Slyveren primed for fucking by MrPink. Yum!
Did you think I forgot about my promise? I didn’t, but first, let me mention another game I promised I’d give a shout: Cloud 10. I played around with the demo the other day myself, and it shows a lot of promise. It leans into a similar sort of form as CoC, but the way they’ve wrapped its random “explore -> get encounter” loop for sci-fi is quite well done. Nonesuch, a writer who has chipped in exceptional work since the mid-days of CoC, is the lead writer, and it shows. It’s also got some scenes from a small selection of other TiTS-approved writers that I’m not going to try to list right now but that I wish were still writing for TiTS. If it’s to your liking, consider giving their Patreon a few bucks.
Whew. The text game space is getting more crowded! It may be bad for my wallet, but it’s good for my boner. That’s a trade I’ll take most days… as long as bills aren’t due. (And hopefully Nonesuch’s own Patreon-fans can keep convincing him to do TiTS commissions here and there. The man writes tentacles like nobody’s business – except the tentaboners’!)
Now, without further ado, the 0.8.002 Changelog:
- Synphia can now give “service” to characters with phalli. She has lots of reactivity to: different features, using her repeatedly, and to different levels of output. She also has options for using her venom or not with lots of variations scattered throughout the scene. I wasn’t able to finish her second blowjob “path” for this patch (or the optional ball-teasing). That’ll have to come for backer builds, I’m afraid.
- KNOWN ISSUE: It appears many of the new busts authored by Adjatha were inexplicably disabled during a merge between branches on git. This will be fixed in the future. The busts are alive and well, and I promise they’ll be back next time.
- The Image Pack got updated! If you like playing with the ability to peek at higher resolution busts and having chunks of art embedded in some of the scenes, today’s a good day for you!
Amber should have her image available via the Appearance screen now.
How do you get Mirrin’s Anal DP scene after the pregnancy scene?
The amount of love you gave to my Snek is incredible, thank you Fenfen! Oh and William and all the Bizzy Bees working behind the scenes.
I know it’s kinda an old thing, but I can’t seem to get Tessa’s wedding invite. Have her affection maxed out. Does it require having all sex scenes unlocked or am I missing something?
I don’t think it’s unlocking all her sex scenes. If her trust isn’t high enough she won’t even let you see her naked.
It requires you to have done one of the oral scenes I think. I got it immediately in my old save that’d done all of them, and in my new save right after she went down on me the first time.
I ended up getting it right after unlocking her shower/drinking scene. Now I kinda wish Arda was a regular sex option. Damn.
+1 for bangable Arda
Our Fenoxo, Who art in internets, hallowed be Thy name; Thy update come, Thy lewdness be done on earth as it is in internet. Give us this day our monthly smut; and forgive us for our constant hampering about “when’s the update coming” as we forgive those who constantly hamper us; and lead us into fappening, and deliver us from blue balls.
Are there any plans to have something like CoC’s harpy luststick in TiTS?
Not right now, but I have fond memories of the item.
Yeah, it was fun. If there aren’t any plans, can I try writing something like it?
I think it’s better if Fen or other paid writers write it so it’s of higher quality
Source code?
Can’t get pregnant in the new Mirrin scene, after get pumped or pump both I have no pregnancy entry in the codex/stats/personal/womb. Otherwise yeah great content, like the ships and Tessa wedding.
Your supposed to fail. Then go to therapy. Then try again. Then succeed.
Thank you, I didn’t wait enough.
Maybe I’m just missing the obvious, but the crewmember space doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve got the sledgehammer, base crew capacity of 7, bonus crew capacity of 2 because I bought 1 module for that. When I go to fly it says, “Currently you have 9 members as part of your crew, 7 of which are residing in 6 of your 6 available crew spaces.
Your ship is overloaded, send 1 of your crewmen home before attempting to fly.”
So I guess my question is, is crew capacity different from crew spaces?
The free space is shared between modules, gadgets and crew so the crew module transform a space of one into a space for two in the end you have 6 free space (usable by crew) and 2 bonus crew space giving you 8 and not 9. Sorry if I’m not clear.
The extra crew module gives 2 slots, but being a module it also takes up 1 slot, leaving you with a net gain of +1 crew. I don’t remember all the ships stats off the top of my head so I’m going to assume what you posted is correct, which means you have 7 (base) +1 (1 module slot used, +2 crew slots), for a total of 8 crew space on your ship. Since it’s telling you you have 6 space, that must mean that you have 2 other modules/gadgets on your ship: each one takes up a crew slot (think of it like remodeling a bedroom into a space to install the new gadget into).
Thanks for the help!
I’d recommend just using “clowncar” cheat so you have all the crew available. You’ll still have to dump the crew off, but when you pick them up it won’t be an issue. (was what happened when they introduced it on my play)
Oh Fen the new busts are just in the imagepack, and how is the mobiles users
I ran into a little problem:
When selecting ‘Repair’ for the Doll Maker with Dr. Badger already bimboified, I was led to a screen sating that it is pointless if Dr. Badger is too stupid to fix the thing, with no button to press and the only way to back out is to reload a previous save.
