHandler()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
Try typing in idclev and then SHIP INTERIOR. idclev takes you to the teleport menu and SHIP INRERIOR is used to take you to your ships interior. Be sure to type it in with caps though, or it won’t work.
Still the same. When I am tried to teleport, i’ve got next error:
Cheat Activated!
Gimme a room name to TP to cheater![Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: ActiveX – Windows 8
Flash Version: WIN 29,0,0,140
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at classes::TiTS/move()
at classes::Cheats$/TryRoomTeleport()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
Same here
Really been loving this game! When is the update with the Frostwyrm going to come out? I’m an avid fan of this and have updated with every public release that has come out.
the password doesnt seem to be working i try it no effect
I can’t tell if this guy is trolling or actually that oblivious :/
Honestly I am that oblivious and just a complete dumbass. Just read through it more thoroughly now.
This is how you know that people don’t read…
Maybe he shot the Haru that could read
There’s an old Soviet/Russian joke about why the Militsiya (cops) travel in groups of three: one to read, one to write, and one to keep an eye on the two dangerous intellectuals.
I think he’s the third guy and shot the two others for the sake of public security… :/
Yeah, okay. Get off it. I overlooked that bit of info, alright? I already fessed up to it. Feel free to laugh at it, just let the joke drop.
I’m having an issue where after trying to do the frostwyrms content where when i click irestead it doesnt do anything and i can’t click anything
So, what exactly is the expansion on brandy? she seems to just have the same options as before.
You need to raise her Affection to a high enough level and you’ll see new options in her Sex menu. Later, when you leave New Texas, Customs will give you a letter from Brandy that you can read. This is as far as I’ve gotten so far with that line so I can’t provide more info than that.
i can’t seem to start anno quest.
Same here, it never goes past the scene that mentions interns.
same here too.
Same. Tried basically everything and it won’t progress at all. 4 different save attempts.
Is there any special way to get CarolJ’s mindwash visor scene to play? I keep trying the male option and it’s the old three over and over.
Not sure if it’s asking for too much, but could the character have preferences to certain things. It puts me off to have my character get all hot and bothered over someone swinging their dick around when that’s just not what I’m into.
Also, is something wrong with the Android build? It doesn’t seem to parse right now.
I am also getting the “cannot parse” error with the apk. I hope there’s a resolvable issue here.
try downloading with a different browser
Try downloading it with another browser. I’m just going to assume you use Chrome, since it doesn’t seem to like the .apk’s.
Have thought the same thing, but then I realized it could unbalance the game/combat.
I like to quasi-rationalize the whole lust damage aspect as the universe being populated by latent psychics and it being a sort of mental attack… because where no direct chemical or ultra-tech shenanigans are involved it doesn’t make a lick of sense anyway. (CoC could just handwave the whole business as “lust majics lol” but that doesn’t really work here…)
Just write the lack of relevant preferences or turn-offs on part of the MC down to indiscriminately horny Steele genes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
your character is gay no matter what you do, thats just how it works
*bi or poly would be more apt.
are you assuming my sexuality?
I’m honestly glad I waited for the public update. Some of the Frostwyrm content made me tear up a little > 3 >;;
So I’m assuming that if we killed the frostwyrm before the expansion, there’s no possible way to access the Frostwyrm waifu content?
That’s correct, but you get some sweet items from Korg’ii Hold!
Add a zombie Wyrm path. She hungers for Korg brains.
I save edited the Frostwyrm scales in on my main save. It’s a pain in the ass, but worth it.
Well damn, I guess I have to go back and try to find my save before I beat the frostwyrm and go this path. Too bad there wasn’t a code for this one too. Might that be possible in the future for those of us who dove on the Korg hold goodies?
Might break things!
Save editor and messing with the raw data, aka some of the flags.
Might break things!
so im a max level merc and cant seem to beat frosty,anyone have any tips for a merc?
from what I seen under sense, the frostwyrm has a -50% elec resistance so maybe use weapons that do elec dmg? sorry I can’t be more helpful as I run a smuggler so my battle plan is basically “blind it till it dies”
im currently using the arc caster,would you have a suggestion to any electric weapons?
