Futa Penny Panties CG courtesy of DCL. The version without a depth of field effect will be in the image pack (and on the backers post.)
0.8.018 Changelog:
- The Treated Male Zil, by Altair, is now able to found on Mhen’ga, coded by Lighterfluid.
- A snakeboy can now be met on Extrameet for cloaca fun, penned by Gardeford.
- Fixes courtesy of Jacques00 and Whimsalot.
- New Penny image for the image pack. (Available here)
- Syri’s panty picture should now display with using her panties in the image pack version (Penny’s new pic too).
I’m going to burrow back into Kiro’s recruitment quest now. Wish me luck!
What Else Is New?
- New hostile ship fight: Star Viper Pilot!
- Bianca was added to the game!
- Perdita the smut-writing ausar was added to the game!
- The SecOps in Zheng Shi got an expansion with new bad ends and and a new scene!
- New Item: Soak!
- Mitzi got new options for being given some Soak…
- New Bust: Mitzi Valentines day edition, Star Viper Pilot,
- It is now possible to buy items in multiples.
- Some cheat codes were changed to use less inflammatory language.
Hmm. So the items cheatcode must be one of the changes.
Ok, the version with the depth of field is so much more hypnotic. Wow.
Can’t find the non-dof version in the source code drop. hmm.
“It is now possible to buy items in multiples.”
THANK YOU! I won’t have to spam buy new/old consumables anymore
“I’m going to burrow back into Kiro’s recruitment quest now. Wish me luck!” well good luck, quite nice to recruit her, but was kinda hopping that syri would comes first
Well, Syri’s Savin’s baby, so Fen’s not going to be the one writing her recruitment pack.
Sorry if this has been asked already, but are there any plans to make scenes with the LDC and Shock Hopper repeatable? Thanks!
Nothing immediate, though William might have some ideas planned.
He does have more content planned for them
how do I use the image pack? Plz help
Seperate download; not sure where the link is.
The yellow here https://mega.nz/#!6s5xWYLQ!BJ0yzvZd-B8jgFzeySjaVeZ4c-_7bMq09srir9EKdFI
I haven’t been able to get the file to work.
Open with a flash player. Newgrounds has one if you need a place to start looking.
Even using a flash player, it just starts a game when opening an image pack.
The image pack is just the game with additional images added to it, not a separate collection of images.
Where’s the treated male zil on Mhenga? Is he a random encounter?
About as random as the Naleen Futa.
Do you need to do anything in particular to encounter him? I’ve been running around the entirety of mengha for the past 15 minutes or so trying to find him, but haven’t been able to so far.
Okay, so according to the google document, the Treated Zil male will only be encountered if you are level 8 and have visited New Texas or otherwise discovered the treatment and can only be encountered in what is known as the “Dense Orange Patch”; an area in the Eastern most part of the Zil territory sandwiched in between the Thare Plantation and the Easternmost part of the jungle where the Probe crash site is located.
Anything else? Because I still can’t encounters him.
I.E. the eight squares making the right side of the big donut, right where it branches off to finding the first probe.
Important: You must have visited New Texas and must have gotten all four currently available probes!
That’s why many of you aren’t finding him.
There has to be something else, running into nothing but Venus, Frogs, C-Snakes and Naleen back there
I think it’s strange, (and a little funny,) that so many people are having such a hard time running into the bull bee-boy. I decided to see for myself how hard he was to encounter, only for him to pop up the instant I reached the area he frequents, lol.
“Naleen Herm” She has a vagina.
contrary to some belief, in order to be a futanari, one must have both a dick AND a vagina. a futa is a herm.
This one gets it. ?
Personally, I think that that futa is dicc and vagina, but no balls, and herm is dick, balls and vagina.