Hopefully fixed for the next release.
The slyverens are so perfectly sexy I Hope pregnancies will be added for them
My top 3 hopes for Synphia are as follows, #1 more content, #2 sexy bust artwork and finally #3 a recruitment quest, recruiting her could give pc’s a travelling ship shop which changes inventory depending on where you land with hidden unique ships and upgrades for those who have a fuckton of credits. And a super sexy Sylveren babe on board for really good times, like Lorelei, Synphia has jumped into my top 5 fave characters on my first meeting with her.
This gave me the biggest grin. I have no plans to waifu her like that, but I’m glad that what I’ve done is good enough to warrant the ask!
…I would be down for a scene happening where you eventually get to plow her, though.
would very much enjoy a scene to plow her since she loves making it known how wet the player ends up making her.
Snek da best, my main man Fen!
Her scene is one of those things where you didn’t know how much you needed, until you had it. I am also in agreement an Xpack would be great to deal with the moisture in her oyster, to add her as a crewmate wouldn’t be bad either. She’d also be worth requesting a female scissoring scene since they don’t have pregnancies implemented yet. But just my 2 cents
Cant get the mirrin pregnancy to happen. Is it bugged or am i doing something wrong?
If you’ve only gone through the pregnancy prompt once, wait for an email. Then try again.
The prompt isn’t even coming up once.
gotta do all her talk options and bang her a bunch, also can’t be pregnant already/taur/hyper/infertile.
“Nonesuch is the lead writer” – sold
Does someone else get this error when getting “Service” by Synphia?
[Uncaught ArgumentError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: Desktop – Windows 10
Flash Version: WIN 32,0,0,170
Game Version: 0.8.002
Error Name: ArgumentError
Error Mesg: Error #1063
ArgumentError: Error #1063
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
post in bug report
will cloud 10 be added in here as a link for other games?
What… only a shoutout for Nonesuch? Haven’t HugsAlright also been quite the contributor deserving of one? Well, just my opinion though. Feels to me HA’d totally deserve it.
…or is my memory totally busted? Really got the feeling HA has contributed quite a bit ’round here, and last I saw is also the co-writer for Cloud 10.
We have a number of past and present TiTS contributors working for us, of which Hugs is one. He is credited on Cloud 10, it’s just he isn’t the main writer.
Nonesuch is the lead, and trying to name every contributor to another person’s game seems silly to me. It’s enough to say that several proven writers from our community are involved in the project. (And that way nobody gets butthurt they were accidentally left out.)
you know, i’m curious. the github hasn’t been updated yet, and quite a few busts aren’t in the game or image pack, so i’m wondering, are you going to make a part 3 to all this?
Also can you give us a ballpark on when The Sidewinder will be available as a ship?
Slyveren love for the WIN!
Is there any plan to add a Sylveren transformative?
Not right now, but it would be pretty up my alley.
I was messing around with the consumable TFs today trying to make a Lupine-morph and I noticed in Codex > Status > Race I have 1 (20%) Hyena race score. So the game registers my character as an alien hybrid even though the full race score is;
Human: 50 %, 2/4 (skin and face)
Lupine: 40 %, 2/5 (legs, arms, tail, canine eyes, and ears)
Hyena: 20 %, 1/5 (genitalia)
After some trial and error it seems the canine genitalia is causing it. Is this normal, or could this be a bug? I’m using the latest Public Build btw.
I don’t see any new busts in the game! I mean, I visited Una and I don’t see she has her new bust, nor the other characters. What’s up with that?
Weird as hell. Not sure what’s the deal with the busts.
Now this is really weird…
Mystery solved: DrunkZombie’s branch was somehow timeshifted 21 hours into the future, which meant that merging in his code sometimes undid progress from the 21 previous hours.
The missing busts have been re-added, and the chronological abnormality has been contained and classified as Level 5 Tainted Space.
Thanks for the heads up!! I’ll check it out! 😀
As in the busts can now be seen in the public release? because i still can’t see them even after reloading.
Yeah, they’re still missing -_-
Turns out the github webserver system time got wonky. Geddy has fixed it.
Questions about the faux cow from previous public update. Nearing the end of the transformation it makes mention of a bully from college. Is that just flavor text, or anything actually to it?
Flavor text.
If anyone’s thinking of giving Cloud 10 a whirl, a few points:
– good graphics. Always a nice thing!
– semi-realtime combat. Good, but could use a pause button, And some variety about how you fight, especially of the non-violent sexy sort ^_^
– no content to speak of, yet. I mean, less than CoC 1 had when it found its way to e621 back in 2015. But the writing is decent and looks like the author(s) just need to get in the groove more often, so here’s hoping they would ^_^
– so far, the game seems to be about powerplay about as much as CoC and TiTS are about transformations. I hope there will be something else in the future (and I sure as fuck hope PC will get a variable personality and that this personality won’t be just an odd choice between dominance and submission), ’cause now it feels really single-faceted.
– save games are json strings, gzipped and then base64-encoded for some reason.
No, the game doesn’t accept normal json, you have to feed it back gzipped and encoded.
