Be forewarned: Myrellion is probably janky enough to make Cyberpunk 2077 look polished on PS4 at launch.
Here’s today’s changelog for the Backer & Public builds:
- Tarkus has been unlocked for the public.
- Myrellion has been unlocked for backers.
- Uveto was accidentally enabled. This has been fixed.
- The following part flags were incorrectly set to correspond to the same value approximately a month ago. The number? 55. I’ve changed the values to increment appropriately, though as a result, older saves that have parts flagged as artificial, genital slitted, or uniballed will now all be counted as parasitic, since parasitic won the lottery and got to keep the assignment to 55.
- The Codex stats page should now display the correct values for tail genitals. Formatting for tails was also improved to be more readable: types are listed first followed by flags. Tailcunt and tailcock displays were separated to better allow for multi-genitails in the future (Zaika style hybrid cock-cunt-tails.)
- Soak, the Treatment, Throbb, and Gush now all have a quick button prompt to jump directly to the Codex entry if you’re blocked from using the item by not having read the relevant data log.
- Fixed Briget’s bust not displaying.
- Fixed a crash in the Treatment during body tone transformations.
- Fixed orgasms not correctly emptying balls – and as a result blue balls are properly attainable again.
- Fixed a crash in Codex->Stats->Location
- The following Uveto content got some fixes since it got some bug reports: Syri’s Uveto Quest, SubTuner, Zaalt, Kiona, Frostwyrm, Milodan Futazons, Krym.
- Gigantic nuts can immobilize you once more.
- Fixes for the “Event Whorizon” event.
- Improved counting items when there are multiple stacks.
- Applied several fixes to the goo menus.
- Fenoxo’s balls grew one size that day.

As always, if you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here!
Would you say Myrellion is… full of bugs heheheheh
Wait Uveto was already reachable?!?
Anyxine here I come!
So the question I have is…I am a backer, I think, but what should I do if I can’t get to myrellion? Is there a backer specific JS build hidden I don’t know about?
The one linked under the backer tab.
Any news of when New Texas will be unlocked for the Public?
The public version #1244 does not have Tarkus included
I’m not sure if this is happening for anyone else, but the “infinite item use” isn’t working for me. The toggle effectively does nothing.
0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1247 is saying that Tarkus is not available yet either.
I cannot seem to get onto the Phoenix after Saendra gets to Tavros. Like, I go to the Hanger, click on the Phoenix, and it puts me in my ship.
Tarkus definitely isn’t available in the version on the website (#1247).
Is Anno supposed to not have the Tarkus contest anymore? It isnt coming up at all for me and I do not recall it needing unlocking…
Anyone else have an issue with the Upper Stairwell on Tarkus? It doesn’t have the option for me to go down at all. (Version: PUBLIC#1250)
Cool. Lets go team!
Im not sure if it is relevant. But the bigger ships will have different interior later? Or same 6 box?
So, Bess is always called Bess no matter what you name her.
I noticed this too. Trying to see if it’s a bug or deliberate lol
I don’t think I’m able to access the Dong Designer. I install it, it tells me it’s available in the storage menu, but I just can’t find it anywhere on my ship.
Yeah, same with the egg device.
In public version #1250 the appearance screen doesn’t disappear when in the goo menus. Because of this we do not get to see what our biomass is at. Not that it would do any good, seeing as the Biomass doesn’t seem to increase in any way. Also related to the “Shift Goo” menus, when selecting a option to transform, the next button replaces the first box but doesn’t clear out the other boxes. This means that you can still click the other options with seemingly no change unless you click “next” in the first box. Also the Appearance menu (which I’m fine not having open while shifting goo) doesn’t update when you shift goo unless you close and reopen it.
Thank you for the Goo menu but there are still soo many things that need fixed with it.
Infinite item use doesn’t seem to be working, and i’m getting aa weird bug where my ship won’t let me exit, it just shows the main menu whenever i’m in the exit location.
Is the faux cow treatment variant implemented yet in the JS backer version? I can only seem to get the other treatment transformations to trigger.
Complete side note, but it seems all the previous TiTs backers builds disappeared off my page, the out of date flash ones, anyone else have this happen?
So is it just me or is anno’s Adjatha portrait missing?
Will there be a downloadable version of the html version or will it always be that you can only play it here?