Fen here, and that’s no bull!
Fenoxo here, taking care of this blogpost to let Geddy catch some early zzz’s tonight. Despite the sunny, t-shirt compatible weather breezing by outside, we huddled up for our normal Wednesday meeting and put together a patch with some lovely new content, and that’s not all! Fenny Mays has a lot more in the pipeline, ready to blast into code. Personally, I’ve finally hit my stride on the Zaika gangs I’m coding for Adjatha. They’re a complicated menagerie of menace with a randomly named, randomly generated group assembled from six possible combat NPCs and introduced with one of fifteen different introductions that range from getting caught in an acid rainstorm to being offering a chance to take alien street drugs on the spot. (Protip: don’t do all the drugs.) The intros are good, most of the fight is done, and I hope my brain will be compatible with blasting through the metric tail-load of sex content so that I can deliver it in a future patch soon ™.
I know I’ve consistently overestimated my ability to get this stuff into game, but it’s finally feeling close. And the holidays are over. And the old cranium actually feels like it’s working well this week for a change. It’s actually been great practice for working through how to convert attacks that are written to only hit the PC into code that can gracefully handle striking other targets… like deployable turrets. I still have a TON of NPC encounters to page through and bring up to par if proper, deployable drones with full stat blocks are to be supported. (Coming soon to a level 12 Tech Specialist near you.)
What else? The next plot planet’s (first zone) map has been posted on Patreon… and a tiny piece will be accessible with the first random encounter very, very soon. This week soon, if all goes well. It was almost tonight-soon.
0.9.031 Changelog:
- [Backers] The option to train Anno to enjoy anal sex was added previously, but was part 1 of a 3 part series. The second part is now added, written by William. It will organically appear after doing the training enough times (3+). Part three TBD. (Leek)
- [Backers] There should now be an alternate route in the Brightwater path through Dhaal’s final dungeon. Instead of fighting the last boss, you can volunteer to take your rival’s place as a lab rat for a while to pay off the debts. (lowercase_donkey) I added the feature flag wrapping myself (Fen), so if for some reason the button is missing on backer builds, you can totally @me. If you didn’t take the Brightwater Path, you should be able to proc an event to encounter an NPC in a bar to peruse the content as well. Written by Adjatha.
- [Backers] Shalena, the team captain of a sports team on Uveto now has an option to date her through extrameet after you become the team’s towel(boy/girl/person). You can get more personal with her as a result and find out that the big kitty-cat likes to play the doting mommy who takes good care of young space adventurers! By William. (Leek)
- [New Bust] Ohrskun (& nude)
- [New Image] Hellhound Syri – appears when approaching the crew version of Hellhounded Syri. Art by Blizzmaster, used with permission. (Fen)
- [New Image] Kiro Poster – found in Onsen of Kally’s bar after the Kiro/Kally threesome events. Art by Blizzmaster, used with permission. (Fen)
- [Tweak] The trip status effect is now assigned the STATUS_BAD coloration, so it should now display its icon as red instead of default. (Fen)
- [Bugfix] Fixed several issues with downloading the image pack. (Gedan)
- [Bugfix] Stray { or } outputs in text have been hunted and chewed up. (lowercase_donkey)
- [Bugfix] Fixed a softlock with ChameleonArmor and Slavesuit menus in the appearance menu. (lowercase_donkey)
- [Bugfix] Fix issues with the Myr Pills not properly checking the status of the PC’s arms. (lowercase_donkey)
- [Bugfix] Verusha’s content got some cleanup to remove placeholder value functions and reference the NPC statblock directly. (lowercase_donkey)
- [Bugfix] “Sleep prick” became “sleek prick” as intended. (lowercase_donkey) (:3)
- [Bugfix] Slave collars should properly equip as needed, and properly save the item they replace in inventory. (lowercase_donkey)
- [Bugfix] Fix being able to walk away from a Sophora combat encounter. (lowercase_donkey)
- [Bugfix] Fixed a Bess crash related to checking for a holodeck. (lowercase_donkey)
- [Bugfix] Fixed the Colt XLR’s bust connection.
- [Bugfix…ish?] Lowercase_Donkey decided to merge the Myr Pill items together into one item handler, so please don’t @me if something explodes. (lowercase_donkey)
- [Bugfixes] A few other smaller or non-user-facing improvements, or more difficult to describe tiny tweaks. (Mostly the donkey of lowercastion.)