Yes, you need that, to compensate for being unable to save whenever you please. On a brighter side, a look at the code and the save file suggests it can yet turn out to be an engine limitation rather than intent and thus have some hope for improvement in the future.
It’s not gzip, but it is compression, and it’s used to keep the save size down. Also base64 is used because otherwise the strings would be rendered differently for different players.
Yeah, strictly speaking, it’s zlib (as it has this 78 9C signature), but zlib is what gz uses anyway. Still, no reason to bother with the save size: even if you turn a complete TiTS save into a json, it’s going to be less than 1Mb, which is nothing to modern day phones, let alone PCs, be it storage capacity or memory.
On the other hand, if you just keep it a json string, save editing becomes trivial, which is a massive plus.
It’s not to keep the save size down because I’m worried it won’t fit on people’s drives, lol. It’s to improve read/writes, pretty much instant even for cloud saving/loading which uses Dynamo (and that has a limit of 400KB anyway).
With that said, encoding isn’t encryption. Anyone can decode and decompress.
I’m talking memory rather than drives (isn’t preloading a thing, though? Put those 10 saves in memory right away and fuck dynamo, ’cause loading the page takes some seconds anyway, so nobody’s going to notice one extra seconds to preload saves), but I get your point ^_^
(and who said anything about encryption? That’d be just stupid)
Any way to save edit yet or in the future?
i just want to know if a Slyveren TF will ever be added to the game
You’re posting in a comment arc about Cloud10…
Yes, but it has to be done manually for now. Get the save game string, unwrap it from base64, then unpack it with any zlib extractor (offzip for windows should work), do the necessary edits in your favourite plaintext editor, then pack and wrap it back.
Hey is there a way to become a Slyveren or one coming? just curious cause real into them 😛
I’m not sure how to use the image pack?
If you don’t have a standalone flash player, IE should be able to run flash still.
how do you use the image pack?
Just run it like a normal game, extra images will appear wherever they exist without you having to do anything about it.
If you don’t have a standalone flash player, IE should be able to run flash still.
cannot access the flirt scenes with Synphia, after the first page of that the next button freezes and will not do anything, Only way out is to reload.
Getting the same problem
Good start on the new update. Went to our lovely snek mechanic, clicked serviced, pants hit the floor and then hit next and…… crash. Whoot -.-
“There we go. All better.” Synphia’s breathing fast, you note, the once predatory slits of her eyes dilated into wide-open circles.[Uncaught ArgumentError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: Desktop – Linux 4.4.111-15712707
Flash Version: AND 32,0,0,170
Game Version: 0.8.002
Error Name: ArgumentError
Error Mesg: Error #1063
ArgumentError: Error #1063
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
Thanks for the head’s up! Looks like Jacques00 already has this fixed for the next patch.
It appears to be an issue exclusively for PC’s without balls. I might push a public patch with a fix tonight, but if I don’t, you can view the content by gaining testes for a bit.
Saendra seems to have gotten left to jizz in the wind, is there a planned update to have her join us or we buy her a new ship or fix hers? oh or possibly pay to have it fixed and she becomes like a supply runner or something for Steele-tech
Last I heard, the next stage of her questline was waiting on ship mechanics getting added. I don’t know what their priority list looks like (I would assume finishing Zheng Shi is at the top), or how much of the next part has been written.
I have been waiting forever for ship stuff to get added because (surprise) Saendra’s next quest is gonna be heavily focused on the Phoenix. I am, however, drowning under other shit to do at present so it’ll be a hot minute before I get around to her.
Don’t mind waiting, might have to do a fresh pass thru her content when you drop an expansion though due to how long its been. But still looking forward to it.
Thanks for all your hard work with what you do Savin.
Please don’t feel pressured to get anything new out for her.
I’m having an issue where most of the tooltip descriptions for the various ships for sale are so long that they extend off the top edge of the window, and I can’t find a way around it. Is noone else having this problem?
If you click on the button, the next screen gives all the info on the tooltip.
Can we get an update to the TITS-Public Github? Ofcourse after the Adjatha image fix 😀
I was wondering if you need the image pack is necessary on the Android version and if so, how do you get it to work?
Hello, sorry if this may squick some people, but is there any plans for butt stuff? (rimming/ass eating/face sitting)
As far as I can recall, there is face sitting on Mengha with the frog girls, but as far as I know, that wasn’t butt related
(also, sorry for the question spam)
Not specifically.
Hmm, how do you use this TITS_ImagePack_0.8.002 file with the game?
Think a bit longer.
I already tried renaming the file to match originals name, it did not work. Since I have limited experience with flash games, I thought I ask for help here.
Need an alternative for “clowncar” for android users. Can’t be bothered to enable hackers keyboard each time I want to play
Did you try typing it in through the V-KO on Mhen’ga?
Is anyone else getting the thing with Bizzy where you cant talk to her? But every other option is available? What am I missing?
Sooooooooo, there going to be a hotfix for the busts or will we have to wait another month?
Is anyone else having problems saving to file or loading from file on android?
Yeah, not pumped about the new crew member limit ._. ruins a lot.
Type in “clowncar” if you’d like to play without crew limits.