Khan’s modded Arc Caster seems to work pretty well against it. I’ve only lost once against her, and that was only because I wasn’t paying attention to my stats and got caught with low health.
I just blast her with the Sumorian rail gun and she gets just vaporized.
Read the(new?)”Breed” scene with Fisianna. That was damn good writing. But using Breeders Bliss means she can get pregnant ingame now? or is it still just a flavor text until a separate family building X-pax comes out?
She can’t get pregnant right now, she gets the heat effects from the Bliss but is still sterile.
Huh? When was she ever sterile? I don’t remember her ever saying she was unlike Shekka.
I think, in this instance, “sterile” means “nobody has written any pregnancy content yet”.
Sterile in this case means she’s been taking Sterilex, not that she’s permanently Sterile
Given the general character of the setting I’d expect that stuff is sold in seasonal flavours like so much ice cream anyway.
So option to breed the kips requires the pc to have vagina as well (as oppose to being bred) was that intended or just hiccup in programming?
part of the scene involves you taking it in the pussy as well
So since there’s is absolutely no chance of it being released on this update any guesses as to when the Frostwyrm Transformative is gonna be released?
Honest question
Someone reminded me of the whole description of your dick while your a dragon for CoC and that woke up some of my old habits
that was me I take credit for dragon dick funnies
*You Slap (Insert Random Name here) With your Mythic mass*
I was more into it when it says I used my foot long dragon dong 😛
friendship ended with Jerryn, Urbolg is now my husbando.
Well Jerryn is still great but i’m loving how much great content Urbolg already has!
So…I think the “Fuck [Twin Name]” scenes for the Zil twins are bugged? Either that, or I just can’t access them, but I don’t know what’s wrong since they don’t have tooltips…
Same issue here.
Issue with Frosty. Leaving her lair causes the game to get stuck.
how does one use cheats on mobile?
whats the zhengshi password???
Fuck you. <– this
It is and I quote… fuck you
fuck you
Kind of off topic but how do you go back to having smaller hips and breasts? I accidentally clicked on an item I didn’t want to use :/
Thats what the new ReductPro is for
Awesome thanks!!
Uthra sap reduces breast size by about a cup at a time; I think Dr. Lessau sells a stronger version, too. And Dr. Lash will always be happy to remove your boobs for a mere 7k credits.
Nice! Thanks a lot!
A pretty great freebie for sure. Thank you.
Is the Frostwyrm Transformative in this or is that coming later?
For android download it says there is a problem with parsing the package
frostwyrm beat-em-up equipments? im using ranged merc.
Don’t bother if you’re below level 8. The fight itself is pretty straightforward. I think having high Willpower helps mitigate the dragon’s psionic attacks, and high armor/frost resistance is good too.
I’m still getting the frostwyrm crash after the hotfix version, advice?
How do you have sex with one of the twins? The options are grayed out, only the first and last are available.
Can’t activate the individual sex scenes as well.
need a smaller wang just cheat the size system like I did and get two dicks one big and one small so I can stick it to everyone
I do that too, but it looks like I needed to remove the bigger one in order for it to unlock the option. Bug?
Aye, havin’ meself a bit of a crasherino; attempting to leave after waiting for first batch of kips and being bred again. Here’s the page, along with the error code. This is after the hotfix, as well. (Also, clicking the “Next” option instead of Irestead will produce the [Uncaught TypeError] text.)
Do not forget that distance will not separate us, and if you need of my guidance, I will respond.[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: Desktop – Windows 10
Flash Version: WIN 28,0,0,126
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at global/classes.Engine.Utility::getPlanetName()
at classes::TiTS/processUvetoWeather()
at classes::TiTS/processTime()
at classes::TiTS/frostwyrmSayonara()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
Hey Fenoxo, since you introduced me to the wonders of monster girl quest, I must ask what is your opinion on monster girl quest Paradox Episode 1?
