It’s always a delight to find art in the wild.
I suppose Andrew W.K. would have a great time there.
0.9.108 Hotfix Changelog:
- Fixed the repeat Peer Party (the Backer content referenced in the below changelog) not ever appearing if you are past the event.
- Fixed the cooldown to begin on encountering the chance to go to the party, rather than on going to the party itself. This way if it is an unwanted encounter, refusing it will ensure you won’t see it again until the cooldown is up, instead of being spammed with it for saying ‘no’.
- Fixed a broken parser crash in the peer party scenes.
0.9.108 Changelog:
- [Backers] After encountering Feruze on the taxi and stepping into a hazard map tile on Dhaal, be approached by a Zaika Peer for a… private engagement with her and her specially-modified XO. (Written by Adjatha, coded by Fenoxo)
- Access new dialogue with more Dhaal lore.
- Explore four brand-spanking new sex scenes, one of which is wildly different depending on which corporate alliance you’ve made progress toward brokering at previous fancy shindig.
- After meeting her, getting invited back is added to Dhaal’s encounter table with a long cooldown.
- [Backers] A full map view is now ready to be tested. Click on the room/zone name display at the top of the map to pop it out! (Jacques00)
- [Public] Phaedra’s train dungeon is go! Now everyone can take a ride on the pain train…
- [New CG] Roo panties (Art by ToonNik)
- [New CG Silhouttes] When selecting player species during creation, the available choices now have silhouettes of your mother’s general shape. (Art by Jacques00, coded by Jacques00)
- Updated Dhaal’s quest log entires in the Codex to give better indications of your current progress and what you should pursue next. Some prepwork was done to include numerous other events from the dungeon, but not yet visible. (Fenoxo)
- Deployable Turret scaling now uses BimboIntelligence instead of Intelligence.
- Deployable Turret weapon scaling now scales off of level 11 instead of 12 (+1 weapon damage).
- Fixed MascOff deleting penises during save/load. (THE HORROR! Fixed by lowercase donkey)
- Fixed a potential crash in the Warbitch encounter. (Jacques00)
- Adjusted tooltip for the inventory screen so as not cover the buttons. (Jacques00?)
- Fixed piercing menu lite item titles not displaying properly. (Jacques00)
- Layered map floors should now have a more subdued connector color. (Jacques00)
- Fixed a crash with Tracer Rounds. (Jacques00)
- Gave the Sterilex Band a visible status effect when the item is worn or taken off. The effect is purely superficial and it will hide/remove itself when certain conditions are met. (Jacques00)
- Potentially fixed a crash with Ovalasting Egg Trainer. (Jacques00)
- Power armor movement speed (extra time pass on move) has been made more consistent. (Jacques00)
- If there is ever just one button, and that button is Close/Cancel, it will automatically use the “Accept” keybind (spacebar). (Jacques00)
- Fixed an Anno crash. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed a Pickmentation crash. (lowercase donkey)
- And many more typos corrected and tiny fixes made!
It looks like the download links have not yet updated – both the Windows and Linux version return 0.9.107
Seems fine to me.
It looks like it was just taking time to propagate; it’s working now for me as well.
No problems here.
I cant seems to trigger the new Backer encounter :/
Hotfixed. Try it now!
Is Elcine’s “flirt” option supposed to remain disabled after fixing the terminal?
What counts as a hazard map tile on Dhaal cause I’ve been look for hours and nothing
The tiles with the diagonal lines through them. The rooms you encounter enemies in.
You should be able to walk right into gyre or gabtown after fighting Feruze and get the event immediately unless I borked something.
Edit from the FUTURE: I’ve hotfixed this. It was a bug, not intentional.
I think you borked something dude since I keep getting ambushed by goblin chemist/Cyborg sophora and the Leyak in gabtown, along with the milk thieves and random gang attacks in the gyre.
despite doing the dhaal party to bang the dragon woman and getting jacked off by feruze in the taxi to join up to save the cuz and get the probe
Can second that, unless the event is set to SPECIFICALLY trigger after the feruze fight, and never again after. Which seems… off, given most people would be long past that by this point.
That is, actually, the case.
If you already did Dhaal dungeon and don’t have a previous save, gg.
you get the encounter right after getting truthfinger/facing feruze.
As for getting invited again, not exactly sure as I haven’t tested it yet.
Damn that’s disappointing. Welp i’ll end up creating another character some other time
With all due respect… locking content behind an old onetime event that cannot be gotten again like that is dumb. As that punishes those with saves beyond that point to experience it. Especially when said planet has been done for a while now.
