Roxy getting it doggy style by Masamaki!
Enjoy the bugfixes. My brain feels like it’s starting to melt. Wheeee~
0.8.065 Changelog:
- Image pack updated too. Note: requires standalone flash player to play.
- Those of you stuck in loading loops because you have a Siegwulfe equipped should now be able to load in. Turns out that Siegwulfe had a looping dependency between bimboIntelligence, sexiness, and libido. Whoops!
- Siegwulfes got buffs/nerfs. They no longer have bonuses to sexiness and evasion that scale with intelligence. Instead they provide 3-5 sexiness and 2-3 evasion. The bimbo is the less evasive but sexier of the two. Good luck!
- Fortification has been renamed “Bonus HP” in tooltips.
- Shields have been renamed “Shield Points” in tooltips.
- The resolve stat actually appears in tooltips now.
- Gabilani Panties and the Omnisuit have been updated to use the new sexiness/resolve system. The panties should also have better reporting for their stretching.
- Lund’s doggystyle option should now only do the breeding cave once before returning to normal doggystyle – after which you can get back to the breeding event by letting him ride you the whole way all over again! Enjoy!
- Dress Clothes are now the only armor in the game without sexiness or resolve – partly to avoid confusion from new players when they begin with 12+ willpower and partly to provide incentive to upgrade equipment quickly.
- The Salamander Defense System and Bimboleum Defense system had the code for triggering them moved from applyDamage to calculateDamage – some abilities didn’t run through the former, but everything runs through the latter.
- Fixed setting likes/dislikes for Illustria Po, Sexdolls, Sexdoll Miniboss, and the Zaika Milk Thief.
- “Ice Cold” and “Warm Blooded” should properly change. No more infinite flip-flopping!
- Fixed a crash in submitting to the milodan male while omega oiled outside of combat.
- Having sex Myssah should now properly check if you have a penis.
- Zheng Shi’s recreation deck is now tagged as “Public”.
- A lot of typos and fixes fixed in the milodan futazon.
- Vahn no longer points at your Casstech and comments on being unable to buy it when you aren’t flying it.
- Paige’s sex scenes got a bunch of adjustments to better handle big dicks. No, they do not allow for routing for penises other than the primary. Trying to do that would probably eat multiple days and introduce new bugs.
- Tweaked Nymfoe’s sex menu to better explain why you can’t have sex scenes with it.
- Erika’s threesome with a Gryvain no longer penalizes you for being horny. All you need is will, baby.
- Shekka should no longer immediately cure her addiction to your venom and regain it when your Myr Venom perk re-applies the tongue flag.
- Fixed an issue with sackDescripts that could result in extra commas.
- You can no longer get a duplicate nipple transformation using Nepata.
- Typo fixes for Frostwyrm Ichor & appearance screen.
- Skysap is now classified as a potion instead of food. (Which should make selling it to Kelly easier).
- Fixed laquine ears rolling a major vagina transformation when you weren’t actually applicable one.
- Frostwyrm scales should no longer give you a penalty against Uveto’s cold.
- Lots of other small typo and bug fixes.
There’s still a lot of backlogged bugs that could use eyeballing. I may hold off on hitting new content for a bit so that I can clean up more of the old jank. Either way, barring any major game-breakers, the next patch should be for backers eyes only!
Enjoy your weekends guys & gals!
Ah, I thought the Roxy image was missing.
Sad to see the Omega-Oil x Milodan Bad End still isnt fixed ;;
Damn, sorry. Guess the bug I hit was a different one.
There is the in-combat one and out of combat one, It has been “fixed” a few times now each time resulting in a new error or just a blank screen. But both currently go to a blank screen. And several bug report were closed thinking its already resolved when its another bug for the same scene.
Thank you for the hard work!
Is there going to be an image pack update for the bugfix? I don’t know what kind of work goes into that.
Either it got updated or I missed the update first time around, either way thanks!
What is this breeding event with lund?
I understand that it wasn’t intended to let the Gabilani Panties and the Omnisuit remain really strong, but the Bounty Bra and Honeypot Bra still have 4 sexiness when your character is lactating, and also have one resolve, like a piece of armor.
Also, I feel like having the Omnisuit only give 5 sexiness at max makes the Omnisuit even worse of a choice as it was back before the rework, because, while you used to lose any usefulness around when you access Myrellion & Uveto, it’s now useless when you get it, because several armors will increase your sexiness by 5 and be purchasable before you get to Tarkus, and since you can also get several undergarments with a +3, the Omnisuit is in almost every case going to be a downgrade in terms of your character’s sexiness if you are making a dedicated tease build. Also, weird thing like with the Omnisuit, it only checks your libido to see if it’s past the threshold to change every time the ingame clock passes an hour, and also it seems to only do it once per screen, and I only know this because for some reason the mid-tier Omnisuit will, every hour, pop up an alert which has the text about the omnisuit changing due to the character’s desires, and it only happens with the omnisuit.
