You didn’t think we’d forget to bring you some new goodies this week, didja?
0.9.121 Hotfixes (Deployed ~5 Eastern ‘Murrica Time, 2/10/25)
- Reworked most of how weapon crafting’s data was organized and passed around by the code, fixing a few bugs. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed donkey’s bug that made weapon crafting impossible. (Fenoxo – donkey I’m 86.75309% convinced you do these on purpose, test yo shit.)
- Fixed accuracy being bugged in weapon crafting. (Fenoxo)
- Fixed weapons getting “undefined” in their name in certain circumstances. (Fenoxo)
- Fixed gems not being consumed in weapon crafting in certain scenarios. (lowercase donkey)
- Tweaks for Brandt’s content to better reflect her opinion of the PC. (Gedan)
- Added the “Bullet” tag to the Avenger SMG. (Gedan)
- Fixed a softlock in plantation quest. (lowercase donkey)
- Paulette can now be re-invited to the ship. (Gedan)
- Fixed bleeding italics in Lithium Flower content. (Gedan)
- Tweaks and adjustments to nav controls and map systems. (Jacques00)
- Fixed a crash in Mirrin pregnancy content. (Gedan)
- Consistency adjustments for the various forms of the word “Hyrax.” (Jacques00)
- Cleaned up the Suze email mess that was recently introduced. (Gedan)
- Fixed a narc crash. (lowercase donkey)
- Liferoot Pollen’s effects last for 48 hours instead of 4 hours
- Bionahole and Hyraxi codices got art displays with their text (from existing assets). (lowercase donkey)
- Hyraxi codex should now properly unlock. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixes for shop interfaces related to item stack merging. (Gedan)
0.9.121 Changelog:
- [Backers] Lithium Flower Extra Bonus Content – Paulette can clue you in to the Lithium Flower’s status after her associated quest and unlock the ability to bump into her again on Dhaal’s streets. After speaking with her on your ship about it, look out around Gabtown for an NPC marker that pops up between 20:00 and 4:00. (Written by Magenta Needle and coded by Leek.)
- [Backers] Shalin Hunter – this new hostile encounter can be found in Phaedra’s radwoods! (Written by Nonesuch and coded by Leek.)
- [Public] Jumper Interceptors
- [Public] Tainted Cultists
- [Public] Psi Weapon Crafting
- Numerous fixes to the train dungeon. (By Gedan)
- Gemstone drop changes! I’ve taken a pass through to redistribute gem drops and add some more that can be used for crafting weapons. Behold:
- Myrellion: Home to Satyrite and Kirkite
- Uveto: Home to Lucinite and Savicite
- Zheng Shi: Home to Geddanium Chunk, Geddanium Crystal, and Picardine
- Phaedra: Home to Adjite and Urtanium. Additionally, Selene & Neil can now drop Adjite crystals.
- Cheers! (By Fen)
- Fixed the mimbrane symbiosis event. (By Gedan)
- Updated Behemoth TF with a scale color changing transformation, correcting an oversight Fen left unpolished! (Praise be to Gedan!)
- Fixes for the slyveren slavebreaker’s clothing gifts. (By Gedan)
- Fixed a Reaha wakeup scene crash. (By Gedan)
- Fixed a softlock in Ovalasting egg trainer. (By Gedan)
- Fixes for a Maja scene. (By Lowercase Donkey)
- Included in last hotfixes: numerous softlocks and crashes related to the new eventQueue. (By Gedan & a lil Fen)
Oh I hope he can displace my organs!
holy fuck that bird is hot
anyone else having an issue where you can’t do paulettes post-uveto scenes even though you have been to the biomedical facility?
also i can’t seem to find the futa naleen?
The Futa Naleen is just really rare and only available in the south-western part of the jungle. It’s also level locked, IIRC?
thanks it took me ages too find
I’d still really like a ‘Surrender’ option for the ship fights. It’s really obnoxious having to let them whittle down your shields and armor to see the fun defeat scenes.
