Finally got her blowjob finished. Tomorrow or the day after I’ll try to get the first part of her sex-quest operational. Sorry for brevity, but that’s all I’ve got for now.
What do you do with Ardia?
- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 835
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Don’t push yourself, neither the game team, nor the fans need you getting sick.
Giving or receiving? Actually you know what, it doesn’t matter. Both are good.
Will the public build come out when emmy who ever she is complete or when the new planet is up and ready
If it was the next planet we would be waiting for it for a few more months still I think. Generally a public build is put up every month or so. So about a week or so, perhaps?
yeah your right once a month is generally it
As I recall. Fen And Co. said that once they finish Myrellion, then the public and backer releases will happen at the same time. Not sure when they will consider Myrellion actually done though.
Actually the next one should be a public release
Hey guys Iv been reading up stuff on Bess/Ben and they sound awesome thanks for all your hard work and I can’t wait to meet ๐
I forgot to add him/her
I’ve given up even trying with the double pronouns. ๐
They or them works fine for virtually any such situations I’d say.
woot woot! looking forward to the Emmy content! question tho, you said you’d have to work for it to get emmy’s sex scenes, so are you adding new dialog for that? or are u just skipping that for now so people have something to play with then add the rest in later?
keep up the good work guys! hope she’s gonna have some dialog to make her dommy like with urta :3
I am also looking forward to this. Emmy is pretty cool and sexy so far, would love some more content for her.
Not that into the dommy stuff, so let’s not go overboard on it please ๐
I also agree! it would be nice if the dommy path was something you chose and encouraged but wouldn’t be required to do to enjoy her, sadly that may require commissioning a writer for a branch like that, but if I ever find the funds to do so, i would ๐
I mean c’mon, she’s a big dicked big breasted furry that wears a skin tight jump suit to show off her bulge and assets AND she has a large weapons fetish, shes just too awesome
*vomiting intensifies*
when did the vomiting start? LOL i mean, do you skip half the content in the game?
Actually, yes I do. Like most players, I don’t engage with or skip past bits that I don’t like. That’s the joy of a game that has a very broad range of content that is mostly optional. Please don’t imagine that everyone’s idea of “too awesome” is a weapon-obsessed, big dicked, big breasted jackal-thing with a MUH FURSECUTION complex, because it really is not.
yeah, that ones my bad, learned a lesson today, but did you really have to start all this anyhow by attacking my own fetish with a rather rude comment to begin with? we all got a fetish, and you were trying to make me feel bad for my own…
“I mean cโmon, sheโs a big dicked big breasted furry that wears a skin tight jump suit to show off her bulge and assets…”
As if that’s something this game was lacking…
what can I say? I know what I like, well, maybe what I’m looking for is some waifu content, and am hoping Emmy will be the first, i do like futa on male material, but you are right, their is a lot (not a problem in my books!) and I can see how its not everyones cup of tea.
perhaps more content per character, instead of having futas everywhere with 2 or 3 scenes, have them spaced out with really fleshed out dialog with 7-8 sex scenes with branching paths in personality, gender, and modding their boddies.
or even have it so you can ask some of the girls to get their equipment removed and become normal girls so you can REALLY drive home the fact you don’t accept them for who they are (and give up what makes them who they are and what makes them stand out from the rest of society and become another generic stagnate gender locked character thats no different from anyone else in the world) so as to not induce some people into vomiting uncontrollably……..(scrolls up a little)
ugh, sorry for being the victim of my rant, i get a little preachy after midnight! ๐
> Emmy as first waifu
Huh. Someone better tell the rest that they’re just girlfriendos at best.
> Have all characters have 7-8 sex scenes with branching personalities, gender and body modding.
Fuck. No.
> If you get rid of their herminess / dickgirliness, they’ll cease to have personalities, and will just be blank manikins.
That’ll happen when you make a big, floppy donger someone’s defining feature. Alternatively, when your perception of that character doesn’t extend beyond your fetish for their big, floppy donger.
> Emmy as first waifu
Huh. Someone better tell the rest that theyโre just girlfriendos at best.
well you gotta admit, most are fuck buddies at best
> Have all characters have 7-8 sex scenes with branching personalities, gender and body modding.
Fuck. No.