Also, what about accessories? Allure still gives +7 sexiness, which is now the largest sexiness bonus you can get from any equipped item. The Santa Hat also gives +5 sexiness.
Also, Nova (the Gray Goo Armor) still has the functionality to reveal the chest, the groin, and the ass, which does provide a sexiness bonus for each one, meaning she can reach +8 sexiness, albeit at the cost of 6 defense.
Ah yeah, I’ll have to tweak the Omnisuit up to 11 total since it prevents underwear. (Also fix those bras)
Also: RIP Nova.
Say, why is it that some armors can have negatives to sexiness? For example, the Ancient Space Suit and the Pirate Spacesuit both have negatives to sexiness, while their Resolve bonus is +5. I understand not wanting to have more than +5, but given that the system is 5 points distributed between Resolve and Sexiness, having a negative to sexiness makes the sum not equal 5. I do also recognize that it makes sense for them to have a negative to sexiness, but still, just curious.
Also, the Pump-King’s Platemail has not been integrated with the new sexiness/resolve system.
It’s a leftover from the previous system, but it stays.
“I only know this because for some reason the mid-tier Omnisuit will, every hour, pop up an alert which has the text about the omnisuit changing due to the character’s desires, and it only happens with the omnisuit.”
That sounds like a bug that should really be in the bug report forum so we can get it fixed.
Alright, I fixed it anyway for a future patch.
I don’t think the threesome with the Gryvain is working. I currently have 66 willpower and still losing for some reason. Is there any other reason that I’m losing or is it up to random chance at that point?
Blech. The < symbol was reversed. Next patch...
I always fuck that up.
Got it. I apologize for adding on to your ever-constant work load bro.
I’m glad you mentioned it because otherwise it would’ve been broken for years.
Man, that Siegwulfe nerf sucks.
Just encountered the milk thief for the first time. Couldn’t help but notice a typo, (damn Grammar Nazi, constantly bugging me.) “One moment, you’re minding your own business, the next, this strange woman stands up smoothly from her CROTCH,” Obviously should be crouch, but this particular typo does amuse me, given the nature of this game. ?
How do i become a frostwyrm? I looked but. Couldnt see it
Once you have mated with the Frostwyrm, go ahead and do the lab mission on Uveto, then talk to Lessau about the Frostwyrm. He’ll tell you to extract some of her blood. Once you give him the blood sample, wait a few days then Frostwyrm Ichor will be available to purchase.
need to complete Uveto lab quest to unlock the tf. there is a sealed elevator east of Dr Lessau on Uveto. After finding the shaft, talk to Dr Lessau about it. That unlocks the lab quest. complete the quest. 1-2 days later you will get a message from Dr Lessau that he now sells the tf.
I’ve sold Kelly 5 skysap and waited over a week, and still no synthsap for sale, whatever that item does. Do I need to be higher level (Current character is lvl 6)? Sell even more? Wait even longer? I just wanna know what the heck this new item does.
Not 100% sure. My “Fix” may have bugged something out.
It’s a quest type setup.
Requirements to start:
Meet a Vanae.
Read their codex entry.
Read the bulletin board in town. (Like starting the Zil capture quest)
Talk to Kelly, she’ll have a new “Sky Sap” option.
Use that to sell them to her, rather than her normal sale option.
Not sure how many you need to sell to unlock Synth Sap, but after a few days, I could buy it from her.
Thanks, I’ll give it a go.
where is the lab? I can’t seem to get the TF for Frostwyrms unlocked. I went to the lab where the doctor did experiments on me etc.
Nykke was mentioned in the previous patch’s comments, but this one is newer and more visible so I’ll ask here.
Can we get the “has no vagina” requirement removed from Nykke fucking Steele in the butt?
Is there any chance we could see some of the more family oriented content added in? I know there was more planned than there is currently in the game at one point but most of that content has not been added in a long time, I assume because Patreon started getting really butt-hurt over anything and everything.
Define family content?
Then probably not
Fen stated on the previous patch’s comments that he is not currently willing to allow parent-child incest, at the very least, even if (maybe when) Patreon bans general adult content.
Exact statement, regarding a question about reverting the Nykke changes:
“Possible? Yes.
Will it? No. As a parent of a child, parent-child incest content really skeeves me out these days, and I don’t want to expose myself to it.”
I don’t know of any similar statement regarding sibling incest, but it’s still definitely out while the game is on Patreon.
Kissing cousins still exist in the game, though (I know of exactly one scene, offhand, where you service your antagonistic cousin, and I may or may not have restarted the game to change the cousin’s gender for this exact reason). As far as I know, it’s not usually considered incest – just weird – for cousins to have sexual encounters, so you could always try commissioning some.
If you want to hunt down the last version from before the removal of explicit incest from the game, it would be 0.7.231 .
So. I want to be able to access the new Frostwyrm stuff now, but I ended up killing the Frostwyrm in one of the early encounters I had with it. Is there a way now or is there ever going to be a way to bring it back into the game? A cheat or command of some kind?
