Small patch today, but them’s the breaks when I get stuck reconfiguring my software with a broken macro and a big Windows update that it won’t shut up about. Don’t even get me started the intel driver I had to futz with on my laptop in order to get it to install. After that I mucked about with the bust backlog, and everything appears to be working great.
The next backer’s patch will likely contain a new transformation drug or ship battle. Soon!
0.8.012 Changelog:
- New Busts: the “wall sluts” (except Tura) and Fadil.
- Alex’s rework by BubbleLord is live to hopefully give a little more depth and granularity to a very early-game, basic NPC. Coded by Kitteh6660.
- A few incorrect ‘source’ images in the codebase have been updated to the correct version.
- Lots of fixes.
New This Month:
- You can steal the Sidewinder from Zheng Shi! Keep in mind that in order to do this, you have to ditch your old ship… and deal with some consequences of your actions.
- New Crew Member: Olympia! (Requires stealing the Sidewinder.)
- In line with the above, Teyaal has a new ship battle with a sexy new bad end.
- New NPC: Kiona the jeweler, found in Korg’ii Hold.
- New(ish) NPC: Nykke has returned with a new backstory.
- Yoma got an expansion!
- Synphia’s content is fully fleshed out and complete, including ball-sucking and “deep sucks”.
- Two new scenes for the Frost dragon.
- Hostile raskvel females can be mating pressed.
- Amber has new scenes for “draining” her.
- New transformation item: Areolove (for those who like unique nipples)!
- New starter race: Suula (the shark-harpy species).
- A new option for having log notices appear in-line with current scene text is now available. Please note: In some rare instances this may cause log notices not to display.
- New Cheat: “sjw”. This converts all usage of the word “shemale” to the less objectionable “dick-girl”.
Psssst. I updated the image pack too. Due to a missing a chunk of submitted code, the Image Pack actually includes a face-sitting scene for Anno (by William) that’s not included in the normal release. It’ll be there in subsequent patches for everyone.
Woot first!
We need Fanfir waifu booty on our ships!
In order to access Nykke’s new content, have (and hatch and raise) at least one kip with the Frostwyrm, then return to Irestead. You should get an email that starts your encounter chance with Nykke.
She’s been a long time coming since the exodus last year! Hope you all enjoy!
Feels kind of wrong encountering her this way but even still I appreciate the work as always B!
hey question, if there was ever a chance to restore her back to being a steele kid, would you still do it or would you just say fuck it at that point?
I, at the very least, just held on to a copy of 0.7.231, and still have a few save files from the same.
I would say fuck it
Well, the code is still there, isn’t it? It’s just commented out so all it would take is uncommenting it if that was an option.
No, it was removed. If the content was just dummied but not actually removed, and Patreon found out, they’d pitch a fit.
At least, that’s how I understand it.
but its not like its gone, there are still backups of it so couldnt it just be reinserted?
@Digi theoretically yes, but please let the incest go and just enjoy New Nykke. This is an old-hat conversation that no developers, least of all myself, want to keep having. It’s a bummer that my work is gone, but it’s gone.
The ship battle when returning to Zheng Shi is basically impossible to pass. Too OP.
Perfect build for this fight I’ve found for it so far is:
3x Thrust Vectoring System
2x Auxiliary Thruster
2x Coil Cannon
1x Laser Turret
(Anything else you want to add that doesn’t reduce ship agility and thrust.)
NOTE: This build requires one gunnery elligable crew for the laser turret.
First round, she uses an unavoidable, extremely powerful attack that does a bit over 3k damage, so shoot her while the getting is good. After that she starts pounding on you with conventional systems. About round 5 or so, she will use a one time cap battery, instantly restoring her entire energy cap store. At some point, you will get her shields down around half, and she will use a shield vampire to completely restore it, unless you somehow have lost your own shields by that point. In that case, gaining any shield after she is less than half, she will immediately drain the next round with a vampire.
Advised tactics in all scenarios would be to simply evade on any turn where she has 100+ cap energy at the start of the round. When it is below, she will try to recharge her cap or evade herself, so those are the times to light her up with your own guns. In the end, it is a little tedious, but she won’t be able to hit you with any sort of proper damage (besides the very first round and the shield vampire) because your evasion will be too high.
Using a shield vampire on her is not recommended for 2 reasons: it is extremely hard to inflict upon her ship, and even on a successful implementation, she will immediately use her own on you the next round, seemingly without fail, completely negating the shield transfer with the exception being when she has used hers already. But, again, the success rate is abysmal, and your time is better used actually tearing her down instead.
Fights 2 and 3 will be almost identical, with the only thing I noticed being different was the flavor text.