I keep getting a staging error whenever i try ro download the android version for mobile on my cell, and its preventing me from installing the update for the old version i have and am able to play
so I don’t know if this is new but the new sex scene where I can just bang Kally by my self now it makes me rather happy now because I can bang them separately and together now and I love my incest loving pirate/bar keep trash pandas even more now all I need is to knock them up
So am I. More preggoz for the preggoz god.
Also, how did you get the second Kally scene? I’m now in smashed status, I red kui-tan entry several times and I had Kally/Kiro threesome so I know secret ingredient for the drinks. I have forst hotdog scene. Thanks for the answer if there will be any.
the hotdog and fuck one no idea I just got it but the one with the blow job of epic proportions in only for brutes I believe which is unfortunate but at least now I can bang her with my shark guy
Fenoxo in bakers post wrote that they created 2 new scenes for Kally:
First one you can access in her menu – Hotdog&Fuck it’s called.
Second scene(taken from the bakers post desc): “but the other to have viewed the kui-tan codex entry and get pretty smashed. Oh, and you have to know about her secret ingredient as well.” I got all of the prerequisites, but got nothing. And there is no forum talk about this and no comments about the scene in any post.
I think I just got it, get the smashed status from the heart’d drinks, it gave me the option to, once you get cut off it should give you the option to either leave (normal) or kiss her, which should unlock the new scenes
Thanks, Kilo. The comment tree is in overload, so I can’t write a reply directly to you.
Welp, I had got the smashed status by drinking the most heavy alkohol, which is not in the hearts section, that’s why I didn’t get the scene. It was a lil surprise that you will get your ass screwed, not in my preferences. Thanks anyway.
i was wondering how do you interact with Tivf. i’ve shecked th entire mine and nothing.
he is up in the office before the mine you gotta hack in but I don’t know if you can bang him seeing as how I cant all I can do is talk
Cant seem to trigger anything but bad end with Frostwyrm.
Beaten her 3+ times, losing the second time always leads to the old bad end, game over.
Tried resetting all the flags for her (times won, losses, encounters had) with save editor.
Beat her 3 times, then lost 2 times, still the old bad ending, game over.
Are there more fixes coming for it in public patches?
Are there more flags relating to frostwyrm than victory count, slain, warning, times met?
Save file:
Found the problem (on the forums), your character HAS to be virile/fertile, otherwise you get the bad ending/game over.
Still get a ton of errors that others have mentioned earlier.
When trying to leave the lair
As comfortable as you are, and as much as you’re sure a would rather her mate remain at her side, you have other responsibilities to attend to. You’re afraid you can’t stay here until the new kip is fully mature.
I, a says lowly, taken off-guard by your words and at a loss for her own. I am not educated in the necessities of your kind’s needs and cultures, Mihari. But I will trust you. You will know when is right to return to your mate. She nudges you gently, her nose against your scalp. Distance will not separate us. Should you need my guidance, focus upon me. I will answer your summons.[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: Desktop – Windows 10
Flash Version: WIN 28,0,0,126
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at global/classes.Engine.Utility::getPlanetName()
at classes::TiTS/processUvetoWeather()
at classes::TiTS/processTime()
at classes::TiTS/frostwyrmSayonara()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
It’s been months since I read the frosty document.
Really hyped to finally play it 😀
After trying to leave after dragon children have hatched:
As comfortable as you are, and as much as you’re sure Katherine would rather her mate remain at her side and your daughters have theirQal nearby at all times, you have other responsibilities to attend to. You’re afraid you can’t stay here until the new kip is fully mature.