You can try editing your save…
I’m on mobile, and save file editing doesn’t work on my phone or my computer. I almost crashed my phone last time I tried it.
And when it doesn’t almost crash my phone, I get an Error #3001 message.
I wish you could have a dog, or any other dick with a medial ring like in the picture
So I’m not taking hella cold damage with the Frostwyrm TF, but I’m guessing there are no plans to make you cold immune?
Nope. Fen doesn’t want tfs to have too much of a game impact. It’s a fine line because some do have an impact currently. In this case he said no.
I believe frostwyrms cold immunity is actually from their psionics anyway, which the tf does not give. Also if the frostwyrm tf got it, a bunch others should get it to: husky ausar, korgonne, etc.
Oh cool. Thanks for the response.
Is Doctor Pos Dungeon the only time we will interact with her? :o?
in the future i mean. like after all the kiro stuff
Most likely, the only way she won’t die, is if you don’t kill her and have a high reflex stat.
I’m getting Error #1065: Could not load game data on both 0.8.064 and 0.8.065 but not on 0.8.058 or before. Is ther a way to determine the cause or otherwise continue with the new version?
Make a bug report and attach a copy of your save.
Good day, Mr Fenoxo, i’ve been following your games since early coc 1 versions, i absolutely love your stuff, and i often check your site for updates about 5 times a week.
I just wanted to ask if you could perhaps increase the max text limit, especially for android. This would help not only me but many others to continue enjoying your fantastic content ^^.
max font size limit* I should say, sorry
Maybe also an option to have Text Black? similiar to CoC original options? Would be amazing
With versions 0.8.064 and 0.8.065, I’ve been getting Error #1065 when loading a save that loads properly with version 0.8.058. Is there a way to determine the reason for this or otherwise continue with this save with the new version?
Cheat code to select the bored jumpers that we want to encounter when? I’m always trying to find the Dog “White” one and it feels like a 0.000001% of meeting it over everything else
Cheat code to select the Bored “Jumper”s that we wanna encounter when? Trying to find the Dog “White” one feels like a 0.000001% over everything else
I don’t think they’ll do that, but I guess that’d be cool. Just keep walking around and hop to find em for now. I find the horse one all the time so I don’t really have issues.
“Hop to find them”
9.5/10 typo.
Shit I didn’t even see that haha. Thanks for pointing it out. Right when I was getting on other guys about how it’s not hard to type on mobile lmao.
I’ve always low-key wanted this ngl.
PRO-TIP: Sleep with all them, make like 4000 kids and you’ll never want to sleep with another Bored Jumper for like a week.
Still working on generic Laquines tho :3
Sooooo I was wondering. Since our armor Nova has the ability to change her actual appearance into other goos like the double goo from the Tarkus Biology quest and the goo Prime, could it be possible for her to gain their sex scenes, either having her form automatically change to provide the scene or only available when she has that appearance? I only ask because the doublegoo scene is one of the few scenes I will keep a save of and go back to view, and I wouldnt mind being able to access it with a greater ease.
Full disclosure I think I might have asked this before, I dont remember if I had an answer or if it was even plausible. Id imagine the scenes itself wouldnt need much tweaking to work, and itd be kinda cool if Nova could even fake the bad end from the prime fight. But just curious
The game gives me the “(Perk Changed: ‘Ice Cold’ is now ‘Warm Blooded’.)” Log EVERY SINGLE STEP the pc takes.
The Libido is around 300 more or less statically, it’ll never bee ice cold again.
Will save edit for now.
The new system seems to break older saves as my tease skill wont rise.
Could we get a github source update to match the public version, please?
Can we get a simple zip file for the pictures next bugfix/update? I can’t open the swf and I tried, so I just want a simple zip file that I can open without downloading and uninstalling a bunch of apps
The prepacked air zips are incompatible with our image embed system, so while I could put the .swf inside a .zip, it would not make it any easier for you to use. It would just add another step before you can play it.
Sorry, I was confusing the img emb as a folder that contain images instead of a game. My mistake
So english is not my strong suit but here goes.
My question is where is the main story at? Is it worth playing to progress the main story?
So last i played, i saved my rival/cousin from being killed from a evil queen. My wonder is will this be a theme like in mario save the princess? If so them i just gonna propose to him/her and be done with it.
Not sure if this is better off in forum i just gonna leave it here.
Your english is pretty good. I think it would be funny if you had to constantly save them because they’re idiots, but I don’t think you’d be able to marry em. Some incest has gone under the radar but I don’t think that’d make the cut. Kinda makes me sad cause I think the bad end with you two is relatively cute, but that stuff just doesn’t slide anymore.
Hello Fenoxo, can i ask you for “Why no Perma-cute perk of female version exist?”
and the forum site says
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please solve this problem
I loved the Creme girls in the Milk bar, but holy crap man after being teased with “they never stop cumming. EVER.” I am so excited for them to get expanded it’s crazy.
Will the public repository be updated to this build?