Snuggling my fiancee took longer than I thought. Sorry about that! I’ma pound out this Amazon stuff in the next couple days.
Lots of lovely new busts coming out of the art team, and Gedan almost has the Halloween dungeon ready!
Snuggling my fiancee took longer than I thought. Sorry about that! I’ma pound out this Amazon stuff in the next couple days.
Lots of lovely new busts coming out of the art team, and Gedan almost has the Halloween dungeon ready!
What do you do with Ardia?
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Snuggle longer.
does it mean I have drank to much if at first I read that Fen was smugglin his fianee and not snugglin
i was high when i first read that and i thought the same thing.
I was completely sober
Halloween in August? Fenoxo confirmed for Walmart
And what will be next… Cheistmas in November?!
First off, congrats man!!! Second off, will they be conversing on the site? Third off, if you don’t mind, telling, how’d you two lovebirds meet? I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help but ask!!!
She’s been in the community forever. Remember Sinarra from Boobs&D? Yeah, her. We wound up getting together not long after the first fundraiser.
Congrats Fen, I hope you two are happy 🙂
That’s so sweet! Congratulations!
You sir are my Hero +1 Internetz for you!
I feel like the upcoming public patch is going to be my favorite one yet, been waiting for this amazon stuff for too long!
Um, will the Masque content still be availible… I liked the Centaur TF…
No reason why it wouldn’t be. It’s still a one-off though.
I can’t find it though… will it come back in the upcoming public version?
If it’s not near Halloween, there’s a small chance of you receiving the invite. So it’s still there.
Pretty sure it’s still in as is. If i remember right when it’s not Halloween season you have a 1/100 chance everytime midnight rolls around to get the email after a certain point, the wiki probably has more exact info.
If you already did it on that save then it shouldn’t pop up again. Too much of it relies on the PC being unaware of what’s actually happening.
Awww yeh, get thos’ snuggles in Fenox. *plays some Barry white*
“And while you’re relaxing, why not enjoy a nice refreshing ‘Nuki Cola’. That’s right this drink come in a variety of flavors including New Pineapple. Also available in Ausar and Myr coming soon. ….wait a sec…who thought it was a good idea to carbonate semen?”
A Genius, thats who.
Wait… what’s getting pounded out? Amazon fiancees?
I need me one of those.
Death by Snuu Snuu!
The best way to die.
“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.”
You lads may well appreciate an NPC who should be getting in next backer patch.
Snuggling with your lovers is always a good thing. Can’t get enough of that. :3
hope your wife is okay with you making porn, also pray she stays 10/10 for you
Why are you apologizing for something adorable?