Is there a more common trope in space adventures than having some kind of crazy space race? I think not!
I’m in the process of fighting off the second sinus infection of the year, but I didn’t hear no bell! …seriously this winter has felt a little bit like the old days, when my sinuses seemed like a second home base for a demon of rot and I was constantly posting about how badly they fucked me up. I think I’ve got this one halfway nipped in the bud though, not like the pre-Christmas one that haunted me well into mid-January.
Fuck sickness, let’s get to the new stuff!
Hotfix(s), GODDAMNIT DONKEY Edition:
- Fixed crashing any time the game checks if it is allowed to grow you a new vagina. Donkey is addicted to making wide-ranging changes to underlying utility code that’s used all over the game and then not actually testing it. That’s a paddlin’
- Somebody decided to “clean up” Urbolg’s files and deleted some tags that could be used to access that content from anywhere else in the game engine – but left Urbolg’s buttons calling it through those tags. Thus, it crashed. Three different functions in Urby’s menu should be fixed.
- Behemoth transformations could queue up twice and trip an error with the eventQueue. This has been fixed. (And this time the blame’s alllllll Fen’s!)
0.9.122 Changelog:
- [Backers] New space encounter: Tyros! Rather than running into a pirate you have to fight, Tyros will challenge you to a race across the starways! (Written by Sil the Dragon Lover & Coded by Leek)
- [Public] Behemoth TF (I really gotta get on getting the encounter source piped in!)
- [Public] Capturing the Slyveren Slavebreaker
- [Public] Charging Message Drones
- Weapon crafting now restricts several proc chances to specific, appropriate damage types. (Fenoxo)
- The Cyberpunk Ship Fight now goes on cooldown when reported to the peacekeepers. It also disables after being reported 4 times. (Fenoxo)
- The Pirate Slyveren Ship Fight now goes on cooldown when reported to the peacekeepers. It also disables after being reported 4 times. (Fenoxo)
- The Jumper Interceptor Ship Fight had a massive reduction in cooldowns, allowing you to encounter it more often. It now goes on increasingly long cooldowns as it is reported to the Peacekeepers, culminating in removal at 4. (Fenoxo)
- Several changes were made to the pirate encounter table to make hunting a specific pirate more easy, giving them a “home turf.” (Fenoxo)
- The Pirate Slyveren Ship Fight encounter is now 3x more likely around Myrellion.
- The Cyberpunk Ship Fight is now 3x more likely around Zheng Shi & Uveto.
- The Jumper Interceptor Fight is now 3x more likely around Dhaal.
- The Gabilani Pirate is no longer found around Dhaal or Phaedra, as they dominate the low level pirate encounters already.
- The image gallery got a ton of missing images added courtesy of Gedan, and she has my permission to break the knees of any coder that adds new game art without integrating it into the gallery. (By Gedan. Fenoxo fears for his knees.)
- Updated how eventQueue failures are handled to crash rather than soft-lock, hopefully providing more data for quicker fixes. Also fixed a bunch of instances of this already. Hopefully nobody has to see this error! (Gedan)
- Fixed dumbfuck over-queueing itself and proccing too much. (Gedan)
- Fixed a sleep crash event for gray goo stuff. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed Brandy using a vagina index for a player’s penis. This is usually a bad thing. (lowercase donkey)
- Increased cap on Synthsheathes to 8. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed MascOff having Condensol’s description for some reason. (Gedan)
- Fixed a strange interaction that allowed goos to infinitely and instantly grow their boobs by toggling a fluid status on and off. In the process tweaked how oral loads are handled and did a fair amount of thinking on how to upgrade our fluid storage system. (Fen + Gedan)
- Fixed a crash in Kiro’s double milker scene I randomly stumbled onto, and then fixed every piece of content with a similar setup to use a more correct setup. (Fenoxo)
- Donkey basically ripped through the entire game to update how most numbers are displayed.
- Fixes and tweaks for some combat handling. (Gedan)
- Fixed old Naleen issues. (Gedan)
- Fixes for Hellhound Syri busts. (Jacques00)
- & more fixes! If you didn’t come back for the hotfix patch dropped on the 10th, there’s a lot more new bugs fixed for you tooooo~
heh That sounds interesting.
The Jumper Interceptor have defeat scenes? always that i “lose” is just take my money and go or if i don’t have anyone is just left
No smutty loss scenes I’m afraid. Will didn’t write any.
would be cool if you could find the pirate captains on Gastigoth after their encounters were removed
100% would love this.
Weird question, but doesn’t Tyros have a bust?
Cause I just checked with Adjatha. and they said they were finished with making bust for Minotaur. Which I assume is Tyros.
Do you get the flu vaccine? It would probably help
This may come as a shock, but I already have it.