Your daughters each pout loudly, disappointed at the news, but Katherine hushes them.I understand that you have other necessities in your life as well. Your kind are not as long – lived as mine; you have my blessing to do what you require, when you require it. You will know when to return to your Qim. She nudges gently at your scalp with her nose. Do not forget that distance will not separate us, and if you need of my guidance, I will respond.[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: StandAlone – Windows 10
Flash Version: WIN 28,0,0,126
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at global/classes.Engine.Utility::getPlanetName()
at classes::TiTS/processUvetoWeather()
at classes::TiTS/processTime()
at classes::TiTS/frostwyrmSayonara()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: StandAlone – Windows 10
Flash Version: WIN 28,0,0,126
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at classes::GUI/restoreLocation()
at classes::GUI/showPrimaryOutput()
at classes::GUI/backToPrimaryOutput()
at classes::TiTS/backToPrimaryOutput()
at classes::TiTS/showMailsHandler()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
either im extremly bad… but why does wyrm ignore flashbang from smugler?
Is anyone having trouble recruiting Anno? I’m trying to activate the ghost deck quest but she just says how she can’t leave the shop and interns.
Yes, i just want to make a post as i read this.
You have to take care of the bomb quest to the east before you can unlock Anno’s recruitment mission.
It doesn’t seem to be working. And I’ve tried to recruit her before and after I delt with the pirates
Question, if we get that error thing while trying to play the game. Try to load a file and still doesn’t work. Should we delete it and try to redownload the latest backers version of the game, or wait for the next update?
Hey what’s going on with this newest build? I’m currently playing on mobile and NONE of my saves are load-able. I don’t mind two of them seeing as they are easy to redo but my main game isn’t one I want to lose.
Help? Problem resolved?
[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: Desktop – Linux 4.4.13-13033183
Flash Version: AND 17,0,0,128
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1009
TypeError: Error #1009
at global/classes.Engine.Map::InShipInterior()
at classes::TiTS/showLocationName()
at classes.DataManager::DataManager/loadBaseData()
at classes.DataManager::DataManager/loadGameData()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
Redownload. There was a bug in the earliest versions that fudged some stuff up.
I’m now getting Error #1010
As comfortable as you are, and as much as you’re sure Valrynn would rather her mate remain at her side and your daughters have theirQal nearby at all times, you have other responsibilities to attend to. You’re afraid you can’t stay here until the new kip is fully mature.
Your daughters each pout loudly, disappointed at the news, but Valrynn hushes them.I understand that you have other necessities in your life as well. Your kind are not as long – lived as mine; you have my blessing to do what you require, when you require it. You will know when to return to your Qim. She nudges gently at your scalp with her nose. Do not forget that distance will not separate us, and if you need of my guidance, I will respond.[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: Desktop – Windows 10
Flash Version: WIN 28,0,0,126
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at global/classes.Engine.Utility::getPlanetName()
at classes::TiTS/processUvetoWeather()
at classes::TiTS/processTime()
at classes::TiTS/frostwyrmSayonara()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
Holy Crap I didnt know you published my thick&shake. Dude I’m super honored. I felt like there still a lot of work to be done on that.
do we have to win or lose to get frost wyrm content
win 3 lose 1 be super fertile/virile she needs that giant cum injection to be happey
so Fen and co in the usual way of the addicted getting what they need when is the next fix and could it please involve batty stuff like tfs or finding little bat girls planet
I really like bats
Hello there once more.
>finding little bat girls planet
A big pity thou, but we won’t have any loli content, cuz some parts of US banned even anime loliz. And I think noone wants to have a partyvan(with lot of friends, haha) coming for his arse.
If Fenoxo and Co were based in EU, than it could be another story alltogether, but we have what we have, so yeah.
no not looking for stuff with the small bat girl I am not into that I mean she would be a fun character to have on your ship to interact with Shekka and all of them but I was just looking for bat things in general I mean there is the buff guy on myrellion that I think is also a bat I just want some tfs and maybe find a sexy adult bat to bang
How do I activate the thicc shake?
You use either tease ass or hip in battle. Or go to masturbation and use the shake option.
I’m unsure if this is a problem for any other android user but I’m unable to update the app with this new update due to some packaging error.
Download the game with a different browser. The stock chrome-based phone browsers are bugging it out.
Dear Fen&Co,
Thank you very much for bringing the hotfix so very quickly.
Mitzi and Stella Expansion are amazing. (*_*)
Will psionic’s ever be available for the PC?