Basically, the Sidewinder runs fucking circles around any enemy you can face off against so far. The only limiting factor is the amount of damage you can bring to bear, which increases fight durations, but your agility markedly reduces the amount of hits taken, if any.
Hope this guide is helpful.
The attack is not unavoidable. It is a Shield Disruptor, and it can be defeated with high enough Systems. The Shield Vampire is negated the same way.
One Hardened Systems and two Missile Turrets seems to be enough to guarantee victory, although you probably will take Armor damage if either the Shield Disruptor or Vampire hit. You can even land your own Shield Disruptor/Vampire.
I just keep evading if her energy is over 100 points. If under, 3-4 crewed railgun turrets. MORE DAKKA!!!!
The Sidewinder is the most forgiving ship to date. It’s Thrust stat is so high that escaping Teyaal is easy. I just came back at her with different configurations until something worked.
Where is the .apk?
Under “Play,” where it always is.
It sounds like your computer is as healthy as you are 1 in 6 months of the year. On another note, is it okay for guests to submit characters again?
How do you trigger the ship fight on zheng shi?
Did you steal the Sidewinder?
You use the wrong pronouns to address the ship after inputting the SJW cheat.
-_- i need help decompiling the swf to get pngs
he has all pictures on github
Anno’s new facesitting scene is exclusive to her being a Huskar. It will trigger any time you try to [Eat Her Out]. Please enjoy.
New number, who’s Alex?
cuntboy hooker in anon’s bar in tarvos
wait im dumb hes not cuntboy, hes a male herm. no tiddies there
bruh — look at my name.
I personally find the cheat for changing it to dick-girl (Which is less-offensive, but still not ideal… but the closest I’ve found to ideal is “gynomorph,” and almost no-one uses it) in poor taste, given the term sjw’s association with the alt-right and alt-lite, but it’s not a dealbreaker. Just wanted to mention it.
I find the cheat existing to be in poor taste.
Wasn’t going to say anything but since we’re bringing it up, yep.
My girlfriend finds usage of the word shemale in poor taste.

i agree with your girl, and i appreciate the addition. using the term “sjw” to trigger it is kind of wack though.
“given the term sjw’s association with the alt-right”
Do you mean in the sense that they use it as a pejorative? Because I’m pretty sure I’d be happy to be on the other side of the fence from nazis.
I wouldn’t get too hung up about it, the acceptable words of today will be pejoratives tomorrow until people realize any word can be made into a pejorative.
I don’t even see why it matters, how is the concept of trans even relevant in a space fairing future when you can change everything about yourself on a biological level in an afternoon, then change back in time for breakfast the next day?
Personally, I’m not really sure there’s a completely inoffensive way to classify someone by their anatomy like that, but I kind of understand the desire to do so from a gameplay perspective.
I’ll admit, I was hesitant regarding the “sjw” thing myself, but as you say it’s not a dealbreaker.
Honestly, all in all, I’m just happy to see that the devs care about making the game more accessible to trans players. There’s way too many people out there who fetishize “dick-girls”, and treat actual trans women like complete garbage.
The devs clearly don’t care about making the game more acessible for trans players, though. Fen literally says he’s only doing this because his girlfriend said something, Savin thinks shemale is fine, and everyone else in the comments is super dismissive.
@the devs: wake the fuck up
Grow the fuck up.
ok ive thought long and hard and i think ive grown up a lot and after it all my response to u is as follows;
You assume the devteam is one homogeneous organization. We’re not.
That said, I’d consider reading more of my comments on the matter, especially the one a bit below where I go to bat for transpeople and try to explain why it might be offensive to some.
It’s easy to be outraged on the internet, but don’t alienate potential allies.
I like the cheat, and appreciate its inclusion. If I didn’t know anything about the people making the game, I might think calling it ‘sjw’ was a mean-spirited jab.
But I do know ya’ll are cool, so I don’t give a shit. And besides, it’s not like I don’t proudly own the SJW label on the rare occasion it gets thrown at me.
Sorry you’re getting shit on from both sides here. I think most of us realize nothing’s ever going to be perfectly suited to our tastes and sensibilities, and appreciate you making an effort when you didn’t have to. To everyone else, I’d advise (paraphrasing Voltaire): don’t let ‘perfect’ be the enemy of the good.
ok then this is directed just at u bc savin is clearly a piece of shit
im not gonna thank u for “”””going to bat”””” for trans people (two words) while also belittling us for not being ok with slurs. ur clearly not an ally, and even if u consider urself one u need to educate urself.
Anyone who’s ‘triggered’ by the term sjw needs to grow up and grow a pair.
TBH there’s no reason to complain about the terms at all unless you’re a contrarian. I’m here to play a shemale. If I wanted to be a transwoman, I would actually transition my character to a female.