I was referring to just the herm characters, not all characters, cuz as stated, not everyone likes them
> If you get rid of their herminess / dickgirliness, theyโll cease to have personalities, and will just be blank manikins.
Thatโll happen when you make a big, floppy donger someoneโs defining feature. Alternatively, when your perception of that character doesnโt extend beyond your fetish for their big, floppy donger.
well shit you got me there, but like I said, I get a little ranty after work ๐
….but it is?
hmmm? not sure what your commenting on, ive commented on to many subjects LOL
How about you make it so we can get panties from characters that aren’t dicked before you start talking about how this game lacks herms.
a pair of shades or annos panties would be nice ๐
How many sex scenes does she have so far?
12 or so
hey i was wondering the odd bat girl that runs the shop on tarkus i am not asking for sex scenes with her she seems much too childish for my comfort but will we get to meet more like her species i would love some bat tfs that would be epic
Ask Magic Ted, he’s the one who made her and would be the one in charge of at least overseeing any additions to the bat folk.
any idea where i can find this magic ted
In the Forum Fenoxo. Yes, I’m a history buff. :p
so you history naked huh how odd be sure to not get a paper cut sir
:/ i’m already missing some female (without a bulge) characters… the old and good slit is becoming a rare piece of cake in tits world.
I know that feel, actually. Though I was actually grouching about the abundance of shemales and lack of true herms (and furries) as of late.
Could use some more pure fems too.
that being said, is Emmy a herm then and not a shemale? i don’t think its been stated yet in the game
Personally, I think the lack of curries is just fine. I’m not into the whole animal snout anthros thing. Yech.
Crap, I mean furries, damn stupid tablet.
*looks down at keyboard* oh yeah they’re right next to each other hah, do you like the asaur? me thinks Emmy may be the last furry we see for awhile cuz were heading to a ice planet with husky asaur’s as the main populace although not entirely sure, havn’t read the full document
Asaur? You mean “ausar”, right?
yes mr grammar nazi
You mean “spelling fascist”, right?
A typo is one thing, but spelling the name of a species (fictional or not) throughout you whole comment points to something else…
Mind trying that Sentence again? Not entirely sure what you mean
Ah nvm, your just trying to be rude for some reason…
something else…like…maybe thats how i thought it was spelled? and someone politely corrected me?
Sorry about that. It was like 3 am when I wrote that on my mobile phone. It was supposed to point out that you called me a “grammar nazi”, even though I didn’t correct your grammar and the word I was looking for was “plainly being misinformed”, while a typo is usually one-time thing.
What you did there was like saying “Dark Vega” instead of “Darth Vader”.
….and yes, I corrected you; i just typo-ed my own username.
oh whoops, that was you, i didn’t see your profile image so i thought it was someone else, but either way I was just being playful, I didn’t take it seriously or anything, lets just end things here b4 anymore misunderstandings.
occur, really wish I could edit my reply’s, would save some trouble. I also was replying on a tablet, and apparently theres a HUGE gap from when their typed to when they’re posted hence some double posts.
but thank you for correcting me, I didn’t realize it was you at first commenting cuz there was no profile picture, I was just having some fun calling you a grammar nazi, didn’t really mean it
No worries. I wasn’t offended just confused and sleep deprived
Confusion and sleep deprivation is a bad combo. Also, I don’t consider Ausar to be furry since their heads and bodies are almost entirely human-like in appearance, with only a few animal-like traits.
That’s nice… I never claimed that they were “furry”, though a certain “Meatbag” imagines them as furry regardless…
no one claimed they were furries, (at least not in this comment chain) I was the one asking him his opinion on the ausar since he doesn’t like furries cuz were heading to a planet next thats mostly them, I was trying to reassure the man and give him hope for some non furry material
and just incase i’m the “meatbag” I’d like to clarify that no, i don’t consider the ausar to be furry
The way you worded that cracked me up, thanks for the laugh ๐
Dammit I knew I was forgetting something I haven’t downloaded the latest backer build yet
Shame shame shame
Ding ding ding!