I had a go with an edited save to force the taxi event to happen again, but no joy either
That is indeed fucking dumb to have to replay through the whole game or waste a save slot on yet another point-of-no-return for content that you might not even know is good or not. Save editing is tedious as fuck too. And it’s worse if you paid to get that content early. :/
Wow, how disappointing. That’s plain punishment for every player who finished the Dhaal dungeon longer ago. They should at least add some kind of backdoor to be able to get the content without making a new character or trial and error save editing.
Welp, been disappointed for a while anyways with the updates. If the encounter will not work, because I’m too far ahead, guess it’s time to remove my Patreon subsciption.
Hotfixed. Give it another try!
It works now if you’re on the GREEN tiles.
I’m trying to recruit Dizzy in my Kineticist route, but she won’t let me talk about her
Im really sorry if this seems rude but, everytime you guys update, it just the same old, tiny woman with big boobs or a strong futa with a big cock, dont you guys get tired with that? when was the last update that the team bringed more hot male characters or expanded the content of the males characters that already exist? or a man that we can fight and fuck?? a really long time ago… PLS IM GAY😭
Calia just went public last week. He’s a hot male character. Also, the train dungeon went public today, and that has 4 men you can fight and fuck.
Will any of the characters from the dungeon make a return?
Hopefully Hureya makes a return and maybe some booty boy yeen’s
That was pretty fun, is there gonna be a plan for future Hureya content?
And after completing the train dungeon, when I go back to Shineglass station, it doesn’t seem that I can go to Shieldrock again. Is that normal?
Is there no way other than to meticulously delete every flag that sequences into the new content with a save editor?
Because I am pretty far along, and I am not in the interest starting over again.
Devs should just think HARD about stopping to exclude players that are further in the story from freshly added events or encounters that only trigger at a specific point. Just add backdoors to trigger the content into the Cheat menu, goddammit.
This was a bug, not intentional.
Oh, okay. My bad. And thank you for answering, Fen.
That it was hard to tell and easily accepted as intended shouldn’t go unnoticed. This wouldn’t have been the first time that new content was inconveniently locked behind old content.
There does not seem to be any way to move between the stations after the train dungeon has been completed. I know there’s not much to do in the destination station yet, but it does stop you from visiting the captive there.
this was a problem with the last patch too, I thought it would get fixed in this update but it seems not. Rather unfortunate, because if you haven’t finished the train quest, and you do it in this patch, you will end up stuck in the other station because you can’t buy a ticket!
Why make a skill from the tech class scale with bimbo?
Bimbo Intelligence is used for all other Class-based Intelligence scaling. This one was the outlier.
Bimbo Intelligence allows an alternate calculation with a bonus from Libido if Steele has the Fuck Sense perk. It is only applied if the outcome is higher than Steele’s actual Intelligence, so it is never a disadvantage.
Yea, but the turret is a tech class specific ability, and now it’s useless because it doesn’t scale with intelligence
Don’t let ‘Bimbo’ fool you. It’s a more flexible function than straight Intelligence.
If Steele doesn’t have Fuck Sense:
Use Intelligence.
Else If Steele does have Fuck Sense:
Use Intelligence or Libido, whichever is higher.
It’s never detrimental. The Turret is as ‘useless’ as Charge Weapon or Gravidic/Thermal Disruptor or Molten Shot or Static Strike. All Class Intelligence scaling calls this function to determine effective Intelligence.
After seeing that picture it just makes me want a Slyveren TF even more. Gods I wish i was better a writing things.
According to Adjatha in the previous update’s comments, there is a Slyveren TF in the To-Code pile.
When it will be coded is anyone’s guess.
I just want to say thank you for the new dungeon~
I really enjoyed the interactions with the Alpha boy. I hope it’s possible to see him or characters like him in the future.
Think the hotfix broke the gallery for the windows version, it just gets stuck on “determining image pack status”
At Shineglass Station the Kinetic Fix, Bypass, and Software Fix options are all greyed out and since there’s no option to back out I have to reload a save each time. Am I missing something?
well that’s one hot slyveran female group. Now if only we could amicably talk to at least the slave breakers like we can the rabbits. or have a hot one we can interact with for more then just cock sucking, or the transformatives, that would be awesome as well. but huh, yea nice work! great pic!
Well, there’s always Azzy’s harem on Dhaal. They could write a scenario in which Steele hires some of that talent pool (Surely Steele can use the services of the common cunning linguist among them).
Or maybe the Star Viper pilot will get kicked out due to getting her ship totaled by Steele one too many times, and decide to side with Steele instead.
any way we can take the hyrax alpha with us?~
Whenever I go to Data (where you save or load a save) it doesnt work. I get a screen with a bunch of file locations? I havent been able to play since the last patch. Cant load any saves and when I start a new game, it wont let me save.
So… how do you actually fix the terminal? All my options are greyed out -w-;
same here 🙁