The issue is with using the terms to describe other dick-sporting NPCs. You might ask, “Well, if I’m not getting called that, why does it matter?” Then try to imagine being a black guy playing a game made by white guys where all the black NPC’s are described as N-words or having “big n-word dicks”. It’s sort of like a version of that.
I wouldn’t have any problems with being called that or seeing that in a game. Lots of black people use that word so it’s childish to be upset by it in my opinion.
If you can’t see why that can be offensive, I don’t really see the need to keep talking to you.
I can understand that. And for now it’s just a code so I can ignore it. I don’t envy you though, the terms for these things aren’t agreed on, even in the LGBT+ community. For example, a gay man into drag would probably not appreciate being called trans.
Also, that code name is argument bait but I’m sure people will just forget about it, probably.
Why would you want to grow something that leaves you immobile and in complete agony the moment any amount of force is applied to them
Seems pretty silly if you ask me!
This is the type of place where you came to fap but get into a weird moral gender identification debate or something.
Reminds me of Danbooru’s rocket scientist and nuclear physicist debates.
Guys are definitely weaker to it, but I’ve seen women punted right in the… pussy that fell over in agony too.
It would be cool to interact with the wall sluts when they are off the clock or something, I’d imagine that being in that position would rather be uncomfortable
Um… do they even *have* an “off the clock”? I’m not sure. Devs?
is fadil the wallslut the same fadil as the dad ausar in tavros bar?
Tavros Dad
You might want to read that again and pay attention to the punctuation.
Honestly as much as i love Yoma with how low his encounter chance is fuck that.
Fen I feel your pain with the fucking intel driver… I had the same exact fucking issue. =/
And now i am waiting for the public source code
You and me both.
Forgot where but Fenoxo has pretty much confirmed that he’s never going to release the source code while Patreon is funding TiTS because of something in their ToS (ignoring the fact that technically about a fourth to a fifth of the game is, Patreon usually turns a blind eye to that unless their payment processers take notice like in the old Nykke situation) and possibly won’t ever release the source code
Uh, hate to tell you, but for years now he’s been releasing source code with each and every public update.
Huh, googled it and there it is: a github repo
Guess savin and whatnot were just being sassy when they said it was never going to become public
i do like nykkes new content but incest is my jam i dont suppose you got a word document of her old interactions lying around somewhere to put on google docs. well technically my full jam is a mix of tentacles, incest, and pregnancy.
Cant get the reckvel mating press to work or be an option when I win how do I
It’s a two part scene. On the first encounter you select Cock Worship, then on the second encounter she’ll auto default to the mating press scene.
Is the “A.I Specialist” meantioned in Olympia’s dialogue about her memories accessible yet or is that coming later??
Does this update include Bizzys bust?
Yes, it does.
Will our characters ever get the chance to be a wall slut?
If Adjatha revisits it or someone commissions a writer mm or if someone tries to write it themselves.
According to the dev of another game i somewhat follow “Patreon is cracking down on hypnosis and transformation content lately” and that they are unsure how long patreon will let them stay.
And since transformation is one of the primary themes of this game, Patreon might demand that you cut that content if you want to keep your income.
I suggest finding an alternative such as Subscribestar or similar which don’t seem to have any content rules for games or art
which would also mean we can get the “real” Nykke back and other things you might have been asked to cut from all of your games
posting this here since i cant use the forms
Already have plans in place.
Isn’t it a ban on forced transformation? Not sure if there is much of that in TiTs.
Losing to Dr. Badger stuff comes to mind of having something like that, as well as some bad ends.
all the STDs, and technically the effects of some pregnancies. some items too like the lethian charm which doesnt outright mention its a transformative. theres a lot in this game
*Fortnite victory dance*
Aerolove where? Smashing through the new content and can’t find it.
Vendor? Random drop…?
Ceria, I believe.
Well THAT’s certainly an intuitive place to put it.
You da man.
Out of curiosity where is the areolove located or is it a dropped item?
Ceria, I think.
Also wth is the frost dragon?? Is that referring to Frosty or is there something I’m missing??
Frosty AKA Valrynn the Frostwyrm.
Can you update the public GitHub please?
Damn I thought by Alex the notes meant the girl behind the counter at Beach n Surf (the place you meet Stella) on Tavros and got really excited…though I suppose I’m the only one who wants content of her so that’s fair
No your not the only one
All incest content is being removed due to Patreon guidelines, right? So the bad ends with your cousins have also gotten the axe?
No. Also no.
Good to know, thanks.
so i cant seem to find the option to steal the sidewinder is it a one time thing when defeating olympia’s master do i have to make a new save
Defeating Dr. Teyaal gets you her keycard, allowing you to board the Sidewinder.