Is anyone else having an issue where the button for interacting with the Frostwyrmlings isn’t working. Everything says I have a small army of them, but the button is telling me I have no kids with the Frostwyrm. And the Rule Uveto still seems to be bugged for me, despite having well over a hundred kips.
Fen, I think providing a variety of scenes for the “monster” NPC’s is a really good idea. Every single player is almost guaranteed to meet these foes, so it is an excellent way of maximizing content efficiency. Keep up the great work!!
Still bugged (same one as everyone else (the flight back to Iverstead, I bred her, stayed for the full 8 months, accepted incest, fucked my daughters, exhausted her talk options, fucked her from behind, exhausted my daughter’s talk options and left)
Any chances of getting alternatives Mitzi’s Cuntnosis scenes for guys? Stuff about thinking with your dick, having balls meant for breeding, that sort of thing.
I broke the game.
Found this after attempting to leave the Frostwyrm nest. For context, I did stay with the Frostwyrm until the kip hatched, exausted dialog, then attempted to leave. Clicking “next” results in “uncaught string” messages.
Where would you like to be dropped off at?As comfortable as you are, and as much as you’re sure Eskra would rather her mate remain at her side and your daughter has herQal nearby at all times, you have other responsibilities to attend to. You’re afraid you can’t stay here until the new kip is fully mature.
Your daughter pouts loudly, disappointed at the news, but Eskra hushes her.I understand that you have other necessities in your life as well. Your kind are not as long – lived as mine; you have my blessing to do what you require, when you require it. You will know when to return to your Qim. She nudges gently at your scalp with her nose. Do not forget that distance will not separate us, and if you need of my guidance, I will respond.[Uncaught String][Uncaught String]
As comfortable as you are, and as much as you’re sure Eskra would rather her mate remain at her side and your daughter has herQal nearby at all times, you have other responsibilities to attend to. You’re afraid you can’t stay here until the new kip is fully mature.
Your daughter pouts loudly, disappointed at the news, but Eskra hushes her.I understand that you have other necessities in your life as well. Your kind are not as long – lived as mine; you have my blessing to do what you require, when you require it. You will know when to return to your Qim. She nudges gently at your scalp with her nose. Do not forget that distance will not separate us, and if you need of my guidance, I will respond.[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: StandAlone – Windows 8
Flash Version: WIN 21,0,0,213
Game Version: 0.7.179
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at global/classes.Engine.Utility::getPlanetName()
at classes::TiTS/processUvetoWeather()
at classes::TiTS/processTime()
at classes::TiTS/frostwyrmSayonara()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
(Access the main menu to start a new game or use the data menu to load a previously saved game. The buttons are located in the lower left of the game screen.)
I wonder if I am the first or only one who named the frostwyrm Zasharazeska after Here there be dragons comic.
I haven’t thought of that comic in years thank you good sir and or madam for reigniting that fire in my brain now I must go see if it has been worked on in the years I forgot about it
So if we killed frostyrm we miss out? Cause I’m 1200+ days in and I rather not restart and I have been running up and down the coast for awhile.
Pretty much. However you can use the TiTSEd editor to change the FROSTWYRMSLAIN located in raw data from 1 to 0 and that should bring her back
Does this mean non-backers can finally go to Zheng Shi? Cause I’ve been trying, and can’t seem to trigger it…..
Have you already got the Myrellion probe?
Yes I have. Should Also note, I’m playing the Mobile version. Is that the problem?
To anyone having problems starting the anno quest:
Anno quest only starts when she is your lover(= sexed her). The check for this was originally broken but got fixed in this public build(and earlier for backer, not sure what backer build has this change).
I’m having some issues with anno I can’t get her to offer the quest to join my crew. It’s been a rather annoying 4 hours without my puppy slut onboard to sell all my unwanted junk too
Ignore this is noticed the explanation directly above it
Guys I need some help. My female MC has two kips now. But trying for a third fails as the Get Bred scene always ends up anal for some reason. Then it says no pregnancy detected (obviously). Any idea what happened. Btw, my mc is still female.