Love the training content, bit off topic question. Is there a zaika planned for a more emotional connection? (Personally hoping it’s the Zaika hyra)
I don’t think any of the devs are pursuing that at present, but I’d be happy to see that as well as some more Zheng Shi pirate waifus!
Wish we could buy Sam out of prison
Can you directly provide the download link of the image pack? The in-game download is always stuck at 0%. If you have another way to download it, you can just copy and paste it instead.
Did the dungeon again and re did the party to make sure. Button isn’t there at the moment
Make sure you’re playing the backer build. Adjatha tested it and confirmed that things are there but a bit buggy atm. We’ll be pushing a patch or hotfix tonight (label determined by if there’s more content coming with)
I love Shalena.. wanted to see more content for her ever since finding the towel girl message board. Kudos to writer.
Cool new content. Side note: would it be possible to make the original CoC playable again?
I’m pretty sure it can be played if you get a standalone flash player. I recently re-played it… some nostalgia, but tbh it was for sure a rough draft for TiTS and CoC2.
FenCo has come a LOOOONG way from 2010s and “Unnamed text game”. I am honestly surprised he’s not a bigger name in the field.
Flash player itself isn’t the issue, it’s the programs you run through it that leave you vulnerable. You can still download flash players, and can probably find a flash player hosted online that you don’t need to download.
Is the endgame for Anno’s anal training that she switches from vagina to anal in recurring scenes both new and old? Or is it to give the option for future and past scenes when completed?
Firstly isn’t January still Winter? XD
More importantly, hooray! More content for the Zaibatsu quest.
Look yesterday I was running around in a T-shirt.
Today there’s snow on my lawn.
Missouri be a fickle state.
Just glad its snow instead of the good old Missouri ice storm.
Glad to see what new content is being pushed for the new year.
Try Wisconsin lol
When is Malai going to be Public? He was added November 30th last year.
Malai’s quest is currently in the cooker. Geddy has it mostly coded but some additional improvements to combat and room descriptions are still simmering. I suspect that we will add that soon and have his original content go public at the same time.
Dear Fenoxo, would you be so kindly on to release already TiTS on Steam?
I would’ve gladly became one of your patrons on Patreon if it wasn’t banned in a fascist country i’m finding me’self at the moment and if i was able to actually afford such patronage. But i am absolutely can and willful to purchase a copy of your game on Steam!
And secondly, again to request on the creating an NSFW Postapocalyptic/Fallout game… I’ve being dreaming on such game from you since i’ve played CoC 1. Please do think on such possibilty if you please!
Thank you!
The next planet is very Mad Max / Fallout inspired, so look forward to that. Hyena girl raider convoys and such!
For now I’m in no rush to add more platforms to our deployment routine. New patches are enough work without having to worry about steam reviews / forums / etc.
I know this is possibly pretty low on the radar, but will there ever be more stuff for our big metal dino bf? Would be fun to recruit him or get some extra scenes, a few bottom choices would be nice. I really like the taur bj scene and would love more.
That’s up to his author!
Where do i go to see Shalena already ?
It’s been a while so i forgot.
And where do i find Ohrskun ?
1. Randomly when Drinking with Ramis on Tavros Station.
2. Random events in Zheng Shi Operations Deck Slave Quarters.
According to a comment on the last Blog post, there’s an expansion coming, too.
It appears Anno has disappeared from my crew, the place where her button should be is empty, not missing but unclickable? i can still pull her into shower sex though.
It’s odd. She also still procs into the bars
Me too
same here.
Happened to me to, it happens as soon as I recruit Syri as a crewmember. Checked and she’s there before recruiting Syri, then disappears from Crew menu immediately afterward.
It happens after recruiting Syri as a crew member. I loaded a save immediately before recruiting Syri and Anno was there, then she immediately disappears from the Crew menu after recruiting Syri, but still procs in her random events and at bars.
Having the same issue here, she never shows up in the crew listing.
same, lemme know if you figure this out.
kick Syri out and anno comes back. a bug.
How do you start Anno’s training? I don’t remember doing it before but I can only see her normal anal option
Holy cow, Shalena might be one of my new favorite characters.
I love the way William wrote her, I’d love more however I understand she’s just a small part of the game.
Major Props to William, Would love to see more from him!!