Also: sinus infections are fortunately less of a shit than the flu, usually. I just have janky nasal passages. I broke it harrrrd back in the day.
getting an error when heading to urbolg to get collar for snake girl
Yep, fixed in a hotfix now. Once again, things I’ve yelled at people not to do caused a crash and ruined someone’s ability to enjoy the game. I’m so tireeeeed.
Suit of Chitin plates seems to do the same of it’s ever in inventory. I’ve been having to equip juggle it for ages.
idk if I grabbed a bugged one from cheats accidentally, but it’s been an issue for a year.
More hats’ accessories, if you’d be so kindly, devs.
(Bob Semple) Tank you!
Game crashing whenever I try to get the collar from Urbolg. Doesn’t even let me enter the square before it happens
Yea it says “Button for “Buy a Collar” had an undefined function param.”
Got this crash too.
Yeah someone thought they were clever and tidying things up and made that shit unplayable. There should be a hotfix rolled out now if you redownload.
A reminder in case you don’t want to read the previous post: The Slavebreaker can only be captured if your Steele has the “hard” personality, since good Steeles don’t mindbreak a snek lady. I don’t know if they’re going to add more variants in the future, but for now they’re only for the hard personality only.
is there a way we can get Sam’s new pfp’s back? her old one’s are good but the new one’s are the best and as it stands we can only choose the old one’s
ok im having trouble progressing kiro’s/the other tanuki’s thing on canadia…am i missing something??
does tyros have specific locations he shows up, or have a really rare chance, cause i encountered him once an he doesn’t seem to be showing up again
They may be on a short cooldown timer, so you don’t run into them too often. Try sleeping and check again
Why are you yelling at uppercase donkey in the patch notes
Kiro quest crashes the gane now :3
Since we can now recruit a Slyveren Slavebreaker, are there any plans to recuit members from the other space pirate groups such as the Corona Flamer from the Fire Lords, a member of the Jumper Pirates, Rat Raiders and Cyberpunks
Question, why is your name highlighted in yellow? And every time I click it, it brings me up earlier in the post?
Don’t know
There are no plans as far as I know, but it would be fun. Just need an author to take up the torch and run with it
Feeding the captured slyveren slavebreaker a cum bubble seems to delete your bubble buddy
Don’t suppose I can talk you guys into adding a “match your dongs’ sizes” item into the game? The behemoth crystals keep giving me mismatched meatpoles and it’s more annoying than I thought it’d be. Like…crystal dude, YOU gave me the extra equipment, at least grow them together.
Either that or let me upgrade the Dong Designer to do that.
I was also curious about this. It is not related to the current update, but remember the enemies from the Kiro rescue mission, like the twins, the doll sentries and the advanced doll?
I was curious if there would be any plans to have them reappear in the game. I don’t know where they could be put, either Tarkus, Gastigoth, Zheng Shi or Po’s ship if you buy Kiro if you take too long. Is it possible to have them as crewmates or something like that.
It could play out like this:
For players who rescued Kiro and killed Po: After rescuing Kiro, The U.G.C. come in and take the dolls to gastigoth, where they are studied in hopes of reversing the effects of what Po did to them. While the brainwashing can we fixed for the most part with some remnants of it, the physical changes are permanent. After some time in gastigoth, you could get a message where you can visit them and talk to them, after some time talking and interacting with them, you can offer to bring them with you on your journey.
For players who bought Kiro and left Po alive: After buying Kiro to rescue her or as a result of taking too long to save her before the changes, you get a message from Po. She is inviting you back to her ship and offering to sell some of dolls to you. If you accept you can go back to Po’s ship and you can pick which one you want to take with you. Additionally if it was the case where you want to fight her again and rescue the dolls you can have this as an option.
I don’t know what anyone else thinks I just wanted to throw this out there.
Additional Note: If you follow either path you can have some new scenes added for them.
I gotta ask, is the behemoth TF a Godzilla TF? The radiation and back crystals made it sound like it was.
It reads more like sexy Deathclaw.
do they have art yet?
That’s what I was wondering. I thought “Behemoth” like the FF enemy, but then horns and scales and I got really confused. Then Crystal Ridgeback happened and I just tossed my mental image out and decided “fuck it, dragon”. But godzilla expy sounds closer to what the descriptions imply.
Hey, so, just our of curiosity but anyone else has the issue that anything that can grow a penis on a girl just doesn’t work anymore?
Throbb doesnt work anymore btw, just does nothing on female characters. Is this intended or a bug?
R.I.P. Fen’s knees 💀
You have my sympathy and understanding on the sinus infections, I tend to get them between November and February as well. It is especially the worst when it also starts messing with my ears, and if they go too long it tends to go down into my chest as well. Bronchitis plus sinus infection is utter hell.
Is there a concept art of the behemoths? Because brain says “Final Fantasy” but the description says “godzilla with horns”
why as a galotian, i cant grow a penis anymore by. using mine own goo???
How do you trigger Urbolg to be able to buy the collar? I’ve done all the options several times without reloading.