The Sooner a patch the better. Some bugs that really need to be squashed. Took a while because of the downed site and the lets take a few days of and play Metal Gear.
that story with the treatment posted not long ago, mentions a blog with more content but i don’t see anything to follow up on it. link? ๐ฎ
I think they were all posted here on fens blog, but sadly he lost most of the content from the old website when it went down and he had to make a new one thus the dead links cuz their URLs don’t exist anymore, unless i’m missed a post and they’re posted on someone elses blog
*ish sad now* ๐
Hey boiz, i figure while we all waitin’ for updates we could go and feedback on something else, like this sweet stuff here:
Just check it out and feedback to encourage the devs, sometimes thats what needed most. ๐
Also Fen drop this to links if you care, i think this stuff got great potential ๐
That’s a pretty good example on how not to do an “About the Game” page. “It’s a game with pictures!”
-.- huh? who reads those anyway dude, i know i never did, but what i did see after i got INTO the game is pretty damn good.
I read them, if only in the vain hopes they’d mention system requirements or some other actual info.
Really? system req’s? dude for those kinds of games you never need to check that, even rotten potato can run them.
From my long experience with using a rotten potato as a laptop, I can tell you that’s not true. Hell, I can’t even run FoE.
Sounds like you need a new potato
Your laptop sounds like it’s pretty archaic then. Even a crappy Windows Phone I used to have could play FoE, while not very quickly, still ran with rather adequate performance.
My guess is that if a device like that can do it, almost anything that has built-in HTML5 support could play the (online) file.
does this mean your done with syri’s quest
Oh, good question
oh i forgot all about that, good question!
Fen is not Savin.
I wonder what would happen if you fused them together with one of those Fusion Dances from Dragonball? Fevin? Safen?
I would pay to see this.
You get Nivas Oxonef, apparenly.
When is will there be another public tits update
Its good for different people to ask.
No, it isn’t.
Also probably this weekend or early next week, though it might be Fen & Co want to have some new (compared to the previous backer version) content out for it, in addition to the large pile of bug fixes they’ve done.
Will the forums get a new section for Slavemaker, like the old forums had?
When will there be another public tits update
You don’t have to ask twice, geez.
Sorry I forgot I already asked
Don’t worry. People round here forget all the time to ask Fen and Co. when the next build is coming out.
Off topic here.
Is it possible to date/romance Bess more than just a sex toy? The date option is always closed to me, and no matter how long I talk to her/sex her/spend time with her, she always says that I appear cold when I ask her what she thinks of me.
The wiki also mentions these as options, but I have yet to find them myself. I’m guessing they just haven’t been added yet?
Bess is rather finicky. You need to go through a series of specific scenes that only have a chance to proc if enough time has passed since the previous one, and choose the right options (though they are usually pretty obvious, if you want to befriend her, be friendly).
Is Bess a backers only at the moment?
Yes. Should be out with most bugs fixed next public build.
Thank you ๐
Each event takes around 2-3 days max to been able to proc and plus for some of them you need enough RL with her (think atm biggest stop is around 4-5th scene where you need hit 20% RL score before getting next scene – and that mean lots of spend time scenes/sex scenes done ^^)
Plus as FA said been nice to her not reply like she’s some damn sexbot and nothing more as this got like 3-5 possible dead ends in various stages of building relationship of her locking back into simple sexbot.
So I’ve been playing for 3-4 weeks of in-game time, and she still only has the same options and responses, telling me that she’s not sure if I’m even human. Did I somehow pick one of the relationship-ending responses? I don’t think I did. I don’t really remember having any relationship decisions yet. Glitch?
So I loaded I save prior to meeting Bess and started from the beginning, and now I actually found a new scene with her after only two days. Guess there was a glitch :\
>Tomorrow or the day after
Fenoxo lied
boners died
Will we be getting Lapinara , Grey Goo
Will we be getting Lapinara , Grey Goo or Sexbot Transformation items/options?
(Sorry for incomplete post & double post)
It would be nice if we could edit our posts lol, I’d get into a lot less trouble that way…
It’s been awhile since the last update for the forum.
I meant the last post on the blog, not forum.
As it says on here, it’s been 5 days.
MGS will do that to a man LOL
Is like to see picture of the fencave, I bet he’s got a sweet fencar and fencopter
ok is this ganno be a HUUUUGE update or something happend
At this point I’m thinking Emmy is gonna be full of holes from all this pokin’.
le highfive
really though, super looking forward to the next update, gonna be over flowwing with some Emmy content :3