Good Luck with Kiro’s recruitment, question:- running around Zheng shi looking for SecOps mainly the female one reminded me of wanting to ask, is there any content for Lorelei and Ardia on the near or distant horizon? I know that there is plans for Ardia but i don’t know how long a wait it will be, and Lorelei is the perfect mistress who was hired by government types to screw with the Zheng shi gangs. How long till they retaliate? Let alone try to break into her place considering the valuable loot she has. Leaves open for a possible rescue quest and recruitment offer. Just asking because those 2 are definitely in my top 5 Npc characters in this whole game.
Ardia will be a member of the crew.
Ardia 2020
Just did Lorelei’s initial encounter in her room, and I have to agree with you there about how great she is. I hope there’s preg content planned for her.
Thank you for the lovely compliment on Lorelei! I worked hard on her, and it’s nice to hear that people like her too!
As for your questions, though: Lorelei currently does not have any future content planned. That’s not to say that anything can’t be done, though: it’s just a matter of someone commissioning me for more content for her.
Appreciate the honesty, i really hope you can make more content for her one day.
I’m curious, will it be possible to have the same kind of suit as Lorelei ?
Or any other kind of “living” armor ?
ive been trying to find the treated zil for about half and hour and i couldnt find him. i went to every square in the area. is there something im missing?
ive been trying for a half hour trying to find the treated male zil but i couldnt find him. please let me know if im missing something
He appears on the east side of the big donut in the light green squares. It’s the eight squares running north to south next to where you find the first probe. However, you need to have dealt with all four probes and to have visited New Texas to encounter him.
Is the Android vers. busted for anyone else or am I fucking something up??
Is it a parse error? Try downloading with a different browser, or sideloading off a PC.
For some reason the android browsers fuck up the download.
I tried it with three separate browsers on my Android ND now it’s telling me it is in fact a parse error. I have no idea how to fix that (or if I even can) but how does one go about sideloading from PC??
I’d recommend telling android user’s to use the Firefox browser to download TiTS and CoC 2. It works for my android phone, sorry if i sound like a know it all arse but it could help other android user’s when they ask.
So for a long while Chrome broke the downloads on my android, and the default one worked, then that stopped working and firefox worked, but more recently that’s also stopped and I’m back to Chrome with no issues. I’ve no idea what the actual underlying issue with android downloads is but it seems super inconsistent between users and time periods.
Does the treated zil require some sort of event to activate? I’ve been running around northern mhen’ga (the light green part) and I’ve got nothing.
So From connecting some Comments and testing, To get the Treated Zil, You need to do the Plantation Quest, Have all 4 Probes, Visited New Texas and be Level 8+. Not sure if there’s anything else but this is what I’ve managed to get working.
I’ve been able to encounter him with two different characters. Both were lv10, had the probes, and been to New Texas. But neither had completed the Plantation quest let alone met Darnock.
Okay so something weird, tried playing the imagepack version and all I’m getting is a black screen. There a way to fix that or am I just s.o.l?
Try redownloading it.
Still getting a black screen. :/
Hrmm. Did some testing with the newgrounds player, and despite setting the file association, it loads up with a blank screen, after which I have to select “Load” from the dropdown menu.
It then loads fine.
Okay that seemed to work. Thanks! :3
Wow, 2nd encounter with the treated zil and we’re gonna have kids. Gotta love characters that know what they want 😉
I was wondering will there be a tf item that gives you a second pair of arms like Dane?
No. There will never be such an item. Ever.
Which is a very silly cosmetic thingy to draw a hard line on but them’s the breaks.
That’s not it. The reason why people keep asking for such items is because they want the option to wield four weapons at once. But the game’s combat engine isn’t programmed to be capable of such a thing. So much so that the writers actually have presented an in game reason why that will never become a thing.
Which is pointless because we can only equip a single weapon of either class at a time *anyway* – no akimbo pistols for ex – so the number of hands is entirely irrelevant for the “crunch” in the first place, and the “fluff” excuse enunciated by Dane is *complete and utter bullshit* right in the face of it when you can have twenty-plus prehensile tentacles sprouting from your backside, nine more from your crotch and all your limbs replaced by tentacle clusters to boot.