This would be a definite plus. It feels like it takes so long to lose in space.
Ey, time to focus more on my pure human space wizard and see how overpowered I can make him. The universe shall fear the twink with god powers.
the god twink
Can anyone explain what Adjite is supposed to do when consumed or used (e.g. the adjjte tea and admire piercings)?
Their descriptions imply an increase to fluid production but I haven’t noticed any said increases take effect in my stat menu.
Consuming the tea is supposed to trigger a masturbation scene, ending by expanding your balls and increasing your pussy wetness.
The piercings are supposed to increase length/size/wetness/cum/etc. while you’re wearing them.
If these aren’t coming up for you, you may need to post an error report.
Had the convo with Pauleen about Lithium Flower (she’s on Extrameet right?) but can’t find her icon in Gabtown during the time’s stated
neither can I I’ve looked for 2 hrs and she didn’t appear, only time she’s mentioned is when you talk to Paulette after you go to her house
After you do the extrameet scene, she should pop up after 8 in the evening.
I’m surprised Savicite doesn’t add Psionic damage.
holy shit. i am going to fuck that and neither man nor god can stop me
Dear master Fen and TiTS devs,
Would you be so kindly to implement the rest of Athena’s pack that contributor submitted back into 2019, specifically the part with hats. Aye, more headwear would be most welcomed. I value greatly Fedora albeit it serves for cosmetic purposes only, but I’d like to have more cosplay options.
Thank you!
How do I get the Glowing Behemoth Crystal?
you can only get it from the cheat menu rn. you can access it by clicking the i on the main screen with a save loaded
Ok, now how do I get it to work? can it just not start transforming my character if they’re pregnant?
The actual TF code isn’t in the public version. This is fairly common for backers items.
Fortunately, it should become public next update.
I think there’s something wrong with Akane’s progression. I’ve done her side-quest, but she still doesn’t trust me enough for the slow ride. Does anyone know what’s going on?
Just started a new save and immediately got an email from Suze (“Feelin’ cute right now”) that, judging by its content, I’m pretty much positive I wasn’t supposed to get at the start of the game.
Playing in browser, firefox, first save on this PC so there’s no old saves and shouldn’t be any old cookies.
…Is that a displacer beast joke?
He is Displacer-oriented, for sure.
I don’t know if this is known, but I seem to encounter a issue where the next button disappears after sleeping. it seems to randomly do it as well causing me to have to reload a save on my ship.
LET’S GOOO, FINALLY SOME MALE CHARACTERS! also he is so hot omg??? destroy my insides king
More terrible updates where all the new shit just doesn’t work or its too rare to actually find
sounds like you’re not playing because it all works perfectly for me
Is Dumbfuck broken?
The status effect seems to not work..
Seconded, there is a bug right now where it seems that the variable that tracks multiple orgasms is missing. Error message is along the lines of “dumbfuckOrgasmsQueued is missing” but it seems like it still works if you do one orgasm at a time.
I will gladly throw money at someone for more Sophora content if William is going to be permanently leaving the project as per what I’ve been reading. 🙁
I have been waiting ages for more Murderbunny content, I want some kind of conclusion to her existence that doesn’t involve me killing her. ME WANT SEX WITH AMAZON KILLER BUNNY
Sameeee, she’s really hot and wish we had more options for her.
how do you trigger the Jumper Interceptor? Been trying forever to get them to pop up and it happened one out of hundreds of times.
Hunt pirate encounters in space around Zheng.
how do I actually find the Jumper interceptor? been trying for so long that it’s actually starting to irritate me. like is there a sequence or quest to trigger it showing up is is the chance set to 0.1%?
It’s a 25% chance (out of the pirate encounters) on Zheng and Uveto, and a 20% chance on Dhaal. Though I’m removing an encounter or two off the higher end planets to help with that next patch.
will there ever be any anno content for the foreseeable future ?