Tura CG by MrPink.
By the time I got done with my morning errands I had a plumber and an air conditioning guy coming by the house. Needless to say, I am late, and here we are, and this is part one of the public patch. Sorry for the delay!
More will be coming…
0.8.001 Changelog:
- We’ve bumped up to 0.8.001 so that Savin will stop asking me when we are going to bump to 0.8.0*. Also, ship battles, customization, and storage are a thing, so it’s fitting.
- A new scene for getting a blowjob from Nessa has been added to the game. (Written by William, coded by Lighterflud)
- The hyena transformation item, Cackler, should be available at select vending machines and in Jade’s inventory. (Written by Freed)
- Various and sundry bug fixes.
What’s New This Month?
- New Mechanics: It is now possible to purchase ships from a variety of NPCs in the game and customize them with specific upgrades. You can also own multiple ships and keep some of them in storage in Tavros Station. If you’re struggling to find space for your entire crew, the ‘clowncar’ cheat is now available as well.
- New NPCs: Synphia the Slyveren Mechanic on Uveto, the Dockmaster on Tarkus, Fadil in Anon’s Bar on Tarkus, and Bizzy the kaithrit camwhore.
- New Scenes: Blowing futa Shekka, Shekka’s extrameet profile, and Kaede’s extrameet profile.
- New Expansions: Fixing Dr. Badger’s silicone lab, repairing the Doll Maker, pregnancy with Mirrin, attending a wedding with Tessa, and bondage with Xotchi on Uveto,
- New Busts: Breedwell Matron, “The Servant”, Lurelings & Marions, Una, Zheng Shi’s Mining Robots, the Forgehound, Vark, Ushamee in Canadia, the Tarkus Dockmaster, and the War Alpha from the battle for Korg’ii Hold.
This doesn’t seem like the longest list, but that’s only because I clumped everything together under different headings. A whole lot of fan submitted projects made it into the game this month, and on top of that we’ve had the pleasure of building out the whole new ship sub-system. It may be one bullet point, but if you check the changelogs for the past month, you’ll see a lot of work went into it.
I hope you all enjoy and that next month can be ever better!
Another great month of content! Will enjoy with much pleasure. 😛
More like “More will be cumming”!
God the nightmare of work
1. Designing a new table for ships
2. Writing the ship pages
3. Item fixe
4. Faux treatment is finally fixed for public patch
5. New perk to update
The nightmare of AWESOME, you mean!
…seriously though, I appreciate time spent on the wiki and I apologize in advance for any big shakeups to the ships and related items.
I’m glad I started doing some of these in advance.
So Fen have some of the ships been adjusted since their introduction? I plan to browse all of them but I am just curious if any were too strong.
Wish I could get this working on my Mac again…or even this old android phone…can never find the right settings for the game to play it in browser…
You might want to use Flash Player Projector, a stand-alone application for Windows/Mac/Linux available on the developer page: https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html
Then you can download the SWF and play it.
No clue if the AIR standalone plays SWF.
I can’t quite wrap my head around all the tessa wedding stuff even with wiki’s help. Anyone one have like a detail list of choices for each ending?
Relax remember f.i.s.h. fuck it shit happens. So thank you XD so ya time to find the new stuff!!
It’d be nice if we could store an arbitrary number of items on Tavros Station as well. It doesn’t make much narrative sense to not have that option, and I don’t think inventory limits like that are helpful for game balance either.
To be clear, I mean we should have the option to move items from our ship to Tavros, and have no storage limit on the latter.
In the nursery there is a locker where you can store items. It’s in the same room where the shower is.
Herp derp totally misread your post lol
is fen ok this is a day early it did not kill him did it? (holds out shock pads and adrenalin needle)
Why is the public patch post on patreon locked behind being a backer?
I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure that patreon forces you to put anything that’s NSFW behind a paywall.
Because it has a pornographic image with it.
Is it just me because when I see that picture I just think of Queen song Mamma Mia
You mean Bohemian Rhapsody?
its just you
Is mirrin preg. forf females only?
it’s for anyone with a dick and/or pussy. Having both means you can both be preg.
How do you start it?
Hey, is there any chance the ship system might advance into a fleet system? You know, like having certain characters (Anno, Penny, Shekka) have the ability to pilot any of your other ships?
I think the fanbase would riot if we tried this. Maybe someday in a different game.
Good riot or bad riot?
Probably bad riot.
I dont know what to think of this personally, could be good, could be bad
I noticed a bug or an error, when reading ship builds the PC cannot fully read the descriptions of said ships. Other than that enjoying this P.P. thanks Fen and Co.
You’re not the only one. Somehow or another the details and descriptions of the purchasable ships extend past the viewable portion of the screen.
There’s too much data for too small a space. I’m not sure what to do there, and that’s the reason why there’s full screen stats pages used here and there as well.
Maybe instead of a contextual pop up window the merchant tells you all this stuff before allowing you to buy similar to Aurora’s merchant menu on Tarkus?
Can you PLEASE change how the Image pack works? Or make an Image pack release regularly.
Whatever you prefer. Just do something with it.
It’s coming :3
*sniffles* it’s beautiful. I once read in an earlier post that Tits is a porn game which is why alot of it’s writing won’t deviate from the fact that it’s a game. My question is, will subplots like the Black Void, the slaves on Zheng Shi, the Myr war, the exploitation of Mengha by Snuggle? And many more including a certain Tanuki pirate and mind reading Frostwyrm. I know this is a ton of work. I was wondering if these were “still under development”
Hyena TF……. I am failing to contain my excitement. It’s juts a simple TF but i’ve still got the shivers right now.
The ship content is awesome, if this is a taste of the bigger version that’s currently being worked on, I definitely can’t wait for it
The Mirrin pregnancy dosen’t seem to work.
Hyena TF? FUCK YEAH!!!
Catgirls? Did someone mention catgirls?
That’s some good Tura art.
where do you input the clowncar cheat again?
Anywhere, but the best place in your ship, just type it in
thank you!
Hi, again, I typed it on the ship, and nothing happened. does it just register, or is there something I’m missing?
I don’t see the new bust of Una and the other characters. Are you sure it’s been added into the game?
Are there any special conditions for Fadil appearing, i can’t seem to find them…
It says “Fadil in Anon’s Bar on Tarkus”, while the bar is located on Tavros.
Love all the new content, Synphia is a fun time x3 and more futa in general is always good thanks to Shekka
I do feel a little sad over Bizzy though, as someone who has an unexplainable obession and preference for flat chests I wish I could convince her that she’s fine the way she is but it does come down to what she wants for herself, just makes me sad is all ^^” Great work still and aside from that I hope there is or will be some way to join her or others for some cam fun as the player.
I did have one issue with Synphia which seemed to think my characters genitals were not what they should be, aside from that everything seemed to work well, great job and I look forward to more in the future 🙂 you’re all doing amazing work.