(Don’t make me get into the number of extremely specialised adaptations real-world cephalopods require to handle just eight or so of those, and the resulting odd quirks, despite hundreds of millions of years of evolution spent dealing with the issue.)
If your brain can magically cope with such a multitude of limbs that have, effectively, *infinite number of joints each* then a mere two or six more three-jointed arms should be entirely trivial – and equally meaningless as far as the combat and equipement mechanics go. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also speaking of Dane his arm configuration is pants-on-head retarded and would pretty effectively keep him from using *either* pair effectively already due to silly getting-in-the-way issues, just sayin’…
@random Doesn’t really matter if the explanation for why the PC can’t get more than two arms, as both Fen and Savin have said that they will never make it possible.
more than two arms *is BS*, I really hate typos. Especially when I’m the one who makes ’em.
Well, duh. I just find it particularly aggravating because not only is the fluff excuse blatantly contradicted by the content of the game itself but the Big No is entirely pointless to begin with.
Not sure if this was intentional or not, but the Treated Zil had a stunlock combo. I got into a loop where he’d use his open palm attack, use a lust attack, and then use an open palm attack again. There was no chance for recovery and it took me from 35 to 98 before my character finally dodged. And this was at 50 reflexes.
That sounds about right. The Treated Zil Male is meant to balance out the cakewalk that is all the other Mhen’ga hostiles by being very challenging. But for your information, the best way to defeat him is with lust attacks.
Was gonna ask if there are any plans for the robots on Tarkus that you can’t do anything with or a continuation of the sexbot quest where you get the AI for the Goblini
Are there any plans to finish the AI sexbot quest for the Galbani on Tarkus? Or the robots that can be found when going to confront the Grey Goo?
That quest is already finished. What remains is the ability to install Hand So into your ship and become its “Cortana”.
Which world is this snakeboy on? Ive gone through every planet and im not finding it. else i accidently skipped it
He’s on uveto as a extrameet. just swipe right on all of the choices and youll find him.
Not working for me. I meet his requirements according to the wiki, but when I swipe right on his profile nothing happens, it just jumps to the next one.
Me too
And now we wait for the public GitHub to be updated
nice update wonder where to find soak?
Well, it’s one of the banned drugs, if I recall correctly, so you’d probably have to check Dr. Badger, Mabbs, or The Seer’s shops. Unless there’s a shop on Zheng Shi that I don’t know about, since I have yet to visit the rec deck there.
Actually, I just found out that the Bored Jumpers can drop it.
ah ok then thanks for the info.
Is there something with Bianca im missing.
All I get are appearance, checkup (if im slightly injured), buy medical supplies, and touch tail (and i fall over)
I feel as tho im missing something to progress her interactions with me.
Ive bought/checked up a few times on mhenga and tarkus then touched or attempted to her tail. Do I continue or what?
The bulk of her content is all in Random encounters right now. from 08:00 to 16:59 on the planets she’s currently on, you can find her where you find enemies, Kattom, etcetera. You can [Spend Time] with her and eventually get lots of [Sex].
After first time spend time with her, option get grayout e cant progress(aready talk to her in treatment 100 times) is a bug or I am missing something?
It won’t work if you have bimbo or brute speech, I had to use a save editor to remove the perk and then it worked.
during talk with bianca says i gave fake counteragent to the bothroic when i didn’t
Hey B, I just did the initial Rec Deck encounter with Lorelei and I just gotta ask, are you working on anything else for her currently, and can we get a hint of what it is?
Right now B is working on a threesome option with Nykke and the Frostwyrm.
Hi! I’m five days late to answering this, but I don’t read the comments on the blog that often. The best way to contact me is either on Discord, or in my personal thread in the forums.
The answer, though, is no, no additional content is planned for her at the moment. That’s not to say that additional content is impossible, though – someone’s just gotta commission it.
What does the image pack do exactly?