Defeat the Shock Hopper on the Sidewinder itself.
Go South to the Cockpit and choose Hijack.
Note: if you Hijack the Sidewinder immediately after defeating the Shock Hopper, you don’t get the other loot, so be sure you pick up everything you want first.
ooo thanks
When will the public repository be updated?
Any chances of the player getting a brood with Nykke considering how eager she is to breed with the PC?
The new scenes for Frosty are supposed to be the Boop Scene and a scene where you eat her out, right? How do access the sex scene? I only see the same three options I’ve always had.
iirc you must have received a bath from Frosty first. So, try entering her lair while Smelly, Cum Covered, Pussy Drenched, etc
I just realized that Suula are a reference to Minvera from CoC, and i feel silly now.
Can I still steal the sidewinder if I already fought Teyaal in a past update?
Nevermind, I figured it out.
New starting race? Awesome! Although I have to admit I’m a little confused as to why a half Suula has a reptile penis and not a Suula tool
It’s a bug. They’re supposed to be human ones.
Is that the male?
Are there any variations on the new ‘bad end’ depending on how things shake out with Teyaal’s daughter way back on the zil planet, or is it always going to end with you being ‘chair-ed’ by the mother?
Either way, love the pair and I’d love to see more of them, especially in further dominant roles.
Not anything significant. When I write the catch up with Teyaal & Daughter, that’ll have much more reference to prior events 😛
Can’t wait
Get down with the thiccness
I made a new character for this update to be half Suula. Suddenly along the line I can’t get the ghost deck quest to trigger with Anno. It didn’t at any point during my run through Tarkus, before or after the primary quest stage, and I’m currently on the second to last or last stage of Shekka’s recruitment quest.
I’m trying to complete the bothrioc diplomacy quest down in the deep caves of Myrellion, however the last bothrioc isn’t spawning in on any tiles. I’m pretty sure its supposed to spawn by the taxi for the deep caves but it just doesn’t spawn.
Nevermind, I figured it out. I forgot to grab the counteragent
Selling my trash ships or getting the Sidewinder locks my game, makes me impossible to Save and even Save To File, even unable to load, I have tried several times but nothing and I have to F5 every time
I’m doomed
I’m having trouble downloading the image pack. The link works it’s just that MEGA keeps giving me a Temporary Error every time I try downloading it
I’m having the same issue :/
Same problem here.
I am so thankful for Sulla to finally be a starting Race! the only issue feel is that is how it starts you off. i know you are meant to be half sulla but i feel like there are some issues with the parts that it gives you. To give us only human skin tones and no scales while giving us the shark like face seems odd to me. what may have been a mistake is that my character started with a serpent penis instead of Sulla.
When I tried to speak to rk lah in gastigoth the visit button is faded. Is this an error or did I messed up somehow?
When I tried to speak to rk lah in gastigoth the visit button is faded. Is this an error or did I messed up somehow? (sorry if there’s two reviews I couldn’t find the first one.)
Hmm, the image pack download seems to be failing, or MEGA is having issues. I get the same message saying “Temporary error, retrying”. Has anyone been able to download a copy of this? It looks like the backers build 0.8.013 image pack is having the same problem.
When you guys gey around to it, could you please update the public GitHub repo?
It is updated, but you need to click on ‘branches’ and click the one listed under ‘Active branches’.
For whatever reason, there’s two versions right now, and 0.8.003 is the default.
Oh, huh. Weird.
Thanks though
Futanari can be herms or dickgirls.
Herms have a penis, balls, and a vag.
Dickgirls have a penis and a vag (may have internal balls).
Shemales have a penis and balls, but NO vag.
Shemales are NOT futanari, herms or dickgirls.
They are not interchangeable. They are different.
The closest thing related to a shemale would be a cuntboi, but only in the sense that they’re the counterpart.
So anyone able to download the image pack or have an alternate link? MEGA link is not working
how do I run the Image pack?
chrome just keeps wanting to re download it
IMAGE PACK NOTICE TOO COMMENTATORS : If your using chrom for the MEGA link for the image pack swap to microsoft edge in order to download. disgusting to use yes. but it must be done.
some weird errors in the frostwyrm cunnilingus scene. One time labia are referred to as vulva, and another time it says vulva instead of vagina. Pls fix
someone seems to keep confusing the words vagina, vulva and labia in the frost dragon eating out scene. I recommend some female anatomy lessons lol
Not gonna lie, really hoped to see multiple rooms/areas for the Sidewinder when the player steals it. Are there any plans to make this sort of thing, or is the PC ship always going to be a single room?
I’m trying to figure out how to interact with the dragon doctor after I’ve bopped her a billion times. Is it in this patch or do I gotta wait?
That wall slut is fire!