When properly used it makes it so during certain scenes the background is replaced with artwork that properly represents what you are reading with a visual aid.
cant get bianca to talk about her family, asks +50 familiarity but cant seen to get this
Can anyone tell me how can I find Bianca, I can’t seem to find her anywhere on Mheng’a and Tarkus
its random between 0800 approximate to 17:00 approximate, after initial encounter she will change planets about every week but wont go to safe planets or zing shi.
And, are there any plans for Bianca, like some new sex scenes or something?
Getting this error trying to talk to Anno for the first time:
[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: ActiveX – Windows 8.1
Flash Version: WIN 32,0,0,207
Game Version: 0.8.018
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1009
TypeError: Error #1009
at classes::TiTS/buyItem()
at classes::TiTS/soAboutDatDiscountSlut()
at classes::GUI/PressButton()
at classes::TiTS/pressButton()
at Function/()
at classes::BoundControlMethod/ExecFunc()
at classes::InputManager/ExecuteKeyCode()
at classes::InputManager/KeyHandler()
put this in the bug report section please and thank you.
I’m not sure if this is related to the new update but the Mimbranes I have on my PC haven’t eaten in two days and when I try to go back to the PC’s ship and feed them it says they aren’t hungry.
Put it in the bug reports forum.
I scrolled through the comments hoping someone would ask the question but no one did, soooo i’ll ask. What does it matter if the “SECRET” cheatcodes use “inflammatory” language? I’m seriously asking, who the hell actually cared enough to get it changed?
Obviously someone not you but a person none the less. It’s important as a game creator that Fenoxo tries to make things as inclusive as possible. If there are people who get offended unintentionally offended by parts of the game, then this means that Fenoxo is potentially losing out on an audience and would be inclined to correct such issues.
Honestly, I think people are too thin-skinned nowadays. Personally, there is literally nothing you could say to me that’ll offend me like that. I realize that that might make me an exception, but I still feel that if mere words bother you enough to turn you away from something or make you feel ‘unsafe’ like a lot of SJWs claim, then you should probably seek counseling, as the world is not a particularly forgiving place, contrary to appearances.
Out of curiosity what was infinite item changed to.
Don’t know, since the cheat is still active in my save. ?
Getting upset about a cheatcode being changed is the definition of thin skinned.
I’m not actually upset, though. I don’t really care what word you use for it, I was pointing out that if you do get offended by a word, (or the fact that it’s been changed,) then you might have a deeper problem.
How does one have the Star Viper Pilot grow a dick? I’ve tried Throbb, the equine phallus, ManUp, DracoGuard, Naleen Nip, Virection Pill. What am I doing wrong?
Nervermind; I’m an idiot and forgot to read-up on Throbb…
Can’t wait for some more Pyro Pupper
Why doesn’t the treated zil fill her other wombs too, (if she has more than one.) since he likes knocking people up?
Not all preg content is written with multi-womb support.
Okay I swiped right for everyone on Uveto and didn’t get the snakeboy. Just the professor, Fuka, and Stormdragon. Could there be some other requirement.
did the sidewinder or the crew size upgrade get nerfed? switched to this version and suddenly my crew cap is 3 lower.
The advanced quarters module was buffed but the crew capacity of The Sidewinder was nerfed.
I think it is something more than that, and perhaps not deliberate. It almost seems like the characters who are not supposed to take crew space no longer have special arrangements.
Does the Rat’s Raiders have any expansions planned? Those Rodenians are just too cute!!
Absolutely yes.
When that happens, please don’t get crazy with what you write. Remember it will be a pain to code and a pain for me to document on the Wiki.
Preg content?
What is it with everyone except Null_Blank wanting to impregnate any character with a vagina? At best you’ll probably get a chance to be impregnated by Mikhail, the Rat Raider Leader.
Some people collect coins. Others collect stamps. In this game, I collect kids, lol.
Absolutely wonderful!! Thank you for all the great content!!
Yeah Bianca doesnt wanna spend time. So what now?
After some depressing research its because im a brute, is there anyway to change that or get around it without save editing (which i dunno how to do). Its a shame because you cant interact with her and she seems like a cool character.
I’m afraid not. What leads the PC to becoming a Bimbo/Bro are intense and permanent choices, ones that have severe ramifications for Steele in general. Being in that mode turns her into an evasive character.
The only way to remove Bimboism right now is to be a Cumcow and ingest some cum, which temporarily disables the ditz effect. Brutes are without any such contingencies. If you wanted to save edit, you can find a link on the forum. It’s a very simple program to use, otherwise you will have to start a new character.
Does this work for mobile
There isn’t a mobile version of the editor, but all versions of the game use the same save file format so you can “save to file” then transfer the save to a desktop, edit then transfer back and load from file
Frostwyrm TF when?
IMO, it should be given as a gift after reaching 100+ kips, similarly to the Frostscale Hauberk during the XMAS event.
The content is written but nobody has been inclined to code it for some reason.
Is there an item that gives you demon-like wings? If there isn’t, there should be, TBH. I went to the Masque specifically to look like Holiday, but I’d like to have functional wings that are described as demonic in appearance.
Lucifer Candy Apples, which are sold by Sera, can give you demonic wings. However, they only work if you don’t have anything on your back already, including vestigial wings, dorsal fins, and tentacles.
Ah. I’ve never actually used those. Time to check the wiki and find out if she sells them if I own her, or if that’s only if she’s still in her shop.
Really awkward loading this page, sitting in the vets office for my kitty (pneumonia) but still thnx for the update
Why the fuck would you come here in public??
Some people care more about this then getting caught in public with their NSFW Science-Fiction Text-based online flash game.
Well, it’s not like there are huge pics of nekkid snake-girls in this game, it’s mostly text, after all. Just have to make sure nobody starts reading over your shoulder, lol.
Extrameet Snake boy not working for me. I meet the requirements according to the Wiki, but when I swipe right on him it just skips to the next one.
Anyone have a list of scenes that the image pack currently has images for?
Any plans for an Overseer Maike expansion? A sexy domineering slave mistress with repeatable scene’s after certain things happen on Zheng shi would be pretty damn fun and sexy.
There was, but I think it was cancelled. Either that or Fenoxo is going to do that thing where he leaves a few ends loose after the probe and then move on to the next planet.
hai i wrote her
there is an expansion that is on hold, loads of scenes planned but i’ve got many many many things to go through in the real world
That image makes me think a Dom Penny would be interesting.
Penny already has a femdom scene. Cops n’ Robbers and whatnot.
Some people collect coins. Others collect stamps. In this game, I collect kids, lol. best review of game ive heard 🙂
Hey fen, I have a problem when first meeting anno, whenever I click on the discount option to continue the talk the text wont appear and get stuck, cant go back either
I am also having this same issue, and I’m unsure of what I can do about it.
I’m running into an error with talking to Anno for the first time, below i’m posting the error in full.
I hope this is the right place to post this and thank you in advance.
[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: StandAlone – Windows 7
Flash Version: WIN 32,0,0,171
Game Version: 0.8.018
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1009
TypeError: Error #1009
at classes::TiTS/buyItem()
at classes::TiTS/soAboutDatDiscountSlut()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
I cannot for the life of me trigger the treated zil encounter.
can you guys fix the Advanced Quarters bug? because I bought 2 Advanced Quarters and it doesn’t even register that have bonus space on the sidewinder ship.
I’m not able to get any penetration scenes for the treated malmale zil, no matter how much capacity I get. Even at 5 looseness it says I cant fit him and he only does the titjob scene when I lose. What do I need for that?
Try increasing wetness. I mean if you’re as dry as the saharan desert you’re never going to achieve penetration.
Is the perk Androgyny from Catnip supposed to be permanent or is it supposed to be removed once you TF away from having a cat muzzle?